#' Evaluate candidate levels and select the optimal one
#' Evaluate all candidate levels proposed by \code{\link{getCand}} and select
#' the one with best performance. For more details about how the scoring is
#' done, see Huang et al (2021): https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-021-02368-1.
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @export
#' @param tree A \code{phylo} object.
#' @param type A character scalar indicating whether the evaluation is for a
#' DA-type workflow (set \code{type="single"}) or a DS-type workflow
#' (set \code{type="multiple"}).
#' @param levels A list of candidate levels that are returned by
#' \code{\link{getCand}}. If \code{type = "single"}, elements in the list
#' are candidate levels, and are named by the value of the tuning parameter.
#' If \code{type = "multiple"}, a nested list is required and
#' the list should be named by the feature (e.g., genes). In that case,
#' each element is a list of candidate levels for that feature.
#' @param score_data A \code{data.frame} (\code{type = "single"}) or a list of
#' \code{data.frame}s (\code{type = "multiple"}). Each \code{data.frame}
#' must have at least one column containing the node IDs
#' (defined by \code{node_column}), one column with p-values
#' (defined by \code{p_column}), one column with the direction of change
#' (defined by \code{sign_column}) and one optional column with the feature
#' (\code{feature_column}, for \code{type="multiple"}).
#' @param node_column The name of the column that contains the node information.
#' @param p_column The name of the column that contains p-values of nodes.
#' @param sign_column The name of the column that contains the direction of the
#' (estimated) change.
#' @param feature_column The name of the column that contains information about
#' the feature ID.
#' @param method method The multiple testing correction method. Please refer to
#' the argument \code{method} in \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}. Default is
#' "BH".
#' @param limit_rej The desired false discovery rate threshold.
#' @param use_pseudo_leaf A logical scalar. If \code{FALSE}, the FDR is
#' calculated on the leaf level of the tree; If \code{TRUE}, the FDR is
#' calculated on the pseudo-leaf level. The pseudo-leaf level is the level
#' on which entities have sufficient data to run analysis and the that is
#' closest to the leaf level.
#' @param message A logical scalar, indicating whether progress messages should
#' be printed.
#' @returns A list with the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{candidate_best}}{The best candidate level}
#' \item{\code{output}}{Node-level information for best candidate level}
#' \item{\code{candidate_list}}{A list of candidates}
#' \item{\code{level_info}}{Summary information of all candidates}
#' \item{\code{FDR}}{The specified FDR level}
#' \item{\code{method}}{The method to perform multiple test correction.}
#' \item{\code{column_info}}{A list with the specified node, p-value, sign
#' and feature column names}
#' }
#' More details about the columns in \code{level_info}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item t The thresholds.
#' \item r The upper limit of t to control FDR on the leaf level.
#' \item is_valid Whether the threshold is in the range to control leaf FDR.
#' \item \code{limit_rej} The specified FDR.
#' \item \code{level_name} The name of the candidate level.
#' \item \code{rej_leaf} The number of rejections on the leaf level.
#' \item \code{rej_pseudo_leaf} The number of rejected pseudo-leaf nodes.
#' \item \code{rej_node} The number of rejections on the tested candidate
#' level (leaves or internal nodes).
#' }
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate filter bind_rows
#' @importFrom TreeSummarizedExperiment findDescendant showNode matTree isLeaf
#' @examples
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages({
#' library(TreeSummarizedExperiment)
#' library(ggtree)
#' })
#' ## Generate example tree and assign p-values and signs to each node
#' data(tinyTree)
#' ggtree(tinyTree, branch.length = "none") +
#' geom_text2(aes(label = node)) +
#' geom_hilight(node = 13, fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
#' geom_hilight(node = 18, fill = "orange", alpha = 0.5)
#' set.seed(1)
#' pv <- runif(19, 0, 1)
#' pv[c(seq_len(5), 13, 14, 18)] <- runif(8, 0, 0.001)
#' fc <- sample(c(-1, 1), 19, replace = TRUE)
#' fc[c(seq_len(3), 13, 14)] <- 1
#' fc[c(4, 5, 18)] <- -1
#' df <- data.frame(node = seq_len(19),
#' pvalue = pv,
#' logFoldChange = fc)
#' ## Propose candidates
#' ll <- getCand(tree = tinyTree, score_data = df,
#' node_column = "node",
#' p_column = "pvalue",
#' sign_column = "logFoldChange")
#' ## Evaluate candidates
#' cc <- evalCand(tree = tinyTree, levels = ll$candidate_list,
#' score_data = ll$score_data, node_column = "node",
#' p_column = "pvalue", sign_column = "logFoldChange",
#' limit_rej = 0.05)
#' ## Best candidate
#' cc$candidate_best
#' ## Details for best candidate
#' cc$output
evalCand <- function(tree, type = c("single", "multiple"),
levels, score_data = NULL,
node_column, p_column, sign_column,
feature_column = NULL, method = "BH",
limit_rej = 0.05, use_pseudo_leaf = FALSE,
message = FALSE) {
## Check arguments
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
.assertVector(x = tree, type = "phylo")
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "single") {
.assertVector(x = score_data, type = "data.frame")
.assertVector(x = levels, type = "list")
score_data <- list(data.frame(score_data))
levels <- list(levels)
} else {
.assertVector(x = score_data, type = "list")
.assertVector(x = levels, type = "list")
score_data <- lapply(score_data, data.frame)
.assertScalar(x = node_column, type = "character")
.assertScalar(x = p_column, type = "character")
.assertScalar(x = sign_column, type = "character")
for (i in seq_along(score_data)) {
stopifnot(all(c(node_column, p_column, sign_column) %in%
.assertScalar(x = feature_column, type = "character", allowNULL = TRUE)
if (type == "multiple") {
if (is.null(feature_column)) {
warning("To distinguish results from different features, ",
"the feature_column is required.")
