#' Preprocessing function for \code{Frames} objects
#' \code{Frames} objects are processed according to the chosen set of parameters. Many of them refer directly to
#' existing \code{EBImage} functions, please see the corresponding help for additional information
#' @param frames A \code{Frames} object
#' @param brush.size Size in pixels of the brush to be used for initial smoothing
#' (low-pass filtering)
#' @param brush.shape Shape of the brush to be used for initial smoothing (low-pass
#' filtering)
#' @param at.offset Offset to be used in the adaptive thresholding step - see also \code{\link{thresh}}. As an
#' alternative thresholding method, see also \code{\link{otsu}} in the \code{EBImage} package.
#' @param at.wwidth Width of the window for the adaptive thresholding step - see also \code{\link{thresh}}. As an
#' alternative thresholding method, see also \code{\link{otsu}} in the \code{EBImage} package.
#' @param at.wheight Height of the window for the adaptive thresholding step - see also \code{\link{thresh}}. As an
#' alternative thresholding method, see also \code{\link{otsu}} in the \code{EBImage} package.
#' @param kern.size Size in pixels of the kernel used for morphological operations - e.g., opening, which is an erosion followed by a dilation, and closing which is a dilation followed by an erosion - see also \code{\link{opening}}, \code{\link{closing}}
#' @param kern.shape Shape of the kernel used for morphological operations
#' @param ws.tolerance Tolerance allowed in performing the watershed-based segmentation (see also \code{\link{watershed}})
#' @param ws.radius Radius for the watershed-based segmentation (see also \code{\link{watershed}})
#' @param displayprocessing Logical, whether to display intermediate steps while performing preprocessing. Dismissed currently, it could increase runtime a lot
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods
#' @return A \code{Frames} object, whose frame images are the preprocessed versions of the input images
#' @examples
#' data("MesenteriumSubset")
#' preprocess.Frames(channel.Frames(MesenteriumSubset,"red"))
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
#' @export
preprocess.Frames <- function(frames,
...) # for the single channel images/for one channel of multi-channel images
if( frames@channel=="all" && frames@colormode==2L ) # it is ok on a grayscale Frames object
stop("Please select a channel to work on, run channel.Frames on the Frames object you provided")
flo = makeBrush(brush.size, brush.shape, step=FALSE)^2
flo <- flo/sum(flo)
# imageData(frames) is storing the raw Images
thresh_img <- thresh(filter2(frames,flo),w=at.wwidth,h=at.wheight,offset=at.offset)
# if needed with a step of smoothing & co (operations of opening,...)
kern <- makeBrush(size=kern.size,shape=kern.shape)
distmap_thre <- distmap(thresh_img)
watershed_thre <- watershed(distmap_thre,tolerance=ws.tolerance,ext=ws.radius)
#' Extracts particles from the images of a \code{Frames} object.
#' @param raw.frames A \code{Frames} object with the raw images (mandatory)
#' @param binary.frames A \code{Frames} object with preprocessed images (optional, if not provided gets produced with standard default parameters)
#' @param channel Character string. The channel to perform the operations on. Can be \code{red}, \code{green} or \code{blue}
#' @param BPPARAM a \code{MulticoreParam} object, used to control the performances inside the \code{BiocParallel} call to process
#' frames in parallel by taking advantage of the computing infrastructure available
#' @return A \code{ParticleSet} object, containing all detected particles for each frame
#' @examples
#' data("MesenteriumSubset")
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpparam
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2015
particles <- function(raw.frames,
binary.frames = NULL,
channel = NULL,
BPPARAM = bpparam())
if (raw.frames@channel == "all" && is.null(channel))
stop("Please select one channel to work on. Choose one among 'red','green' and 'blue'")
if (raw.frames@channel == "all" && !is.null(channel))
raw.frames <- channel.Frames(raw.frames, mode = channel)
if (missing(channel))
channel <- raw.frames@channel
if (raw.frames@channel != "all" && channel != raw.frames@channel)
stop("You are selecting to work on a channel not stored in your current Frames object")
if (!is.null(binary.frames) && (raw.frames@channel != binary.frames@channel))
stop("Your raw.frames and binary.frames objects store data related to different channels")
if (missing(binary.frames)) {
cat("You did not provide a preprocessed Frames object alongside with the raw set of frames.\n")
cat("Don't worry, the raw Frames object object will be first preprocessed with a set of default parameter.\n")
cat("You can always change them afterwards if they do not fit to your scenario.\n")
binary.frames = preprocess.Frames(raw.frames)
if (length(raw.frames) != length(binary.frames)) {
stop("Raw and preprocessed Frames objects have different number of frames!")
