
Defines functions bootstrap2x2

Documented in bootstrap2x2

#' @rdname bootstrap2x2
#' @title bootstrap2x2
#' @description Parametric Bootstrap of 2x2 Contingence independence test. The
#'     goodness of fit statistic is the root-mean-square statistic (RMST) or
#'     Hellinger divergence, as proposed by Perkins et al. [1, 2]. Hellinger
#'     divergence (HD) is computed as proposed in [3].
#' @param x A numerical matrix corresponding to cross tabulation (2x2) table
#'     (contingency table).
#' @param stat Statistic to be used in the testing: 'rmst','hdiv', or 'all'.
#' @param num.permut Number of permutations.
#' @details For goodness-of-fit the following null hypothesis is tested
#'     \eqn{H_\theta: p = p(\theta)}
#'     To conduct a single simulation, we perform the following three-step
#'      procedure [1,2]:
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item To generate m i.i.d. draws according to the model distribution
#'           \eqn{p(\theta)}, where \eqn{\theta'} is the estimate calculated
#'           from the experimental data,
#'     \item To estimate the parameter \eqn{\theta} from the data generated in
#'           Step 1, obtaining a new estimate \eqn{\theta}est.
#'     \item To calculate the statistic under consideration (HD,
#'           RMST), using the data generated in Step 1 and taking the model
#'           distribution to be \eqn{\theta}est, where \eqn{\theta}est is the
#'           estimate calculated in Step 2 from the data generated in Step 1.
#' }
#'     After conducting many such simulations, the confidence level for
#'     rejecting the null hypothesis is the fraction of the statistics
#'     calculated in step 3 that are less than the statistic calculated from
#'     the empirical data. The significance level \eqn{\alpha} is the same as a
#'     confidence level of \eqn{1-\alpha}.
#' @return A p-value probability
#' @examples
#'     set.seed(123)
#'     TeaTasting = matrix(c(8, 350, 2, 20), nrow = 2,
#'                         dimnames = list(Guess = c('Milk', 'Tea'),
#'                         Truth = c('Milk', 'Tea')))
#'     ## Small num.permut for test's speed sake
#'     bootstrap2x2( TeaTasting, stat = 'all', num.permut = 100 )
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item Perkins W, Tygert M, Ward R. Chi^2 and Classical Exact Tests
#'           Often Wildly Misreport Significance; the Remedy Lies in Computers
#'           [Internet]. Uploaded to ArXiv. 2011. Report No.:
#'           arXiv:1108.4126v2.
#'     \item Perkins, W., Tygert, M. & Ward, R. Computing the confidence
#'           levels or a root-mean square test of goodness-of-fit. 217,
#'           9072-9084 (2011).
#'     \item Basu, A., Mandal, A. & Pardo, L. Hypothesis testing for two
#'           discrete populations based on the Hellinger distance. Stat.
#'           Probab. Lett. 80, 206-214 (2010).
#' }
#' @export
bootstrap2x2 <- function(x, stat = "rmst", num.permut = 100) {
    HD <- function(x, y) {
        ## Function to compute the Hellinger divergence from an observed
        ## 2x2 contingence table
        v <- c(x, y)
        n1 <- sum(x)
        n2 <- sum(y)
        n <- cbind(n1, n2)
        ## pseudo-counts added if at least one of the cell counts is zero
        if (sum(v == 0) > 0) {
            p1 <- (x + 1)/(n1 + 2)
            p2 <- (y + 1)/(n2 + 2)
        } else {
            p1 <- x/n1
            p2 <- y/n2
        p <- cbind(p1, p2)
        hdiv <- (2 * (n[1] + 1) * (n[2] + 1) * sum((sqrt(p1) - sqrt(p2))^2)/(n[1] + 
            n[2] + 2))
    m0 <- rowSums(x)
    n0 <- colSums(x)
    N0 <- sum(x)
    ## The expected number of counts
    freq0 <- as.vector(outer(m0, n0)/N0)
    prob <- freq0/N0
    statis <- function(stat = "rmst") {
        ## Function to randomly generate a 2x2 table based on the expected
        ## number of counts estimated from the observed 2x2 contingence
        ## table
        rtable <- rep(0, 4)  ## all initial counts equal to zero
        ## Randomly select a cell in the table with probability equal to
        ## the expected counts divided by the total number of counts (N) in
        ## the table & increment the value in this cell by one. Repeat this
        ## procedure N times
        rcounts <- table(sample(x = 1:4, size = N0, replace = TRUE, 
            prob = prob))
        ## updates initial counts
        rtable[as.numeric(names(rcounts))] <- rcounts
        ## Compute the specified statistic for the randomly generated table
        y <- matrix(rtable, nrow = 2)
        m <- rowSums(y)
        n <- colSums(y)
        N <- sum(y)
        freq <- as.vector(outer(m, n)/N)
        st <- switch(stat, rmst = sum((rtable - freq)^2)/4, hdiv = HD(rtable, 
            freq), all = list(rmst = sum((rtable - freq)^2)/4, hdiv = HD(rtable, 
    x <- as.vector(x)
    if (stat == "all") {
        st0 <- c(rmst = sum((x - freq0)^2)/4, hdiv = HD(x, freq0))
        st <- t(sapply(1:num.permut, function(i) statis(stat = stat)))
        res <- c(rmst.p.value = (sum(st[, 1] > st0[1]) + 1)/num.permut, 
            hdiv.p.value = (sum(st[, 2] > st0[2]) + 1)/num.permut)
    } else {
        st0 <- switch(stat, rmst = sum((x - freq0)^2)/4, hdiv = HD(x, 
        st <- sapply(1:num.permut, function(i) statis(stat = stat))
        res <- (sum(st > st0) + 1)/num.permut
genomaths/MethylIT.utils documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:05 a.m.