#' Links a \code{ParticleSet} object
#' Performs linking of the particles by tracking them through the frames
#' @param particleset A \code{ParticleSet} object
#' @param L Maximum number of pixels an object can move in two consecutive frames
#' @param R Linkrange, i.e. the number of consecutive frames to search for potential candidate links
#' @param epsilon1 A numeric value, to be used in the formula. Jitter for allowing angular displacements
#' @param epsilon2 A numeric value, to be used in the formula. Jitter for allowing spatial displacements
#' @param lambda1 A numeric value. Multiplicative factor for the penalty function
#' @param lambda2 A numeric value. Multiplicative factor applied to the angular displacement
#' @param penaltyFunction A function structured in such a way to be applied as penalty function in the linking
#' @param verboseOutput Logical, whether the output should report additional intermediate steps. For debugging use mainly
#' @param prog Logical, whether the a progress bar should be shown during the tracking phase
#' @param include.intensity Logical, whether to include also intensity change of the particles in the cost function calculation
#' @param include.area Logical, whether to include also area change of the particles in the cost function calculation
#' @references I F Sbalzarini and P Koumoutsakos."Feature point tracking and trajectory analysis for video imaging in cell biology."
#' In: Journal of structural biology 151.2 (Aug. 2005), pp. 182-95. ISSN: 1047-8477. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2005.06.002.
#' URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16043363
#' @return A \code{LinkedParticleSet} object
#' @examples
#' data("candidate.platelets")
#' tracked.platelets <- link.particles(candidate.platelets, L= 40)
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
link.particles <- function(particleset,
out <- initialize.LinkedParticleSet(particleset)
if (prog) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
# preliminary step to set the particles next arrays (or matrix in our case) according to the linkrange
# done now in case linkrange can get modified during the runs or across different runs
if(verboseOutput) cat("Starting up...\n\n")
frames_number <- length(out)
linkrange <- R
for (fr in 1:frames_number)
out@tracking[[fr]]$nxt <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(out@.Data[[fr]]),ncol=R)
curr_linkrange <- R # as it can be updated afterwards
displacement <- L
# we need at least two frames
if(frames_number < 2)
stop("At least",R+1,"frames are needed! - Interrupting the tracking...\n")
# if the linkrange is too big, set it to the right value
if(frames_number < (curr_linkrange+1))
curr_linkrange <- frames_number - 1
for(m in 1:(frames_number - 1))
if(verboseOutput) cat("---------- Linking frame",m,"of",frames_number,"...........\n")
nop <- nrow(out@.Data[[m]])
out@tracking[[m]]$special[] <- FALSE
out@tracking[[m]]$nxt[,] <- -1
iterate <- 0
for(n in 1:curr_linkrange)
iterate <- 0
max_cost <- n*displacement*displacement
nop_next <- nrow(out@.Data[[m+n]])
## cost matrix
# setup the cost matrix
C <- n*displacement*displacement*matrix(1,nop+1,nop_next+1)
# quadratic distance between p_i and q_j
xrep <- repmat(t(out@.Data[[m+n]][,1]),nop,1) # function repmat replicates the matlab behaviour
yrep <- repmat(t(out@.Data[[m+n]][,2]),nop,1)
xdiff <- xrep - repmat(out@.Data[[m]][,1],1,nop_next)
ydiff <- yrep - repmat(out@.Data[[m]][,2],1,nop_next)
deltaSquared <- xdiff^2 + ydiff^2
alpha <- atan2(ydiff,xdiff)
deltaSquared <- (deltaSquared - epsilon2) * ((deltaSquared - epsilon2) > 0)
# this allows to have a mini jitter on the position of the particle, that can now go slightly backwards and or move orthogonally to the flow
## similarly, include the part where the area/intensity is considered
areaVariation <- 0
# using the ... 6th column, corresponding to the area
areaDiff <- repmat(t(out@.Data[[m+n]][,"cell.0.s.area"]),nop,1) - repmat(out@.Data[[m]][,"cell.0.s.area"],1,nop_next)
areaVariation <- areaDiff^2
intensityVariation <- 0
# using the ... corresponding column, corresponding to the mean intensity
intDiff <- repmat(t(out@.Data[[m+n]][,"cell.a.b.mean"]),nop,1) - repmat(out@.Data[[m]][,"cell.a.b.mean"],1,nop_next)
intensityVariation <- intDiff^2
# distFunction <- deltaSquared + ifelse(include.area,areaVariation,0) + ifelse(include.intensity,intensityVariation,0)
distFunction <- deltaSquared
if(include.intensity) distFunction <- distFunction + intensityVariation
if(include.area) distFunction <- distFunction + areaVariation
newCost <- penaltyFunction(alpha,distFunction)
# newCost <- deltaSquared
# cost function for link p_i, q_j
# for everything apart from the dummies, already set to rL^2...
C[1:nop,1:nop_next] <- newCost # + squared moments and so on
C[nop+1,nop_next+1] <- 0 # dummy to dummy
C[C>max_cost] <- Inf
## association matrix
# empty association matrix
A <- matrix(0,nrow=nop+1,ncol=nop_next+1)
# initialize link matrix A --- oldstyle, but working ;) and probably even more optimized than the for for for loops
for(i in 1:nop)
# sort costs of real particles
srtcst <- sort(C[i,])
srtidx <- order(C[i,])
# append index of dummy
iidx <- 1
dumidx <- which(srtidx==nop_next+1)
# search for available particle of smallest cost or dummy
while(sum(A[,srtidx[iidx]])!=0 && (iidx < dumidx))
iidx <- iidx +1
A[i,srtidx[iidx]] <- 1
# set dummy particle for columns with no entry
s <- colSums(A)
A[nop+1,which(s<1)] <- 1
# dummy corresponds to dummy
A[nop+1,nop_next+1] <- 1
# consistency checks
s1 <- colSums(A[,1:nop_next])
s2 <- rowSums(A[1:nop,])
# optimize the relation matrix
finished <- 0
mincost <- c()
iterate <- iterate + 1
if(verboseOutput) cat("Frame:",m,"\t---\tLink_range:",n,"\t---\tIteration",iterate,".....")
