.constructURL <- function(host=NULL, http_port=NULL, path = NULL, ws_host="localhost", ws_port=7123L,
use_devel=FALSE, debug=FALSE,
chr="chr11", start=99800000, end=103383180,
workspace=NULL, scripts=NULL, gists=NULL, use_cookie=FALSE)
if (is.null(host)) {
host <- ifelse(use_devel,"epiviz-dev", "epiviz")
host <- sprintf("http://%s.cbcb.umd.edu", host)
if (!is.null(http_port)) {
port <- sprintf(":%d", http_port)
} else {
port <- ""
if (is.null(path)) {
path <- "/index.php"
url <- paste0(host,port,path)
controllerHost <- sprintf("ws://%s:%d", ws_host, ws_port)
url <- sprintf("%s?websocket-host[]=%s&", url, controllerHost)
url <- paste0(url, sprintf("debug=%s&", ifelse(debug, "true", "false")))
if (!is.null(workspace)) {
url <- paste0(url,"ws=",workspace,"&")
} else if (!is.null(chr) && !is.null(start) && !is.null(end)) {
url <- paste0(url,
if (!is.null(scripts)) {
script_string <- paste(sprintf("script[]=%s&", scripts),collapse="")
url <- paste0(url, script_string)
if (!is.null(gists)) {
gist_string <- paste(sprintf("gist[]=%s&", gists), collapse="")
url <- paste0(url, gist_string)
cookie_string <- sprintf("useCookie=%s&", ifelse(use_cookie, "true", "false"))
url <- paste0(url, cookie_string)
#' Class managing connection to epiviz application.
#' @field server An object of class [`EpivizServer`] used to communicate with epiviz app.
#' @field data_mgr An object of class [`EpivizDataMgr`] used to serve data to epiviz app.
#' @field chart_mgr An object of class [`EpivizChartMgr`] used to manage charts added to epiviz app session.
#' @importClassesFrom epivizrServer EpivizServer
#' @importClassesFrom epivizrData EpivizDataMgr EpivizMeasurement EpivizData
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import methods
#' @import IRanges
#' @include EpivizChartMgr-class.R
#' @exportClass EpivizApp
#' @md
EpivizApp <- setRefClass("EpivizApp",
show=function() {
"Print information about app connection."
cat("Epiviz App connection:\n")
cat("Server: ")
server$show(); cat("\n")
st <- .self$chart_mgr$list_charts()
if (!is.null(st)) {
print(st); cat("\n")
st <- .self$data_mgr$list_measurements()
if (length(st)>0) {
print(st); cat("\n")
is_server_closed=function() {
"Check if underlying server connection is closed."
is.null(.self$server) || .self$server$is_closed()
# general plot method
get_ms_object = function(chart_id_or_object, index=1) {
"Get object of class \\code{\\link[epivizrData]{EpivizData}} used as a data source
in a given chart.
\\item{chart_id_or_object}{An object of class \\code{EpivizChart} or an id for
a chart loaded to the epiviz app.}
\\item{index}{Index into \\code{.measurements}} list of chart object to obtain data object for.
chart_object <- .self$chart_mgr$.get_chart_object(chart_id_or_object)
measurements <- chart_object$.measurements
if (index < 1 || index > length(measurements)) {
stop("'index' out of range")
measurement <- measurements[[index]]
datasource <- measurement@datasourceId
plot = function(data_object, datasource_name=NULL, send_request=TRUE, settings=NULL, colors=NULL, ...) {
"Visualize data on epiviz app using its default chart type. Measurements from the \\code{data-object}
are first added to the epiviz app using the \\code{add_measurements} method for class
\\code{\\link[epivizrData]{EpivizData}}. See documentation for \\code{\\link[epivizrData]{register}}
for information on supported data types and the \\code{\\link[epivizrData]{EpivizData}} class
encapsulating this type of data. Once measurements are loaded, the \\code{\\link{plot}} method
of class \\code{\\link{EpivizChartMgr}} is used to plot the data, using the default chart type
for this type of data.
\\item{data_object}{An object to plot in epiviz app.}
\\item{datasource_name}{Name to use for datasource, parses \\code{data_object} if missing or NULL}
\\item{...}{Additional arguments passed to \\code{add_measurements} method for class
datasource_origin_name <- deparse(substitute(data_object))
if (missing(datasource_name)) {
datasource_name <- datasource_origin_name
ms_obj <- .self$data_mgr$add_measurements(data_object,
send_request=send_request, ...)
if (send_request && .self$server$is_interactive() && !.self$data_mgr$is_ms_connected(ms_obj)) {
stop("Error adding measurements for data object\n")
.self$chart_mgr$plot(ms_obj, send_request=send_request, settings=settings, colors=colors)
# # navigation methods
navigate=function(chr, start, end) {
'Navigate to given position on the epiviz app.'
if (.self$is_server_closed()) {
callback <- function(response_data) {
.self$server$send_request(request_data, callback)
get_current_location=function(callback) {
'Obtain current genome location on epiviz app and evaluate callback
function on result.
\\item{callback}{A callback function to evaluate on response data.
