filterExpression.OUTRIDER <- function(object, gtfFile, fpkmCutoff=1,
percentile=0.95, filterGenes=TRUE, savefpkm=FALSE,
minCounts=FALSE, addExpressedGenes=TRUE, ...){
object <- filterMinCounts(object, filterGenes=filterGenes,
object <- computeGeneLength(object, gtfFile=gtfFile, ...)
filterExp(object, fpkmCutoff=fpkmCutoff, percentile=percentile,
filterGenes=filterGenes, savefpkm=savefpkm,
#' Filter expression
#' To filter out non expressed genes this method uses the FPKM values to
#' get a comparable value over genes. For each gene, if the pth-
#' \code{percentile} is greater than the \code{fpkmCutoff} value, it passes the
#' filter. To calcute the FPKM values the user needs to provide a GTF file or
#' the basepair parameter as described in \code{\link[DESeq2]{fpkm}}.
#' @rdname filterExpression
#' @param object An OutriderDataSet object
#' @param filterGenes If TRUE, the default, the object is subseted.
#' @param minCounts If TRUE, only genes with 0 counts in all samples are
#' filtered
#' @param gtfFile A txDb object or a GTF/GFF file to be used as annotation
#' @param fpkmCutoff The threshold for filtering based on the FPKM value
#' @param percentile a numeric indicating the percentile FPKM value to compare
#' against the \code{fpkmCutoff}
#' @param savefpkm If TRUE, the FPKM values are saved as assay
#' @param addExpressedGenes If TRUE (default), adds 5 columns to the
#' \code{colData} with information regarding the number of
#' expressed genes per sample
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{computeGeneLength}
#' @return An OutriderDataSet containing the \code{passedFilter} column, which
#' indicates if the given gene passed the filtering threshold. If
#' \code{filterGenes} is TRUE the object is already subsetted.
#' @examples
#' ods <- makeExampleOutriderDataSet(dataset="GTExSkinSmall")
#' annotationFile <- system.file("extdata",
#' "gencode.v19.genes.small.gtf.gz", package="OUTRIDER")
#' ods <- filterExpression(ods, annotationFile, filterGenes=FALSE)
#' mcols(ods)['passedFilter']
#' fpkm(ods)[1:10,1:10]
#' dim(ods)
#' ods <- ods[mcols(ods)[['passedFilter']]]
#' dim(ods)
#' @export
setMethod("filterExpression", "OutriderDataSet", filterExpression.OUTRIDER)
filterExp <- function(ods, fpkmCutoff, percentile, filterGenes, savefpkm,
fpkm <- fpkm(ods)
assay(ods, 'fpkm', withDimnames=FALSE) <- fpkm
passed <- rowQuantiles(fpkm, probs=percentile) > fpkmCutoff
mcols(ods)['passedFilter'] <- passed
if(addExpressedGenes == TRUE){
dt <- computeExpressedGenes(fpkm, cutoff=fpkmCutoff,
goodCols <- !colnames(colData(ods)) %in% colnames(dt[,-1])
colData(ods) <- DataFrame(row.names=colData(ods)$sampleID,
merge(colData(ods)[,goodCols, drop=FALSE],
dt, by="sampleID", sort=FALSE))
message(paste0(sum(!passed), ifelse(filterGenes,
" genes are filtered out. ", " genes did not pass the filter. "),
"This is ", signif(sum(!passed)/length(passed)*100, 3),
"% of the genes."))
ods <- ods[passed == TRUE,]
#' Extracting the gene length from annotations
#' Computes the length for each gene based on the given GTF file or annotation.
#' Here the length of a gene is defind by the total number of bases covered
#' by exons.
#' @param ods An OutriderDataSet for which the gene length should be computed.
#' @param gtfFile Can be a GTF file or an txDb object with annotation.
#' @param format The format parameter from \code{makeTxDbFromGFF}
#' @param mapping If set, it is used to map gene names between the GFT and the
#' ods object. This should be a 2 column data.frame:
#' 1. column GTF names and 2. column ods names.
