#' Builds (simple) design and contrast matrices for use with [fdge()]
#' This simplifies the design and contrast building process by allowing for
#' simple model definitions that are, essentially, functions of a single
#' covariate. More elaborate models can be analysed, but the user is left to
#' define the design, coef / contrast to test manually and pass those into
#' [fdge()].
#' Note: actually a (likely) small modification of this can have it support the
#' "ratio of ratios" model setup.
#' @section Missing Covariates:
#' Given the "ragged" nature of sample annotations in a FacileDataStore, some
#' samples may have NA's as their values for the covariates under test. In this
#' case. In this case, if `on_missing` is set to "error", an error will be
#' thrown, otherwise a message will be set in the `warning` list element.
#' The samples that the differential expression should be run on will be
#' enumerated by the `(dataset,sample_id)` pair in the `result$covariates`
#' tibble.
#' @section Alignment with assay data:
#' This builds a linear model by working with the covariates that are defined
#' over the samples. This does not ask which assay will be used downstream in
#' combination with this linear model to run the fit and test. It is the
#' responsibility of the downstream users/functions of this linear model to
#' ensure that the samples defined in the linear model have data from the
#' assay that the actual measurements/data is coming from.
#' @export
#' @param x a dataset
#' @param covariate the name of the "main effect" sample_covariate we are
#' performing a contrast against.
#' @param numer character vector defining the covariate/groups that
#' make up the numerator
#' @param denom character vector defining the covariate/groups that
#' make up the denominator
#' @param batch character vector defining the covariate/groups to
#' use as batch effects
#' @param block a string that names the covariate to use for the blocking
#' factor in a random effects model.
#' @param on_missing when a covariate level is missing (NA) for a sample, the
#' setting of this parameter (default `"warn"`) will dictate the behavior
#' of this funciton. When `"warning"`, a warning will be raised, and the
#' message will be stored in the `$warning` element of the resul. Otherwise,
#' when `"error"`. See the "Missing Covariates" section for more information.
#' @return a list with:
#' * `$test`: "ttest" or "anova"
#' * `$covariates`: the pData over the samples (datset,sample_id, ...)
#' * `$design`: the design matrix (always 0-intercept)
#' * `$contrast`: the contrast vector that defines the comparison asked for
#' * `$messages`: A character vector of messages generated
#' * `$warnings`: A character vector of warnings generated
#' * `$errors`: A character vector of errors generated
#' @examples
#' efds <- FacileData::exampleFacileDataSet()
#' # Look for tumor vs normal differences, controling for stage and sex
#' model_info <- efds |>
#' FacileData::filter_samples(indication == "BLCA") |>
#' flm_def(covariate = "sample_type", numer = "tumor", denom = "normal",
#' batch = "sex")
#' m2 <- efds |>
#' FacileData::filter_samples(indication == "BLCA") |>
#' flm_def(covariate = "sample_type", numer = "tumor", denom = "normal",
#' batch = c("sex", "stage"))
#' # stageIV vs stageII & stageIII
#' m3 <- efds |>
#' FacileData::filter_samples(indication == "BLCA", sample_type == "tumor") |>
#' flm_def(covariate = "stage", numer = "IV", denom = c("II", "III"),
#' batch = "sex")
#' # Incomplete ttest to help with custom contrast vector
#' mi <- efds |>
#' FacileData::filter_samples(indication == "BLCA", sample_type == "tumor") |>
#' flm_def(covariate = "stage", batch = "sex", contrast. = "help")
#' # ANOVA across stage in BLCA, control for sex
#' m3 <- efds |>
#' FacileData::filter_samples(indication == "BLCA") |>
#' flm_def(covariate = "stage", batch = "sex")
flm_def <- function(x, covariate, numer = NULL, denom = NULL,
batch = NULL, block = NULL,
on_missing = c("warning", "error"), ...) {
UseMethod("flm_def", x)
#' @export
#' @rdname flm_def
#' @method flm_def data.frame
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom FacileViz unselected
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @section data.frame:
#' The `*.data.frame` function definition assumes that `x` is a data.frame of
#' samples (dataset,sample_id) and the covariates defined on these samples
#' (ie. all the other columns of `x`) contain a superset of the variable names
#' used in the construction of the design matrix for the model definition.
