#' Given a pile of variants from freebayes and friends, make a table of what changed.
#' My post-processor of the results from mpileup/freebayes provides
#' some hopefully fun output files. This function seeks to leverage
#' them into tables which might be fun to look at.
#' @param metadata Usually the result of gather_preprocessing_metadata(), but
#' whatever it is, it should have a column containing the observed
#' coverage and observed variants as a table.
#' @param coverage_column Metadata column name containing coverage information
#' from bedtools in a tabular format.
#' @param variants_column Metadata column name containing the variants/gene.
#' @param min_missing Bin size above which to call a region missing
#' from one or more samples when looking for large-scale deletions
#' using coverage information.
#' @return List containing some fun stuff.
classify_variants <- function(metadata, coverage_column = "bedtoolscoveragefile",
variants_column = "freebayesvariantsbygene", min_missing = 100) {
missing_coverage <- list()
mutations <- list()
mutation_rows <- c("from_a", "from_g", "from_c", "from_t",
"to_a", "to_g", "to_c", "to_t",
"to_strong", "to_weak",
"to_amino", "to_ketone",
"transition", "transversion",
"sense", "missense", "nonsense", "suppressor")
mutations_by_sample <- data.frame(row.names = mutation_rows)
missing_name <- paste0("regions_missing_", min_missing, "nt")
missing_by_sample <- rep(0, nrow(metadata))
names(missing_by_sample) <- rownames(metadata)
for (s in seq_len(nrow(metadata))) {
sample <- rownames(metadata)[s]
mutations_by_sample[[sample]] <- 0
## Get the coverage/nt, use it to make a catalog of regions missing from each sample.
coverage_file <- metadata[s, coverage_column]
missing_df <- readr::read_tsv(coverage_file, col_names = FALSE, show_col_types = FALSE)
colnames(missing_df) <- c("contig", "start", "end")
missing_df[["delta"]] <- missing_df[["end"]] - missing_df[["start"]]
wanted <- missing_df[["delta"]] >= min_missing
missing_regions[[sample]] <- missing_df[wanted, ]
missing_by_sample[sample] <- nrow(missing_df)
## and catalog of mutations in exons, extract the encoded amino acid strings
variant_file <- metadata[s, variants_column]
mutation_df <- readr::read_tsv(variant_file, show_col_types = FALSE)
mutation_df[["aa_from"]] <- gsub(x = mutation_df[["aa_subst"]],
pattern = "^([[:alpha:]]|\\*){1}\\d+[[:alpha:]]|\\*$",
replacement = "\\1")
mutation_df[["aa_to"]] <- gsub(x = mutation_df[["aa_subst"]],
pattern = "^.*?([[:alpha:]]|\\*){1}$",
replacement = "\\1")
mutation_df[["nt_from"]] <- gsub(x = mutation_df[["from_to"]],
pattern = "^([[:alpha:]]|\\*){1}\\d+[[:alpha:]]|\\*$",
replacement = "\\1")
mutation_df[["nt_to"]] <- gsub(x = mutation_df[["from_to"]],
pattern = "^.*?([[:alpha:]]|\\*){1}$",
replacement = "\\1")
mutation_df <- mutation_df %>%
sense = dplyr::case_when(aa_to == aa_from ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
missense = dplyr::case_when(aa_to != aa_from ~ 1 & aa_to != "*" & aa_from != "*", TRUE ~ 0),
nonsense = dplyr::case_when(aa_to == "*" & aa_from != "*" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
suppressor = dplyr::case_when(aa_to != "*" & aa_from == "*" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0))
mutation_df <- mutation_df %>%
transition = dplyr::case_when(
(nt_to == "A" & nt_from == "G") | (nt_to == "G" & nt_from == "A") |
(nt_to == "C" & nt_from == "T") | (nt_to == "T" & nt_from == "C") ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0),
transversion = dplyr::case_when(
(nt_to == "A" & nt_from == "C") | (nt_to == "C" & nt_from == "A") |
(nt_to == "G" & nt_from == "T") | (nt_to == "T" & nt_from == "G") |
(nt_to == "C" & nt_from == "G") | (nt_to == "G" & nt_from == "C") ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0),
to_weak = dplyr::case_when(nt_to == "A" | nt_to == "T" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
to_strong = dplyr::case_when(nt_to == "G" | nt_to == "C" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
to_ketone = dplyr::case_when(nt_to == "G" | nt_to == "T" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
to_amino = dplyr::case_when(nt_to == "A" | nt_to == "C" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
from_a = dplyr::case_when(nt_from == "A" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
from_g = dplyr::case_when(nt_from == "G" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
from_t = dplyr::case_when(nt_from == "T" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
from_c = dplyr::case_when(nt_from == "C" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
to_a = dplyr::case_when(nt_to == "A" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
to_g = dplyr::case_when(nt_to == "G" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
to_t = dplyr::case_when(nt_to == "T" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0),
to_c = dplyr::case_when(nt_to == "C" ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0))
mutations[[s]] <- mutation_df
for (t in seq_along(mutation_rows)) {
type <- mutation_rows[t]
mutations_by_sample[type, sample] <- sum(mutation_df[[type]])
names(mutations) <- rownames(metadata)
sample_mutations_norm <- mutations_by_sample
for (s in colnames(sample_mutations_norm)) {
sample_mutations_norm["from_a", s] <- mutations_by_sample["from_a", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["from_a", s] + mutations_by_sample["from_c", s] +
mutations_by_sample["from_g", s] + mutations_by_sample["from_t", s])
sample_mutations_norm["from_t", s] <- mutations_by_sample["from_t", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["from_a", s] + mutations_by_sample["from_c", s] +
