#' Create a new HDF5 dataset
#' @param h5loc An object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing a H5
#' location identifier (file or group). See [H5Fcreate()], [H5Fopen()],
#' [H5Gcreate()], [H5Gopen()] to create an object of this kind.
#' @param name Name of the dataset.
#' @param dtype_id A character name of a datatype. See `h5const("H5T")`
#' for possible datatypes. Can also be an integer representing an HDF5 datatype.
#' @param h5space An object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing a H5 dataspace.
#' See [H5Dget_space()], [H5Screate_simple()], [H5Screate()] to create an object
#' of this kind
#' @param lcpl,dcpl,dapl An objects of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing
#' HDF5 property lists. Specially these should respectively be: a link creation
#' property list, a dataset creation property list, a dataset access property list
#' @return An object of class `H5IdComponent` representing the opened dataset.
#' @export
H5Dcreate <- function( h5loc, name, dtype_id, h5space, lcpl=NULL, dcpl=NULL, dapl=NULL ) {
h5checktype(h5loc, "loc")
if (length(name)!=1 || !is.character(name)) stop("'name' must be a character string of length 1")
## dont check if we have an H5T identifier already
if (!grepl(pattern = "^[[:digit:]]+$", dtype_id)) {
dtype_id<- h5checkConstants( "H5T", dtype_id)
h5checktype(h5space, "dataspace")
lcpl = h5checktypeAndPLC(lcpl, "H5P_LINK_CREATE", allowNULL = TRUE)
dcpl = h5checktypeAndPLC(dcpl, "H5P_DATASET_CREATE", allowNULL = TRUE)
dapl = h5checktypeAndPLC(dapl, "H5P_DATASET_ACCESS", allowNULL = TRUE)
did <- .Call("_H5Dcreate", h5loc@ID, name, dtype_id, h5space@ID, lcpl@ID, dcpl@ID, dapl@ID, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
if (did > 0) {
h5dataset = new("H5IdComponent", ID = did, native = h5loc@native)
} else {
message("HDF5: unable to create dataset")
h5dataset = FALSE
#' Open an existing HDF5 dataset
#' @param h5loc An object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing a H5
#' location identifier (file or group).
#' @param name Name of the dataset to open.
#' @param dapl An object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing a H5 dataset access property list.
#' @return An object of class `H5IdComponent` representing the opened dataset.
#' To prevent memory leaks this must be closed with a call to [H5Dclose()]
#' when no longer needed.
#' @examples
#' h5file <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5")
#' h5createFile( h5file )
#' h5createDataset( h5file, dataset = "A", dims = 10)
#' fid <- H5Fopen( h5file )
#' did <- H5Dopen( h5loc = fid, name = "A")
#' did
#' ## rember to close open handles
#' H5Dclose( did )
#' H5Fclose( fid )
#' @export
H5Dopen <- function( h5loc, name, dapl = NULL ) {
h5checktype(h5loc, "loc")
if (length(name)!=1 || !is.character(name)) stop("'filename' must be a character string of length 1")
dapl = h5checktypeAndPLC(dapl, "H5P_DATASET_ACCESS", allowNULL = TRUE)
did <- .Call("_H5Dopen", h5loc@ID, name, dapl@ID, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
if (as.numeric(did) > 0) {
h5dataset = new("H5IdComponent", ID = did, native = h5loc@native)
} else {
message("HDF5: unable to open dataset")
h5dataset = FALSE
#' Close an open HDF5 dataset
#' @param h5dataset Object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing an open HDF5
#' dataset
#' @export
H5Dclose <- function( h5dataset ) {
h5checktype(h5dataset, "dataset")
invisible(.Call("_H5Dclose", h5dataset@ID, PACKAGE='rhdf5'))
#' Return a copy of the HDF5 datatype for a dataset
#' @param h5dataset Object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing an open HDF5
#' dataset
#' @export
H5Dget_type <- function( h5dataset ) {
h5checktype(h5dataset, "dataset")
tid <- .Call("_H5Dget_type", h5dataset@ID, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
#' Return a copy of the dataset creation property list for a dataset
#' @param h5dataset Object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing an open HDF5
#' dataset
#' @export
