#' Generate trajectories
#' Generates a \code{TrajectorySet} object from a (\code{Linked})\code{ParticleSet}
#' @param particleset A (\code{Linked})\code{ParticleSet} object
#' @param verbose Logical, currently not used - could be introduced for providing additional info on the trajectories
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods
#' @return A \code{TrajectorySet} object
#' @examples
#' data("candidate.platelets")
#' platelets.trajectories <- trajectories(candidate.platelets)
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
trajectories <- function(particleset,
cat("Generating trajectories...\n")
linkedparticleset <- particleset
} else {
cat("Input ParticleSet is not a LinkedParticleSet.\n")
cat("Performing linking first with some set of default parameters - you might want to change them according to your scenario...\n")
linkedparticleset <- link.particles(particleset,L=26,R=3,epsilon1=0,epsilon2=0,lambda1=1,lambda2=0)
if(verbose) linkedparticleset
out <- new("TrajectorySet", list(), channel = linkedparticleset@channel)
ntraj <- 0
linkrange <- ncol(linkedparticleset@tracking[[1]]$nxt)
for(i in 1:length(linkedparticleset)) # looping over the frames
npart <- nrow(linkedparticleset@.Data[[i]])
for(j in 1:npart)
if(linkedparticleset@tracking[[i]]$special[j]==FALSE) # if it did not already got used
linkedparticleset@tracking[[i]]$special[j] <- TRUE # set to true and proceed
found <- -1
for(n in 1:linkrange)
# if it is not a dummy particle, stop looking
if(linkedparticleset@tracking[[i]]$nxt[j,n] != -1)
found <- n
# if this particle is not linked to any other, go to the next particle and do not add a trajectory
if(found == -1)
# if this particle is linked to a real particle that was ALREADY linked, break the trajectory and start agin from the next
# do not add a trajectory in this case
# BUUUT, if this particle is linked to a real particle NOT already linked, then we DO have a trajectory
ntraj <- ntraj+1
traj <- c(linkedparticleset@.Data[[i]][j,1],linkedparticleset@.Data[[i]][j,2],ntraj,i,j)
k <- i
m <- j
found <- -1
for(n in 1:linkrange)
if(linkedparticleset@tracking[[k]]$nxt[m,n] != -1) # linked to a real particle -> continue building up the trajectory
if(linkedparticleset@tracking[[k+n]]$special[linkedparticleset@tracking[[k]]$nxt[m,n]] == FALSE) # which is not already linked
found <- n
} else {
# it is linked to a real one, but already taken, then stop building the trajectory
if(found == -1)
m <- linkedparticleset@tracking[[k]]$nxt[m,found]
k <- k + found
# add to trajectory
traj <- rbind(traj,c(linkedparticleset@.Data[[k]][m,1],linkedparticleset@.Data[[k]][m,2],ntraj,k,m))
linkedparticleset@tracking[[k]]$special[m] <- TRUE
if(m == -1) # to replicate the do while
# generating output
out[[ntraj]] <- list()
colnames(traj) <- c("xCoord","yCoord","trajLabel","frame","frameobjectID")
rownames(traj) <- paste0(ntraj,"_",seq(1:nrow(traj)))
traj <- as.data.frame(traj)
out[[ntraj]]$trajectory <- traj
out[[ntraj]]$npoints <- nrow(traj)
out[[ntraj]]$nframes <- traj$frame[nrow(traj)]-traj$frame[1] + 1
out[[ntraj]]$ngaps <- out[[ntraj]]$nframes - out[[ntraj]]$npoints
out[[ntraj]]$keep <- NA # initialized, then set to 0 or 1
out[[ntraj]]$ID <- ntraj
#' Info on the dimensions of the FOV
#' Auxiliary function to return the dimensions of the field of interest
#' @param frames A \code{Frames} object
#' @return A list object, containing the extremes of the field of interest (x-y-z, where z is time)
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
axesInfo <- function(frames)
imgDimensions <- dim(frames)
out <- list(xlim=c(0,imgDimensions[1]),ylim=c(0,imgDimensions[2]),tlim=c(0,length.Frames(frames)))
#' 3D representation of a \code{TrajectorySet} object
#' Provides a visual representation of a \code{TrajectorySet} object
#' Based on the \code{rgl} library, the function extracts the region of interests from the dimensions of an image of the \code{Frames} object,
#' and afterwards plots the x-y-time representation of the identified trajectories
#' @param x A \code{TrajectorySet} object
#' @param frames A \code{Frames} object, used here to identify the limits of the region of interest
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods
#' @param verbose Logical, whether to provide additional output on the command line
#' @examples
#' data("MesenteriumSubset")
#' data("candidate.platelets")
#' platelets.trajectories <- trajectories(candidate.platelets)
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(platelets.trajectories,MesenteriumSubset)
#' }
#' @return \code{plot.TrajectorySet} returns an invisible \code{NULL}.
