
Defines functions .useCache biomartCacheInfo biomartCacheClear .biomartCacheLocation .checkValidCache .checkInCache .readFromCache .addToCache .createHash

Documented in biomartCacheClear biomartCacheInfo

## Functions for caching

.createHash <- function(mart, attributes, filters, values, uniqueRows = TRUE, bmHeader = FALSE) {
    ## if we are using the current version Ensembl URL
    ## swap for the archive version so we can check when it is outdated
    host <- martHost(mart)
    if(grepl("(www|useast|asia)\\.ensembl\\.org", host)) {
        archives <- .listEnsemblArchives(http_config = martHTTPConfig(mart))
        host <- archives[which(archives$current_release == "*"), "url"]
    attributes <- paste( sort(attributes), collapse = "" )
    ## need to keep the filters and values in the same order
    ## so create a single index for reordering both
    idx <- order(filters)
    filters <- paste( filters[idx], collapse = "" )
    if(is.list(values)) {
        values <- values[idx]
        values <- unlist(lapply(values, sort))
    } else {
        values <- sort(values)
    values <- paste( values, collapse = "" )    
    combined <- paste(c(host, mart@biomart, mart@dataset, attributes, filters, values, uniqueRows, bmHeader), 
                      collapse = "_")
    paste0("biomaRt_", digest::digest(combined, algo = "md5", serialize = FALSE))

#' @param bfc Object of class BiocFileCache, created by a call to 
#' BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache()
#' @param hash unique hash representing a query.
.addToCache <- function(bfc, result, hash, update = FALSE) {
  ## write our file to the biomart cache location directly
  tf <- tempfile(tmpdir = .biomartCacheLocation())
  saveRDS(result, file = tf)
  ## check once more that there isn't an entry with this hash
  ## if its free add our new file
  ## if there's a clash don't add anything and tidy up
  if(!.checkInCache(bfc, hash = hash)) {
    bfcadd(bfc, rname = hash, fpath = tf, action = "asis")
    res <- TRUE
  } else {
    if(!update) {
      res <- FALSE
    } else {
      existing_record <- bfcquery(bfc, query = hash, field = "rname", exact = TRUE)
      bfcupdate(bfc, rids = existing_record$rid, 
                rpath = tf,
                ask = FALSE)
      ## deleted the old file
      res <- TRUE

#' @param bfc Object of class BiocFileCache, created by a call to 
#' BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache()
#' @param hash unique hash representing a query.
.readFromCache <- function(bfc, hash) {

    cache_hits <- bfcquery(bfc, hash, field = "rname")
    if(nrow(cache_hits) > 1) {
        stop("Multiple cache results found.",
             "\nPlease clear your cache by running biomartCacheClear()")
    } else {
        rid <- cache_hits$rid
        result <- readRDS( bfc[[ rid ]] )

#' @param bfc Object of class BiocFileCache, created by a call to 
#' BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache()
#' @param hash unique hash representing a query.
#' This function returns TRUE if a record with the requested hash already 
#' exists in the file cache, otherwise returns FALSE.
#' @keywords Internal
.checkInCache <- function(bfc, hash, verbose = FALSE) {
    res <- bfcquery(bfc, query = hash, field = "rname")

#' @param bfc Object of class BiocFileCache, created by a call to 
#' BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache()
#' @param hash unique hash representing a query.
#' This function checks if a cache entry is a valid RDS file.
#' Returns TRUE if the cache entry is valid, FALSE otherwise.
#' In the case of an invalid file the cache entry and file are 
#' deleted.
#' @importFrom BiocFileCache bfcremove
#' @keywords Internal
.checkValidCache <- function(bfc, hash) {
    res <- bfcquery(bfc, query = hash, field = "rname")
    if(nrow(res) == 0) {
    } else {
        ## check this is a valid RDS file
        ## remove the cache entry if it's not a valid RDS
        test <- tryCatch(is.list(infoRDS(res$rpath[1])), 
                         error = function(e) { return(FALSE) })
            bfcremove(bfc, res$rid[1])

.biomartCacheLocation <- function() {
    Sys.getenv(x = "BIOMART_CACHE", 
               unset = rappdirs::user_cache_dir(appname="biomaRt"))

biomartCacheClear <- function() {
    cache <- .biomartCacheLocation()
    bfc <- BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(cache, ask = FALSE)
    removebfc(bfc, ask = FALSE)

biomartCacheInfo <- function() {
    cache <- .biomartCacheLocation()
    if(!file.exists(cache)) {
        message("biomaRt cache uninitialized\n", 
                "- Location: ", cache)
    } else {
        bfc <- BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(cache, ask = FALSE)
        files <- bfcinfo(bfc)$rpath
        total_size <- sum(file.size(files))
        size_obj <- structure(total_size, class = "object_size")
        message("biomaRt cache\n", 
                "- Location: ", cache, "\n",
                "- No. of files: ", length(files), "\n",
                "- Total size: ", format(size_obj, units = "auto"))

#' Determine if a cached version exists and if it's less than one week old.
#' @param bfc BiocFileCache object created by BiocFileCache()
#' @param cacheEntry The name of entry in the cache.
#' @param numDays The number of days an entry should be considered valid. Entries
#' older than this will be deleted.
#' @keywords Internal
.useCache <- function(bfc, cacheEntry, numDays = 7L) {
  use_cached_version <- FALSE
  if(.checkInCache(bfc, hash = cacheEntry)) {
    cache_entry <- bfcquery(x = bfc, query = cacheEntry)
    if( (nrow(cache_entry) == 1) && (as.Date(Sys.time()) - as.Date(cache_entry$create_time) < numDays) ) {
      use_cached_version <- TRUE
    } else {
      bfcremove(bfc, cache_entry$rid)
grimbough/biomaRt documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 8:56 p.m.