#' Identify set of denominator features for log-ratio calculation
#' @name aldex.set.mode
#' @title identify set of denominator features for log-ratio calculation
#' @description calculate the features that are to be used as the denominator for the Geometric Mean calculation in clr_function.R
#' @usage aldex.set.mode(reads, conds, denom="all")
#' @param reads A data frame containing the samples and features per sample.
#' @param conds A vector describing which samples belong to what condition.
#' @param denom Character argument specifying which indicies to return.
#' 'all' returns all features in both conditons.
#' 'zero' returns the nonzero count features per condition.
#' 'iqlr' returns the features whose variance falls within the
#' inter-quantile range of the CLR-transformed data.
#' In cases of malformed or null queries, input defaults to 'all'.
#' Additionally, the input can be a numeric vector, which contains
#' a set of row indicies to center the data against. Only for advanced
#' users who can pre-determine the invariant set of features within
#' their data. Check that the same number of features are in the
#' input and output datasets.
#' @return Outputs a vector containing indices per condition, or a single vector in some cases.
#' @details An explicit example for two conditions is shown in the `Examples' below.
#' @references Please use the citation given by \code{citation(package="ALDEx")}.
#' @author Jia Rong Wu
#' @seealso \code{\link{aldex.clr}}, \code{\link{aldex.ttest}}, \code{\link{aldex.effect}}, \code{\link{selex}}
#' @examples
#' # x is the output of the \code{x <- clr(data, mc.samples)} function
#' # conditions is a description of the data
#' # for the selex dataset, conditions <- c(rep("N", 7), rep("S", 7))
#' # input can be "all", "iqlr", "zero" or numeric for advanced users
#' data(selex)
#' #subset for efficiency
#' selex <- selex[1201:1600,]
#' conds <- c(rep("NS", 7), rep("S", 7))
#' x <- aldex.clr(selex, conds, mc.samples=2, denom="all")
#' @export
aldex.set.mode <- function(reads, conds, denom="all")
if (is.character(denom))
if (denom == "zero") {
message("computing zero removal")
features <- zero.features(reads,conds)
} else if (denom == "iqlr") {
message("computing iqlr centering")
features <- iqlr.features(reads,conds)
} else if (denom == "all" | denom == "" | denom == "median") {
message("computing center with all features")
features <- all.features(reads,conds)
} else if (denom == "lvha" ) {
message("computing center with housekeeping features")
features <- house.features(reads,conds)
} else {
message(paste("denom: '", denom, "' unrecognized. Using all features.", sep=""))
features <- all.features(reads,conds)
} else {
# Prevent input of null features for centering
if (length(denom) == 0)
stop("Number of features can not be 0. Please check the input vector.")
# Return user specified indicies for centering
features <- denom
##### Returns a list of "n" vectors where n is the number of conditions
##### Each vector represents the indicies of the IQLR features for the
##### conditions
iqlr.features <- function(reads, conds)
neg.indicies <- vector("list", length(unique(conds)))
##### Adjust all reads with prior of 0.5
if(min(reads) == 0) reads <- reads + 0.5
nr <- nrow( reads )
rn <- rownames( reads )
##### Generate the CLR of the DATA and get variance of the CLR
reads.clr <- t(apply(reads, 2, function(x){log2(x) - mean(log2(x))}))
# per condition typical variance
for(i in 1:length(unique(conds))){
these.rows <- which(conds == unique(conds)[i])
reads.var <- apply(reads.clr[these.rows,], 2, function(x){var(x)})
reads.qtl <- quantile(unlist(reads.var))
##### Get the indicies of the "invariant set" features
this.set <- which(
(reads.var < (reads.qtl[4])) & (reads.var > (reads.qtl[2]))
neg.indicies[[i]] <- this.set
# total dataset typical variance
reads.var <- apply(reads.clr, 2, function(x){var(x)})
reads.qtl <- quantile(unlist(reads.var))
this.set <- which(
(reads.var < (reads.qtl[4])) & (reads.var > (reads.qtl[2]))
neg.indicies[[length(unique(conds)) + 1]] <- this.set
invariant.set <- Reduce(intersect, neg.indicies)
if(!length(invariant.set)) stop("No intersecting features have typical variance")
if(length(invariant.set) <= 5) stop("Five or less members in intersecting feature set")
##### Returns a list of vectors with the low variance, high
##### abundance features. Indistinguishable from user supplied
house.features <- function(reads, conds)
neg.indicies <- vector("list", length(unique(conds)))
invariant.set.list <- vector("list",
if(min(reads) == 0) {
reads.n0 <- cmultRepl(t(reads), label=0, method="CZM",
} else {
reads.n0 = reads
# clr transform
reads.clr <- t(apply(reads.n0, 1, function(x){log2(x) - mean(log2(x))}))
# per-condition offsets found
for(i in 1:length(unique(conds))){
these.rows <- which(conds == unique(conds)[i])
# find the least variable
reads.var <- apply(reads.clr[these.rows,],2, function(x){var(x)})
var.set <- which(reads.var < quantile(unlist(reads.var))[2])
# find the most relative abundant
# top quartile in each sample
rab.all <- apply(reads.clr[these.rows,], 2, function(x)
abund.set <- which(rab.all > quantile(unlist(rab.all))[4])
invariant.set.list[[i]] <-
intersect(var.set, abund.set)
# get the intersect of all conditions
# successive operations on the list elements
invariant.set <-
Reduce(intersect, invariant.set.list)
if(!length(invariant.set)) stop("No intersecting features are low variance and high relative abundance")
if(length(invariant.set) <= 5) stop("Five or less members in intersecting feature set")
##### Returns a list of "n" vectors where n is the number of conditions
##### Each vector represents the indicies of NONZERO features for that condition
zero.features <- function(reads, conds)
sample.indices <- as.numeric(seq(1, length(conds),1))
feature.indices <- as.numeric(seq(1, nrow(reads),1))
indicies <- vector("list", length(unique(conds)))
neg.indicies <- vector("list", length(unique(conds)))
condition.list <- vector("list", length(unique(conds)))
# Iterate through conditions and check indicies of features that are zero in
# one condition but not the other
for (i in 1: length(unique(conds)))
condition.list[[i]] <- which(conds == unique(conds)[i]) # Condition list
sub.set <- as.numeric(condition.list[[i]])
different.conds <- setdiff(sample.indices, sub.set)
for (j in 1:nrow(reads))
if ( (sum(reads[j,sub.set]) == 0)
& (sum(reads[j,different.conds]) > 0) )
indicies[[i]] <- c(indicies[[i]],j) # Save the indexes
# Set the negation of the indicies to retain the nonzero features
neg.indicies[[i]] <- setdiff(feature.indices, indicies[[i]])
##### Returns a vector containing the indicies of every feature
all.features <- function(reads, conds)
feature.indices <- as.numeric(seq(1, nrow(reads),1))
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