#' @importFrom stats hclust kmeans prcomp
#' @import limma
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @param NP vector of integers indicating which columns of loadings object to use. The default of NP=NA will use entire matrix.
#' @param full logical indicating whether to return the full model solution. By default only the new pattern object is returned.
#' @param model Optional arguements to choose method for projection
#' @param bootstrapPval logical to indicate whether to generate p-values using bootstrap, not available for prcomp and rotatoR objects
#' @param bootIter number of bootstrap iterations, default = 1000
#' @rdname projectR-methods
#' @aliases projectR
data, # a dataset to be projected onto
loadings, # a matrix of continous values to be projected with unique rownames
dataNames = NULL, # a vector with names of data rows
loadingsNames = NULL, # a vector with names of loadings rows
NP=NA, # vector of integers indicating which columns of loadings object to use. The default of NP=NA will use entire matrix.
full=FALSE, # logical indicating whether to return the full model solution. By default only the new pattern object is returned.
bootstrapPval=FALSE, # logical to indicate whether to generate p-values using bootstrap
bootIter=1e3 # No of bootstrap iterations
#match genes in data sets
dataNames <- rownames(data)
loadingsNames <- rownames(loadings)
dataM<-geneMatchR(data1=data, data2=loadings, data1Names=dataNames, data2Names=loadingsNames, merge=FALSE)
print(paste(as.character(dim(dataM[[2]])[1]),'row names matched between data and loadings'))
print(paste('Updated dimension of data:',as.character(paste(dim(dataM[[2]]), collapse = ' '))))
# do projection
Design <- model.matrix(~0 + dataM[[1]])
colnames(Design) <- colnames(dataM[[1]])
projection <- lmFit(as.matrix(t(dataM[[2]])),Design)
projectionPatterns <- t(projection$coefficients)
#For limma
boots <- lapply(1:bootIter,function(x){
rows <- sample(nrow(Design),nrow(Design),replace = T)
projection <- lmFit(as.matrix(t(dataM[[2]][rows,])),Design[rows,])
bootPval <- compareBoots(projection$coefficients,boots)
if(full & bootstrapPval){
projectionFit <- list('projection'=projectionPatterns, 'pval'=pval.matrix, 'bootstrapPval' = bootPval)
} else if(full){
projectionFit <- list('projection'=projectionPatterns, 'pval'=pval.matrix)
#' @import MatrixModels
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @param NP vector of integers indicating which columns of loadings object to use. The default of NP=NA will use entire matrix.
#' @param full logical indicating whether to return the full model solution. By default only the new pattern object is returned.
#' @param model Optional arguements to choose method for projection
#' @rdname projectR-methods
#' @aliases projectR
data, # a dataset to be projected onto
loadings, # a matrix of continous values to be projected with unique rownames
dataNames = NULL, # a vector with names of data rows
loadingsNames = NULL, # a vector with names of loadings rows
NP=NULL, # vector of integers indicating which columns of loadings object to use. The default of NP=NA will use entire matrix.
full=FALSE # logical indicating whether to return the full model solution. By default only the new pattern object is returned.
if(!is.null(NP)) {
print("dgCMatrix detected, projecting in chunks.")
#columns of dgcMatrix are LHS for stats::lm, and columns of loadings are the
#dense RHS (predictors). sometimes dgcMatrix is too big to fit RAM, so we
#just fit chunks of lm models as supported by stats::lm/limma::lmFit
chop <- function(sparsematrix) {
coln <- ncol(sparsematrix)
bins <- seq(1, coln, by = 1000)
lapply(seq_along(bins), function(i) {
start <- bins[i]
end <- ifelse(i < length(bins), bins[i + 1] - 1, coln)
#discard print statements projectR generates each time a chunk is called
w <- invisible(capture.output(
projectionList <- lapply(chop(data), function(i) {
projectR(as.matrix(data[,i]), loadings, full=full)
#since chopping by columns, it's enough to print matching rows only once
if(full==TRUE) {
if(length(projectionList)==1) {#if only one chunk
res <- projectionList[[1]]
} else {
projectionFit <- lapply(projectionList, function(x) do.call(cbind, x))
res <- projectionFit
} else {
res <- do.call(cbind, projectionList)
#' @import limma
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom NMF fcnnls
#' @examples
#' library("CoGAPS")
#' # CR.RNAseq6l3c3t <- CoGAPS(p.RNAseq6l3c3t, params = new("CogapsParams", nPatterns=5))
#' projectR(data=p.ESepiGen4c1l$mRNA.Seq,loadings=CR.RNAseq6l3c3t,
#' dataNames = map.ESepiGen4c1l[["GeneSymbols"]])
#' @rdname projectR-methods
#' @aliases projectR
data, # a dataset to be projected onto
loadings, # a matrix of continous values to be projected with unique rownames
dataNames = NULL, # a vector with names of data rows
loadingsNames = NULL, # a vector with names of loadings rows
NP=NA, # vector of integers indicating which columns of loadings object to use. The default of NP=NA will use entire matrix.
