# ---- init ----
figNum <- 0
draw.fig <- function(func, ...)
do.call(func, list(...))
figNum <<- figNum + 1
tabNum <- 0
draw.table <- function(...)
print(do.call(knitr::kable, list(...)))
tabNum <<- tabNum + 1
hasGoTerms <- !is.null(results$go.terms)
hasReactPA <- !is.null(results$reactome)
# ---- optiontext ----
logi.to.str <- function(opt, plural = FALSE)
txt <- ""
txt <- "**were**"
txt <- "**was**"
txt <- "were **not**"
txt <- "was **not**"
# ---- useropts ----
option.clean <- function(txt)
pos <- txt == "qvalue"
tmp <- stringr::str_replace_all(txt[!pos], "_", " ")
txt <- c(txt[pos], gsub("^([[:alpha:]])", "\\U\\1", tmp, perl = TRUE))
option.table <- function(config)
# Temporarily blow away some of the config parameters
config$data <- NULL
config$groups <- NULL
# Output option table for each set of options
cfgNames <- names(config)
for(i in 1:length(cfgNames))
cfg <- cfgNames[i]
df <- data.frame(Options = option.clean(names(config[[cfg]])), Value = as.character(config[[cfg]]))
cat(sprintf("### %s\n", option.clean(cfg)))
draw.table(x = df, align = c("l", "r"))
# ---- sampleinfo ----
sample.table <- function(config)
group.samples <- function(group, groupData)
pos <- group == groupData$Group
txt <- paste0(groupData[pos,"sample.file"], collapse = ", ")
return(data.frame(Samples = txt, Count = sum(pos)))
groupData <- config$data$groups
uniGroups <- unique(groupData$Group)
res <- do.call(rbind, lapply(uniGroups, group.samples, groupData = groupData))
df <- data.frame(Group = uniGroups, res)
draw.table(x = df, row.names = FALSE)
return(list(groups = uniGroups, samples = groupData$sample.file))
sampleInfo <- sample.table(config)
# ---- plothistogram ----
date.parse <- function(dates)
# Check what date format a column could be
col.format <- function(col)
vals <- as.numeric(col)
fmts <- c("%y", "%m", "%d")
if(any(vals > 31))
fmts[[2]] <- NA
fmts[[3]] <- NA
else if(any(vals > 12))
fmts[[2]] <- NA
bads <- is.na(fmts)
stop("Could not read in date vector")
# Try to extract general date format
tknDat <- stringr::str_match(dates, "(\\d+)[-/](\\d+)[-/](\\d+)")
tknSep <- stringr::str_extract(dates[1],"[-/]")
stop("Could not determine date string format")
# Determine format and frequency of each date column
dcol <- apply(tknDat[,2:4], 2, col.format)
freq <- apply(tknDat[,2:4], 2, function(col){ return(length(unique(col))) } )
# Second position should never be year
dcol[[2]] <- setdiff(dcol[[2]], "%y")
# Most frequent position should be day, least frequent should be year
dpos <- freq == max(freq)
if(sum(dpos) == 1)
dcol[[which(dpos)]] <- "%d"
ypos <- freq == min(freq)
if(sum(ypos) == 1)
dcol[[which(ypos)]] <- "%y"
# Each date column format that is certain is removed from the other columns
for(i in 1:3)
zcol <- dcol[[i]]
if(length(zcol) == 1)
pos1 <- (i + 0) %% 3 + 1
pos2 <- (i + 1) %% 3 + 1
dcol[[pos1]] <- setdiff(dcol[[pos1]], zcol)
dcol[[pos2]] <- setdiff(dcol[[pos2]], zcol)
# Error if after format removal there are still columns with more than one format
notLen1 <- vapply(dcol, length, numeric(1)) != 1
stop("Could not resolve date/column relationship")
fmtVec <- unlist(dcol)
# Check whether the date provides a 4-digit year
ypos <- which(fmtVec == "%y")
if(nchar(tknDat[1,ypos + 1]) == 4)
fmtVec[ypos] <- "%Y"
# Concatenate various date format pieces together
fmtStr <- gsub("[-/]$", "", paste0(fmtVec, tknSep, collapse = ""))
