# Create Basic Circos Plot for Protein x CNV
# Lizhong Liu and Gabriel Odom
# 2018-12-17
# Last updated: 2019-05-13
###### 1. Input Data ########################################################
# setwd("~/Dropbox (BBSR)/Ban and Odom - Bioconductor Package/Example Data/Xena Multi-Omics Ovarian")
dataDir_path <- system.file(
"extdata", package = "pathwayPCA", mustWork = TRUE
wikipathways_PC <- read_gmt(
paste0(dataDir_path, "/wikipathways_human_symbol.gmt"),
description = TRUE
# copyNumberClean_df <- read_csv("OV_surv_x_copyNumber.csv")
# proteo_df <- read_csv("OV_surv_x_PNNLproteome_imputed.csv")
# ##choose c2 pathway
# PWCs_char <- c(c2 = "c2.cp.v6.0.symbols.gmt")
# pw <- "c2"
# PWC <- read_gmt(
# paste0("../PathwayCollections/", PWCs_char[pw])
# )
# ####2. check whether copynumber and Proteomics are match samples
# nrow(proteo_df) #83 rows
# nrow(copyNumberClean_df) #564 rows
# copyNumberClean_df$Sample[1:10]
# proteo_df$Sample[1:10]
# ##subset "-" then convert into "."
# loci<-str_locate_all(copyNumberClean_df$Sample[1],"-")[[1]][3,1]
# name1<-str_sub(copyNumberClean_df$Sample,1,loci-1)
# name2<-str_replace_all(name1,"-",".")
# sum(name2 %in% proteo_df$Sample) #83 = nrow of proteo_df
# copyNumberClean_df$Sample <-name2
# #so they are matched samples!!!
# ####3. match samples
# logi<-name2 %in% proteo_df$Sample
# copyNumberSubset<-copyNumberClean_df[logi,]
# copyNumberSubset<-copyNumberSubset[order(copyNumberSubset$Sample),]
# proteo_df<-proteo_df[order(proteo_df$Sample),]
###### 2. AESPCA ############################################################
### Copy Number ###
copyNum_Omics <- CreateOmics(
assayData_df = ovCNV_df,
pathwayCollection_ls = wikipathways_PC,
response = ovPheno_df,
respType = "surv",
minPathSize = 5
a1 <- Sys.time()
c2copyNum_aespca <- AESPCA_pVals(
numReps = 0,
parallel = TRUE,
numCores = 20,
adjustment = "BH"
Sys.time() - a1 # 2.8 min
### Proteome ###
proteo_Omics <- CreateOmics(
assayData_df = ovProteome_df,
pathwayCollection_ls = wikipathways_PC,
response = ovPheno_df,
respType = "surv",
minPathSize = 5
a2 <- Sys.time()
c2proteo_aespca <- AESPCA_pVals(
numReps = 0,
parallel = TRUE,
numCores = 20,
adjustment = "BH"
Sys.time() - a2 # 0.4 min
### gene expression ###
mRNA_Omics <- CreateOmics(
assayData_df = ovmRNA_df,
pathwayCollection_ls = wikipathways_PC,
response = ovPheno_df,
respType = "surv",
minPathSize = 5
a3 <- Sys.time()
c2mRNA_aespca <- AESPCA_pVals(
numReps = 0,
parallel = TRUE,
numCores = 20,
adjustment = "BH"
Sys.time() - a3 # 1.4 min
# saveRDS(c2copyNum_aespca,"lizhong_c2copyNumber_aespca.RDS")
# saveRDS(c2proteo_aespca, "lizhong_c2proteo_aespca.RDS")
###### 3. Join PC Values ####################################################
# The IL-1 signaling pathway is coded as WP195.
cnvIL1PC1_df <- getPathPCLs(c2copyNum_aespca, "WP195")$PCs %>%
rename(cnvPC1 = V1)
mRNAIL1PC1_df <- getPathPCLs(c2mRNA_aespca, "WP195")$PCs %>%
rename(mRNAPC1 = V1)
protIL1PC1_df <- getPathPCLs(c2proteo_aespca, "WP195")$PCs %>%
rename(protPC1 = V1)
jointPC1_df <- inner_join(
by = "sampleID"
jointPC1_df2 <- inner_join(
by = "sampleID"
jointPC1_df2[, -1] <- scale(jointPC1_df2[, -1])
jointScaledRanks_df <- jointPC1_df2 %>%
mutate(cnvRank = rank(cnvPC1)) %>%
mutate(mRNARank = rank(mRNAPC1)) %>%
mutate(protRank = rank(protPC1))