} else {
for (i in seq_along(score_data)) {
stopifnot(feature_column %in% colnames(score_data[[i]]))
.assertScalar(x = method, type = "character")
.assertScalar(x = limit_rej, type = "numeric", rngIncl = c(0, 1))
.assertScalar(x = use_pseudo_leaf, type = "logical")
.assertScalar(x = message, type = "logical")
## Get nodes for each candidate
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
node_list <- lapply(score_data, FUN = function(x) {
## Find pseudo-leaves (if requested)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Some nodes might not be included in the analysis step because they don't
## have enough data (invalid p-values). In such case, an internal node
## would become a pseudo-leaf node if its descendant nodes are filtered
## due to lack of sufficient data.
if (use_pseudo_leaf) {
## Find pseudo-leaves for each element in score_data
if (message) {
message("Finding the pseudo-leaf level for all features ...")
pseudo_leaf <- lapply(seq_along(score_data), FUN = function(x) {
if (message) {
message(x, " out of ", length(score_data),
" features finished", "\r", appendLF = FALSE)
.pseudoLeaf(tree = tree, score_data = score_data[[x]],
node_column = node_column, p_column = p_column)
names(pseudo_leaf) <- names(score_data)
## Count the number of leaves and pseudo-leaves for each node
if (message) {
message("Calculating the number of pseudo-leaves of each node",
"for all features ...")
info_nleaf <- lapply(seq_along(node_list), FUN = function(x) {
if (message) {
message(x, " out of ", length(node_list),
" features finished", "\r", appendLF = FALSE)
xx <- node_list[[x]]
ps.x <- pseudo_leaf[[x]]
desd.x <- TreeSummarizedExperiment::findDescendant(
tree = tree, node = xx, only.leaf = FALSE, self.include = TRUE)
leaf.x <- TreeSummarizedExperiment::findDescendant(
tree = tree, node = xx, only.leaf = TRUE, self.include = TRUE)
psLeaf.x <- lapply(desd.x, FUN = function(x) {
intersect(x, ps.x)
info <- cbind(n_leaf = unlist(lapply(leaf.x, length)),
n_pseudo_leaf = unlist(lapply(psLeaf.x, length)))
names(info_nleaf) <- names(score_data)
} else {
## Count number of leaves for each node
node_all <- TreeSummarizedExperiment::showNode(
tree = tree, only.leaf = FALSE)
desc_all <- TreeSummarizedExperiment::findDescendant(
tree = tree, node = node_all, only.leaf = TRUE, self.include = TRUE)
info_nleaf <- data.frame(
node = node_all,
n_leaf = unlist(lapply(desc_all, length)))
## Evaluate candidates
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (message) {
message("Evaluating candidates ... ")
## Get vector of t-values (should be the same for all features)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
tlist <- lapply(levels, names)
t <- tlist[!duplicated(tlist)]
if (length(t) > 1) {
stop("The names of elements in 'levels' are different")
t <- unlist(t)
t <- as.numeric(t)
## Initialize level_info data.frame
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
level_info <- data.frame(t = t, upper_t = NA,
is_valid = FALSE,
method = method,
limit_rej = limit_rej,
level_name = tlist[[1]],
best = FALSE,
rej_leaf = NA,
rej_node = NA,
rej_pseudo_leaf = NA,
rej_pseudo_node = NA)
## Go through each t-value and collect information
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sel <- vector("list", length(t))
names(sel) <- tlist[[1]]
for (i in seq_along(t)) {
if (message) {
message("Working on ", i , " out of ",
length(t), " candidates \r", appendLF = FALSE)
## Get the candidate level at t[i]
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
name_i <- as.character(level_info$level_name[i])
level_i <- lapply(levels, FUN = function(x) {
## Get the nodes in the candidate
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
sel_i <- mapply(function(x, y) {
ii <- match(x, y[[node_column]])
}, level_i, score_data, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
len_i <- lapply(sel_i, length)
## Adjust p-values
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
p_i <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) {
x[y, p_column]
}, score_data, sel_i, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
adp_i <- stats::p.adjust(p = unlist(p_i), method = method)
rej_i <- adp_i <= limit_rej
## The largest p value that is rejected
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
maxp_i <- max(c(-1, unlist(p_i)[rej_i]))
## Number of rejected branches
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
path <- TreeSummarizedExperiment::matTree(tree = tree)
n_C <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) {
## Nodes rejected in each feature
xx <- x[y, c(node_column, sign_column, p_column)]
