#' main higher function to call broad peaks. Passes arguments accordingly
#' to lower level functions
#' @author Georg Stricker \email{georg.stricker@@in.tum.de}
#' @noRd
.callBroadPeaks <- function(iter, grid, fits, se, rowRanges, range, smooth, background,
maxgap, cutoff, is_split, is_hdf5) {
if(is_split) {
if(is_hdf5) {
res <- .callBroadPeaks_split_hdf5(iter, grid, fits, se, rowRanges, range,
smooth, background, maxgap, cutoff)
else {
res <- .callBroadPeaks_split(iter, grid, fits, se, rowRanges, range,
smooth, background, maxgap, cutoff)
else {
if(is_hdf5) {
res <- .callBroadPeaks_hdf5(iter, grid, fits, se, rowRanges, range,
smooth, background, maxgap, cutoff)
else {
res <- .callBroadPeaks_default(iter, grid, fits, se, rowRanges, range,
smooth, background, maxgap, cutoff)
#' Function to call broad peaks on default GenoGAM data
#' @author Georg Stricker \email{georg.stricker@@in.tum.de}
#' @noRd
.callBroadPeaks_default <- function(iter, grid, fits, se, rowRanges, range, smooth,
background, maxgap, cutoff) {
r <- range[grid[iter, 1]] ## the range
sx <- smooth[grid[iter, 2]]
futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Calling peaks in region ", as.character(r)))
mu0 <- background[sx, 'mu0']
var0 <- background[sx, 'var0']
## find the region indices
idx <- S4Vectors::queryHits(IRanges::findOverlaps(rowRanges, r))
startPos <- idx[1]
## compute zscore for all positions
zscore <- (fits[idx, sx] - mu0)/(sqrt(se[idx, sx]^2 + var0))
pvals <- -pnorm(-zscore, log.p = TRUE)
pos <- start(r):end(r)
signifPos <- pos[pvals >= -log(cutoff)]
if(length(signifPos) == 0) {
res <- data.table::data.table(seqnames = character(), start = integer(),
end = integer(), score = double(),
meanSignal = double(), fdr = double())
else {
diffs <- abs(diff(signifPos))
breaks <- which(diffs > maxgap)
starts <- c(signifPos[1], signifPos[breaks + 1])
ends <- c(signifPos[breaks], signifPos[length(signifPos)])
chrom <- GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(r)
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(chrom, IRanges::IRanges(starts, ends))
gp <- GenomicRanges::GPos(gr)
## non-significant position regions < maxgap are incorporated into the
## broad peak. Thus we have more positions than signifPos and have to match
## and normalize them to start with 1 in order to use them as an index.
indx <- match(pos(gp), pos) - pos[1] + 1
gp$zscore <- zscore[indx]
gp$pval <- pvals[indx]
gp$estimate <- exp(fits[indx, sx])
gp$region <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(IRanges::findOverlaps(gp, gr))
## compute significance for regions just like
## in differential binding: 1. Hochberg for a region-wise pvalue
## 2. BH for FDR of the regions between each other.
res <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(gr))
dt <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(gp))
pv <- dt[, min(p.adjust(exp(-pval), method="hochberg")), by = region]
fpb <- dt[, mean(estimate), by = region]
res$score[pv$region] <- pv$V1
res$meanSignal[fpb$region] <- fpb$V1
res$fdr = p.adjust(res$score, method="BH")
res$score <- -log(res$score)
#' Function to call broad peaks on HDF5 backend data
#' @author Georg Stricker \email{georg.stricker@@in.tum.de}
#' @noRd
.callBroadPeaks_hdf5 <- function(iter, grid, fits, se, rowRanges, range, smooth,
background, maxgap, cutoff) {
r <- range[grid[iter, 1]] ## the range
sx <- smooth[grid[iter, 2]]
futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Calling peaks in region ", as.character(r)))
mu0 <- background[sx, 'mu0']
var0 <- background[sx, 'var0']
## find the region indices
idx <- S4Vectors::queryHits(IRanges::findOverlaps(rowRanges, r))
## compute zscore for all positions
## drop = FALSE makes sure, that both matrices are not converted to numeric
## vectors prior to subsetting and computation, keeping memory load low
## subset afterwards (pnorm can't deal with DelayedMatrix objects)
zscore <- (fits[idx, sx, drop = FALSE] - mu0)/
(sqrt(se[idx, sx, drop = FALSE]^2 + var0))
pvals <- -pnorm(-zscore[,1], log.p = TRUE)
pos <- start(r):end(r)
signifPos <- pos[as.numeric(pvals) >= -log(cutoff)]
if(length(signifPos) == 0) {
res <- data.table::data.table(seqnames = character(), start = integer(),
end = integer(), score = double(),
meanSignal = double(), fdr = double())
else {
diffs <- abs(diff(signifPos))
breaks <- which(diffs > maxgap)
starts <- c(signifPos[1], signifPos[breaks + 1])
ends <- c(signifPos[breaks], signifPos[length(signifPos)])
chrom <- GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(r)
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(chrom, IRanges::IRanges(starts, ends))
gp <- GenomicRanges::GPos(gr)
## non-significant position regions < maxgap are incorporated into the
## broad peak. Thus we have more positions than signifPos and have to match
## and normalize them to start with 1 in order to use them as an index.
indx <- match(pos(gp), pos) - pos[1] + 1
gp$zscore <- zscore[indx]
gp$pval <- pvals[indx]
gp$estimate <- exp(fits[indx, sx, drop = FALSE])
gp$region <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(IRanges::findOverlaps(gp, gr))