Response data will be a list with slots \\code{seqName}, \\code{start}
and \\code{end}}
.self$server$send_request(request_data, callback)
slideshow=function(granges, n=length(granges), .callback=NULL) {
'Navigate on epiviz app successively to given positions.
\\item{granges}{An object of class \\code{\\link{GenomicRanges}} indicating
set of genomic regions to navigate in epiviz app.}
\\item{n}{(integer) The number of regions in \\code{granges} to navigate to.}
\\item{.callback}{(function) function to call after navigating to each region. Used for testing purposes.}
if (!is(granges, "GenomicRanges"))
stop(("'granges' must be a 'GenomicRanges' object"))
n <- min(n, length(granges))
ind <- seq(len=n)
chr <- as.character(seqnames(granges)[ind])
start <- start(granges)[ind]
end <- end(granges)[ind]
for (i in ind) {
.self$navigate(chr=chr[i], start=start[i], end=end[i])
if (!is.null(.callback) && is.function(.callback)) {
.callback(chr[i], start[i], end[i])
} else {
if (.self$server$is_interactive()) {
cat("Region", i, "of", n, ". Press key to continue (ESC to stop)...\n")
tryCatch(.self$server$service(), interrupt=function(int) invisible())
# data update methods
update_measurements = function(ms_object, new_data_object, send_request = TRUE) {
.self$data_mgr$update_measurements(ms_object, new_data_object, send_request = send_request)
.self$chart_mgr$.redraw(send_request = send_request)
load_remote_measurements = function() {
"Load remote measurements into R session."
callback=function(data) {
request_data <- list(action = "loadMeasurements")
.self$server$send_request(request_data, callback)
# session management methods
.wait_for_connection = function(timeout=10L) {
if (.self$server$.verbose) {
cat("Servicing websocket until connected\n")
ptm <- proc.time()["elapsed"]
while(!.self$server$is_socket_connected() && (proc.time()["elapsed"] - ptm < timeout)) {
if (!.self$server$is_socket_connected()) {
stop("[epivizr] Error opening connection. UI unable to connect to websocket server.")
.open_browser=function() {
close_on_error <- FALSE
if (.self$is_server_closed()) {
close_on_error <- TRUE
if (.self$server$.verbose) {
cat("Starting epiviz websocket connection\n")
error=function(e) stop(e))
if (!.self$server$is_interactive()) {
if (.self$server$.verbose) {
cat("Opening browser\n")
.self$.url_parms$ws_port <- .self$server$.port
url <- do.call(.constructURL, .self$.url_parms)
if(.self$server$.verbose) {
cat("Using url ", url, "\n")
if (.self$server$is_daemonized()) {
}, error=function(e) {
if (close_on_error) .self$server$stop_server()
load_workspace=function(workspace_id=NULL) {
"load an epiviz workspace.
\\item{workspace_id}{Workspace id to load from the database.}
callback=function(data) {
cat("workspace: ", workspace_id ," is being loaded \n")
request_data <- list(action = "loadWorkspace", workspaceId=workspace_id)
.self$server$send_request(request_data, callback)
print_workspace=function(file_name=NULL, file_type="pdf"){
"Save epiviz workspace as a pdf or png."
callback=function(data) {
cat("workspace is being saved as", file_type, "\n")
request_data <- list(action = "printWorkspace", fileName=file_name, fileType=file_type)
.self$server$send_request(request_data, callback)
service=function(verbose=TRUE) {
"Block interactive R session to service websocket requests."
if (verbose && .self$server$is_interactive() && !.self$server$is_daemonized()) {
cat("Serving Epiviz, escape to continue interactive session...\n")
.stop_service=function() {
stop_app=function() {
'stop and clean connection to epiviz app.'
# save method
save = function(file, include_data=TRUE) {
"Save EpivizApp object representation of a workspace into .RData file.
\\item{file}{(character) The name of the file to save the EpivizApp object into, ending in .rda.}
\\item{stop_app}{(logical) Stop the EpivizApp session.}
\\item{include_data}{(logical) Include EpivizApp's data when saving the EpivizApp object.}
if (!is(.self, "EpivizApp")) {
stop("'app' must be an 'EpivizApp' object")
if (.self$server$is_interactive() && !.self$is_server_closed()) {
.self$get_current_location(function(response) {
if (response$success) {
loc <- response$value
.self$.url_parms$chr <- loc$seqName
.self$.url_parms$start <- loc$start
.self$.url_parms$end <- loc$end
if (!include_data) {
ms_ids <- ls(envir=.self$data_mgr$.ms_list)
ms_ids_objs <- lapply(ms_ids, function(id) {
ms_obj <- .self$data_mgr$.get_ms_object(id)
c(id, ms_obj$.object)
lapply(ms_ids, function(id) {
ms_obj <- .self$data_mgr$.get_ms_object(id)
ms_obj$.object <- NULL
app <- .self
base::save(app, file=file)
if (!include_data) {
# Add data back to ms object
for (id_obj in ms_ids_objs) {
id <- id_obj[[1]]
obj <- id_obj[[2]]
ms_obj <- .self$data_mgr$.get_ms_object(id)
ms_obj$.object <- obj
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