## Authors:
## Florian Auer [florian.auer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de]
## Description:
## Base functions to create, parse, modify CX networks from/to JSON data
#' Read CX from file, parse the JSON and convert it to an [RCX][RCX-object] object
#' The `readCX` function combines three sub-task:
#' - read the JSON from file
#' - parse the JSON
#' - process the contained aspects to create an [RCX][RCX-object] object
#' If any errors occur during this process, the single steps can be performed individually.
#' This also allows to skip certain steps, for example if the JSON data is already availabe as text,
#' there is no need to save it as file and read it again.
#' ## Read the JSON from file
#' The `readJSON` function only read the content of a text file and returns it as a simple character vector.
#' ## Parse the JSON
#' The `parseJSON` function uses the [jsonlite] package, to parse JSON text:
#' `jsonlite::fromJSON(cx, simplifyVector = FALSE)`
#' The result is a list containing the aspect data as elements.
#' If, for some reason, the JSON is not valid, the [jsonlite] package raises an error.
#' ## Process the contained aspects to create an [RCX][RCX-object] object
#' With the `processCX` function, the single elements from the previous list will be processed with the [jsonToRCX] functions,
#' which creating objects for the single aspects.
#' The standard CX aspects are processed by generic functions named by the aspect names of the CX data structure, e.g.
#' `jsonToRCX.nodeAttributes` for the samely named CX aspect the corresponding `NodeAttributesAspect` in [RCX][RCX-object]
#' (see also \code{vignette("02. The RCX and CX Data Model")} or NDEx documentation: \url{https://home.ndexbio.org/data-model/}).
#' The CX network may contain additional aspects besides the officially defined ones.
#' This includes self defined or deprecated aspects, that sill can be found in the networks at the NDEx platform.
#' By default, those aspects are simply omitted.
#' In those cases, the setting *verbose* to `TRUE` is a good idea to see, which aspects cannot be processed this package.
#' Those not processable aspects can be handled individually, but it is advisable to extend the [jsonToRCX] functions by
#' implementing own versions for those aspects.
#' Additionally, the **update** functions have to be implemented to add the newly generated aspect objects
#' to [RCX][RCX-object] object (see e.g. [updateNodes] or [updateEdges]).
#' Therefore, the function also have to be named `"update<aspect-name>`, where aspect-name is the capitalized version of the
#' name used in the CX.
#' (see also \code{vignette("03. Extending the RCX Data Model")}
#' @param file character; the name of the file which the data are to be read from
#' @param json character; raw JSON data
#' @param aspectList list; list containing the aspect data (parsed JSON)
#' @param verbose logical; whether to print what is happening
#' @param aspectClasses named character; accession names and aspect classes [aspectClasses]
#' @return [RCX][RCX-object] object
#' @export
#' @seealso [jsonToRCX], [writeCX]
#' @examples
#' cxFile = system.file(
#' "extdata",
#' "Imatinib-Inhibition-of-BCR-ABL-66a902f5-2022-11e9-bb6a-0ac135e8bacf.cx",
#' package = "RCX"
#' )
#' rcx = readCX(cxFile)
#' ## OR:
#' json = readJSON(cxFile)
#' aspectList = parseJSON(json)
#' rcx = processCX(aspectList)
readCX = function(file, verbose=FALSE, aspectClasses=getAspectClasses()){
json = readJSON(file, verbose)
aspectList = parseJSON(json, verbose)
rcx = processCX(aspectList, verbose, aspectClasses=aspectClasses)
#' @describeIn readCX Reads the CX/JSON from file and returns the content as text
#' @export
readJSON = function(file, verbose=FALSE){
if(verbose) cat(paste0("Read file \"",file,'"...'))
fileCon = file(file)
json = readLines(fileCon, warn = FALSE)
json = paste0(json,collapse = "\n")
.addClass(json) = "json"
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @describeIn readCX Parses the JSON text and returns a list with the aspect data
#' @export
parseJSON = function(json, verbose=FALSE){
if(verbose) cat(paste0("Parse json..."))
jsonList = jsonlite::fromJSON(json, simplifyVector = FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @describeIn readCX Processes the list of aspect data and creates an [RCX][RCX-object]
#' @export
processCX = function(aspectList, verbose=FALSE, aspectClasses=getAspectClasses()){
## get the names of the aspects
jsonNames = vapply(aspectList, names, character(1))
posAspects = names(aspectClasses)
## rearrange order of the aspects to be processed
posAspects = posAspects[!posAspects %in% c("nodes", "metaData", "rcx")]
posAspects = c("nodes", posAspects, "metaData")
presAspects = posAspects[posAspects %in% jsonNames]
notPresAspects = jsonNames[! jsonNames %in% presAspects]
rcx = list()
rawData = list()
for(acc in c(presAspects, notPresAspects)){
i = match(acc, jsonNames)
## metaData might be composed of pre- and post-metaData
for(j in i){
jsonData = aspectList[[j]]
.addClass(jsonData) = acc
params = jsonToRCX(jsonData, verbose)
name = params$name
version = params$version
names(version) = name
version = version[!is.na(version)]
consistencyGroup = params$consistencyGroup
names(consistencyGroup) = name
consistencyGroup = consistencyGroup[!is.na(consistencyGroup)]
properties = params$properties
names(properties) = name
properties = properties[
if(length(p)==0) return(FALSE)
return(ifelse(all(is.na(p)), FALSE, TRUE))
rcx = updateMetaData(rcx, version, consistencyGroup, properties)
for(j in i){
jsonData = aspectList[[j]]
.addClass(jsonData) = acc
aspect = jsonToRCX(jsonData, verbose)
if(verbose) cat(paste0("Create RCX from parsed nodes..."))
