#' Select elements of a dataspace using R-style indexing
#' Combines a hyperslab selection specified by `start`, `stride`, `count` and
#' `block` arguments with the current selection for the dataspace represented by
#' `h5space`.
#' @details `H5Sselect_hyperslab` is similar to, but subtly different from,
#' [H5Scombine_hyperslab()]. The former modifies the selection of the
#' dataspace provided in the `h5space` argument, while the later returns a new
#' dataspace with the combined selection.
#' @param h5space [H5IdComponent-class] object representing a dataspace.
#' @param index A list of integer indices. The length of the list corresponds to
#' the number of dimensions of the HDF5 array. If a list element is `NULL`,
#' all elements of the respective dimension are selected.
#' @examples
#' ## create a 1 dimensional dataspace
#' sid <- H5Screate_simple(c(10,5,3))
#' ## Select elements that lie in in the rows 1-3, columns 2-4,
#' ## and the entire 3rd dimension
#' H5Sselect_index(sid, list(1:3, 2:4, NULL))
#' ## We can check the number of selected points.
#' ## This should be 27 (3 * 3 * 3)
#' H5Sget_select_npoints(sid)
#' ## always close dataspaces after usage to free resources
#' H5Sclose(sid)
#' @export
H5Sselect_index <- function( h5space, index ) {
h5checktype(h5space, "dataspace")
dim <- H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(h5space)$size
if (!is.list(index)) {
index = list(index)
if (length(index) != length(dim)) {
stop("length of list index not equal to h5space dimensional extension.")
start <- list()
count <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(index))) {
if (is.null(index[[i]])) {
start[[i]] <- 0
count[[i]] <- as.numeric(dim[i])
} else {
if (any(index[[i]] > dim[i])) {
stop("index exceeds HDF5-array dimension.")
if (any(index[[i]] <= 0)) {
stop("negative indices and 0 not supported.")
ind <- sort(unique(index[[i]]))
if (length(ind)) {
test <- ind[seq_len(length(ind)-1)+1]-1 != ind[seq_len(length(ind)-1)]
I <- c(1, which(test) + 1)
} else I <- 1
start[[i]] <- ind[I] - 1
I <- c(I,length(ind)+1)
count[[i]] <- I[seq_len(length(I)-1)+1] - I[seq_len(length(I)-1)]
size = sapply(count, sum)
if (!h5space@native) {
start = rev(start)
count = rev(count)
.Call("_H5Sselect_index", h5space@ID, start, count, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
## internal version of H5Sselect_index. The index_null argument is passed from
## h5readDataset and indicates whether an index was automatically generated as
## a response to NULL being passed. These will always be a sequence along
## the respective dimension, so we can bypass some of the (slow) checks
.H5Sselect_index <- function( h5space, index, index_null ) {
h5checktype(h5space, "dataspace")
dim <- H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(h5space)$size
if (!is.list(index)) {
index = list(index)
if (length(index) != length(dim)) {
stop("length of list index not equal to h5space dimensional extension.")
start <- list()
count <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(index))) {
## no need to do these things if we're sure it's already sorted & unique
if(!index_null[i]) {
if (any(index[[i]] > dim[i])) {
stop("index exceeds HDF5-array dimension.")
if (any(index[[i]] <= 0)) {
stop("negative indices and 0 not supported.")
ind <- sort(unique(index[[i]]))
test <- diff(ind) > 1
I <- c(1, which(test) + 1)
} else {
ind <- index[[i]]
I <- 1
start[[i]] <- ind[I] - 1
I <- c(I,length(ind)+1)
count[[i]] <- I[seq_len(length(I)-1)+1] - I[seq_len(length(I)-1)]
size = sapply(count, sum)
if (!h5space@native) {
start = rev(start)
count = rev(count)
.Call("_H5Sselect_index", h5space@ID, start, count, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
## check that the provided index doesn't violate
## and assumption on the size of the dataset
.validIndex <- function(index, dim) {
if (any(index > dim)) {
stop("index exceeds HDF5-array dimension.")
if (any(index <= 0)) {
stop("negative indices and 0 not supported.")