H5Dget_create_plist <- function( h5dataset ) {
h5checktype(h5dataset, "dataset")
pid <- .Call("_H5Dget_create_plist", h5dataset@ID, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
if (pid > 0) {
h5plist = new("H5IdComponent", ID = pid, native = h5dataset@native)
} else {
message("HDF5: unable to create property list")
h5plist = FALSE
#' Return a copy of the HDF5 dataspace for a dataset
#' @param h5dataset Object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing an open HDF5
#' dataset
#' @return Returns an object of class `H5IdComponent` representing a HDF5
#' dataspace identifier
#' @export
H5Dget_space <- function( h5dataset ) {
h5checktype(h5dataset, "dataset")
sid <- .Call("_H5Dget_space", h5dataset@ID, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
if (sid > 0) {
h5space = new("H5IdComponent", ID = sid, native = h5dataset@native)
} else {
message("HDF5: unable to create simple data space")
h5space = FALSE
#' Find the amount of storage allocated for a dataset
#' `H5Dget_storage_size` returns the amount of storage, in bytes, allocated in
#' an HDF5 file to hold a given dataset. This is the amount of space required
#' on-disk, which not typically a good indicator of the amount of memory
#' that will be required to read the complete dataset.
#' @param h5dataset Object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing an open HDF5
#' dataset
#' @return Returns an integer giving the number of bytes allocated in the file
#' to the dataset.
#' @export
H5Dget_storage_size <- function( h5dataset ) {
h5checktype(h5dataset, "dataset")
size <- .Call("_H5Dget_storage_size", h5dataset@ID, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
.postProcessDataSet <- function(h5dataset, res) {
## handle NA values in logical dataset
if (H5Aexists(h5obj=h5dataset, name="storage.mode")) {
att <- H5Aopen(h5obj=h5dataset, name="storage.mode")
if (H5Aread(h5attribute = att) == "logical") {
na_idx <- which(res == -128)
if(any(na_idx)) {
res[na_idx] <- NA_integer_
storage.mode(res) = "logical"
#' Read from an HDF5 dataset
#' `H5Dread()` reads a (partial) dataset from an HDF5 file into the R session.
#' @details Internally, R does not support 64-bit integers. All integers in R are 32-bit
#' integers. By setting bit64conversion='int', a coercing to 32-bit integers is
#' enforced, with the risk of data loss, but with the insurance that numbers
#' are represented as integers. bit64conversion='double' coerces the 64-bit
#' integers to floating point numbers. doubles can represent integers with up
#' to 54-bits, but they are not represented as integer values anymore. For
#' larger numbers there is again a data loss. bit64conversion='bit64' is
#' recommended way of coercing. It represents the 64-bit integers as objects
#' of class 'integer64' as defined in the package 'bit64'. Make sure that you
#' have installed 'bit64'. The datatype 'integer64' is not part of base R, but
#' defined in an external package. This can produce unexpected behaviour when
#' working with the data.
#' @param h5dataset Object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing an open HDF5
#' dataset.
#' @param h5spaceFile An object of class `H5IdComponent` representing a HDF5
#' dataspace. See [H5Dget_space()], [H5Screate_simple()], [H5Screate()] to
#' create an object of this kind.
#' @param h5spaceMem An object of class `H5IdComponent` representing a HDF5
#' dataspace. See [H5Dget_space()], [H5Screate_simple()], [H5Screate()] to
#' create an object of this kind. The dimensions of the dataset in the file and
#' in memory. The dimensions in file and in memory are interpreted in an R-like
#' manner. The first dimension is the fastest changing dimension. When reading
#' the file with a C-program (e.g. HDFView) the order of dimensions will invert,
#' because in C the fastest changing dimension is the last one.
#' @param buf Buffer to hold the read data. The buffer size has to fit the
#' size of the memory space `h5spaceMem`. No extra memory will be allocated for
#' the data. A pointer to the same data is returned.