## compute significance for regions just like
## in differential binding: 1. Hochberg for a region-wise pvalue
## 2. BH for FDR of the regions between each other.
res <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(gr))
dt <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(gp))
pv <- dt[, min(p.adjust(exp(-pval), method="hochberg")), by = region]
fpb <- dt[, mean(estimate), by = region]
res$score[pv$region] <- pv$V1
res$meanSignal[fpb$region] <- fpb$V1
res$fdr = p.adjust(res$score, method="BH")
res$score <- -log(res$score)
#' Function to call broad peaks on split data
#' @author Georg Stricker \email{georg.stricker@@in.tum.de}
#' @noRd
.callBroadPeaks_split <- function(iter, grid, fits, se, rowRanges, range, smooth,
background, maxgap, cutoff) {
r <- range[grid[iter, 1]] ## the range
sx <- smooth[grid[iter, 2]]
futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Calling peaks in region ", as.character(r)))
mu0 <- background[sx, 'mu0']
var0 <- background[sx, 'var0']
## find the region indices
chr <- as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(r))
idx <- S4Vectors::queryHits(IRanges::findOverlaps(rowRanges[[chr]], r))
## compute zscore for all positions
zscore <- (fits[[chr]][idx, sx] - mu0)/(sqrt(se[[chr]][idx, sx]^2 + var0))
pvals <- -pnorm(-zscore, log.p = TRUE)
pos <- start(r):end(r)
signifPos <- pos[pvals >= -log(cutoff)]
if(length(signifPos) == 0) {
res <- data.table::data.table(seqnames = character(), start = integer(),
end = integer(), score = double(),
meanSignal = double(), fdr = double())
else {
diffs <- abs(diff(signifPos))
breaks <- which(diffs > maxgap)
starts <- c(signifPos[1], signifPos[breaks + 1])
ends <- c(signifPos[breaks], signifPos[length(signifPos)])
chrom <- GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(r)
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(chrom, IRanges::IRanges(starts, ends))
gp <- GenomicRanges::GPos(gr)
## non-significant position regions < maxgap are incorporated into the
## broad peak. Thus we have more positions than signifPos and have to match
## and normalize them to start with 1 in order to use them as an index.
indx <- match(pos(gp), pos)
gp$zscore <- zscore[indx]
gp$pval <- pvals[indx]
gp$estimate <- exp(fits[[chr]][indx, sx])
gp$region <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(IRanges::findOverlaps(gp, gr))
## compute significance for regions just like
## in differential binding: 1. Hochberg for a region-wise pvalue
## 2. BH for FDR of the regions between each other.
res <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(gr))
dt <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(gp))
pv <- dt[, min(p.adjust(exp(-pval), method="hochberg")), by = region]
fpb <- dt[, mean(estimate), by = region]
res$score[pv$region] <- pv$V1
res$meanSignal[fpb$region] <- fpb$V1
res$fdr = p.adjust(res$score, method="BH")
res$score <- -log(res$score)
#' Function to call broad peaks on split HDF5 backend data
#' @author Georg Stricker \email{georg.stricker@@in.tum.de}
#' @noRd
.callBroadPeaks_split_hdf5 <- function(iter, grid, fits, se, rowRanges, range, smooth,
background, maxgap, cutoff) {
r <- range[grid[iter, 1]] ## the range
sx <- smooth[grid[iter, 2]]
futile.logger::flog.debug(paste0("Calling peaks in region ", as.character(r)))
mu0 <- background[sx, 'mu0']
var0 <- background[sx, 'var0']
## find the region indices
chr <- as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(r))
idx <- S4Vectors::queryHits(IRanges::findOverlaps(rowRanges[[chr]], r))
## compute zscore for all positions
## drop = FALSE makes sure, that both matrices are not converted to numeric
## vectors prior to subsetting and computation, keeping memory load low
## subset afterwards (pnorm can't deal with DelayedMatrix objects)
zscore <- (fits[[chr]][idx, sx, drop = FALSE] - mu0)/
(sqrt(se[[chr]][idx, sx, drop = FALSE]^2 + var0))
pvals <- -pnorm(-zscore[,1], log.p = TRUE)
pos <- start(r):end(r)
signifPos <- pos[as.numeric(pvals) >= -log(cutoff)]
if(length(signifPos) == 0) {
res <- data.table::data.table(seqnames = character(), start = integer(),
end = integer(), score = double(),
meanSignal = double(), fdr = double())
else {
diffs <- abs(diff(signifPos))
breaks <- which(diffs > maxgap)
starts <- c(signifPos[1], signifPos[breaks + 1])
ends <- c(signifPos[breaks], signifPos[length(signifPos)])
chrom <- GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(r)
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(chrom, IRanges::IRanges(starts, ends))
gp <- GenomicRanges::GPos(gr)
## non-significant position regions < maxgap are incorporated into the
## broad peak. Thus we have more positions than signifPos and have to match
## and normalize them to start with 1 in order to use them as an index.
indx <- match(pos(gp), pos)
gp$zscore <- zscore[indx]
gp$pval <- pvals[indx]
gp$estimate <- exp(fits[[chr]][indx, sx])
gp$region <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(IRanges::findOverlaps(gp, gr))
## compute significance for regions just like
## in differential binding: 1. Hochberg for a region-wise pvalue
## 2. BH for FDR of the regions between each other.
res <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(gr))
dt <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(gp))
pv <- dt[, min(p.adjust(exp(-pval), method="hochberg")), by = region]
fpb <- dt[, mean(estimate), by = region]
res$score[pv$region] <- pv$V1
res$meanSignal[fpb$region] <- fpb$V1
res$fdr = p.adjust(res$score, method="BH")
res$score <- -log(res$score)
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