mutations_by_sample["from_g", s] + mutations_by_sample["from_t", s])
sample_mutations_norm["from_g", s] <- mutations_by_sample["from_g", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["from_a", s] + mutations_by_sample["from_c", s] +
mutations_by_sample["from_g", s] + mutations_by_sample["from_t", s])
sample_mutations_norm["from_c", s] <- mutations_by_sample["from_c", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["from_a", s] + mutations_by_sample["from_c", s] +
mutations_by_sample["from_g", s] + mutations_by_sample["from_t", s])
sample_mutations_norm["to_a", s] <- mutations_by_sample["to_a", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["to_a", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_c", s] +
mutations_by_sample["to_g", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_t", s])
sample_mutations_norm["to_c", s] <- mutations_by_sample["to_c", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["to_a", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_c", s] +
mutations_by_sample["to_g", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_t", s])
sample_mutations_norm["to_g", s] <- mutations_by_sample["to_g", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["to_a", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_c", s] +
mutations_by_sample["to_g", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_t", s])
sample_mutations_norm["to_t", s] <- mutations_by_sample["to_t", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["to_a", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_c", s] +
mutations_by_sample["to_g", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_t", s])
sample_mutations_norm["to_strong", s] <- mutations_by_sample["to_strong", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["to_strong", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_weak", s])
sample_mutations_norm["to_weak", s] <- mutations_by_sample["to_weak", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["to_strong", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_weak", s])
sample_mutations_norm["to_amino", s] <- mutations_by_sample["to_amino", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["to_amino", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_ketone", s])
sample_mutations_norm["to_ketone", s] <- mutations_by_sample["to_ketone", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["to_amino", s] + mutations_by_sample["to_keto", s])
sample_mutations_norm["transition", s] <- mutations_by_sample["transition", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["transition", s] + mutations_by_sample["transversion", s])
sample_mutations_norm["transversion", s] <- mutations_by_sample["transversion", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["transition", s] + mutations_by_sample["transversion", s])
sample_mutations_norm["sense", s] <- mutations_by_sample["sense", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["sense", s] + mutations_by_sample["missense", s] +
mutations_by_sample["nonsense", s] + mutations_by_sample["suppressor", s])
sample_mutations_norm["missense", s] <- mutations_by_sample["missense", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["sense", s] + mutations_by_sample["missense", s] +
mutations_by_sample["nonsense", s] + mutations_by_sample["suppressor", s])
sample_mutations_norm["nonsense", s] <- mutations_by_sample["nonsense", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["sense", s] + mutations_by_sample["missense", s] +
mutations_by_sample["nonsense", s] + mutations_by_sample["suppressor", s])
sample_mutations_norm["suppressor", s] <- mutations_by_sample["suppressor", s] /
(mutations_by_sample["sense", s] + mutations_by_sample["missense", s] +
mutations_by_sample["nonsense", s] + mutations_by_sample["suppressor", s])
sample_mutations_norm <- as.matrix(sample_mutations_norm)
retlist <- list(
"missing_coverage" = missing_coverage,
"mutations" = mutations,
"missing_by_sample" = missing_by_sample,
"mutations_by_sample" = mutations_by_sample,
"mutations_by_sample_norm" = sample_mutations_norm)
class(retlist) <- "classified_mutations"
#' Gather snp information for an expt
#' I made some pretty significant changes to the set of data which I
#' retain when using mpileup/freebayes. As a result, this function
#' needs to be reworked.
#' This function attempts to gather a set of variant positions using an extant
#' expressionset. This therefore seeks to keep the sample metadata consistent
#' with the original data. In its current iteration, it therefore makes some
#' potentially bad assumptions about the naming conventions for its input
#' files. It furthermore assumes inputs from the variant calling methods in
#' cyoa.
#' @param expt an expressionset from which to extract information.
#' @param annot_column Column in the metadata for getting the table of bcftools calls.
#' @param tolower Lowercase stuff like 'HPGL'?
#' @param snp_column Which column of the parsed bcf table contains our interesting material?
#' @param numerator_column When provided, use this column as the numerator of a proportion.
#' @param denominator_column When provided, use this column as the denominator of a proportion.#'
#' @return A new expt object
#' @seealso [Biobase] freebayes:DOI:10.48550/arXiv.1207.3907,
#' mpileup:DOI:10.1093/gigascience/giab008
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' expt <- create_expt(metadata, gene_information)
#' snp_expt <- count_expt_snps(expt)
#' ## This assumes that the metadata has a column named 'bcftable' with one file per
#' ## cell. These files in turn should have a column named 'diff_count' which will
#' ## be the source of the numbers found when doing exprs(snp_expt).