#' @param contrast. A custom contrast vector can be passed in for extra tricky
#' comparisons that we haven't figured out how to put a GUI in front of.
flm_def.data.frame <- function(x, covariate, numer = NULL, denom = NULL,
batch = NULL, block = NULL,
on_missing = c("warning", "error"), ...,
contrast. = NULL,
.fds = NULL) {
on_missing <- match.arg(on_missing)
assert_subset(c("dataset", "sample_id"), colnames(x))
assert_choice(covariate, setdiff(colnames(x), c("sample_id")))
if (!is.null(contrast.)) assert_string(contrast.)
if (unselected(numer)) numer <- NULL
if (unselected(denom)) denom <- NULL
if (unselected(batch)) batch <- NULL
if (unselected(block)) block <- NULL
assert_subset(batch, setdiff(colnames(x), c("sample_id")))
if (!is.null(.fds)) {
messages <- character()
warnings <- character()
errors <- character()
out <- list(
# Standard FacileAnalysisResult things
fds = .fds)
class(out) <- c("FacileLinearModelDefinition", "FacileAnalysisResult")
clazz <- "IncompleteModelDefintion"
out[["messages"]] <- messages
out[["warnings"]] <- warnings
out[["errors"]] <- errors
if (length(errors) > 0) {
stop(paste(errors, collapse = "\n"))
class(out) <- c(clazz, class(out))
all_test_levels <- local({
vals <- x[[covariate]]
if (is.factor(vals)) levels(droplevels(vals)) else sort(unique(vals))
if (length(all_test_levels) == 1L) {
# Setting up a linear model with a covariate that has a single level to
# test against isn't a thing.
errors <- c("Testing covariate only has one level", errors)
if (length(all_test_levels) == 2L && is.null(numer) && is.null(denom)) {
# If this is specified as an ANOVA (no numer or denom), we still run it as a
# t-test
numer <- all_test_levels[2L]
denom <- all_test_levels[1L]
test_levels <- assert_subset(c(numer, denom), all_test_levels)
if (is.null(test_levels) && is.null(contrast.)) {
test_type <- "anova"
} else {
test_type <- "ttest"
if (!test_string(contrast.) && setequal(numer, denom)) {
errors <- c("`numer` and `denom` cannot be the same value in ttest", errors)
x <- distinct(x, dataset, sample_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
# Build the design matrix ----------------------------------------------------
req.cols <- c("dataset", "sample_id", covariate, batch, block)
incomplete <- !complete.cases(select(x, !!req.cols))
if (any(incomplete)) {
msg <- paste(sum(incomplete), "samples with NA's in required covariates")
if (on_missing == "error") stop(msg)
warnings <- c(warnings, paste("Removed", msg))
x <- x[!incomplete,]
# Avoids adding all-0 columns to the design matrix, which come from levels
# of the tested covariate that do not appear in our sample space
x <- droplevels(x)
dformula <- paste0(
"~ ",
if (test_type == "anova") NULL else "0 + ",
if (!is.null(batch)) {
dformula <- paste(dformula, "+", paste(batch, collapse = " + "))
design <- model.matrix(formula(dformula), data = x)
# safe_covname <- make.names(covariate)
# test_covs <- grep(paste0("^", make.names(safe_covname)), colnames(design))
# The indices of the columns of the design matrix that come from the covariate
# under test
test_covs <- grep(paste0("^", covariate), colnames(design))
# remove the covariate prefix from the colnames of the matrix
colnames(design) <- sub(paste0("^", covariate), "", colnames(design))
# Once we strip the covariate prefix from the main effect, we may again
# introduce invalid colnames, ie. if the covariate was genotype, and one
# value is 5xFAD, then if we strip off covariate, the column will just
# Protect against non-valid column names. Do not mangle the first (Intercept)
# which will be there if this is an ANOVA
if (test_type == "anova") {
colnames(design)[-1L] <- make.names(colnames(design)[-1L])
} else {
colnames(design) <- make.names(colnames(design))
rownames(design) <- paste(x$dataset, x$sample_id, sep = "__")
non_estimable <- limma::nonEstimable(design)
if (!is.null(non_estimable)) {
err <- paste("Design matrix is not full rank.",
"Cannot estimate these covariates:",
paste(non_estimable, collapse = ","),
if (is.null(batch)) {
err <- glue(err, "This is a catastrophic error, please contact support")
} else {
check <- sapply(batch, function(fcov) any(grepl(fcov, non_estimable)))
if (length(check)) {
err <- glue(err,
"Try removing one of these covariates from the model: ",
paste(batch[check], collapse = ","))
} else {
err <- glue(err, "There must be a problem in sample annotation")
errors <- c(errors, err)
if (test_type == "ttest") {
dup.terms <- intersect(numer, denom)
if (length(dup.terms)) {
warnings <- c(
glue("Warning: the same term(s) appear in both numerator and ",
"denominator (", paste(dup.terms, collapse = ","), ")")
if (is.null(contrast.)) {
if (unselected(numer) || unselected(denom)) {
errors <- c(
"T-test requires both numerator and denominator to be specified")
