
Defines functions chdirSig

#' chDir
#' Convenience wrapper to calculate Characteristic Direction Unity Vector
#'    based on two datasets.
#'    There are a few steps involved in getting the
#'    data formatted for the `chdirAnalysis` function. This function
#'    takes care of that for you.  Also, the chdirSig function is not
#'    exported from the package GeoDE so we copy it here to be able to
#'    circumvent plotting (which may not be desired for the high
#'    throughput applications targeted by this package).
#' @param x A Slinky object.
#' @param treated  Expression data for treated samples, as
#'    `data.frame`, `matrix`, or `SummarizedExperiment`
#' @param control  Expression data for control samples, as
#'    `data.frame`, `matrix`, or `SummarizedExperiment`
#' @return Column matrix of characteristic direction scores for each gene.
#' @name chDir
#' @rdname chDir
           function(x, treated, control) {
#' @rdname chDir
#' @aliases chDir,Slinky-method
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @noRd
setMethod("chDir", signature(x = "Slinky"),
          function(x, treated, control)
            if (is(treated, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
              treated <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(treated)[[1]]
              if (ncol(treated) < 2) {
                message("NA's returned: treated group had < 2 samples.")
                return(rep(NA, length(treated)))
            } else if (is(treated, "Slinky")) {
              treated <-
              if (ncol(treated) < 2) {
                message("NA's returned: treated group had < 2 samples.")
                return(rep(NA, length(treated)))
            } else if (!is(treated, "data.frame") &&
                       !is(treated, "matrix")) {
                "chDir function expects objects of type ",
                "SummarizedExperiment, Slinky, or data.frame as arguments"
            if (is(control, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
              control <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(control)[[1]]
              if (ncol(control) < 2) {
                message("NA's returned: control group had < 2 samples.")
                return(rep(NA, length(control)))
            } else if (is(control, "Slinky")) {
              control <-
            } else if (!is(control, "data.frame") && 
                       !is(control, "matrix")) {
                "chDir function expects objects of type ",
                "SummarizedExperiment, Slinky, or data.frame as arguments"
            dat <- cbind(treated, control)
            gg <- base::rownames(dat)
            dat <- apply(dat, 2, as.numeric)
            dat <- as.data.frame(dat)
            cl <- rep("1", base::ncol(dat))
            cl[seq_len(base::ncol(treated))] <- "2"
            dat <- cbind(gg, dat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            chdirSig(dat, factor(cl))$chdir[[1]]

# I want to avoid plotting for high throughput and/or headless analysis, but
# the workhorse function called by GeoDE::chdirAnalysis is not exported.  So I
# reproduce it here.  Copied verbatim, with permission, from
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cran/GeoDE/master/R/ChDir-06.R Author: Neil
# R. Clark and Avi Ma'ayan Maintainer: Neil Clark <neil.clark@mssm.edu>
# Description: Given expression data this function calculates a multivariate
# geometrical characterization of the differential expression and can also
# perform gene-set enrichment.
chdirSig <- function(data,
                     gammas = list(1),
                     nnull = 10) {
  pca1 <- stats::prcomp(t(as.matrix(data[-1])))
  meanvec <- rowMeans(as.matrix(data[-1][sampleclass == 2])) -
    rowMeans(as.matrix(data[-1][sampleclass == 1]))
  n1 <- sum(sampleclass == 1)
  n2 <- sum(sampleclass == 2)
  cumsum <- pca1$sdev ^ 2 / sum(pca1$sdev ^ 2)
  keepPC <- length(cumsum[cumsum > 0.001])
  V <- pca1$rotation[, seq_len(keepPC)]
  R <- pca1$x[, seq_len(keepPC)]
  Dd <- (t(R[sampleclass == 1, ]) %*%
           R[sampleclass == 1, ] + t(R[sampleclass == 2, ]) %*%
           R[sampleclass == 2, ]) / (n1 + n2 - 2)
  sigma <- mean(diag(Dd))
  ShrunkMats <- lapply(gammas, function(x)
    solve(x * Dd + sigma *
            (1 - x) * diag(keepPC)))
  b <- lapply(ShrunkMats, function(x)
    matrix(V %*% x %*% t(V) %*%
             meanvec, dimnames = list(c(
             ), 1)))
  b <- lapply(b, function(x)
    x / sqrt(sum(x ^ 2)))
  b2dscale <- colMeans(R[sampleclass == 2, seq(1, 2)]) -
    colMeans(R[sampleclass == 1, seq(1, 2)])
  b2dscale <- sqrt(sum(b2dscale ^ 2))
  projchdir2d <- lapply(b, function(x)
      b2dscale * as.numeric(as.vector(x) %*% as.vector(V[, 1])),
      b2dscale * as.numeric(as.vector(x) %*% as.vector(V[, 2]))
  list(chdir = b,
       pca2d = R[, seq(1, 2)],
       chdir_pca2d = projchdir2d)
erikor/slinky documentation built on Aug. 21, 2021, 7:43 a.m.