## Create the output directory
dircreation = function(outdir = getwd(), force = FALSE)
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a directory.", outdir))
outdirContents = dir(outdir, all.files = TRUE)
outdirContents = setdiff(outdirContents, c(".", ".."))
if(!force && length(outdirContents)>0)
stop(sprintf("The directory '%s' already exists and is not empty. Please remove the directory before calling 'arrayQualityMetrics' or consider using 'force=TRUE'.", outdir))
message(sprintf("The report will be written into directory '%s'. ", outdir))
} else {
dir.create(outdir, recursive=TRUE)
message(sprintf("The directory '%s' has been created.", outdir))
## Produce a plot
makePlot = function(x) {
if (is(x@plot, "trellis"))
print(x@plot) else
if (is(x@plot, "function"))
do.call(x@plot, args = list())
else stop(sprintf("Invalid 'x@plot' of class '%s'.", paste(class(x@plot), collapse=", ")))
## Create the title
makeTitle = function(reporttitle, outdir, params)
stop("'reporttitle' must be a character of length 1.")
## ------- copy and link the CSS and JavaScript files
filenames = c("arrayQualityMetrics.css", "arrayQualityMetrics.js")
filelocs = system.file("javascript", filenames, package = "arrayQualityMetrics")
filelocs[ filelocs!="" ]
stop(sprintf("Could not find all of: '%s'.", paste(filenames, collapse=", ")))
copySubstitute(src = filelocs, dest = outdir, recursive = TRUE, symbolValues = params)
p = openPage(filename = file.path(outdir, 'index.html'),
link.javascript = filenames[2],
link.css = filenames[1],
body.attributes = list("onload" = "reportinit()"),
title = reporttitle)
hwrite("<hr>", page = p)
hwrite(reporttitle, page = p, heading=1)
hwrite("<hr>", page = p)
## Create a new section
makeSection = function(p, sectionNumber, module)
hwrite("<hr>", page = p)
sec = paste0("<a name= 'S", sectionNumber,"'>Section ", sectionNumber, ": ",
hwrite(sec, page = p, heading=2)
## Create the index
makeIndex = function(p, modules)
currentSectionNumber = 1
currentSectionName = "Something else"
hwrite("<UL>", page = p)
for(i in seq_len(length(modules)))
if(modules[[i]]@section != currentSectionName)
if(currentSectionNumber != 1) ## end the previous section
hwrite("</UL>", page = p)
hwrite(paste0("<br><li class='tocsection'>Section ", currentSectionNumber,": ",
modules[[i]]@section, "</li><UL>"), page = p,
link = paste0("#S", currentSectionNumber))
currentSectionNumber = currentSectionNumber+1
hwrite(paste0("<li class='tocmodule'>", modules[[i]]@title, "</li>"), page = p)
currentSectionName = modules[[i]]@section
hwrite("</UL></UL>", page = p)
## introductoryNote(p)
## Create a module of the report with figures and legend
reportModule = function(p, module, currentIndex, arrayTable, outdir)
stopifnot(is(module, "aqmReportModule"))
validObject(module, test=FALSE)
svgwarn = FALSE
name = module@id
h = module@size["h"]
w = module@size["w"]
stopifnot(length(currentIndex)==1, is.numeric(currentIndex), !is.na(currentIndex))
dpi = arrayQualityMetricsGlobalParameters$dpi
if(is.na(module@svg@numPlotObjects)) {
## no svg - use png
nameimg = paste0(name, ".png")
png(filename = file.path(outdir, nameimg), height= h*dpi, width = w*dpi)
img = hmakeTag("img", src = nameimg, border = 0,
alt = nameimg, id = paste("Fig", name, sep="ls:"))
} else {
## svg
nameimg = paste0(name, ".svg")
if (is(module@plot, "trellis")) {
## Render grid graphics using gridsvg; the below eval/substitute looks clunky but seems needed to avoid problems with
## the argument evaluation acrobatics happening in 'gridsvg', and with lazy evaluation
theName = file.path(outdir, nameimg)
thePrefix = paste("Fig", name, sep=":")
eval(substitute(gridsvg(name = theName, width = w, height = h, res = dpi, prefix = thePrefix, usePaths = "none")))
#annRes = annotateSvgGrid(annotationInfo = module@svg, name = name) ## this eventually calls 'grid.garnish'
} else {
## annotate plain R graphics using XML
#svgtemp = paste0(tempfile(), ".svg")
svgout = file.path(outdir, nameimg)
#Cairo(file = svgout, type = "svg", height = h, width = w, units = "in", dpi = dpi)
svglite(file = svgout, height = h, width = w)
grDevices::dev.off() ## close file, then process it with 'annotateSvgPlot'
# annRes = annotateSvgPlot(infile = svgtemp, outfile = nameimg, outdir = outdir, annotationInfo = module@svg, name = name)