#' }
#' @export
count_expt_snps <- function(expt, annot_column = "bcftable", tolower = TRUE,
snp_column = NULL, numerator_column = "PAO",
denominator_column = "DP", reader = "table", verbose = FALSE) {
samples <- rownames(pData(expt))
if (isTRUE(tolower)) {
samples <- tolower(samples)
file_lst <- pData(expt)[[annot_column]]
if (is.null(file_lst)) {
stop("This requires a set of bcf filenames, the column: ", annot_column, " does not have any.")
snp_dt <- NULL
if (!is.null(snp_column)) {
message("Using the snp column: ", snp_column, " from the sample annotations.")
snp_dt <- read_snp_columns(samples, file_lst, column = snp_column,
reader = reader, verbose = verbose)
} else if (is.null(numerator_column) && is.null(denominator_column)) {
message("Using the snp column: ", snp_column, " from the sample_annotations.")
snp_dt <- read_snp_columns(samples, file_lst, column = snp_column,
reader = reader, verbose = verbose)
} else if (is.null(denominator_column)) {
message("Using only the numerator column: ", numerator_column, " from the sample_annotations.")
snp_dt <- read_snp_columns(samples, file_lst, column = numerator_column,
reader = reader, verbose = verbose)
} else {
message("Using columns: ", numerator_column, " and ", denominator_column,
" from the sample_annotations.")
numerator_dt <- read_snp_columns(samples, file_lst, column = numerator_column,
reader = reader, verbose = verbose)
denominator_dt <- read_snp_columns(samples, file_lst, column = denominator_column,
reader = reader, verbose = verbose)
snp_dt <- numerator_dt
for (col in colnames(snp_dt)) {
if (col == "rownames") {
mesg("Skipping rownames")
} else {
snp_dt[[col]] <- numerator_dt[[col]] / denominator_dt[[col]]
nan_idx <- is.na(snp_dt)
snp_dt[nan_idx] <- 0
rm(list = c("numerator_dt", "denominator_dt"))
test_names <- snp_dt[["rownames"]]
test <- grep(pattern = "^chr", x = test_names)
if (length(test) == 0) {
message("The rownames are missing the chromosome identifier,
they probably came from an older version of this method.")
pat <- "^(.+)_(.+)_(.+)_(.+)$"
new <-"chr_\\1_pos_\\2_ref_\\3_alt_\\4"
new_names <- gsub(pattern = pat, replacement = new, x = test_names)
snp_dt[["rownames"]] <- new_names
## Make sure there are no underscores in the chromosome names.
snp_dt[["rownames"]] <- gsub(pattern = "chr_(.*)_(.*)_pos",
replacement = "chr_\\1-\\2_pos",
x = snp_dt[["rownames"]])
## Get rid of underscores if they are in the chromosome name.
snp_exprs <- as.data.frame(snp_dt)
rownames(snp_exprs) <- snp_exprs[["rownames"]]
snp_exprs[["rownames"]] <- NULL
snp_features <- data.table::as.data.table(snp_dt)
snp_features[, c("chr", "chromosome",
"pos", "position",
"ref", "original",
"alt", "new") :=
data.table::tstrsplit(snp_features[["rownames"]], "_", fixed = TRUE)]
snp_features <- snp_features[, c("chromosome", "position", "original", "new")]
snp_features <- as.data.frame(snp_features)
rownames(snp_features) <- snp_dt[["rownames"]]
snp_metadata <- pData(expt)
snp_metadata <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", snp_metadata)
Biobase::sampleNames(snp_metadata) <- colnames(snp_exprs)
snp_features <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", snp_features)
Biobase::featureNames(snp_features) <- rownames(snp_exprs)
expressionset <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs = snp_exprs,
phenoData = snp_metadata, featureData = snp_features)
new_expt <- expt
new_expt[["expressionset"]] <- expressionset
new_expt[["original_expressionset"]] <- expressionset
new_expt[["feature_type"]] <- "variants"
## Make a matrix where the existence of a variant is 1 vs. 0.
mtrx <- exprs(expressionset)
idx <- mtrx > 0
mtrx[idx] <- 1
new_expt[["variants"]] <- mtrx
#' Extract the observed snps unique to individual categories in a snp set.
#' The result of get_snp_sets provides sets of snps for all possible
#' categories. This is cool and all, but most of the time we just want the
#' results of a single group in that rather large set (2^number of categories)
#' @param retlist The result from get_snp_sets().
get_individual_snps <- function(retlist) {
individual_lst <- list()
possibilities <- retlist[["possibilities"]]
elements <- retlist[["elements"]]
names <- retlist[["names"]]
for (p in possibilities) {
foundp <- p == names
individual_lst[[p]] <- elements[[foundp]]
#' Create all possible sets of variants by sample (types).
#' I like this function. It generates an exhaustive catalog of the snps by
#' chromosome for all the various categories as defined by factor.
#' @param snp_expt Expressionset of variants.
#' @param factor Use this metadata factor to split the data.
#' @param stringency Allow for some wiggle room in the calls.
#' @param do_save Save the results to an rda fil.
#' @param savefile This is redundant with do_save.
#' @param minmax_cutoff Cutoffs used to define homozygous vs. no-observation.
#' @param hetero_cutoff Cutoff to define heterozygous vs. observed/homozygous
#' @return A funky list by chromosome containing: 'medians', the median number
#' of hits / position by sample type; 'possibilities', the;
#' 'intersections', the groupings as detected by Vennerable;
#' 'chr_data', the raw data; 'set_names', a character list of the actual names
#' of the groupings; 'invert_names', the opposite of set_names which is to say
#' the names of groups which do _not_ include samples x,y,z; 'density', a list
#' of snp densities with respect to chromosomes. Note that this last one is
#' approximate as I just calculate with the largest chromosome position
#' number, not the explicit number of nucleotides in the chromosome.
#' @seealso [medians_by_factor()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' expt <- create_expt(metadata, gene_information)
#' snp_expt <- count_expt_snps(expt)
#' snp_sets <- get_snp_sets(snp_expt, factor = "condition")
#' ## This assumes a column in the metadata for the expt named 'condition'.