} else {
# User passed in a custom contrast -- do we need to do anything?
numer. <- denom. <- contrast_string <- NULL
if (length(errors)) {
clazz <- "FacileFailedModelDefinition"
coef <- NULL
contrast <- NULL
} else if (test_type == "anova") {
clazz <- "FacileAnovaModelDefinition"
coef <- 2L:max(test_covs)
contrast <- NULL
contrast_string <- NULL
numer. <- denom. <- NULL
} else {
coef <- NULL
if (is.null(contrast.)) {
numer. <- paste(make.names(numer), collapse = " + ")
if (length(numer) > 1L) {
numer. <- sprintf("( %s ) / %d", numer., length(numer))
denom. <- paste(make.names(denom), collapse = " + ")
if (length(denom) > 1L) {
denom. <- sprintf("( %s ) / %d", denom., length(denom))
contrast_string <- sprintf("%s - %s", numer., denom.)
} else {
numer. <- "__inferred__"
denom. <- "__inferred__"
contrast_string <- contrast.
clazz <- "FacileTtestModelDefinition"
# Are we testing an interaction term, ie. you can test the differences in
# the treatment effect of a drug1 in hek cells vs its effect in hela cells:
# (treatment_hek - ctrl_hek) - (treatment_hela - ctrl_hela)
# Interaction regex, ie. (treat1_ - ctrl) - (treat2 - ctrl)
iregex <- "\\(.+-.+\\)\\W*-\\W*\\(.+-.+\\)"
if (str_detect(contrast_string, iregex)) {
clazz <- c("FacileInteractionTestModelDefinition", clazz)
contrast <- limma::makeContrasts(contrasts = contrast_string, levels = design)[,1L]
out[["params"]] <- list(
covariate = covariate,
numer = numer,
denom = denom,
batch = batch,
block = block,
contrast. = contrast.)
# out[["test_type"]] <- test_type
out[["covariates"]] <- x
out[["numer"]] <- numer.
out[["denom"]] <- denom.
out[["design_formula"]] <- dformula
out[["design"]] <- design
out[["test_covs"]] <- test_covs
out[["coef"]] <- coef
out[["contrast"]] <- contrast
out[["contrast_string"]] <- contrast_string
#' @export
#' @rdname flm_def
#' @importFrom FacileViz unselected
flm_def.tbl <- function(x, covariate, numer = NULL, denom = NULL,
batch = NULL, block = NULL,
on_missing = c("warning", "error"), ...) {
x <- collect(x, n = Inf)
if (unselected(numer)) numer <- NULL
if (unselected(denom)) denom <- NULL
if (unselected(batch)) batch <- NULL
flm_def.data.frame(x, covariate = covariate, numer = numer,
denom = denom, batch = batch, block = block,
on_missing = on_missing, ...)
#' @section facile_frame:
#' When we define a model off of a facile_frame, we expect this to look like
#' a wide covariate table. This defines the samples we will build a model on
#' in its (datset, sample_id) columns, as well as any covaraites defined on
#' these samples.
#' If there are covariates used in the `covariate` or `batch` parameters that
#' are not found in `colnames(x)`, we will attempt to retrieve them from the
#' FacileDataStore `fds(x)`. If they cannot be found, this function will raise
#' an error.
#' @export
#' @importFrom FacileViz unselected
#' @rdname flm_def
flm_def.facile_frame <- function(x, covariate, numer = NULL, denom = NULL,
batch = NULL, block = NULL,
on_missing = c("warning", "error"), ...,
custom_key = NULL) {
.fds <- assert_class(fds(x), "FacileDataStore")
if (unselected(numer)) numer <- NULL
if (unselected(denom)) denom <- NULL
if (unselected(batch)) batch <- NULL
if (unselected(block)) block <- NULL
if (!is.null(block)) assert_string(block)
# Retrieve any covariates from the FacileDataStore that are not present
# in the facile_frame `x`
required.covs <- setdiff(
c(covariate, batch, block),
c("dataset", "sample_id"))
fetch.covs <- setdiff(required.covs, colnames(x))
if (length(fetch.covs)) {
x <- with_sample_covariates(x, fetch.covs, custom_key = custom_key,
.fds = .fds)
x <- collect(x, n = Inf)
out <- flm_def.data.frame(x, covariate = covariate, numer = numer,
denom = denom, batch = batch, block = block,
on_missing = on_missing, .fds = .fds, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname flm_def
#' @importFrom FacileViz unselected
flm_def.FacileDataStore <- function(x, covariate, numer = NULL, denom = NULL,
batch = NULL, block = NULL,
on_missing = c("warning", "error"),
..., samples = NULL, custom_key = NULL) {
if (is.null(samples)) samples <- samples(x)
samples <- collect(samples, n = Inf)
if (unselected(numer)) numer <- NULL
if (unselected(denom)) denom <- NULL
if (unselected(batch)) batch <- NULL
if (unselected(block)) block <- NULL
flm_def(samples, covariate = covariate, numer = numer, denom = denom,
batch = batch, block = block, on_missing = on_missing,
custom_key = custom_key, ...)