rcx = createRCX(aspect)
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
if(verbose) cat(paste0("Add aspect \"",acc,"\" to RCX..."))
cls = NA
cls = getAspectClasses()
if(any(class(aspect) %in% aspectClasses)){
cls = class(aspect)[class(aspect) %in% aspectClasses]
if(! is.na(cls)){
cname = sub("Aspect", "", cls)
cname = paste0("update",cname)
rcx = do.call(cname,
list(rcx, aspect))
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
if(verbose) cat(paste0("Can't process aspect \"",acc,"\", so skip it..."))
rawData[[acc]] = jsonData
tmp = rawData[[acc]]
if(is.null(tmp)) tmp = list()
tmp[[length(tmp)+1]] = jsonData
rawData[[acc]] = tmp
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' Convert parsed JSON aspects to RCX
#' Functions to handle parsed JSON for the different aspects.
#' These functions will be used in \code{\link{processCX}} to process the JSON data for every aspect.
#' Each aspect is accessible in the CX-JSON by a particular accession name (i.e. its aspect name; see NDEx documentation:
#' \url{https://home.ndexbio.org/data-model/}).
#' This name is used as class to handle different aspects by method dispatch.
#' This simplifies the extension of RCX for non-standard or self-defined aspects.
#' The CX-JSON is parsed to R data types using the [jsonlite] package as follows:
#' `jsonlite::fromJSON(cx, simplifyVector = FALSE)`
#' This results in a list of lists (of lists...) to avoid automatic data type conversions, which affect the correctness and
#' usability of the data. Simplified JSON data for example [NodeAttributes] would be coerced into a data.frame,
#' therefore the `value` column looses the format for data types other than `string`.
#' The *jsonData* will be a list with only one element named by the aspect:
#' `jsonData$<accessionName>`
#' To access the parsed data for example nodes, this can be done by `jsonData$nodes`.
#' The single aspects are then created using the corresponding **create** functions and combined to an [RCX][RCX-object]
#' object using the corresponding **update** functions.
#' @param jsonData nested list from parsed JSON
#' @param verbose logical; whether to print what is happening
#' @return created aspect or `NULL`
#' @export
#' @seealso [rcxToJson], [toCX], [readCX], [writeCX]
#' @examples
#' nodesJD = list(nodes=list(list("@id"=6, name="EGFR"),
#' list("@id"=7, name="CDK3")))
#' class(nodesJD) = c("nodes", class(nodesJD))
#' jsonToRCX(nodesJD, verbose=TRUE)
jsonToRCX = function(jsonData, verbose){
UseMethod("jsonToRCX", jsonData)
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.default = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat(paste0("Don't know what to do with a \"", names(jsonData), '" aspect!\n'))
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.status = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat(paste0("Ignore \"", names(jsonData), '" aspect, not necessary in RCX!\n'))
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.numberVerification = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat(paste0("Ignore \"", names(jsonData), '" aspect, not necessary in RCX!\n'))
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.metaData = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing meta-data...")
data = jsonData$metaData
result = list(
name = .jsonV(data, "name"),
version = .jsonV(data, "version"),
consistencyGroup = .jsonV(data, "consistencyGroup", returnAllDefault = FALSE),
properties = .jsonL(data, "properties", unList=FALSE, returnAllDefault = FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.nodes = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing nodes...")
data = jsonData$nodes
id = .jsonV(data, "@id")
name = .jsonV(data, "n", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
represents = .jsonV(data, "r", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createNodes(id,
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.edges = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing edges...")
data = jsonData$edges
id = .jsonV(data, "@id")
source = .jsonV(data, "s")
target = .jsonV(data, "t")
interacts = .jsonV(data, "i", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createEdges(id,
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.nodeAttributes = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing node attributes...")
data = jsonData$nodeAttributes
propertyOf = .jsonV(data, "po")
name = .jsonV(data, "n")
value = .jsonL(data, "v")
dataType = .json2RDataType(.jsonV(data, "d"))
subnetworkId = .jsonV(data, "s", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createNodeAttributes(propertyOf,
dataType = dataType$type,
isList = dataType$isList,
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.edgeAttributes = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing edge attributes...")