#' }
#' @export
get_proportion_snp_sets <- function(snp_expt, factor = "pathogenstrain",
stringency = NULL, do_save = FALSE,
savefile = "variants.rda",
minmax_cutoff = 0.05,
hetero_cutoff = 0.3) {
if (is.null(pData(snp_expt)[[factor]])) {
stop("The factor does not exist in the expt.")
} else {
message("The samples represent the following categories: ")
if (isTRUE(do_save) && file.exists(glue("{savefile}_{factor}.rda"))) {
retlist <- new.env()
loaded <- load(savefile, envir = retlist)
retlist <- retlist[["retlist"]]
## Using a column which is a proportion of alternate/total reads.
## Recasting all values >= proportion_cutoff to 2 and values < cutoff and > 0 to 1
## and leaving 0 alone
message("Using a proportion column to recast each position as a categorical, 0 (ref), 1 (heter), 2 (homo)")
prop <- exprs(snp_expt)
categorical <- prop
zero_cutoff <- 0 + minmax_cutoff
homo_cutoff <- 1 - minmax_cutoff
zero_idx <- prop <= zero_cutoff
observed_idx <- prop > zero_cutoff & prop < hetero_cutoff
hetero_idx <- prop >= hetero_cutoff & prop < homo_cutoff
homo_idx <- prop >= homo_cutoff
categorical[zero_idx] <- 0 ## Variant not observed (+/- 5%)
categorical[observed_idx] <- 0.5 ## Observed a little
categorical[hetero_idx] <- 1 ## Observed ~ half of the time
categorical[homo_idx] <- 2 ## Observed observed always (+/- 5%)
categorical_expt <- snp_expt
exprs(categorical_expt) <- categorical
## This function should be renamed to summarize_by_factor.
by_factor_data <- median_by_factor(categorical_expt, fact = factor)
## So, the median_by_factor will be a range of values where the sum will be between 2x * number of samples
## and 0
values <- by_factor_data[["sums"]]
min_values <- by_factor_data[["mins"]]
max_values <- by_factor_data[["maxs"]]
all_homo <- values
all_hetero <- values
observed <- values
not_observed <- values
observed_norm <- values
spc <- by_factor_data[["samples_per_condition"]]
for (f in 1:length(spc)) {
num <- spc[f]
fact <- names(spc)[f]
observed_norm[[fact]] <- observed[[fact]] / num ## So, if every sample agrees
## that this is 100% observed, the value will be 2.
## If instead every sample thinks it is hetero, it will be 1
## If some samples see it and some do not, then it will be
homo_idx <- observed_norm[[fact]] == 2 & min_values[[fact]] == 2
hetero_idx <- observed_norm[[fact]] == 1 & min_values[[fact]] == 1
all_homo[homo_idx, fact] <- 1
all_homo[!homo_idx, fact] <- 0
all_hetero[hetero_idx, fact] <- 1
all_hetero[!hetero_idx, fact] <- 0
observed_idx <- observed > 0
observed[observed_idx] <- 1
observed[!observed_idx] <- 0
## Exclusive homozygous and heterozygous positions:
## E.g. the positions where:
## 1. one condition is observed and homozygous
## 2. all other conditions are not observed at all
message("Gathering the set of exclusive homozygous and heterozygous positions.")
exclusive_homo <- all_homo
exclusive_hetero <- all_hetero
exclusive_not <- not_observed
for (col in colnames(exclusive_homo)) {
## Thus rowSums(observed) should be 1, and the value at this row should be 1
## and rowSums(exclusive) should be 1.
exclusive_homo_idx <- rowSums(observed) == 1 & all_homo[[col]] == 1 &
rowSums(all_homo) == 1
exclusive_homo[exclusive_homo_idx, col] <- 1
exclusive_homo[!exclusive_homo_idx, col] <- 0
exclusive_hetero_idx <- rowSums(observed) == 1 & all_hetero[[col]] == 1 &
rowSums(all_hetero) == 1
exclusive_homo[exclusive_homo_idx, col] <- 1
exclusive_homo[!exclusive_homo_idx, col] <- 0
exclusive_not_idx <- rowSums(observed) == ncol(observed) - 1 & observed[[col]] == 0
exclusive_not[exclusive_not_idx, col] <- 1
exclusive_not[!exclusive_not_idx, col] <- 0
exc_homo_keepers <- rowSums(exclusive_homo) > 0
exclusive_homo <- exclusive_homo[exc_homo_keepers, ]
exclusive_not_keepers <- rowSums(exclusive_not) > 0
exclusive_not <- exclusive_not[exclusive_not_keepers, ]
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("parallel"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("doParallel"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("iterators"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("foreach"))
tt <- sm(try(attachNamespace("foreach"), silent = TRUE))
cores <- parallel::detectCores()
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
## I am going to split this by chromosome, as a run of 10,000 took 2 seconds,
## 100,000 took a minute, and 400,000 took an hour.
##chr <- gsub(pattern = "^.+_(.+)_.+_.+_.+$", replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(values))
observed_chr_names <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref_.+_alt_.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(observed))
observed[["chr"]] <- observed_chr_names
observed_individual_chromosomes <- levels(as.factor(observed_chr_names))
num_levels <- length(observed_individual_chromosomes)
message("Counting observed positions across ", num_levels, " chromosomes/contigs.")