full=FALSE, # logical indicating whether to return the full model solution. By default only the new pattern object is returned.
model=NA, # optional arguements to choose method for projection
bootstrapPval=FALSE, # logical to indicate whether to generate p-values using bootstrap
bootIter=1e3 # No of bootstrap iterations
return(projectR(data,loadings = loadings,dataNames = dataNames, loadingsNames = loadingsNames,NP,full,bootstrapPval=bootstrapPval,bootIter=bootIter))
#' @import limma
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @examples
#' pca.RNAseq6l3c3t<-prcomp(t(p.RNAseq6l3c3t))
#' pca.ESepiGen4c1l<-projectR(data=p.ESepiGen4c1l$mRNA.Seq,
#' loadings=pca.RNAseq6l3c3t, dataNames = map.ESepiGen4c1l[["GeneSymbols"]])
#' @rdname projectR-methods
#' @aliases projectR
data, # a dataset to be projected onto
loadings, # a matrix of continous values to be projected with unique rownames
dataNames = NULL, # a vector with names of data rows
loadingsNames = NULL, # a vector with names of loadings rows
NP=NA, # vector of integers indicating which columns of loadings object to use. The default of NP=NA will use entire matrix.
full=FALSE # logical indicating whether to return the full model solution. By default only the new pattern object is returned.
#match genes in data sets
dataNames <- rownames(data)
loadingsNames <- rownames(loadings)
dataM<-geneMatchR(data1=data, data2=loadings, data1Names=dataNames, data2Names=loadingsNames, merge=FALSE)
print(paste(as.character(dim(dataM[[2]])[1]),'row names matched between data and loadings'))
print(paste('Updated dimension of data:',as.character(paste(dim(dataM[[2]]), collapse = ' '))))
# do projection
dat2P<-apply(dataM[[2]],1,function(x) x-mean(x))
projectionPatterns<- dat2P %*% dataM[[1]] #head(X %*% PCA$rotation)
#calculate percent varience accoutned for by each PC in newdata
#PercentVariance<-round(Eigenvalues/sum(Eigenvalues) * 100, digits = 2)
PercentVariance<-apply(projectionPatterns,2, function(x) 100*var(x)/sum(apply(projectionPatterns,2,var)))
projectionFit <- list(t(projectionPatterns), PercentVariance) #also need to change this to transpose
#' @examples
#' pca.RNAseq6l3c3t<-prcomp(t(p.RNAseq6l3c3t))
#' r.RNAseq6l3c3t<-rotatoR(1,1,-1,-1,pca.RNAseq6l3c3t$rotation[,1:2])
#' pca.ESepiGen4c1l<-projectR(data=p.ESepiGen4c1l$mRNA.Seq,
#' loadings=r.RNAseq6l3c3t, dataNames = map.ESepiGen4c1l[["GeneSymbols"]])
#' @rdname projectR-methods
#' @aliases projectR
data, # a dataset to be projected onto
loadings, # a matrix of continous values to be projected with unique rownames
dataNames = NULL, # a vector with names of data rows
loadingsNames = NULL, # a vector with names of loadings rows
NP=NA, # vector of integers indicating which columns of loadings object to use. The default of NP=NA will use entire matrix.
full=FALSE # logical indicating whether to return the full model solution. By default only the new pattern object is returned.