return(as.Date(tknDat[,1], fmtStr))
# Take the rolling mean of consecutive numbers
rollmean <- function(centers, i)
centers <- as.vector(centers)
if(i == 1)
n <- length(centers) - 1
v <- rep(0, n)
for(j in 1:n)
v[j] <- (centers[j] + centers[j + 1])/2
# Determine how many groups of expression set scan dates exist
get.batches <- function(eset)
scanDates <- date.parse(Biobase::pData(Biobase::protocolData(eset))$dates)
minDate <- min(scanDates)
days <- as.numeric(scanDates - minDate)
for(i in 2:10)
kmn <- kmeans(days, centers = i, nstart = 3)
pct <- kmn$betweenss / kmn$totss
sep <- c(0, rollmean(kmn$centers, i), max(days) + 1)
if(pct > 0.90)
lvls <- levels(cut(days, sep, include.lowest = TRUE, dig.lab = 4))
text <- paste(gsub("\\.\\d+", "", lvls), "days")
return(list(n = i, text = text, kmeans = kmn))
draw.histogram <- function(eset)
# Colorize batches, remove off-white colors
cm.mod <- function(n)
cmrgb <- cm.colors(n*1.67)
cmrgb <- c(cmrgb[1:floor(n/2)], rev(cmrgb)[1:ceiling(n/2)])
# Try to extract batches by scan date
hasBatches <- FALSE
batchColors <- tryCatch({
batches <- get.batches(eset)
hasBatches <- TRUE
}, error = function(e)
sampleNum <- length(Biobase::sampleNames(eset))
# Draw the histogram
draw.fig(oligo::hist, x = eset, col = batchColors, main = "Log-intensity values distribution")
legend("topright", legend = batches$text, fill = cm.colors(batches$n), inset = 0.01, bg = "white")
hasBatches <- draw.histogram(eset)
# ---- plotdendro ----
color.leaf <- function(node, samples, sampleColors)
gsm <- stringr::str_extract(attr(node, "label"), "[\\w-]+")
pos <- which(grepl(gsm, samples))
attr(node, "nodePar") <- list(lab.col = sampleColors[pos])
draw.dendrogram <- function(config, eset)
# Color samples by their groups
groups <- unique(config$data$groups$Group)
posGroups <- match(config$data$groups$Group, groups)
dendroColors <- rainbow(length(groups))
# Load expression matrix and replace na values
ex <- Biobase::exprs(eset)
ex[is.na(ex)] <- 0
# Spearman correlation dendrogram of sample data
dS <- as.dist(1 - cor(ex, method = "spearman"))
sampleClustering <- hclust(dS)
sampleDendrogram <- as.dendrogram(sampleClustering, 0.05)
sampleDendrogram <- dendrapply(sampleDendrogram, color.leaf, samples = config$data$groups$sample.file, sampleColors = dendroColors[posGroups])
par(cex = 0.8)
draw.fig(plot, x = sampleDendrogram, main = "Hierarchical clustering of samples")
legend("topright", legend = groups, fill = dendroColors, inset = 0.01, bg = "white")
draw.dendrogram(config, eset)
# ---- degenestbl ----
top50.genes <- function(results)
allNames <- names(results$top.tables)
numNames <- length(allNames)
for(i in 1:numNames)
maxRows <- 1:min(nrow(results$top.tables[[i]]), 50)
tt <- results$top.tables[[i]][maxRows, c("PROBEID", "ENTREZID", "SYMBOL", "logFC", "CI.L", "CI.R", "adj.P.Val")]
tt$qvalue <- ifelse(tt$adj.P.Val < 1e-16, "< 1e-16", format(signif(tt$adj.P.Val, 3), scientific = TRUE))
tt$CI <- sprintf("%.3f to %.3f", tt$CI.L, tt$CI.R)
tt$SYMBOL <- sprintf("[%s](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/%s)", tt$SYMBOL, tt$ENTREZID)
rownames(tt) <- NULL
tt <- tt[, c("SYMBOL", "logFC", "CI", "qvalue")]
colnames(tt) <- c("Gene symbol", "Log fold-change", "95% CI", "qvalue")
cat(sprintf("## %s\n", allNames[[i]]))
draw.table(x = tt, digits = 3, align = c("l", "r", "r", "r"))
# ---- corheatmap ----
cor.heatmap <- function(eset, results)
