#' Normalized orthologous genes and TEs between two species
#' @description Normalize orthologous genes and TEs between two species with a
#' scaling factor using their expression level and gene lengths.
#' @usage orthologScale(speciesRef, speciesCompare, geneCountRef,
#' geneCountCompare, teCountRef, teCountCompare, rmsk, version)
#' @param speciesRef The scientific name for your reference species.
#' i.e., hsapiens
#' @param speciesCompare The scientific name for your species to compare.
#' i.e., ptroglodytes
#' @param geneCountRef Gene count from your reference species. First column
#' should be Ensmebl gene ID.
#' @param geneCountCompare Gene count from the species you want to compare.
#' First column should be Ensembl gene ID.
#' @param teCountRef TE count from your reference species. First column should
#' be teName.
#' @param teCountCompare TE count from the species you want to compare. First
#' column should be teName.
#' @param rmsk a repeatmasker table including 4 columns: (1) the name of TE (2)
#' the class of TE (3) The average length of that TE from your reference
#' species (4) The average length of that TE from the species you want to
#' compare.
#' @param version for specify Ensembl version. Default is NULL for getting
#' the latest version
#' @return a list of outputs: (1) orthologTable, orthology information (2)
#' c_ortholog, scaling factor for orthologous genes (3) geneRef, gene count
#' table for reference species (4) geneCompare, normalized gene count table for
#' species compared (5) c_te, scaling factor for TEs (6) teRef, TE count table
#' for reference species (7) teCompare, normalized TE count table for species
#' compared.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate arrange mutate_if
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' data(speciesCounts)
#' data(hg38_panTro6_rmsk)
#' hmGene <- speciesCounts$hmGene
#' chimpGene <- speciesCounts$chimpGene
#' hmTE <- speciesCounts$hmTE
#' chimpTE <- speciesCounts$chimpTE
#' ## For demonstration, here we only select 1000 rows to save time
#' set.seed(1234)
#' hmGeneSample <- hmGene[sample(nrow(hmGene), 1000), ]
#' chimpGeneSample <- chimpGene[sample(nrow(chimpGene), 1000), ]
#' fetchData <- orthologScale(
#' speciesRef = "hsapiens",
#' speciesCompare = "ptroglodytes",
#' geneCountRef = hmGeneSample,
#' geneCountCompare = chimpGeneSample,
#' teCountRef = hmTE,
#' teCountCompare = chimpTE,
#' rmsk = hg38_panTro6_rmsk,
#' version = 105
#' )
orthologScale <- function(
speciesRef, speciesCompare,
geneCountRef, geneCountCompare,
teCountRef, teCountCompare,
rmsk, version = NULL) {
# Part1: normalize orthologous genes between species
## 1-1: Get ortholog table using biomaRt
geneRef <- paste0(speciesRef, "_gene_ensembl")
geneCompare <- paste0(speciesCompare, "_gene_ensembl")
orthologyRef <- paste0(speciesRef, "_homolog_orthology_confidence")
ensemblRef <- biomaRt::useEnsembl("ensembl", dataset = geneRef, version = version)
ensemblCompare <- biomaRt::useEnsembl("ensembl", dataset = geneCompare, version = version)