# ####4.select one pathway, extract genes data of this pathway
# ##consider choose "PID_IL2_PI3K_PATHWAY" pathway
# ##34 genes inside this pathway
# PWC$pathways[[which(PWC$TERMS=="PID_IL1_PATHWAY")]]
# ## for copynumber, find the pc1 scores
# c2copyNumPC1<-getPathPCLs(c2copyNum_aespca, "PID_IL1_PATHWAY")$PCs
# ## for protomecs, find the pc1 scores
# c2ProteoPC1<-getPathPCLs(c2proteo_aespca, "PID_IL1_PATHWAY")$PCs
# ##merge data and tidy into a data frame
# # NOTE: I (Gabriel) don't think this is correct...
# all.equal(cnvIL1PC1_df$sampleID[1:83], protIL1PC1_df$sampleID)
# # Nope.
# lizhong_totalPC<-cbind(copyNumberSubset$Sample,c2copyNumPC1[,2],c2ProteoPC1[,2])
# colnames(lizhong_totalPC)<-c("sample","c2copyNumPC1","c2ProteoPC1")
# ##z-tranform for PC1 scores
# set.seed(5000)
# lizhong_totalPC$TransC2CopyNumPC1 <- scale(lizhong_totalPC$c2copyNumPC1)
# lizhong_totalPC$TransC2ProteoPC1 <- scale(lizhong_totalPC$c2ProteoPC1)
##set color scale
# lizhong_totalPC <- lizhong_totalPC[order(lizhong_totalPC$TransC2ProteoPC1),]
# lizhong_totalPC$proteinOrder <- order(lizhong_totalPC$TransC2ProteoPC1)
# lizhong_totalPC <- lizhong_totalPC[order(lizhong_totalPC$TransC2CopyNumPC1),]
# lizhong_totalPC$copyNumOrder <- order(lizhong_totalPC$TransC2CopyNumPC1)
# sum(lizhong_totalPC$TransC2CopyNumPC1>0) #38 pos
# sum(lizhong_totalPC$TransC2CopyNumPC1<0) #45 neg
# saveRDS(lizhong_totalPC,"lizhong_totalPC.RDS")
###### 4. Colour Set-up #####################################################
# Define custom colours
sum(jointPC1_df2$cnvPC1 > 0) # 30 pos, 31 negative
blues_char <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white"))(31)
plot(x = 1:31, y = rep(0, 31), pch = 15, col = blues_char)
reds_char <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "red"))(30)
plot(x = 1:30, y = rep(0, 30), pch = 15, col = reds_char)
palette_char <- c(blues_char, reds_char)
plot(x = 1:61, y = rep(0, 61), pch = 15, col = palette_char)
jointSortedRanks_df <- jointScaledRanks_df %>%
cnvCol <- palette_char[jointSortedRanks_df$cnvRank]
mRNACol <- palette_char[jointSortedRanks_df$mRNARank]
protCol <- palette_char[jointSortedRanks_df$protRank]
showpanel = function(col){
z = matrix(seq_len(100), ncol = 1),
col = col, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n"
###### 5. Circos Plot #######################################################
nSamps <- 61
factors <- seq_len(nSamps)
"gap.degree" = 0,
"cell.padding" = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
start.degree = 360/40,
track.margin = c(0, 0),
"clock.wise" = FALSE
circos.initialize(factors = factors, xlim = c(0, 3))
# proteomics
ylim = c(0, 3),
factors = factors,
bg.col = protCol,
track.height = 0.3
# gene expression
ylim = c(0, 3),
factors = factors,
bg.col = mRNACol,
track.height = 0.3
# copy number
ylim = c(0, 3),
factors = factors,
bg.col = cnvCol,
track.height = 0.3
##add legends
col_fun = colorRamp2(c(-2, 0, 2), c("blue", "white", "red"))
lgd_links = Legend(at = c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2), col_fun = col_fun,
title_position = "topleft", title = "PC1 score")
draw(lgd_links, x = unit(25, "mm"), y = unit(65, "mm"), just = c("left", "bottom"))
# ##write characters
# suppressMessages(
# circos.trackText(
# rep(-3, nSamps),
# rep(-3.8, nSamps),
# labels = "IL-1 Signaling \n Pathway",
# factors = factors,
# col = "#2d2d2d",
# font = 2,
# adj = par("adj"),
# cex = 1.5,
# facing = "downward",
# niceFacing = TRUE
# )
# )
# ##add legends
# par(new = TRUE)
# par(mar = c(15, 32, 5, 0))
# plot(
# x = c(0, 0.1), y = c(0, 0.1),
# type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
# axes = FALSE,
# main = "pc1 score"
# )
# text(x = 0.05, y = 0.09, "Red: > 0")
# text(x = 0.05, y = 0.07, "Blue: < 0")
# par(new=TRUE)
# par(mar = c(0,0,13,32))
# plot(c(0,0.1),c(0,0.1),type = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '',axes = F, main = 'outer loop:')
# par(new=TRUE)
# par(mar = c(0,0,15,32))
# plot(c(0,0.1),c(0,0.1),type = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '',axes = F, main = 'copyNumber',cex=0.5)
# par(new=TRUE)
# par(mar = c(5,0,20,32))
# plot(c(0,0.1),c(0,0.1),type = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '',axes = F, main = 'inner loop:')
# par(new=TRUE)
# par(mar = c(5,0,22,32))
# plot(c(0,0.1),c(0,0.1),type = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '',axes = F, main = 'proteOmics',cex=0.5)
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