## produce a ShortReadQ object from the fast5 string
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSet DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom ShortRead FastqQuality
#' @importFrom methods new
.processFastq <- function(string, readID = NULL, appendID = NULL) {
fastqString <- strsplit(string, "\n")[[1]]
if(is.null(readID)) {
id <- BStringSet(paste0(fastqString[1], appendID))
} else {
id <- BStringSet(paste0(readIDs, appendID))
sread <- DNAStringSet(fastqString[2])
qual <- FastqQuality(fastqString[4])
new("ShortReadQ", id = id, sread = sread, quality = qual)
## produce a ShortReadQ object from a vector of fast5 strings
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSet DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom ShortRead FastqQuality
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics width
#' @importFrom stringr str_length str_match str_replace_all
.processFastqVec <- function(strings, readIDs = NULL, appendID = NULL) {
if(any(str_length(strings) == 0))
strings <- strings[-which(str_length(strings) == 0)]
strings <- str_replace(string = strings, pattern = "^@", replacement = "")
#fastqStrings <- strsplit(strings, "\n")
#fastqStrings <- do.call(rbind, fastqStrings)
fastqStrings <- stringr::str_match(strings, pattern = "(.*)\n(.*)\n(\\+)\n(.*)")[,2:5,drop=FALSE]
if(is.null(readIDs)) {
id <- BStringSet(paste0(fastqStrings[,1], appendID))
} else {
id <- BStringSet(paste0(readIDs, appendID))
## replace U with T to cope with RNA data
## this could be made more generalisable
fastqStrings[,2] <- stringr::str_replace_all(string = fastqStrings[,2],
pattern = "U",
replacement = "T")
sread <- DNAStringSet(fastqStrings[,2])
qual <- FastqQuality(fastqStrings[,4])
## occasionally we encounter records where
## the number of bases != the number of qualities
## these are not valid and should be removed
invalid <- which(width(sread) != width(qual))
if(length(invalid)) {
id <- id[-invalid]
sread <- sread[-invalid]
qual <- qual[-invalid]
fastq <- new("ShortReadQ", id = id, sread = sread, quality = qual)
return(list(fastq = fastq, invalid = invalid))
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
.getFastqString <- function(file, strand = "template", d = "1D",
dontCheck = TRUE) {
## returns the unprocessed fastq string stored in fast5 files
if(is.character(file)) {
fid <- H5Fopen(file)
} else {
fid <- file
group <- paste0("/Analyses/Basecall_", d, "_000/BaseCalled_", strand, "/Fastq")
if( dontCheck || .groupExistsObj(fid, group = group) ) {
did <- H5Dopen(fid, group)
fastq <- H5Dread(did)
} else {
fastq <- ""
.processStrandSpecifier <- function(strand) {
strand <- stringr::str_split(strand, pattern = "\\|", simplify = TRUE)[1,]
if(any(!strand %in% c("template", "complement", "2D", "all", "both"))) {
stop("Unexpected option provided to 'strand'.",
"Please provide some combination of the following options:",
"'template', 'complement', '2D', 'all', 'both'")
if("all" %in% strand) {
strand <- c("template", "complement", "2D")
} else if ("both" %in% strand) {
strand <- c("template", "complement")
#' Extract FASTQ files from fast5 files
#' This function provides direct access to the FASTQ entries held within fast5
#' files. If you are only interested in getting hold of the base called reads,
#' and don't require any raw-signal or event information, use this function.
#' Given a vector of fast5 files, the FASTQ entries will be combined and up to
#' three gzip compressed FASTQ will be created - one for each of the template,
#' complement and 2D strands depending upon what is available in the input
#' files.
#' @param files Character vector of fast5 files to be read.
#' @param strand Character vector specifying the strand to extract. Can take
#' any combination of the following options: "template", "complement", "2D",
#' "all", "both".
#' @param fileName Stem for the name of the names of the output file names.
#' The appropriate strand will be appended to each file e.g.
#' fileName_complement.fq.gz or fileName_template.fq.gz
#' @param outputDir Directory output files should be written to.
#' @param ncores Specify the number of CPU cores that should be used to process
#' the files. Currently this seems to be more IO bound than CPU, so there
#' is little benefit achieved by using a high number of cores.
#' @return No value returned. Run for the side effect of writing the FASTQ
#' files to disk.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' fast5files <- list.files('/foo/bar/', pattern = '.fast5$')
#' summaryData <- readFast5Summary(fast5files)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom ShortRead writeFastq
#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam bpmapply register
fast5toFastq <- function(files, strand = "all", fileName = NULL,
outputDir = NULL, ncores = 1) {
## check files exist and can be accessed
files <- files[which(file.exists(files))]
if(length(files) == 0) {
stop('None of the provided files can be accessed. ',
'Have you supplied the correct path?')
## understand the file structure
status <- .fast5status(files = sample(files, size = min(length(files), 15)))
strand <- .processStrandSpecifier(strand)
## if only 1D pipeline has been run, we can't get complement/2d data
if( (!nchar(status$loc_complement) && "complement" %in% strand) ) {
warning("This data has only been processed using the 1D pipeline.\n",
"FASTQ files for the complement strand will not be generated.",
call. = FALSE)
strand <- strand[-which(strand == "complement")]
## if only 1D pipeline has been run, we can't get complement/2d data
if( !status$basecalled_2d && "2D" %in% strand ) {
warning("This data does not contain 2D base calls.\n",
"FASTQ files for the 2D strand will not be generated.",
call. = FALSE)
strand <- strand[-which(strand == "2D")]
register(MulticoreParam(workers = ncores))
for(s in strand) {
d <- str_match(status[[ paste0('loc_', s) ]],
pattern = "Basecall_([12]D)")[,2]
fastq_vec <- bpmapply(FUN = .getFastqString, files,
MoreArgs = list(strand = s, d = d, dontCheck = FALSE),
if(length(fastq_vec) == 0) {
warning("No entries found for ", s, "strand. ",
"No FASTQ file created.",
call. = FALSE)
fastq_fq <- .processFastqVec(fastq_vec)$fastq
file = file.path(outputDir,
paste0(fileName, "_", s, ".fq.gz")))
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