#' @param compoundAsDataFrame Logical vector of length 1. If `TRUE`, a compound
#' datatype will be coerced to a `data.frame`. This is not possible, if the
#' dataset is multi-dimensional. Otherwise the compound datatype will be
#' returned as a `list`. Nested compound data types will be returned as a
#' nested `list`.
#' @param bit64conversion Defines how 64-bit integers are converted. (See
#' the details section for more information on these options.)
#' @param drop Logical vector of length 1. If `TRUE`, the HDF5 object is read
#' as a vector with NULL dim attributes. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @export
H5Dread <- function( h5dataset, h5spaceFile=NULL, h5spaceMem=NULL, buf = NULL, compoundAsDataFrame = TRUE,
bit64conversion, drop = FALSE ) {
h5checktype(h5dataset, "dataset")
h5checktypeOrNULL(h5spaceFile, "dataspace")
h5checktypeOrNULL(h5spaceMem, "dataspace")
if (is.null(h5spaceMem)) { sidMem <- NULL } else { sidMem <- h5spaceMem@ID }
if (is.null(h5spaceFile)) { sidFile <- NULL } else { sidFile <- h5spaceFile@ID }
if (missing(bit64conversion)) {
bit64conv = 0L
} else {
bit64conv = switch(bit64conversion, int = 0L, double = 1L, bit64 = 2L, default = 0L)
if (bit64conv == 2L) {
if (!requireNamespace("bit64",quietly=TRUE)) {
stop("install package 'bit64' before using bit64conversion='bit64'")
res <- .Call("_H5Dread", h5dataset@ID, sidFile, sidMem, buf, compoundAsDataFrame,
bit64conv, drop, h5dataset@native, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
res <- .postProcessDataSet(h5dataset, res)
#' Write data to dataset
#' @param h5dataset Object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing an open HDF5
#' dataset.
#' @param buf The R object containing the data to be written to the dataset.
#' @param h5type Datatype of the HDF5 dataset to be written. If left as `NULL`
#' it will use the dataype of the R object supplied to `buf`.
#' @param h5spaceMem,h5spaceFile [H5IdComponent-class] objects representing the
#' memory and file dataspaces respectively. If these are left `NULL` dataspaces
#' that match the size and shape of `h5dataset` will be used.
#' @export
H5Dwrite <- function( h5dataset, buf, h5type=NULL, h5spaceMem=NULL, h5spaceFile=NULL ) {
h5checktype(h5dataset, "dataset")
h5checktypeOrNULL(h5spaceFile, "dataspace")
h5checktypeOrNULL(h5spaceMem, "dataspace")
if (is.null(h5type)) { tidMem <- NULL } else { tidMem <- h5type }
if (is.null(h5spaceMem)) { sidMem <- NULL } else { sidMem <- h5spaceMem@ID }
if (is.null(h5spaceFile)) { sidFile <- NULL } else { sidFile <- h5spaceFile@ID }
invisible(.Call("_H5Dwrite", h5dataset@ID, buf, sidFile, sidMem, h5type, h5dataset@native, PACKAGE='rhdf5'))
#' Change the dimensions of an HDF5 dataset
#' @details This function can only be applied to datasets that meet the
#' following criteria:
#' * A chunked dataset with unlimited dimensions
#' * A chunked dataset with fixed dimensions if the new dimension sizes are
#' less than the maximum sizes set with maxdims
#' @param h5dataset Object of class [H5IdComponent-class] representing an open
#' HDF5 dataset.
#' @param size An integer vector with the new dimension of the dataset.
#' @returns A logical vector of length 1. Value will be `TRUE` if the operation
#' was sucessful and `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @author Bernd Fischer, Mike Smith
#' @export
H5Dset_extent <- function( h5dataset, size) {
h5checktype(h5dataset, "dataset")
size <- as.numeric(size)
if (!h5dataset@native) size <- rev(size)
res <- .Call("_H5Dset_extent", h5dataset@ID, size, PACKAGE='rhdf5')
return(invisible(res >= 0))
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