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
plot.TrajectorySet <- function(x,frames,verbose=FALSE,...)
trajectoryDataFrame <- do.call(rbind.data.frame,lapply(x,function(arg){arg$trajectory}))
if(verbose) cat("Plotting",length(x),"trajectories...\n")
colcols <- rep(colorRamps::primary.colors(40,steps=10,FALSE),6)
for (i in 1:max(trajectoryDataFrame$trajLabel))
singleTraj <- trajectoryDataFrame[which(trajectoryDataFrame$trajLabel==i),]
rgl::plot3d(singleTraj$xCoord, singleTraj$yCoord, singleTraj$frame, col=colcols[singleTraj$trajLabel],type="l",lwd = 3,add=TRUE)
cubeLimits <- axesInfo(frames)
decorate3d(xlim=cubeLimits$xlim,ylim=cubeLimits$ylim,zlim=cubeLimits$tlim,xlab="",ylab="",zlab="Frame Number",aspect=TRUE)
#' 2D projection of a \code{TrajectorySet} object
#' Provides a bird's eye view of a \code{TrajectorySet} object on a bidimensional space
#' Independent from the \code{rgl} library, the function extracts the region of interests from the dimensions of an image of the \code{Frames} object,
#' and afterwards plots the x-y-time representation of the identified trajectories on a 2d plane. It is possible to subset the \code{TrajectorySet}
#' object with the IDs of the desired trajectories
#' @param trajectoryset A \code{TrajectorySet} object
#' @param frames A \code{Frames} object, used here to identify the limits of the region of interest
#' @param trajIDs A vector containing the ids of the desired trajectories
#' @param addGrid Logical, add an additional grid to the 2-dimensional plot (visual aid for backtracking trajectory point locations)
#' @param verbose Logical, whether to provide additional output on the command line
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods
#' @examples
#' data("MesenteriumSubset")
#' data("candidate.platelets")
#' platelets.trajectories <- trajectories(candidate.platelets)
#' plot2D.TrajectorySet(platelets.trajectories,MesenteriumSubset)
#' @return \code{plot2D.TrajectorySet} returns an invisible \code{NULL}.
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
plot2D.TrajectorySet <- function(trajectoryset,frames,trajIDs=NULL,addGrid=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,...)
cubeLimits <- axesInfo(frames)
xlim <- cubeLimits$xlim
ylim <- cubeLimits$ylim
colcols <- rep(colorRamps::primary.colors(40,steps=10,FALSE),6)
trajIDs <- 1:length(trajectoryset)
} else {
# check the IDs are correctly given
allAvailableTrajectories <- sapply(trajectoryset,function(arg){unique(arg$trajectory$trajLabel)})
if(!all(trajIDs %in% allAvailableTrajectories))
stop("You are supplying IDs of trajectories which are not included in the TrajectorySet object!")
if(verbose) cat("Plotting",length(trajIDs),"trajectories (total available in the TrajectorySet:", length(trajectoryset), ")...\n")
# trajectoryDataFrame <- do.call(rbind.data.frame,lapply(trajectoryset,function(arg){arg$trajectory}))
t <- trajIDs[1]
plot(yCoord~xCoord, data = trajectoryset[[t]]$trajectory,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab = "Pixel Coordinates - x axis",ylab="Pixel Coordinates - y axis",
col=colcols[t],type = "l", lty = 1,lwd = 3,
main= "Overview of the identified trajectories")
# text((yCoord + 2)~xCoord, data = trajectoryset[[t]]$trajectory, labels=t,
# col=colcols[t])
# plotting just the label for the first point
text((yCoord[1] + 4)~xCoord[1], data = trajectoryset[[t]]$trajectory, labels=t,
for (t in trajIDs[-1])
lines(yCoord~xCoord, data = trajectoryset[[t]]$trajectory,
col=colcols[t],type = "l", lty = 1,lwd = 3)
text((yCoord[1] + 4)~xCoord[1], data = trajectoryset[[t]]$trajectory, labels=t,
if(addGrid) grid(col="darkgrey")
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