# if(!annRes$annotateOK)
# svgwarn = paste("Note: the figure is static - enhancement with interactive effects failed.",
# "This is either due to a version incompatibility of the 'SVGAnnotation' R package and your",
# "version of 'Cairo' or 'libcairo', or due to plot misformating. Please consult the Bioconductor forum, or",
# "contact the maintainer of 'arrayQualityMetrics' with a reproducible example to help fix this problem.")
## TO DO:
## sizes = paste(round(annRes$size))
## hwrite(c(aqm.hwriteImage(nameimg, width=sizes[1], height=sizes[2], id=paste("Fig", name, sep=":")),
## annotationTable(arrayTable, name = name)))
img = hwrite( c( paste(readLines(file.path(outdir, nameimg), warn=FALSE), collapse="\n"),
annotationTable(arrayTable, name = name) ))
## Also make a PDF file
namepdf = paste0(name, ".pdf")
pdf(file = file.path(outdir, namepdf), height = h, width = w)
## Write the HTML
hwrite("\n\n", page = p)
hwrite(toggleStart(name, display=module@defaultdisplay, text = sprintf("Figure %d: %s.", currentIndex, module@title)), page = p)
hwrite(img, page = p)
hwrite("<br>\n", page = p)
hwrite(gsub("The figure <!-- FIG -->",
paste0("<b>Figure ", currentIndex, "</b>", if(!is.na(namepdf)) hwrite(" (PDF file)", link = namepdf)),
module@legend, ignore.case = TRUE), page = p)
hwrite("<br><br><br>\n", page = p)
if(!identical(svgwarn, FALSE))
hwrite(svgwarn, page = p)
hwrite(toggleEnd(), page = p)
## Recursion, for the barplot with the outliers
if(!identical(NA_character_, module@outliers@description)) {
currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
reportModule(p, aqm.outliers(module), currentIndex, arrayTable, outdir)
return(currentIndex + 1)
## End the report
makeEnding = function(p)
z = sessionInfo("arrayQualityMetrics")
version = z$otherPkgs[[1]]$Version
rversion = sessionInfo()$R.version$version.string
session = paste0("This report has been created with arrayQualityMetrics ",
version, " under ", rversion, ".")
hwrite("<hr>", page = p)
hwrite(session, page = p, style ='font-size:9pt')
hwrite("<hr>", page = p)
closePage(page = p)
## Introductory Note
introductoryNote = function(p)
txt = paste0("<h3>Browser compatibility</h3>\n",
"This report uses recent features of HTML 5. Functionality has been tested on these browsers: ",
"Firefox 10, Chrome 17, Safari 5.1.2\n")
hwrite("<hr>\n", page = p)
hwrite(txt, page = p)
## write the HTML for 'arrayTable', including checkboxes
reportTable = function(p, arrayTable, tableLegend)
s = seq_len(nrow(arrayTable))
arrayTable = cbind(
" " = sprintf("<input type='checkbox' name='ReportObjectCheckBoxes' value='' onchange='checkboxEvent(%d)'>", s),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
hwrite("<hr>", page = p)
disp = ifelse(nrow(arrayTable)<=arrayQualityMetricsGlobalParameters$maxNumberOfArraysForShowingArrayMetadataByDefault , "block", "none")
hwrite(toggleStart("arraymetadata", disp, "Array metadata and outlier detection overview"), page = p)
hwrite(arrayTable, page = p,
row.bgcolor = rep(list("#ffffff", c("#d0d0ff", "#e0e0f0")), ceiling(nrow(arrayTable)/2)),
table.style = "margin-left:auto;text-align:right;",
row.style = list("font-weight:bold"))
hwrite(paste0("<br>", tableLegend, "<br>", toggleEnd()), page = p)
## Display toggle start and end
toggleStart = function(name, display, text)
sprintf("<a name=\"%s\" id=\"%s-h\" href=\"javascript: toggle('%s')\" style=\"text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;font-size:larger\">%s %s</a><br>\n",
name, name, name, c("block"="-", "none"="+")[display], text),
sprintf("<div id=\"%s-b\" style=\"display:%s\">\n",
name, display), sep="\n")
toggleEnd = function()
## Create JSON representation of R character vectors and matrices
## Names and dimnames attributes are stripped.
toJSON_fromchar = function(x)
paste("[", paste(x, collapse=", "), "]")
toJSON_fromvector = function(x)
toJSON_fromchar(paste0('"', as.character(x), '"'))
toJSON_frommatrix = function(x)
toJSON_fromchar(apply(x, 1, toJSON_fromvector))
## write the report
aqm.writereport = function(modules, arrayTable, reporttitle, outdir)
numReportObjs = nrow(arrayTable)
reportObjs = seq_len(numReportObjs)
## To avoid dealing with this pathologic special case downstream in the HTML
stop("'arrayTable' must not be empty.")