allNames <- names(results$top.tables)
numNames <- length(allNames)
for(i in 1:numNames)
tt <- results$top.tables[[i]]
# Calculate correlations of most differentially expressed probes
numProbes <- min(2000, length(tt$PROBEID))
topProbes <- tt$PROBEID[1:numProbes]
dS <- cor(t(Biobase::exprs(eset[topProbes, ])))
# Find most correlated genes from probes
numGenes <- min(ncol(dS), 50)
mainTitle <- sprintf("Correlation heatmap of the %d\nmost differentially expressed genes in %s", numGenes, allNames[[i]])
corPos <- !is.na(dS) & dS > 0.9 & dS < 0.9999
corTop <- sort(colSums(corPos), decreasing = TRUE)
corProbes <- names(corTop[1:numGenes])
corGenes <- tt$SYMBOL[tt$PROBEID %in% corProbes]
# Draw correlation heatmap of genes
hmColors <- c("#053061", "#2166AC", "#4393C3", "#92C5DE", "#D1E5F0", "#F7F7F7", "#FDDBC7", "#F4A582", "#D6604D", "#B2182B", "#67001F")
cat(sprintf("## %s\n", allNames[[i]]))
par(oma = c(0, 0, 2.2, 0))
draw.fig(heatmap, x = dS[corProbes, corProbes], Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, symm = TRUE, labRow = corGenes, labCol = corGenes, main = mainTitle, xlab = "genes", ylab = "genes", col = hmColors, margins = c(7,7))
cor.heatmap(eset, results)
# ---- goterms ----
ontogo <- list(BP = "Biological Process", CC = "Cellular Component", MF = "Molecular Function")
print.goterms <- function(goresult)
goterms <- GOstats::summary(goresult)
if(nrow(goterms) == 0)
maxRows <- 1:min(nrow(goterms), 20)
goidcol <- colnames(goterms)[[1]]
goterms <- goterms[maxRows, c(goidcol, "Term", "OddsRatio", "Pvalue")]
goterms$Pvalue <- ifelse(goterms$Pvalue < 1e-16, "< 1e-16", format(signif(goterms$Pvalue, 3), scientific = TRUE))
goterms$OddsRatio <- ifelse(goterms$OddsRatio > 500, "> 500.00", format(goterms$OddsRatio, digits = 3))
goterms[[goidcol]] <- sprintf("[%s](http://amigo.geneontology.org/amigo/term/%s)", goterms[[goidcol]], goterms[[goidcol]])
colnames(goterms) <- c("GO ID", "Term", "Odds Ratio", "Conditional pvalue")
ontoWhich <- stringr::str_match(goidcol, "GO(\\w{2})ID")[[2]]
ontoPos <- match(ontoWhich, names(ontogo))
cat(sprintf("#### %s\n", ontogo[ontoPos]))
draw.table(x = goterms, digits = 3, align = c("l", "l", "r", "r"))
top20.goterms <- function(results)
allNames <- names(results$go.terms)
numNames <- length(allNames)
for(i in 1:numNames)
if(is.null(results$go.terms[[i]]) || (is.atomic(results$go.terms[[i]]) && is.na(results$go.terms[[i]])))
cat(sprintf("### %s\n", allNames[[i]]))
lapply(results$go.terms[[i]], print.goterms)
# ---- reactpa ----
top20.reactome <- function(results)
allNames <- names(results$reactome)
numNames <- length(allNames)
for(i in 1:numNames)
reactome <- DOSE::summary(results$reactome[[i]])
if(is.null(results$reactome[[i]]) || (is.atomic(results$reactome[[i]]) && is.na(results$reactome[[i]])) || nrow(reactome) == 0)
maxRows <- 1:min(nrow(reactome), 20)
reactome <- reactome[maxRows, c("ID", "Description", "qvalue")]
reactome$qvalue <- ifelse(reactome$qvalue < 1e-16, "< 1e-16", format(signif(reactome$qvalue, 3), scientific = TRUE))
reactome$ID <- sprintf("[%s](http://www.reactome.org/content/detail/%s)", reactome$ID, reactome$ID)
rownames(reactome) <- NULL
cat(sprintf("### %s\n", allNames[[i]]))
draw.table(x = reactome, digits = 3, align = c("l", "l", "r"))
topReactome <- top20.reactome(results)
# ---- sessioninfo ----
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