# Given a vector of genes and a vector of tumor type as resulted
# from showTumorType() or showCancerStudy()
# It returns a nested list composed by n elements, one for each tumor type
# Each element is composed by a CNA df and a vector with all patient
# barcodes for that tumor type
.getCNA <- function(myGenes=myGenes
,block=NULL) {
mycgds <- cBioPortalData::cBioPortal(
hostname = "www.cbioportal.org",
protocol = "https",
api. = "/api/api-docs")
allCanStudy <- cBioPortalData::getStudies(mycgds)[ , c("cancerTypeId" , "studyId")]
allCanStudy <- unique(allCanStudy)
# allCanStudy$tumor_type <- vapply(strsplit(allCanStudy$cancerTypeId
# , "_") , '[' , character(1) , 1)
allCanStudy$tumor_type <- allCanStudy$cancerTypeId
if(tumor_type[1]=="all_tumors") {
chosenTumors <- allCanStudy[,1,drop=TRUE]
} else {
#FIND All cancer studies associated with the tumor_type specified
chosenTumors <- allCanStudy[ allCanStudy$tumor_type %in%
tumor_type, 1,drop=TRUE]
names(chosenTumors) <- allCanStudy[ allCanStudy$tumor_type %in%
tumor_type, 2,drop=TRUE]
#In case we are not looking for tumor ID but cancer studies ID
chosenTumors <- allCanStudy[ allCanStudy$studyId %in%
tumor_type, 1,drop=TRUE]
names(chosenTumors) <- allCanStudy[ allCanStudy$studyId %in%
tumor_type, 2,drop=TRUE]
#if still we have not found anything
if (length(chosenTumors)==0){
stop(paste("Could not find the tumor_type nor"
,"the cancer_study_id specified"))
out_double <- lapply(names(chosenTumors) , function(i){
geneticProfile <- cBioPortalData::molecularProfiles(mycgds, i)
geneticProfile <- geneticProfile[ grepl("COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION" , geneticProfile$molecularAlterationType) &
grepl("DISCRETE" , geneticProfile$datatype)
# grepl("LOG2-VALUE" , geneticProfile$datatype)
, ]
message(paste("geneticProfile" , i , "has no copynumber data"))
return( list( out=NULL , patients=NULL) )
# Fetch the patient list for the specified molecular profile and data type (mutations)
caseList <- cBioPortalData::sampleLists(mycgds, i)
# caseList <- caseList[ caseList$category == "all_cases_with_log2_cna_data" , ]
caseList <- caseList[ caseList$category == "all_cases_with_cna_data" , ]
message(paste("ProfileId" , i , "has no samples with copynumber"))
return( list( out=NULL , patients=NULL) )
# Get the actual case names (e.g. TCGA-AR-A1AR)
caseListId <- cBioPortalData::getSampleInfo(api = mycgds
, studyId = geneticProfile$studyId
, sampleListIds = caseList$sampleListId)$sampleId
cna <- cBioPortalData::molecularData(
api = mycgds
, molecularProfileIds = geneticProfile$molecularProfileId
, entrezGeneIds = as.numeric(names(myGenes))
, sampleIds = caseListId
, error=function(e) message(paste("Impossible to retrive copynumber from" , i , "study or no copynumber are present on the selected genes"))
if(!exists("cna")) {
cna <- NULL
patients <- NULL
} else if(nrow(cna) == 0 ){
cna <- NULL
patients <- NULL
} else {
patients <- unique(ifelse(grepl("^TCGA" , caseListId)
, unlist(lapply(strsplit(caseListId , "-") , function(x) paste(x[seq_len(3)] , collapse="-")))
, caseListId))
cna$genetic_profile_id <- i
cna$tumor_type <- chosenTumors[i]
cna$case_id <- ifelse(grepl("^TCGA" , cna$sampleId)
, unlist(lapply(strsplit(cna$sampleId , "-") , function(x) paste(x[seq_len(3)] , collapse="-")))
, cna$sampleId)
cna$gene_symbol <- myGenes[ as.character(cna$entrezGeneId) ]
cna <- cna[ , c("case_id" , "entrezGeneId" , "gene_symbol" , "value" , "genetic_profile_id" , "tumor_type")]
# message(paste("Copynumber retrieved from" , i , "study"))
return( list( out=cna , patients=patients) )
names(out_double) <- names(chosenTumors)
.subsetCNA <- function(panel , cna_full)
panel_cna <- panel[ panel$alteration=="CNA" , ]
cna_subset <- merge(cna_full , panel_cna , all.x=TRUE , by="gene_symbol")
cna_subset <- cna_subset[ !is.na(cna_subset$group) , ]
idx_ok <- ifelse( cna_subset$CNA==cna_subset$exact_alteration |
(cna_subset$exact_alteration=="" & cna_subset$CNA %in%
c("amplification" , "deletion")), TRUE , FALSE)
cna_subset <- cna_subset[ idx_ok , ] %>%
unique %>%
.[ , c("drug" , "group"
, "gene_symbol" , "tumor_type" , "case_id")]
cna_subset$alteration_id <- paste0("cna_" , seq_len(nrow(cna_subset)))
} else {
cna_subset$alteration_id <- character(0)
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