observed_chr <- list()
i <- 1
res <- list()
res <- foreach(i = seq_len(num_levels),
## .combine = "c",
## .multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = c("hpgltools", "doParallel"),
.export = c("snp_by_chr")) %dopar% {
chromosome_name <- observed_individual_chromosomes[i]
observed_chr[[chromosome_name]] <- snp_by_chr(observed, chr_name = chromosome_name)
## Unpack the res data structure (which probably can be simplified)
observed_by_chr <- list()
possibilities <- c()
set_names <- list()
invert_names <- list()
end <- length(res)
mesg("Iterating over ", end, " elements.")
for (element in seq_len(end)) {
datum <- res[[element]]
chromosome <- datum[["chromosome"]]
observed_by_chr[[chromosome]] <- datum
possibilities <- observed_by_chr[[chromosome]][["possibilities"]]
set_names <- observed_by_chr[[chromosome]][["set_names"]]
invert_names <- observed_by_chr[[chromosome]][["invert_names"]]
message("Counting homozygous positions by chromosome/contig.")
homo_chr_names <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref_.+_alt_.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(all_homo))
all_homo[["chr"]] <- homo_chr_names
homo_individual_chromosomes <- levels(as.factor(homo_chr_names))
num_levels <- length(homo_individual_chromosomes)
homo_chr <- list()
i <- 1
res <- list()
res <- foreach(i = seq_len(num_levels),
## .combine = "c",
## .multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = c("hpgltools", "doParallel"),
.export = c("snp_by_chr")) %dopar% {
chromosome_name <- homo_individual_chromosomes[i]
homo_chr[[chromosome_name]] <- snp_by_chr(all_homo, chr_name = chromosome_name)
## Unpack the res data structure (which probably can be simplified)
homo_by_chr <- list()
end <- length(res)
mesg("Iterating over ", end, " elements.")
for (element in seq_len(end)) {
datum <- res[[element]]
chromosome <- datum[["chromosome"]]
homo_by_chr[[chromosome]] <- datum
hetero_chr_names <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref_.+_alt_.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(all_hetero))
all_hetero[["chr"]] <- hetero_chr_names
hetero_individual_chromosomes <- levels(as.factor(hetero_chr_names))
num_lvels <- length(hetero_individual_chromosomes)
message("Counting heterozygous positions by chromosome/contig.")
hetero_chr <- list()
i <- 1
res <- list()
res <- foreach(i = seq_len(num_levels),
## .combine = "c",
## .multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = c("hpgltools", "doParallel"),
.export = c("snp_by_chr")) %dopar% {
chromosome_name <- hetero_individual_chromosomes[i]
hetero_chr[[chromosome_name]] <- snp_by_chr(all_hetero, chr_name = chromosome_name)
## Unpack the res data structure (which probably can be simplified)
hetero_by_chr <- list()
end <- length(res)
mesg("Iterating over ", end, " elements.")
for (element in seq_len(end)) {
datum <- res[[element]]
chromosome <- datum[["chromosome"]]
hetero_by_chr[[chromosome]] <- datum
exc_homo_chr_names <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref_.+_alt_.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(exclusive_homo))
exclusive_homo[["chr"]] <- exc_homo_chr_names
exc_homo_individual_chromosomes <- levels(as.factor(exc_homo_chr_names))
num_levels <- length(exc_homo_individual_chromosomes)
message("Counting exclusive homozygous positions by chromosome/contig.")
exclusive_homo_chr <- list()
i <- 1
res <- list()
res <- foreach(i = seq_len(num_levels),
## .combine = "c",
## .multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = c("hpgltools", "doParallel"),
.export = c("snp_by_chr")) %dopar% {
chromosome_name <- exc_homo_individual_chromosomes[i]
exclusive_homo_chr[[chromosome_name]] <- snp_by_chr(exclusive_homo, chr_name = chromosome_name)
## Unpack the res data structure (which probably can be simplified)
exclusive_homo_by_chr <- list()
end <- length(res)
mesg("Iterating over ", end, " elements.")
for (element in seq_len(end)) {
datum <- res[[element]]
chromosome <- datum[["chromosome"]]
exclusive_homo_by_chr[[chromosome]] <- datum
exc_hetero_chr_names <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref_.+_alt_.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(exclusive_hetero))
exclusive_hetero[["chr"]] <- exc_hetero_chr_names
exc_hetero_individual_chromosomes <- levels(as.factor(exc_hetero_chr_names))
num_levels <- length(exc_hetero_individual_chromosomes)
message("Counting exclusive heterozygous positions by chromosome/contig.")
exclusive_hetero_chr <- list()
i <- 1
res <- list()
res <- foreach(i = seq_len(num_levels),
## .combine = "c",
## .multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = c("hpgltools", "doParallel"),
.export = c("snp_by_chr")) %dopar% {
chromosome_name <- exc_hetero_individual_chromosomes[i]
exclusive_hetero_chr[[chromosome_name]] <- snp_by_chr(exclusive_hetero, chr_name = chromosome_name)
## Unpack the res data structure (which probably can be simplified)
exclusive_hetero_by_chr <- list()
end <- length(res)
mesg("Iterating over ", end, " elements.")
for (element in seq_len(end)) {
datum <- res[[element]]
chromosome <- datum[["chromosome"]]
exclusive_hetero_by_chr[[chromosome]] <- datum
exc_not_chr_names <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref_.+_alt_.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(exclusive_not))
exclusive_not[["chr"]] <- exc_not_chr_names
exc_not_individual_chromosomes <- levels(as.factor(exc_not_chr_names))
num_levels <- length(exc_not_individual_chromosomes)
message("Counting exclusive notzygous positions by chromosome/contig.")