else {
cat("Computing features in parallel...\n")
out <- ParticleSet(channel = binary.frames@channel)
out@.Data <- bplapply(1:length(raw.frames),
FUN = function(arg){
segmImg <- getFrame(binary.frames, arg)
rawImg <- getFrame(raw.frames, arg)
imgFeatures <- as.data.frame(EBImage::computeFeatures(segmImg,
rawImg, xname = "cell"))
imgFeatures$shapeFactor <- (imgFeatures$cell.0.s.perimeter)^2/(4 * pi * imgFeatures$cell.0.s.area)
# else {
# cat("son in the else")
# out[[arg]] <- imgFeatures
# }
if (!is.null(dimnames(binary.frames))) {
names(out@.Data) <- dimnames(binary.frames)[[3]]
# particles <- function(raw.frames,
# binary.frames=NULL,
# channel=NULL
# )
# {
# ## perform preliminary checks on the object(s)
# # if still storing all channels, select one
# if(raw.frames@channel == "all" && is.null(channel))
# stop("Please select one channel to work on. Choose one among 'red','green' and 'blue'")
# if(raw.frames@channel == "all" && !is.null(channel))
# raw.frames <- channel.Frames(raw.frames,mode = channel)
# if ( missing(channel) ) # stop("Please provide a channel name to process")
# channel <- raw.frames@channel
# if(raw.frames@channel != "all" && channel != raw.frames@channel)
# stop("You are selecting to work on a channel not stored in your current Frames object")
# if(!is.null(binary.frames) && (raw.frames@channel != binary.frames@channel))
# stop("Your raw.frames and binary.frames objects store data related to different channels")
# if(missing(binary.frames)){
# cat("You did not provide a preprocessed Frames object alongside with the raw set of frames.\n")
# cat("Don't worry, the raw Frames object object will be first preprocessed with a set of default parameter.\n")
# cat("You can always change them afterwards if they do not fit to your scenario.\n")
# binary.frames = preprocess.Frames(raw.frames)
# }
# if ( length.Frames(raw.frames) != length.Frames(binary.frames) ) {
# stop("Raw and preprocessed Frames objects have different number of frames!")
# } else {
# cat("Computing features...\n")
# }
# # returns a particle list - not linked yet
# out <- ParticleSet(channel = binary.frames@channel)
# for(i in 1:length.Frames(raw.frames)) {
# segmImg <- getFrame(binary.frames, i)
# rawImg <- getFrame(raw.frames, i)
# imgFeatures <- as.data.frame(EBImage::computeFeatures(segmImg,rawImg,xname="cell"))
# imgFeatures$shapeFactor <- (imgFeatures$cell.0.s.perimeter)^2 / (4*pi*imgFeatures$cell.0.s.area)
# ## keep maybe an additional if to see if these are available? TODO
# # with the locations now saved as names
# if(!is.null(dimnames(binary.frames))) {
# out[[dimnames(binary.frames)[[3]][i]]] <- imgFeatures
# } else {
# out[[i]] <- imgFeatures
# }
# }
# cat("Done!\n")
# return(out)
# }
#' Cut borders of a \code{Frames} object
#' Performs cropping on the \code{Frames} object, selecting how many pixels should be cut on each side
#' Cropping can be performed with careful choice of all cutting sides, or cropping a single value from
#' all sides
#' @param frames An input \code{Frames} object
#' @param cutLeft Amount of pixels to be cut at the side
#' @param cutRight Amount of pixels to be cut at the side
#' @param cutUp Amount of pixels to be cut at the side
#' @param cutDown Amount of pixels to be cut at the side
#' @param cutAll Amount of pixels to be cut at all sides. Overrides the single side values
#' @param testing Logical, whether to just test the cropping or to actually perform it. Default set to \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to \code{\link{display}} (e.g. setting the \code{method} argument)
#' @return A \code{Frames} object, with cropped frames in the \code{image} slot
#' @examples
#' data("MesenteriumSubset")
#' crop.Frames(MesenteriumSubset)
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
crop.Frames <- function(frames,
...) {
if (cutAll > 0) cutLeft <- cutRight <- cutUp <- cutDown <- cutAll
img <- if (isTRUE(testing)) getFrame(frames, 1, "render") else frames
img <- asub(img, idx =
list(cutLeft:(dim(img)[1]-cutRight),cutUp:(dim(img)[2]-cutDown)), dims = c(1, 2))
if (isTRUE(testing)) display(img, ...)
#' Rotates all images in a \code{Frames} object
#' Rotation is performed exploiting the rotate function of the \code{EBImage} package. Could be automated if support for coordinate/pixel interaction is included
#' @param frames A \code{Frames} object
#' @param angle The rotation angle (clockwise) specified in degrees
#' @param testing Logical, whether to just test the rotation or to actually perform it. Default set to \code{FALSE}
#' @param output.origin A vector of 2 numbers indicating the dimension of the output image, as in the rotate function
#' @param output.dim A vector of 2 numbers indicating the output coordinates of the origin in pixels, as in the \code{rotate} function
#' @return A \code{Frames} object containing the rotated frames
#' @examples
#' data("MesenteriumSubset")
#' rotate.Frames(MesenteriumSubset,angle = 40)
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
rotate.Frames <- function(frames,
y <- frames
y <- rotate(y, angle = angle, output.origin=output.origin, output.dim=output.dim)
} else {
# just check
display(rotate(frames, angle = angle, output.origin=output.origin, output.dim=output.dim))
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