# Interactivity and vizualization over FacilePcaAnalysisResult =================
#' @noRd
#' @export
viz.FacilePcaAnalysisResult <- function(x, dims = NULL,
type = c("scatter", "scree"),
interactive = TRUE,
color_aes = NULL,
height = 400,
width = 700,
xlabel = "default",
ylabel = "default",
zlabel = "default",
event_source = "A",
webgl = FALSE) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "scatter") {
res <- .viz_pca_scatter(x, dims = dims, color_aes = color_aes,
height = height, width = width, xlabel = xlabel,
ylabel = ylabel, zlabel = zlabel,
event_source = event_source, webgl = webgl, ...,
interactive = interactive)
} else {
res <- .viz_pca_scree(x, dims = dims, color_aes = color_aes,
height = height, width = width, xlabel = xlabel,
ylabel = ylabel, zlabel = zlabel,
event_source = event_source, webgl = webgl, ...,
interactive = interactive)
#' @noRd
.viz_pca_scatter <- function(x, dims = NULL, ..., color_aes = NULL, height = 400,
width = 700, xlabel = "default",
ylabel = "default", zlabel = "default",
event_source = "A", webgl = FALSE,
interactive = TRUE) {
if (is.null(dims)) {
dims <- 2
xx <- tidy(x)
assert_integerish(dims, lower = 1L)
if (length(dims) == 1L) {
assert_int(dims, lower = 2, upper = 3L)
dims <- 1:dims
assert_int(length(dims), lower = 1L, upper = 3L)
dims <- unique(dims)
pc.cols.all <- colnames(xx)[grep("^PC\\d+$", colnames(xx))]
pc.cols.req <- paste0("PC", dims)
pc.cols <- intersect(pc.cols.req, pc.cols.all)
if (length(pc.cols) != length(dims)) {
stop("There's something awry with the pc columns you requested")
# slimdown the data.frame to only include the PCs user asked for and rest
# of the covariate data.
xx.cols <- c(pc.cols, setdiff(colnames(xx), pc.cols.all))
xx <- select(xx, {{xx.cols}})
pcv <- x$percent_var * 100
if (xlabel == "default") {
xlabel <- sprintf("%s (%.2f%%)", pc.cols[1L], pcv[pc.cols[1L]])
if (ylabel == "default") {
ylabel <- sprintf("%s (%.2f%%)", pc.cols[2L], pcv[pc.cols[2L]])
if (zlabel == "default") {
zlabel <- sprintf("%s (%.2f%%)", pc.cols[3L], pcv[pc.cols[3L]])
# TODO: Handle color by feature expression. Currently this is handled in the
# fpcaView shiny module, but we want to push that down here so that users
# using this function in an R session or for Rmd output can color by
# expression as well.
# https://github.com/facilebio/FacileAnalysis/issues/28
if (!is.null(color_aes)) {
p <- FacileViz::fscatterplot(
xx, pc.cols, xlabel = xlabel, ylabel = ylabel,
zlabel = zlabel, event_source = event_source,
webgl = webgl, height = height, width = width,
color_aes = color_aes, ...)
#' @noRd
.viz_pca_scree <- function(x, dims = NULL, ..., title = "Scree Plot",
interactive = TRUE) {
xx <- tidy(x)
pc.cols.all <- colnames(xx)[grep("^PC\\d+$", colnames(xx))]
pc.cols.req <- paste0("PC", dims)
pc.cols <- intersect(pc.cols.req, pc.cols.all)
xx.cols <- c(pc.cols, setdiff(colnames(xx), pc.cols.all))
xx <- select(xx, {{xx.cols}})
pcv <- x$percent_var * 100
varexp <- dplyr::tibble(
component = names(pcv),
var_explained = unname(pcv),
var_cumulative = cumsum(var_explained))
fig <- plotly::plot_ly(data = varexp) |>
plotly::add_bars(x = ~component, y = ~var_explained, color = I("#1B62A6")) |>
plotly::add_lines(x = ~component, y = ~var_cumulative, color = I("#FD690F")) |>
plotly::add_markers(x = ~component, y = ~var_cumulative, color = I("#FD690F")) |>
title = title,
showlegend = FALSE,
xaxis = list(
title = "Component"),
yaxis = list(
title = "Variance explained (%)",
range = list(0, 100)))
out <- list(
plot = fig,
input_data = varexp,
params = list())
class(out) <- c("FacileScreePlot", "FacileViz")
#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom shiny tagList tags
#' @param x The `FacilePcaAnalysisResult`
#' @param pcs The PC's to show (min 2, max 3). If a single integer is provided,
#' PC's 1:`pcs` will be shown. If a vector is provided, then the PCs
#' specified will be shown. Defaults is `3`, to show first 3 PCs
#' @param topn the number of top genes to enumerate that drive direction of PCs
#' @param feature_id_col the column name in `x[["row_covariates"]]` to use
#' in the feature table.
report.FacilePcaAnalysisResult <- function(x, pcs = 3, with_features = TRUE,
ntop = 100, report_feature_as = NULL,
caption = NULL, ...,
event_source = "A",
xlabel = "default",
ylabel = "default",
zlabel = "default",
webgl = FALSE) {
viz. <- .viz.fpca(x, pcs = pcs, ntop = ntop,
with_features = with_features,
report_feature_as = report_feature_as, ...,
event_source = event_source, xlabel = xlabel,
ylabel = ylabel, zlabel = zlabel)
if (!is.null(caption)) {
caption <- tags$p(caption)
header <- tagList(viz.[["title"]], caption)
if (with_features) {
out <- bscols.(header, viz.[["plot"]]$plot, viz.[["datatable"]],
widths = c(12, 7, 5))
} else {
out <- bscols.(header, viz.[["plot"]], widths = c(12, 12))
# Internal =====================================================================
#' Internal worker vizualization function
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom DT datatable
#' @importFrom shiny tagList tags
.viz.fpca <- function(x, pcs = 3, ntop = 100, with_features = TRUE,
report_feature_as = NULL, webgl = FALSE, ...,
event_source = "A",
xlabel = "default",
ylabel = "default",
zlabel = "default") {
scatter <- viz(x, pcs = pcs, ..., xlabel = xlabel, ylabel = ylabel,
zlabel = zlabel, event_source = event_source, webgl = webgl)
# cnames <- colnames(scatter$input_data)
cnames <- colnames(input_data(scatter)) # $input_data)
pc.cols <- cnames[grepl("^PC\\d+", cnames)]
pcv <- x$percent_var * 100
if (with_features) {
ranked <- ranks(x, type = "ranked", report_feature_as = report_feature_as)
rtable <- ranked |>
result() |>
select(1, !!pc.cols) |>
dtable <- datatable(
rtable, extensions = "Scroller", style = "bootstrap",
class = "compact", width = "100%", rownames = FALSE,
options = list(deferRender = TRUE, scrollY = 300, scroller = TRUE))
} else {
dtable <- NULL
nfeatures <- nrow(x[["factor_contrib"]])
title <- tagList(
tags$strong("PCA Dimensionality Reduction"),
tags$span(sprintf("Top %d features", nfeatures)),
tags$p("Variance explained per PC:"),
style = "list-style-type: none",
lapply(pc.cols, function(pc) {
tags$li(style = "float: left; margin-right: 1em",
sprintf("%s: %.02f%%", pc, pcv[pc]),
escape = FALSE)
tags$div(style = "clear: left"))
out <- list(datatable = dtable, plot = scatter, title = title, pcv = pcv)
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