loadings <- loadings@rotatedM
#match genes in data sets
dataNames <- rownames(data)
loadingsNames <- rownames(loadings)
dataM<-geneMatchR(data1=data, data2=loadings, data1Names=dataNames, data2Names=loadingsNames, merge=FALSE)
print(paste(as.character(dim(dataM[[2]])[1]),'row names matched between data and loadings'))
print(paste('Updated dimension of data:',as.character(paste(dim(dataM[[2]]), collapse = ' '))))
# do projection
dat2P<-apply(dataM[[2]],1,function(x) x-mean(x))
projectionPatterns<- dat2P %*% dataM[[1]] #head(X %*% PCA$rotation)
#calculate percent varience accounted for by each PC in newdata
PercentVariance<-round(Eigenvalues/sum(Eigenvalues) * 100, digits = 2)
projectionFit <- list(t(projectionPatterns), PercentVariance)
#' @import limma
#' @examples
#' c.RNAseq6l3c3t<-correlateR(genes="T", dat=p.RNAseq6l3c3t, threshtype="N",
#' threshold=10, absR=TRUE)
#' cor.ESepiGen4c1l<-projectR(data=p.ESepiGen4c1l$mRNA.Seq, loadings=c.RNAseq6l3c3t,
#' NP="PositiveCOR", dataNames = map.ESepiGen4c1l[["GeneSymbols"]])
#' @rdname projectR-methods
#' @aliases projectR
data, # a dataset to be projected onto
loadings, # a matrix of continous values to be projected with unique rownames
dataNames = NULL, # a vector with names of data rows
loadingsNames = NULL, # a vector with names of loadings rows
NP=NA, #can be used to select for "NegativeCOR" or "PositiveCOR" list from correlateR class obj containing both. By default is NA
full=FALSE, # logical indicating whether to return the percent variance accounted for by each projected PC. By default only the new pattern object is returned.
bootstrapPval=FALSE, # logical to indicate whether to generate p-values using bootstrap
bootIter=1e3 # No of bootstrap iterations
patterns <- loadings@corM
colnames(patterns) <- NP
else {
#check length of patterns "PositiveCOR" and "NegativeCOR" or just positive
patterns <- do.call(rbind,patterns)
patterns <- as.matrix(patterns)
return(projectR(data = data, loadings = patterns,dataNames = dataNames, loadingsNames = loadingsNames, full = full,
bootstrapPval = bootstrapPval, bootIter = bootIter))
#' @param targetNumPatterns desired number of patterns with hclust
#' @param sourceData data used to create cluster object
#' @import limma
#' @import cluster
#' @importFrom stats cutree
#' @rdname projectR-methods
#' @aliases projectR
setMethod("projectR", signature(data="matrix", loadings="hclust"),
function(data, loadings, dataNames=NULL, loadingsNames=NULL, full=FALSE,
targetNumPatterns, sourceData,bootstrapPval=FALSE,bootIter=1000)
cut <- cutree(loadings, k=targetNumPatterns)
patterns <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(sourceData), ncol=targetNumPatterns)
rownames(patterns) <- rownames(sourceData)
for(x in 1:targetNumPatterns)
patterns[cut==x,x] <- apply(sourceData[cut==x,], 1, cor, y=colMeans(sourceData[cut==x,]))
return(projectR(data, loadings=patterns, dataNames, loadingsNames, full = full))
#' @rdname projectR-methods
#' @aliases projectR
setMethod("projectR", signature(data="matrix", loadings="kmeans"),
function(data, loadings, dataNames=NULL, loadingsNames=NULL, full=FALSE, sourceData,bootstrapPval=FALSE,bootIter=1000)
patterns <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(sourceData), ncol=length(loadings$size))
rownames(patterns) <- rownames(sourceData)
for(x in 1:length(loadings$size))
patterns[loadings$cluster==x,x] <- apply(sourceData[loadings$cluster==x,], 1, cor, y=colMeans(sourceData[loadings$cluster==x,]))
return(projectR(data, loadings=patterns, dataNames= dataNames, full = full,bootstrapPval=bootstrapPval,bootIter=bootIter))
#' @examples
#' library("projectR")
#' data(p.RNAseq6l3c3t)
#' nP<-3
#' kClust<-kmeans(t(p.RNAseq6l3c3t),centers=nP)
#' kpattern<-cluster2pattern(clusters = kClust, NP = nP, data = p.RNAseq6l3c3t)
#' p<-as.matrix(p.RNAseq6l3c3t)
#' projectR(p,kpattern)
#' @rdname projectR-methods
#' @aliases projectR
setMethod("projectR", signature(data="matrix", loadings="cluster2pattern"),
function(data, loadings, dataNames=NULL, loadingsNames=NULL, full=FALSE, sourceData,bootstrapPval=FALSE,bootIter=1000)
loadings = loadings@clusterMatrix
# NA results from cor when sd is zero in some of the groups
loadings[is.na(loadings)] <- 0
return(projectR(data, loadings=loadings, dataNames= dataNames, full = full,bootstrapPval=bootstrapPval,bootIter=bootIter))
compareBoots <- function(projection,boots){
mat <- sapply(1:nrow(projection),function(i){
val <- sapply(1:length(boots),function(x){
valD <- ecdf(val)
qt0 <- valD(0)
if(qt0 < 0.5){
} else {
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