# non-set links of finite costs
todo <- intersect(which(A[1:nop,1:nop_next]==0),which(C[1:nop,1:nop_next]<Inf) )
Icand = ((todo-1) %% nop) + 1
Jcand = floor((todo-1) / nop) + 1
# determine the reduced cost Cred for each candidate insertion
# initialize
Cred <- rep(0,length(todo))
Xcand <- rep(0,length(todo))
Ycand <- rep(0,length(todo))
# compute iteratively
for(ic in 1:length(Icand))
Xcand[ic] <- which(A[Icand[ic],]==1)
Ycand[ic] <- which(A[,Jcand[ic]]==1)
Cred[ic] <- C[Icand[ic],Jcand[ic]] + C[Ycand[ic],Xcand[ic]] - C[Icand[ic],Xcand[ic]] - C[Ycand[ic],Jcand[ic]]
# find minimum cost of corresponding action
minc <- sort(Cred)[1]
mini <- order(Cred)[1]
mincost <- c(mincost,minc)
# if minimum < 0, link addition is favorable
if(!is.na(minc) && (minc < 0))
if(verboseOutput) cat("--> Performing change.\n")
# add link and update dependencies to preserve the topology
A[Icand[mini],Jcand[mini]] <- 1
A[Ycand[mini],Jcand[mini]] <- 0
A[Icand[mini],Xcand[mini]] <- 0
A[Ycand[mini],Xcand[mini]] <- 1
} else {
# the best is already done and there is no room for improving the cost function
finished <- TRUE
if(verboseOutput) cat("--> Found optimal solution for the current cost function!\n")
# consistency checks--..
s1 <- colSums(A[,1:nop_next])
s2 <- rowSums(A[1:nop,])
# convert link matrix to representation in the list format
links <- which(A[1:nop,]==1,arr.ind=TRUE)
Ilinks <- links[,1]
Jlinks <- links[,2]
# if link is to dummy particle, set index to -1
Jlinks[which(Jlinks==(nop_next+1))] <- -1
# set links in the list object
out@tracking[[m]]$nxt[Ilinks,n] <- Jlinks
# shrink curr_linkrange if needed at the end of the frames
if(m==(frames_number-curr_linkrange) && curr_linkrange > 1)
curr_linkrange <- curr_linkrange - 1
if (prog)setTxtProgressBar(pb, (m / (frames_number - curr_linkrange + 1)*100))
# terminate all links at the list objects at the very last frame
out@tracking[[frames_number]]$special[] <- FALSE
out@tracking[[frames_number]]$nxt[,] <- -1
if (prog) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
#' Generate a penalty function
#' A function to generate penalty functions to use while linking particles
#' @param epsilon1 A numeric value, to be used in the formula. Jitter for allowing angular displacements
#' @param epsilon2 A numeric value, to be used in the formula. Jitter for allowing spatial displacements
#' @param lambda1 A numeric value. Multiplicative factor for the penalty function
#' @param lambda2 A numeric value. Multiplicative factor applied to the angular displacement
#' @return A function object, to be used as penalty function
#' @examples
#' custom.function <- penaltyFunctionGenerator(epsilon1=0.1,epsilon2=6,lambda1=1.5,lambda2=0)
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
penaltyFunctionGenerator <- function(epsilon1=0.1,
# this function returns a function that is adopted afterwards in the tracking
# it can be defined by default as we coded it, or the user can actually "invent" one of his taste
function(angle,distance) {
lambda1 * ( distance/ (1-lambda2*(angle/(pi+epsilon1))))
#' Initialize a \code{ParticleSet} object for subsequent linking/tracking
#' @param particleset A \code{ParticleSet} object
#' @param linkrange The number of frames to look for candidate particles potentially belonging to the same track
#' @return A \code{ParticleSet} object with slots dedicated for the tracking pre-filled
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
initialize.LinkedParticleSet <- function(particleset,
out <- new("LinkedParticleSet",
.Data = particleset@.Data,
channel = particleset@channel)
# for the tracking slot...
tmp <- vector(length(particleset),mode="list")
for (i in 1:length(particleset))
particleNr <- nrow(particleset[[i]])
tmp[[i]]$link <- rep(0,particleNr)
tmp[[i]]$frame <- rep(i,particleNr)
tmp[[i]]$label <- rep(NA,particleNr)
tmp[[i]]$special <- rep(TRUE,particleNr)
tmp[[i]]$nxt <- matrix(0,nrow=particleNr,ncol=linkrange)
out@tracking <- tmp
#' Function equivalent for MATLAB's repmat - Replicate and tile arrays
#' A more flexible and stylish alternative to replicate the behaviour of the repmat function of MATLAB
#' @param a The matrix to copy
#' @param n The n value for the tiling
#' @param m The m value for the tiling
#' @return Creates a large matrix consisting of an m-by-n tiling of copies of a.
#' @references http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/R-and-octave.txt
#' @author Robin Hankin, 2001
repmat <- function(a,n,m)
# refer to "translation document matlab to R" for credits ;)
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