
Defines functions modify_ers refine_ERs

Documented in refine_ERs

#' Refines the ERs start and end points
#' Uses the junctions added by \code{\link{annotatERs}} to modify the starts and
#' ends of the expressed regions. When a junction intersects an expressed region
#' depending on whether it is the start or end or both, the regions
#' corresponding starts and ends will be modified.
#' As junctions mark intron boundaries, the expressed region will be changed to
#' either being one less or one more than the junction end.
#' @param annot_ers ERs that have been annotated (result of annotatER)
#' @return Genomic ranges with refined base pair starts and ends
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # create example set of ers to save runtime
#' ex_annot_ers <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#'     seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(c("chr21"), c(3)),
#'     ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
#'         start = c(5093576, 5097663, 5162182),
#'         end = c(5093833, 5097762, 5162257)
#'     ),
#'     grl = GenomicRanges::GRangesList(
#'         GenomicRanges::GRangesList(
#'             GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#'                 seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(c("chr21"), c(1)),
#'                 ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
#'                     start = c(5093712),
#'                     end = c(5093744)
#'                 )
#'             ),
#'             GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#'                 seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(c("chr21"), c(1)),
#'                 ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
#'                     start = c(5097642),
#'                     end = c(5097669)
#'                 )
#'             ),
#'             GenomicRanges::GRanges(
#'                 seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(c("chr21"), c(1)),
#'                 ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
#'                     start = c(5162249),
#'                     end = c(5162287)
#'                 )
#'             )
#'         )
#'     ),
#'     annotation = c("intron", "intron", "intron")
#' )
#' refined_ers <- refine_ERs(ex_annot_ers)
#' refined_ers
refine_ERs <- function(annot_ers) {
    # isolating the ers that are labelled as introns or intergenic
    annot_ers <- annot_ers[S4Vectors::mcols(
    )[["annotation"]] %in% c("intron", "intergenic")]
    # getting the ers that only have one or two overlapping junctions
    annot_ers <- annot_ers[lengths(S4Vectors::mcols(annot_ers)[["grl"]]) == 2 |
        lengths(S4Vectors::mcols(annot_ers)[["grl"]]) == 1]
    # getting rid of ers with 2 junctions that overlap each other (slow)
    changes <- logical(0) # logical vector to record changes
    message(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Refining the Expressed regions..."))
    refined_results <- modify_ers(annot_ers)

#' Changes the ers starts and ends based on the junctions
#' @param ar annotated ers with overlapping junctions
#' @return ers with refined starts and ends and a logical vector listing the
#' changes
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
modify_ers <- function(ar) {
    changes <- logical(0) # logical vector to record changes
    for (a in seq_along(ar)) {
        e_s <- start(ranges(ar)[a])
        e_e <- end(ranges(ar)[a])
        change <- FALSE ## seeing if single junction overlaps
        if (length(ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[[a]]) == 1) {
            j_start <- as.integer(start(ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[a]))
            j_end <- as.integer(end(ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[a]))
            if (inbetween(j_start, e_s, e_e) &
                inbetween(value = j_end, rstart = e_s, rend = e_e)) {
                e_s <- j_start + 1
                e_e <- j_end - 1
                change <- TRUE
            } else if (inbetween(j_start, e_s, e_e)) {
                e_e <- j_start - 1
                change <- TRUE
            } else if (inbetween(j_end, e_s, e_e)) {
                e_s <- j_end + 1
                change <- TRUE
            } # seeing if one or two junctions overlap
        } else if (length(ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[[a]]) == 2) {
            if (colgrs(ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[[a]])) {
                changes <- c(changes, change)
            if (ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[[a]][1] >
                ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[[a]][2]) {
                e_s <- as.integer(end(ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[[a]][2])) + 1
                e_e <- as.integer(start(ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[[a]][1])) - 1
                change <- TRUE
            } else {
                e_s <- as.integer(end(ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[[a]][1])) + 1
                e_e <- as.integer(start(ranges(mcols(ar)[["grl"]])[[a]][2])) - 1
                change <- TRUE
        BiocGenerics::start(ar[a]) <- e_s
        BiocGenerics::end(ar[a]) <- e_e
        changes <- c(changes, change)
    return(list(ar, changes))
eolagbaju/ODER documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 5:21 a.m.