#' @param ... further arguments to \code{makeTxDbFromGFF}
#' @return An OutriderDataSet containing a \code{basepairs} column with the
#' calculated gene length. Accessable through
#' \code{mcols(ods)['baisepairs']}
#' @examples
#' ods <- makeExampleOutriderDataSet(dataset="GTExSkinSmall")
#' annotationFile <- system.file("extdata", "gencode.v19.genes.small.gtf.gz",
#' package="OUTRIDER")
#' ods <- computeGeneLength(ods, annotationFile)
#' mcols(ods)['basepairs']
#' fpkm(ods)[1:10,1:10]
#' @export
computeGeneLength <- function(ods, gtfFile, format='gtf', mapping=NULL, ...){
if(!is(gtfFile, "TxDb")){
#created txdb object
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(gtfFile, format=format, ...)
} else {
txdb <- gtfFile
# collect the exons per gene id
exons_list_per_gene <- exonsBy(txdb,by="gene")
# for each gene, reduce all the exons to a set of non overlapping exons,
# calculate their lengths (widths) and sum then
widths <- width(reduce(exons_list_per_gene))
totalexonlength <- vapply(widths, sum, numeric(1))
mapping <-
tmpmapping <- mapping[,2]
names(tmpmapping) <- mapping[,1]
mapping <- tmpmapping
names(totalexonlength) <- mapping[names(totalexonlength)]
mcols(ods)['basepairs'] <- totalexonlength[rownames(ods)]
# checking for NAs in basepair annotation
missingNames <- rownames(ods)[['basepairs'])]
warning(paste0("Some genes (n=", length(missingNames),
") are not found in the annotation. Setting 'basepairs' == 1. ",
"The first 6 names are:\n", paste(collapse=", ",
missingNames[seq_len(min(6, length(missingNames)))])))
mcols(ods[['basepairs'])[,1]])['basepairs'] <- 1
#' Calculate FPM and FPKM values
#' This is the fpm and fpkm function from DESeq2. For more details see:
#' \code{\link[DESeq2]{fpkm}} and \code{\link[DESeq2]{fpm}}
#' @name fpkm
#' @rdname fpkm
#' @aliases fpkm fpm
#' @seealso \code{\link[DESeq2]{fpkm}} \code{\link[DESeq2]{fpm}}
#' @examples
#' ods <- makeExampleOutriderDataSet()
#' mcols(ods)['basepairs'] <- round(rnorm(nrow(ods), 1000, 500))
#' mcols(ods)['basepairs']
#' fpkm(ods)[1:10,1:10]
#' fpm(ods)[1:10,1:10]
#' @export fpkm
#' @export fpm
#' Filter zero counts
#' @noRd
filterMinCounts <- function(x, filterGenes=FALSE, verbose=TRUE){
passed <- !checkCountRequirements(x, test=TRUE)
mcols(x)['passedFilter'] <- passed
message(paste0(sum(!passed), " genes did not pass the filter due to ",
"zero counts. This is ",
signif(sum(!passed)/length(passed)*100, 3), "% of the genes."))
x <- x[passed,]
#' Returns a data.table with summary statistics per sample on number of genes
#' @noRd
computeExpressedGenes <- function(fpkm, cutoff=1, percentile=0.95){
# Get cells that passed cutoff
cutoffPassedMatrix <- fpkm > cutoff
# Remove rows where no genes passed the cutoff
cutoffPassedMatrix <- cutoffPassedMatrix[rowSums(cutoffPassedMatrix) > 0,]
# Make a data.table with the expressed genes
expGenesDt <- data.table(sampleID = colnames(cutoffPassedMatrix),
expressedGenes = colSums(cutoffPassedMatrix))
# order by sample rank
setorder(expGenesDt, "expressedGenes")
cutoffPassedMatrix <- cutoffPassedMatrix[, expGenesDt$sample]
# Get the cummulative sum of expressed genes
cumSumMatrix <- rowCumsums(cutoffPassedMatrix + 0)
# Get the genes that appear in at least 1 sample
expGenesDt$unionExpressedGenes <- colSums(cumSumMatrix > 0)
# Get the genes common in all samples
expGenesDt$intersectionExpressedGenes <- rowSums(
t(cumSumMatrix) == seq_col(cumSumMatrix))
# Get number of genes passing the filtering
expGenesDt$passedFilterGenes <- colSums(
t(t(cumSumMatrix)/seq_col(cumSumMatrix)) >= 1-percentile)
# Rank for plotting
expGenesDt[, c("expressedGenesRank"):=list(.I)]
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