## construct short, unique IDs
ids = sapply(modules, slot, "id")
stopifnot(!any(is.na(ids)), !any(duplicated(modules)))
## For all report modules, extract the 'svg' slot, then subset only those that are defined.
svgdata = lapply(modules, slot, "svg")
names(svgdata) = ids
hassvg = !is.na(sapply(svgdata, slot, "numPlotObjects"))
svgdata = svgdata[ hassvg]
## Determine which subset of the modules have computed outliers ('wh'). For each, define
## a corresponding column in the logical matrix 'outliers'.
## Further below, a textual representation of 'outliers', ifelse(outliers, "x", "") is added to arrayTable,
## and the row-wise OR (more precisely: 'apply(outliers, 1, any)') is used to determine
## which arrays to highlight initially.
wh = which(sapply(modules, function(x) length(x@outliers@statistic)>0))
outlierMethodTitles = sapply(modules, slot, "title")[wh]
outlierMethodLinks = paste0("<a href=\"#", ids[wh], "\">")
outlierExplanations = paste0(
"The columns named *1, *2, ... indicate the calls from the different outlier detection methods:<OL>",
paste(sprintf("<LI> outlier detection by %s%s</a></LI>",
outlierMethodLinks, outlierMethodTitles), collapse = ""),
"</OL>The outlier detection criteria are explained below in the respective sections. Arrays that were called outliers ",
"by at least one criterion are marked by checkbox selection in this table, and are ",
"indicated by highlighted lines or points in some of the plots below. ",
"By clicking the checkboxes in the table, or on the corresponding points/lines in the plots, you can modify the selection. ",
"To reset the selection, reload the HTML page in your browser.", "<br><br>",
"At the scope covered by this software, outlier detection is a poorly defined question, and there is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer. ",
"These are hints which are intended to be followed up manually. If you want to automate outlier detection, you need to limit the scope ",
"to a particular platform and experimental design, and then choose and calibrate the metrics used.")
outliers = matrix(NA, nrow = numReportObjs,
ncol = length(wh),
dimnames = list(NULL, sprintf("%s*%d</a>", outlierMethodLinks, seq_along(wh))))
for(j in seq(along = wh))
o = modules[[wh[j]]]@outliers@which
stopifnot(!any(is.na(o)), all( (o>=1) & (o<=numReportObjs)))
outliers[,j] = reportObjs %in% o
## Add numeric indices, rownames and outlier annotation to 'arrayTable'
## Make two versions of it:
## - 'big', includes outlier status, is shown at the top of the report
## - 'compact' , without outlier status, is shown next to the interactive plots
rowchar = as.character(row.names(arrayTable))
rownum = paste(reportObjs)
left = if(!identical(rowchar, rownum))
data.frame(array = rownum, sampleNames = rowchar, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) else
data.frame(array = rownum, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
arrayTableBig = cbind(left, ifelse(outliers, "x", ""), arrayTable, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
arrayTableCompact = cbind(left, arrayTable, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(arrayTableBig) = rownames(arrayTableCompact) = NULL
## Open and set up the HTML page
p = makeTitle(
reporttitle = reporttitle,
outdir = outdir,
## Inject report-specific variables into the JavaScript
params = c(
HIGHLIGHTINITIAL = toJSON_fromchar(ifelse(apply(outliers, 1, any), "true", "false")),
ARRAYMETADATA = toJSON_frommatrix(arrayTableCompact),
SVGOBJECTNAMES = toJSON_fromvector(names(svgdata)),
REPORTOBJSTYLES = paste0(".aqm", reportObjs, " { }", collapse = "\n")
makeIndex(p = p, modules = modules)
reportTable(p = p, arrayTable = arrayTableBig,
tableLegend = outlierExplanations)
currentSectionName = "Something Else"
currentIndex = currentSection = 1
for(i in seq(along = modules))
if(modules[[i]]@section != currentSectionName)
makeSection(p = p, sectionNumber = currentSection, module = modules[[i]])
currentSection = currentSection+1
currentIndex = reportModule(
p = p,
module = modules[[i]],
currentIndex = currentIndex,
arrayTable = arrayTableCompact,
currentSectionName = modules[[i]]@section
invisible(list(modules=modules, arrayTable=arrayTableBig, reporttitle=reporttitle, outdir=outdir))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.