xs <- xx[xx[[p_column]] <= maxp_i, ]
## Split nodes by sign
sn <- split(xs[[node_column]], sign(xs[[sign_column]]))
is_L <- lapply(sn, FUN = function(x) {
TreeSummarizedExperiment::isLeaf(tree = tree, node = x)})
rej_L <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) {
unique(x[y])}, sn, is_L)
rej_I <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) {
unique(x[!y]) }, sn, is_L)
rej_L2 <- lapply(rej_L, FUN = function(x) {
unique(path[path[, "L1"] %in% x, "L2"])})
length(unlist(rej_I)) + length(unlist(rej_L2))
}, score_data, sel_i, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
n_C <- sum(unlist(n_C))
## Number of rejected leaves
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (use_pseudo_leaf) {
rej_m1 <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) {
x[y, "n_pseudo_leaf"]
}, info_nleaf, sel_i, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
n_m <- sum(unlist(rej_m1)[rej_i %in% TRUE])
av_size <- n_m/max(n_C, 1)
} else {
node_i <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) {
x[y, node_column]
}, score_data, sel_i, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
node_r <- unlist(node_i)[rej_i %in% TRUE]
ind_r <- match(node_r, info_nleaf[["node"]])
n_m <- sum(info_nleaf[ind_r, "n_leaf"])
av_size <- n_m/max(n_C, 1)
## Estimate the maximal t that still controls the FDR and add
## columns to level_info
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
up_i <- min(2 * limit_rej * (max(av_size, 1) - 1), 1)
up_i <- round(up_i, 10)
level_info$upper_t[i] <- up_i
level_info$rej_leaf[i] <- n_m
level_info$rej_node[i] <- sum(rej_i)
if (use_pseudo_leaf) {
level_info$rej_pseudo_leaf[i] <- n_m
level_info$rej_pseudo_node[i] <- n_C
sel[[i]] <- sel_i
level_info$is_valid[i] <- up_i > t[i] | t[i] == 0
## Compare candidates and find the best one
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## candidates: levels that fulfill the requirement to control FDR on the
## (pseudo) leaf level when multiple hypothesis correction is performed
if (all(!level_info$is_valid)) {
stop("No valid level could be found controlling the leaf-level FDR ",
"at the indicated level.")
isB <- level_info |>
dplyr::filter(.data$is_valid) |>
dplyr::filter(.data$rej_leaf == max(.data$rej_leaf)) |>
dplyr::filter(.data$rej_node == min(.data$rej_node)) |>
dplyr::select("level_name") |>
unlist() |>
level_info <- level_info |>
dplyr::mutate(best = .data$level_name %in% isB)
level_b <- lapply(levels, FUN = function(x) {
## Output the result on the best level
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (message) {
message("Multiple-hypothesis correction on the best candidate ...")
sel_b <- sel[[isB[1]]]
outB <- lapply(seq_along(score_data), FUN = function(i) {
si <- sel_b[[i]]
score_data[[i]][si, , drop = FALSE]
outB <- do.call(dplyr::bind_rows, outB)
pv <- outB[[p_column]]
apv <- stats::p.adjust(pv, method = method)
outB$adj.p <- apv
outB$signal.node <- apv <= limit_rej
## Assemble final output
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (message) {
message("output the results ...")
out <- list(candidate_best = level_b,
output = outB,
candidate_list = levels,
level_info = level_info,
FDR = limit_rej,
method = method,
column_info = list("node_column" = node_column,
"p_column" = p_column,
"sign_column" = sign_column,
"feature_column" = feature_column))
#' @author Ruizhu Huang
#' @keywords internal
#' @returns A vector of node numbers representing the pseudo-leaf level
#' @importFrom TreeSummarizedExperiment matTree
.pseudoLeaf <- function(tree, score_data, node_column, p_column) {
## Create matrix with paths from leaves to root
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
mat <- TreeSummarizedExperiment::matTree(tree = tree)
## Check which nodes in each path have valid p-values
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
nd <- score_data[[node_column]][!is.na(score_data[[p_column]])]
exist_mat <- apply(mat, 2, FUN = function(x) {
x %in% nd
## Find leaves with valid values
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ww <- which(exist_mat, arr.ind = TRUE)
ww <- ww[order(ww[, 1]), , drop = FALSE]
loc_leaf <- ww[!duplicated(ww[, 1]), ]
leaf_0 <- unique(mat[loc_leaf])
## Find lowest nodes with valid values
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ind_0 <- lapply(leaf_0, FUN = function(x) {
xx <- which(mat == x, arr.ind = TRUE)
ux <- xx[!duplicated(xx), , drop = FALSE]
y0 <- nrow(ux) == 1
if (nrow(ux) > 1) {
ux[, "col"] <- ux[, "col"] - 1
y1 <- all(!exist_mat[ux])
y0 <- y0 | y1
leaf_1 <- leaf_0[unlist(ind_0)]
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