exclusive_not_chr <- list()
i <- 1
res <- list()
res <- foreach(i = seq_len(num_levels),
## .combine = "c",
## .multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = c("hpgltools", "doParallel"),
.export = c("snp_by_chr")) %dopar% {
chromosome_name <- exc_not_individual_chromosomes[i]
exclusive_not_chr[[chromosome_name]] <- snp_by_chr(exclusive_not, chr_name = chromosome_name)
## Unpack the res data structure (which probably can be simplified)
exclusive_not_by_chr <- list()
end <- length(res)
mesg("Iterating over ", end, " elements.")
for (element in seq_len(end)) {
datum <- res[[element]]
chromosome <- datum[["chromosome"]]
exclusive_not_by_chr[[chromosome]] <- datum
## Calculate approximate snp densities by chromosome
observed_intersections <- list()
homo_intersections <- list()
hetero_intersections <- list()
observed_density_by_chr <- list()
exclusive_homo_intersections <- list()
exclusive_hetero_intersections <- list()
exclusive_not_intersections <- list()
homo_density_by_chr <- list()
hetero_density_by_chr <- list()
exclusive_homo_density_by_chr <- list()
exclusive_hetero_density_by_chr <- list()
exclusive_not_density_by_chr <- list()
for (chr in names(observed_by_chr)) {
observed_snps <- rownames(observed_by_chr[[chr]][["observations"]])
homo_snps <- rownames(homo_by_chr[[chr]][["observations"]])
hetero_snps <- rownames(homo_by_chr[[chr]][["observations"]])
exclusive_homo_snps <- rownames(exclusive_homo_by_chr[[chr]][["observations"]])
exclusive_hetero_snps <- rownames(exclusive_hetero_by_chr[[chr]][["observations"]])
exclusive_not_snps <- rownames(exclusive_not_by_chr[[chr]][["observations"]])
num_observed <- length(observed_snps)
num_homo <- length(homo_snps)
num_exclusive_homo <- length(exclusive_homo_snps)
num_hetero <- length(hetero_snps)
num_exclusive_hetero <- length(exclusive_hetero_snps)
num_exclusive_not <- length(exclusive_not_snps)
last_position <- max(
as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "^chr_.+_pos_(.+)_ref_.+_alt_.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = observed_snps)))
homo_density <- num_homo / as.numeric(last_position)
exclusive_homo_density <- num_exclusive_homo / as.numeric(last_position)
hetero_density <- num_hetero / as.numeric(last_position)
exclusive_hetero_density <- num_exclusive_hetero / as.numeric(last_position)
exclusive_not_density <- num_exclusive_not / as.numeric(last_position)
observed_density <- num_observed / as.numeric(last_position)
homo_density_by_chr[[chr]] <- homo_density
exclusive_homo_density_by_chr[[chr]] <- exclusive_homo_density
hetero_density_by_chr[[chr]] <- hetero_density
exclusive_hetero_density_by_chr[[chr]] <- exclusive_hetero_density
exclusive_not_density_by_chr[[chr]] <- exclusive_not_density
observed_density_by_chr[[chr]] <- observed_density
for (inter in names(observed_by_chr[[chr]][["intersections"]])) {
if (is.null(homo_intersections[[inter]])) {
homo_intersections[[inter]] <- homo_by_chr[[chr]][["intersections"]][[inter]]
} else {
homo_intersections[[inter]] <- c(homo_intersections[[inter]],
if (is.null(exclusive_homo_intersections[[inter]])) {
exclusive_homo_intersections[[inter]] <- exclusive_homo_by_chr[[chr]][["intersections"]][[inter]]
} else {
exclusive_homo_intersections[[inter]] <- c(exclusive_homo_intersections[[inter]],
if (is.null(hetero_intersections[[inter]])) {
hetero_intersections[[inter]] <- hetero_by_chr[[chr]][["intersections"]][[inter]]
} else {
hetero_intersections[[inter]] <- c(hetero_intersections[[inter]],
if (is.null(exclusive_hetero_intersections[[inter]])) {
exclusive_hetero_intersections[[inter]] <- exclusive_hetero_by_chr[[chr]][["intersections"]][[inter]]
} else {
exclusive_hetero_intersections[[inter]] <- c(exclusive_hetero_intersections[[inter]],
if (is.null(exclusive_not_intersections[[inter]])) {
exclusive_not_intersections[[inter]] <- exclusive_not_by_chr[[chr]][["intersections"]][[inter]]
} else {
exclusive_not_intersections[[inter]] <- c(exclusive_not_intersections[[inter]],
if (is.null(observed_intersections[[inter]])) {
observed_intersections[[inter]] <- observed_by_chr[[chr]][["intersections"]][[inter]]
} else {
observed_intersections[[inter]] <- c(observed_intersections[[inter]],
} ## End iterating over the sets
observed_density_by_chr <- unlist(observed_density_by_chr)
homo_density_by_chr <- unlist(homo_density_by_chr)
exclusive_homo_density_by_chr <- unlist(exclusive_homo_density_by_chr)
hetero_density_by_chr <- unlist(hetero_density_by_chr)
exclusive_hetero_density_by_chr <- unlist(exclusive_hetero_density_by_chr)
exclusive_not_density_by_chr <- unlist(exclusive_not_density_by_chr)
retlist <- list(
"max_notobserved_cutoff" = zero_cutoff,
"max_observed_cutoff" = hetero_cutoff,
"max_hetero_cutoff" = homo_cutoff,
"data_by_factor" = by_factor_data,
"values" = values,
"homozygous_boolean" = all_homo,
"exclusive_homozygous_boolean" = exclusive_homo,