# redo =========================================================================
#' @noRd
#' @export
redo.FacileLinearModelDefinition <- function(x, ..., samples = NULL) {
if (is.null(samples)) {
samples <- samples(x)
op <- param(x)
out <- flm_def(
covariate = op[["covariate"]],
numer = op[["numer"]],
denom = op[["denom"]],
batch = op[["batch"]],
block = op[["block"]])
# Accessor Functions ===========================================================
#' @noRd
#' @export
samples.FacileTtestModelDefinition <- function(x, tested_only = FALSE, ...,
dropped = FALSE) {
out <- x[["covariates"]]
if (tested_only) {
cov <- param(x, "covariate")
num <- param(x, "numer")
den <- param(x, "denom")
out <- filter(out, .data[[cov]] %in% c(num, den))
samples(out, dropped = dropped)
#' @noRd
#' @export
samples.FacileLinearModelDefinition <- function(x, ..., dropped = FALSE) {
samples(x[["covariates"]], dropped = dropped)
#' @noRd
#' @export
design.FacileLinearModelDefinition <- function(x, ...) {
#' @noRd
#' @export
result.FacileLinearModelDefinition <- function(x, ...) {
#' The `formula()` function here just returns the formula string for the
#' design matrix
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stats formula
#' @export
formula.FacileLinearModelDefinition <- function(x, ..., as_string = TRUE) {
out <- x[["design_formula"]]
if (!as_string) {
stop("What should we be doing with this if not return the string?")
#' @noRd
#' @export
#' @param as_string if `FALSE` (default), returns a named contrast vector,
#' otherwise its the contrast string, ie. `numer - denom`
#' @return if `is_anova(x)` returns `NULL`, otherwise the contrast specified.
contrast.FacileLinearModelDefinition <- function(x, ..., as_string = FALSE) {
if (is_anova(x)) return(NULL)
if (as_string) {
out <- x$contrast_string
} else {
out <- x$contrast
#' @noRd
.with_warnings <- function(x, fresult, ...) {
assert_class(x, "FacileAnalysisResultStatus")
assert_class(fresult, "FacileAnalysisResult")
w <- fresult[["warnings"]]
if (length(w)) {
cc <- class(x)
x <- paste0(x, "\n", "**Warnings**\n", paste(w, collapse = "\n"))
class(x) <- cc
#' @noRd
#' @export
status.FacileFailedModelDefinition <- function(x, type = "message", ...) {
out <- paste(x$errors, collapse = "\n")
class(out) <- c("FacileAnalysisStatusError", "FacileAnalysisResultStatus",
#' @noRd
#' @export
status.FacileAnovaModelDefinition <- function(x, type = "message",
with_warnings = TRUE, ...) {
nsamples <- nrow(samples(x))
out <- sprintf("ANOVA model defined across '%s' covariate on %d samples",
param(x, "covariate"), nsamples)
class(out) <- c("FacileAnalysisStatusSuccess", "FacileAnalysisResultStatus",
if (with_warnings) out <- .with_warnings(out, x)
#' @noRd
#' @export
status.FacileTtestModelDefinition <- function(x, type = "message",
with_warnings = TRUE, ...) {
nsamples <- nrow(samples(x))
out <- sprintf("T-test model [%s] defined on %d samples",
x$contrast_string, nsamples)
class(out) <- c("FacileAnalysisStatusSuccess", "FacileAnalysisResultStatus",
if (with_warnings) out <- .with_warnings(out, x)
#' @noRd
#' @export
status.FacileInteractionTestModelDefinition <- function(x, type = "message",
with_warnings = TRUE,
...) {
out <- sprintf("Interaction model defined on %d samples", nsamples)
class(out) <- c("FacileAnalysisResultStatus", "character")
if (with_warnings) out <- .with_warnings(out, x)
# Printing =====================================================================
#' @noRd
#' @export
print.FacileLinearModelDefinition <- function(x, ...) {
cat(format(x, ...), "\n")
#' @noRd
#' @export
format.FacileLinearModelDefinition <- function(x, ...) {
if (is_ttest(x)) {
testing <- sprintf("Testing contrast over `%s` covariate:\n %s",
param(x, "covariate"),
} else {
testing <- sprintf("Running ANOVA over the levels of the `%s` coefficient",
param(x, "covariate"))
out <- paste(
sprintf("%s\n", class(x)[1L]),
"Design: ", formula(x), "\n",
testing, "\n",
sep = "")
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