.H5Sselect_dim <- function( h5space, index ) {
h5checktype(h5space, "dataspace")
dims <- H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(h5space)$size
res_dim <- integer(length = length(dims))
starts <- counts <- strides <- blocks <- list()
## creating the set of hyperslabs in each dimension
for(i in seq_along(index)) {
if(is.null(index[[i]])) {
## null index implies we want everything in this dimension
res_dim[i] <- dims[i]
starts[[i]] <- 1
counts[[i]] <- 1
strides[[i]] <- 1
blocks[[i]] <- as.numeric(dims[i])
} else if (length(index[[i]]) == 0) {
.validIndex(index[[i]], dims[i])
res_dim[i] <- 0
starts[[i]] <- NA
counts[[i]] <- 0
strides[[i]] <- 1
blocks[[i]] <- 1
} else if (length(index[[i]]) == 1) {
## catch the special case of only requesting a single entry
## in this dimension. This breaks the loop below in its current form.
.validIndex(index[[i]], dims[i])
res_dim[i] <- 1
starts[[i]] <- index[[i]][1]
counts[[i]] <- 1
strides[[i]] <- 1
blocks[[i]] <- 1
} else {
## two or more entries from this dim
.validIndex(index[[i]], dims[i])
index_copy <- sort(unique(floor(index[[i]])))
res_dim[i] <- length(index_copy)
start <- count <- stride <- block <- NULL
## selecting the optimal break up of the indices
## This is not optimised! We check lags 1:10 and pick the
## value with the fewest number of runs.
if(length(index_copy) > 1) {
lag <- which.min(sapply(seq_len(min(10, length(index_copy)-1)),
FUN = function(i, index_copy) {
i + length(rle(diff(index_copy, lag = i))$lengths)
} else { lag <- 1 }
## HDF 1.10.7 seems to have a bug in combined hyperslabs when 'start' parameters
## are not in increasing order. This operation ensures we don't have a 0-th group
## that would be used first, but is really our lag-th group
hyperslab_groups <- seq_along(index_copy) %% lag
hyperslab_groups[hyperslab_groups == 0] <- lag
indices <- split(index_copy, hyperslab_groups)
for(j in seq_len(lag)) {
if(length(indices[[j]]) == 1) {
## no sequence, just a single entry
start <- c(start, indices[[j]][1])
count <- c(count, 1)
stride <- c(stride, 1)
## block is always 1, so define outside of the loop
} else {
## rle for this subset of indices
differences <- rle(diff(indices[[j]]))
diff_idx <- 1
index_copy_idx <- 1
while(index_copy_idx <= length(indices[[j]])) {
start <- c(start, indices[[j]][ index_copy_idx ])
count <- c(count, differences$lengths[ diff_idx ] + 1)
stride <- c(stride, differences$values[ diff_idx ])
## block is always 1, so define outside of the loop
index_copy_idx <- index_copy_idx + differences$lengths[ diff_idx ] + 1
diff_idx <- diff_idx + 1
if( differences$lengths[ diff_idx ] == 1 && diff_idx < length(differences$lengths) ) {
diff_idx <- diff_idx + 1
} else {
differences$lengths[ diff_idx ] <- differences$lengths[ diff_idx ] - 1
block <- rep(1, length(start))
starts[[i]] <- start
counts[[i]] <- count
strides[[i]] <- stride
blocks[[i]] <- block
## create all combinations of hyperslab parameters
## using as.matrix() here is more efficient than doing it later
starts2 <- as.matrix(expand.grid(starts))
strides2 <- as.matrix(expand.grid(strides))
counts2 <- as.matrix(expand.grid(counts))
blocks2 <- as.matrix(expand.grid(blocks))
for(i in seq_len(nrow(starts2))) {
op <- ifelse(i == 1, "H5S_SELECT_SET", "H5S_SELECT_OR")
res <- H5Sselect_hyperslab(h5space, op = op,
start = starts2[i,], stride = strides2[i,],
count = counts2[i,], block = blocks2[i,])
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