## Authors:
## Florian Auer [florian.auer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de]
## Description:
## Base functions to create, parse, modify CX networks from/to JSON data
#' Visualize a Network
#' Visualize [RCX][RCX-object] and CX networks in RStudio or in an external browser.
#' @details
#' This function uses the Java Script library used by the NDEx platform (\url{https://ndexbio.org/}) to visualize
#' the [RCX][RCX-object] or CX network from [toCX].
#' In the first case, the [RCX][RCX-object] is converted to CX (JSON) using [toCX].
#' By default the visualization is opened in RStudio in the *Viewer* panel.
#' If this function is not executed in RStudio, the visualization is opened in the standard web-browser.
#' This also can be forced from within RStudio using *openExternal*.
#' If the network contains the necessary Cytoscape styles (see \url{http://manual.cytoscape.org/en/stable/Styles.html})
#' the network is visualized as seen on the NDEx platform.
#' To define the layout of the network the coordinate from [CartesianLayout] are used to determine the location of
#' the nodes. If this aspect is missing, or the the coordinates should be ignored, the *layout* parameter can be used
#' to set a different layout.
#' *layout* follows therefore the definition of Cytoscape.js (see \url{https://js.cytoscape.org/#layouts}).
#' A simple definition can be setting only the *name* of the desired layout, e.g. `random`.
#' Additional options can be passed as named list, where the values are passed without quoting.
#' This allows for even passing Java Script functions to Cytoscape.js.
#' The visualization can also be saved as HTML file using the [writeHTML] function instead of this one.
#' @param x network; [RCX][RCX-object] or CX object
#' @param layout named character or list; e.g. `c(name="random")`
#' @param openExternal logical; whether to open in an external browser instead of the RStudio viewer
#' @return `NULL`
#' @export
#' @seealso [rcxToJson], [readCX], [writeCX]
#' @examples
#' ## prepare RCX
#' rcx = createRCX(
#' createNodes(name = c("a","b","c")),
#' createEdges(
#' source=c(0,0,1),
#' target=c(1,2,2)
#' )
#' )
#' \donttest{
#' ## visualize the network
#' visualize(rcx)
#' ## force a different layout
#' visualize(rcx, c(name="cose"))
#' ## force a different layout with Java Script parameters
#' visualize(rcx, layout = c(name="random",animate="true"))
#' ## even pass a Java Script function
#' visualize(
#' rcx,
#' layout = c(
#' name="random",
#' animate="true",
#' animateFilter="function ( node, i ){ return true; }"
#' )
#' )
#' ## open the visualization in an external browser
#' visualize(
#' rcx,
#' layout = c(name="cose"),
#' openExternal = TRUE
#' )
#' }
visualize = function(x, layout=NULL, openExternal=FALSE){
UseMethod("visualize", x)
#' @rdname visualize
#' @export
visualize.RCX = function(x, layout=NULL, openExternal=FALSE) {
cx = toCX(x)
visualize(cx, layout, openExternal)
#' @rdname visualize
#' @export
visualize.CX = function(x, layout=NULL, openExternal=FALSE) {
tempDir <- tempfile()
htmlFile <- file.path(tempDir, "index.html")
writeHTML(x, htmlFile, layout=layout)
viewer <- getOption("viewer")
if (is.null(viewer) || openExternal)
#' Save network visualization as HTML file
#' Save an interactive single page visualization of [RCX][RCX-object] and CX networks as an HTML file
#' containing all necessary Java Script.
#' @details
#' This function uses the Java Script library used by the NDEx platform (\url{https://ndexbio.org/}) to visualize
#' the [RCX][RCX-object] or [CX][readCX] network.
#' The [RCX][RCX-object] is therefore converted to CX (JSON) using [toCX].
#' If the network contains the necessary Cytoscape styles (see \url{http://manual.cytoscape.org/en/stable/Styles.html})
#' the network is visualized as seen on the NDEx platform.
#' To define the layout of the network the coordinate from [CartesianLayout] are used to determine the location of
#' the nodes. If this aspect is missing, or the the coordinates should be ignored, the *layout* parameter can be used
#' to set a different layout.
#' *layout* follows therefore the definition of Cytoscape.js (see \url{https://js.cytoscape.org/#layouts}).
#' A simple definition can be setting only the *name* of the desired layout, e.g. `random`.
#' Additional options can be passed as named list, where the values are passed without quoting.
#' This allows for even passing Java Script functions to Cytoscape.js.
#' To visualize the network in RStudio the [visualize] function can be used instead.
#' @param x network; [RCX][RCX-object] or CX object
#' @param file character; path, where the html file should be saved
#' @param layout named character or list; e.g. `c(name="random")`
#' @param verbose logical; whether to print what is happening
#' @return file character; path, where the html file has been saved
#' @export
#' @seealso [rcxToJson], [readCX], [writeCX]
#' @examples
#' ## prepare RCX
#' rcx = createRCX(
#' createNodes(name = c("a","b","c")),
#' createEdges(
#' source=c(0,0,1),
#' target=c(1,2,2)
#' )
#' )
#' cx = toCX(rcx)
#' htmlFile = tempfile(fileext = ".html")
#' ## save the html
#' writeHTML(rcx, htmlFile)
#' ## or
#' writeHTML(cx, htmlFile)
#' ## force a different layout
#' writeHTML(rcx, htmlFile, c(name="cose"))
#' ## force a different layout with Java Script parameters
#' writeHTML(rcx, htmlFile, layout = c(name="random",animate="true"))
#' ## even pass a Java Script function
#' writeHTML(
#' rcx,
#' htmlFile,
#' layout = c(
#' name="random",
#' animate="true",
#' animateFilter="function ( node, i ){ return true; }"
#' )
#' )
writeHTML = function(x, file, layout=NULL, verbose=FALSE){
UseMethod("writeHTML", x)
#' @rdname writeHTML
#' @export
writeHTML.RCX = function(x, file, layout=NULL, verbose=FALSE){
if(verbose) cat("Convert RCX to CX (JSON)\n")
cx = toCX(x, verbose)
res = writeHTML(cx, file, layout, verbose)
#' @rdname writeHTML
#' @export
writeHTML.CX = function(x, file, layout=NULL, verbose=FALSE){
if(!endsWith(file,".html")) file = paste0(file,".html")
htmlFile = file
lnames = names(layout)
if(! "name" %in% lnames) layout$name = "none"
layoutTmp = paste0("name:'",layout["name"],"'")
layout = layout[names(layout)!="name"]
layoutTmp = c(layoutTmp,
layout = paste0(layoutTmp, collapse = ",")
layout = paste0("var layout = {",layout,"};")
html = c(
ifelse(is.null(layout),"var layout = cx2Js.getDefaultLayout();", layout),
if(verbose) cat(paste0('Writing html file to: ',htmlFile,'\n'))
writeLines(html, htmlFile)
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