"heterozygous_boolean" = all_hetero,
"exclusive_heterozygous_boolean" = exclusive_hetero,
"exclusive_not_boolean" = exclusive_not,
"observed_boolean" = observed,
"not_observed_boolean" = not_observed,
"possibilities" = possibilities,
"homozygous_intersections" = homo_intersections,
"exclusive_homozygous_intersections" = exclusive_homo_intersections,
"heterozygous_intersections" = hetero_intersections,
"exclusive_heterozygous_intersections" = exclusive_hetero_intersections,
"exclusive_not_intersections" = exclusive_not_intersections,
"observed_intersections" = observed_intersections,
"homozygous" = homo_by_chr,
"exclusive_homozygous" = exclusive_homo_by_chr,
"heterozygous" = hetero_by_chr,
"exclusive_heterozygous" = exclusive_hetero_by_chr,
"exclusive_not" = exclusive_not_by_chr,
"observed" = observed_by_chr,
"set_names" = set_names,
"invert_names" = invert_names,
"homozygous_density" = homo_density_by_chr,
"exclusive_homozygous_density" = exclusive_homo_density_by_chr,
"heterozygous_density" = hetero_density_by_chr,
"exclusive_heterozygous_density" = exclusive_hetero_density_by_chr,
"exclusive_not_density" = exclusive_not_density_by_chr,
"observed_density" = observed_density_by_chr)
if (isTRUE(do_save)) {
saved <- save(list = "retlist", file = savefile)
class(retlist) <- "categorized_snp_sets"
#' Collect variants associated with specific conditions.
#' @param snp_expt variant collection.
#' @param factor metadata factor
#' @param stringency method to determin 'real' variants.
#' @param do_save Save the result?
#' @param savefile outptu savefile.
#' @param proportion Used with stringency.
#' @export
get_snp_sets <- function(snp_expt, factor = "pathogenstrain",
stringency = NULL, do_save = FALSE,
savefile = "variants.rda",
proportion = 0.9) {
if (is.null(pData(snp_expt)[[factor]])) {
stop("The factor does not exist in the expt.")
} else {
message("The samples represent the following categories: ")
if (isTRUE(do_save) && file.exists(glue("{savefile}_{factor}.rda"))) {
retlist <- new.env()
loaded <- load(savefile, envir = retlist)
retlist <- retlist[["retlist"]]
if (!is.null(proportion)) {
message("Using a proportion of observed variants, converting the data to binary observations.")
nonzero <- exprs(snp_expt)
nonzero[nonzero > 0] <- 1
stringency <- "proportion"
nonzero <- as.matrix(nonzero)
exprs(snp_expt) <- nonzero
## This function should be renamed to summarize_by_factor.
by_factor_data <- median_by_factor(snp_expt, fact = factor)
values <- data.frame()
observed <- data.frame()
if (stringency == "proportion") {
values <- by_factor_data[["sums"]]
observed <- values
spc <- by_factor_data[["samples_per_condition"]]
for (f in 1:length(spc)) {
num <- spc[f]
fact <- names(spc)[f]
observed[[fact]] <- observed[[fact]] / num
not_observed_idx <- observed < proportion
observed_idx <- observed >= proportion
observed[not_observed_idx] <- 0
observed[observed_idx] <- 1
} else if (stringency == "min") {
values <- by_factor_data[["mins"]]
observed <- values
observed[observed > 0] <- 1
} else if (stringency == "max") {
values <- by_factor_data[["maxs"]]
observed <- values
observed[observed > 0] <- 1
} else if (stringency == "median") {
observed <- by_factor_data[["values"]]
} else {
stop("I do not understand this stringency parameter.")
## I am going to split this by chromosome, as a run of 10,000 took 2 seconds,
## 100,000 took a minute, and 400,000 took an hour.
##chr <- gsub(pattern = "^.+_(.+)_.+_.+_.+$", replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(values))
chr <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref_.+_alt_.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(observed))
observed[["chr"]] <- chr
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("parallel"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("doParallel"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("iterators"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("foreach"))
tt <- sm(try(attachNamespace("foreach"), silent = TRUE))
cores <- parallel::detectCores()
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
num_levels <- length(levels(as.factor(chr)))
show_progress <- interactive() && is.null(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))
pb_opts <- list()
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = num_levels, style = 3)
progress <- function(n) {
setTxtProgressBar(bar, n)
pb_opts[["progress"]] <- progress
returns <- list()
i <- 1
res <- list()
res <- foreach(i = seq_len(num_levels),
## .combine = "c",
## .multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = c("hpgltools", "doParallel"),
.export = c("snp_by_chr")) %dopar% {
chromosome_name <- levels(as.factor(chr))[i]
returns[[chromosome_name]] <- snp_by_chr(observed, chr_name = chromosome_name)
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
message("Finished iterating over the chromosomes.")