data = jsonData$edgeAttributes
propertyOf = .jsonV(data, "po")
name = .jsonV(data, "n")
value = .jsonL(data, "v")
dataType = .json2RDataType(.jsonV(data, "d"))
subnetworkId = .jsonV(data, "s", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createEdgeAttributes(propertyOf,
dataType = dataType$type,
isList = dataType$isList,
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.networkAttributes = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing network attributes...")
data = jsonData$networkAttributes
propertyOf = .jsonV(data, "po")
name = .jsonV(data, "n")
value = .jsonL(data, "v")
dataType = .json2RDataType(.jsonV(data, "d"))
subnetworkId = .jsonV(data, "s", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createNetworkAttributes(name,
dataType = dataType$type,
isList = dataType$isList,
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.cartesianLayout = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing cartesian layout...")
data = jsonData$cartesianLayout
node = .jsonV(data, "node")
x = .jsonV(data, "x")
y = .jsonV(data, "y")
z = .jsonV(data, "z", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
view = .jsonV(data, "view", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createCartesianLayout(node, x, y, z, view)
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.cyGroups = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing Cytoscape groups...")
data = jsonData$cyGroups
id = .jsonV(data, "@id")
name = .jsonV(data, "n")
nodes = .jsonL(data, "nodes", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
externalEdges = .jsonL(data, "external_edges", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
internalEdges = .jsonL(data, "internal_edges", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
collapsed = .jsonV(data, "collapsed", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createCyGroups(id,
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.cyHiddenAttributes = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing Cytoscape hidden attributes...")
data = jsonData$cyHiddenAttributes
name = .jsonV(data, "n")
value = .jsonL(data, "v")
dataType = .json2RDataType(.jsonV(data, "d"))
subnetworkId = .jsonV(data, "s", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createCyHiddenAttributes(name,
dataType = dataType$type,
isList = dataType$isList,
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.cyNetworkRelations = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing Cytoscape network relations...")
data = jsonData$cyNetworkRelations
child = .jsonV(data, "c")
parent = .jsonL(data, "p", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
name = .jsonL(data, "name", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
isView = ifelse(.jsonL(data, "r")=="view", TRUE, FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createCyNetworkRelations(child, parent, name, isView)
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.cySubNetworks = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing Cytoscape subnetworks...")
data = jsonData$cySubNetworks
id = .jsonV(data, "@id")
nodes = .jsonL(data, "nodes", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
edges = .jsonL(data, "edges", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createCySubNetworks(id,
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.cyTableColumn = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing Cytoscape table columns...")
data = jsonData$cyTableColumn
appliesTo = .jsonL(data, "applies_to")
appliesTo = ifelse(appliesTo=="node_table", "nodes",
ifelse(appliesTo=="edge_table", "edges",
ifelse(appliesTo=="network_table", "networks",
name = .jsonV(data, "n")
dataType = .json2RDataType(.jsonV(data, "d"))
subnetworkId = .jsonV(data, "s", returnAllDefault=FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("create aspect...")
result = createCyTableColumn(appliesTo,
dataType = dataType$type,
isList = dataType$isList,
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
#' @rdname jsonToRCX
#' @export
jsonToRCX.cyVisualProperties = function(jsonData, verbose){
if(verbose) cat("Parsing Cytoscape visual properties...")
data = jsonData$cyVisualProperties
po = .jsonV(data, "properties_of")
appliesTo = .jsonV(data, "applies_to")
view = .jsonV(data, "view")
vpPP = .jsonL(data, "properties")
vpPP = lapply(vpPP,function(x){
if(!all(is.na(x))) x = createCyVisualPropertyProperties(x)
vpPD = .jsonL(data, "dependencies")
vpPD = lapply(vpPD,function(x){
if(!all(is.na(x))) x = createCyVisualPropertyDependencies(x)
vpPM = .jsonL(data, "mappings", unList=FALSE)
vpPM = lapply(vpPM,function(x){
if(!all(is.na(x))) {
n = names(x)
t = vapply(x, function(y){y$type}, character(1))
d = vapply(x, function(y){y$definition}, character(1))
x = createCyVisualPropertyMappings(t, d, n)
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
if(verbose) cat("- Create sub-objects...")
vpP = list()
for(p in names(.DICT$VPpropertiesOf)){
tmp = .filterBy(.DICT$VPpropertiesOf[p], "po",
po, appliesTo, view, vpPP, vpPD, vpPM)
if(length(tmp)!=0) {
vpP[[p]] = createCyVisualProperty(properties=tmp$vpPP,
appliesTo = tmp$appliesTo,
view = tmp$view)
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
if(verbose) cat("- Create aspect...")
result = createCyVisualProperties(network=vpP$network,
if(verbose) cat("done!\n")
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