orthologTable <- biomaRt::getLDS(
attributes = c(
mart = ensemblRef,
attributesL = c(
martL = ensemblCompare
colnames(orthologTable) <- c(
## 1-2: Estimate scaling factor based on mean expression of genes
## and orthologTable from 1-1.
orthologTable$refLength <- abs(
orthologTable[["refEnd"]] - orthologTable[["refStart"]])
orthologTable$compareLength <- abs(
orthologTable[["compareEnd"]] - orthologTable[["compareStart"]])
colnames(geneCountRef)[1] <- "refEnsemblID"
idx_ref <- seq_len(ncol(geneCountRef))[-1]
sub_ref <- geneCountRef[, idx_ref]
geneCountRef$refMean <- rowMeans(sub_ref)
colnames(geneCountCompare)[1] <- "compareEnsemblID"
idx_compare <- seq_len(ncol(geneCountCompare))[-1]
sub_compare <- geneCountCompare[, idx_compare]
geneCountCompare$compareMean <- rowMeans(sub_compare)
## 1-3 rearrange data based on confidence of orthology for SCBN estimation
df <- merge(
geneCountRef[, c(1, ncol(geneCountRef))],
by = c("refEnsemblID", "refEnsemblID")
df <- merge(
geneCountCompare[, c(1, ncol(geneCountCompare))],
by = c("compareEnsemblID", "compareEnsemblID")
# arrange based on orthologyConfidence
df <- dplyr::arrange(df, desc(orthologyConfidence))
confidence_count <- nrow(df[df[["orthologyConfidence"]]==1, ])
df.scbn <- df[, c("refLength", "refMean", "compareLength", "compareMean")]
## run scbn to obtain scaling factor
factor <- SCBN::SCBN(
orth_gene = df.scbn,
hkind = seq_len(confidence_count),
a = 0.05)
c_ortholog <- factor$scbn_val #scaling factor
## 1-4 normalize data
N1 <- sum(df.scbn$refMean)
N2 <- sum(df.scbn$compareMean)
# remove mean from previous step
geneCountCompare <- geneCountCompare[, -ncol(geneCountCompare)]
geneCountCompare <- merge(
df[,c("compareEnsemblID", "refLength", "compareLength")],
by = c("compareEnsemblID", "compareEnsemblID")
normalized_geneCountCompare <- geneCountCompare %>%
mutate(scale = (refLength * N1 * c_ortholog)/(compareLength * N2)) %>%
mutate(across(2:(ncol(geneCountCompare)-2), ~ .x * scale)) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, round)
normalized_geneCountCompare <-
geneCountRef <- geneCountRef[geneCountRef$refEnsemblID %in% df$refEnsemblID,
## Part2: normalize TE between species
# 2-1 Calculate mean expression and mean gene length into a dataframe
teCountRef$refMean <- rowMeans(teCountRef[, -1])
teCountCompare$compareMean <- rowMeans(teCountCompare[, -1])
# rename column name for merging dataframe
colnames(teCountRef)[1] <- "teName"
colnames(teCountCompare)[1] <- "teName"
colnames(rmsk) <- c("teName", "teClass", "refLen", "compareLen")
df.TE <- merge(rmsk, teCountRef[,c("teName", "refMean")],
by = c("teName", "teName"))
df.TE <- merge(df.TE, teCountCompare[,c("teName", "compareMean")],
by = c("teName", "teName"))
df.TE <- df.TE[!duplicated(df.TE$teName), ]
# rearrange order by select_class
select_class <- c("LTR", "LINE", "SINE", "DNA")
df.TE.conf <- df.TE[df.TE$teClass %in% select_class, ]
df.TE.notconf <- df.TE[!(df.TE$teClass %in% select_class), ]
df.TE.combine <- rbind(df.TE.conf, df.TE.notconf)
# 2-2 Calcualte scaling factor
te.factor <- SCBN::SCBN(
orth_gene =
df.TE.combine[,c("refLen", "refMean", "compareLen", "compareMean")],
hkind = seq_len(nrow(df.TE.conf)),
a = 0.05)
c_te <- te.factor$scbn_val #scaling factor
# 2-3 Normalize data
T1 <- sum(df.TE.combine$refMean)
T2 <- sum(df.TE.combine$compareMean)
teCountCompare <- teCountCompare[, -ncol(teCountCompare)]
teCountCompare <- merge(
df.TE.combine[,c("teName", "refLen", "compareLen")],
by = c("teName", "teName")
normalized_teCountCompare <- teCountCompare %>%
mutate(scale = (refLen * T1 * c_te)/(compareLen * T2)) %>%
mutate(across(2:(ncol(teCountCompare)-2), ~ .x * scale)) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, round)
normalized_teCountCompare <-
teCountRef <- teCountRef[teCountRef$teName %in% df.TE.combine$teName,
result <- list(
"orthologTable" = orthologTable,
"c_ortholog" = c_ortholog,
"geneRef" = geneCountRef,
"geneCompare" = normalized_geneCountCompare,
"c_te" = c_te,
"teRef" = teCountRef,
"teCompare" = normalized_teCountCompare
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