## Unpack the res data structure (which probably can be simplified)
data_by_chr <- list()
possibilities <- c()
set_names <- list()
invert_names <- list()
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(style = 3)
end <- length(res)
mesg("Iterating over ", end, " elements.")
for (element in seq_len(end)) {
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
pct_done <- element / end
utils::setTxtProgressBar(bar, pct_done)
datum <- res[[element]]
chromosome <- datum[["chromosome"]]
data_by_chr[[chromosome]] <- datum
possibilities <- data_by_chr[[chromosome]][["possibilities"]]
set_names <- data_by_chr[[chromosome]][["set_names"]]
invert_names <- data_by_chr[[chromosome]][["invert_names"]]
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
## Calculate approximate snp densities by chromosome
all_intersections <- list()
density_by_chr <- list()
for (chr in names(data_by_chr)) {
## snps <- rownames(data_by_chr[[chr]][["medians"]])
snps <- rownames(data_by_chr[[chr]][["observations"]])
num_snps <- length(snps)
##last_position <- max(as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "^.+_.+_(.+)_.+_.+$",
## replacement = "\\1", x = snps)))
last_position <- max(
as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "^chr_.+_pos_(.+)_ref_.+_alt_.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = snps)))
snp_density <- num_snps / as.numeric(last_position)
density_by_chr[[chr]] <- snp_density
for (inter in names(data_by_chr[[chr]][["intersections"]])) {
if (is.null(all_intersections[[inter]])) {
all_intersections[[inter]] <- data_by_chr[[chr]][["intersections"]][[inter]]
} else {
all_intersections[[inter]] <- c(all_intersections[[inter]],
density_by_chr <- unlist(density_by_chr)
retlist <- list(
"factor" = factor,
"values" = values,
"observations" = observed,
"possibilities" = possibilities,
"intersections" = all_intersections,
"chr_data" = data_by_chr,
"set_names" = set_names,
"invert_names" = invert_names,
"density" = density_by_chr)
if (isTRUE(do_save)) {
saved <- save(list = "retlist", file = savefile)
class(retlist) <- "snp_sets"
#' Take a vector of my peculiarly named variants and turn them into a grange
#' @param names A set of things which look like: chr_x_pos_y_ref_a_alt_b
#' @param gr Extant GRanges to modify?
snpnames2gr <- function(names, gr = NULL) {
pos_df <- data.frame(row.names = names)
pos_df[["chr"]] <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref.+_alt.+$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = rownames(pos_df))
pos_df[["start"]] <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "^chr_.+_pos_(.+)_ref.+_alt.+$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = rownames(pos_df)))
pos_df[["end"]] <- pos_df[["start"]]
pos_df[["strand"]] <- "+"
pos_df[["reference"]] <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_.+_pos_.+_ref_(.+)_alt.+$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = rownames(pos_df))
pos_df[["alternate"]] <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_.+_pos_.+_ref_.+_alt_(.+)$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = rownames(pos_df))
if (is.null(gr)) {
variants_gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(pos_df, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
} else {
variants_gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(pos_df, seqinfo = seqinfo(gr),
keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
#' Read the output from bcfutils into a count-table-esque
#' Previously, I put all my bcfutils output files into one directory. This
#' function would iterate through every file in that directory and add the
#' contents as columns to this growing data table. Now it works by accepting a
#' list of filenames (presumably kept in the metadata for the experiment) and
#' reading them into the data table. It is worth noting that it can accept
#' either a column name or index -- which when you think about it is pretty much
#' always true, but in this context is particularly interesting since I changed
#' the names of all the columns when I rewrote this functionality.
#' @param samples Sample names to read.
#' @param file_lst Set of files to read.
#' @param column Column from the bcf file to read.
#' @param verbose Print information about the input data.
#' @seealso [readr]
#' @return A big honking data table.
read_snp_columns <- function(samples, file_lst, column = "diff_count",
verbose = FALSE, reader = "readr") {
## Read the first file
first_sample <- samples[1]
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
mesg("Reading sample: ", first_sample, ".")
first_file <- file_lst[1]
first_read <- NULL
if (reader == "readr") {
first_read <- readr::read_tsv(first_file, show_col_types = FALSE)
## Note, readr does wacky things if column names are repeated, which definitely happens
## in the case of data produced by freebayes.
colnames(first_read) <- make.names(
gsub(x = colnames(first_read), pattern = "\\.+\\d+$", replacement = ""),
unique = TRUE)
} else {
first_read <- read.table(first_file, sep = "\t", header = 1, comment.char = "")
if (is.null(first_read[[column]])) {
message("The available columns are: ", toString(colnames(first_read)), ".")
stop("The column: ", column, " does not appear to exist in the variant summary file.")
## Create a simplified data table from it.
input_column <- as.numeric(first_read[[column]])
first_column <- data.table::as.data.table(input_column)
first_column[["rownames"]] <- first_read[[1]]
colnames(first_column) <- c(first_sample, "rownames")
## Copy that dt to the final data structure.
snp_columns <- first_column
## Foreach sample, do the same read of the data and merge it onto the end of the
## final data table.
for (sample_num in seq(from = 2, to = length(samples))) {
sample <- samples[sample_num]
file <- file_lst[sample_num]
if (is.na(file)) {
mesg("There is no file listed for ", sample, ".")
if (!file.exists(file)) {
mesg("Unable to find file: ", file, " for ", sample, ", skipping it.")
if (reader == "readr") {
new_table <- readr::read_tsv(file, show_col_types = FALSE)
colnames(new_table) <- make.names(
gsub(x = colnames(new_table), pattern = "\\.+\\d+$", replacement = ""),
unique = TRUE)
} else {
new_table <- read.table(file, sep = "\t", header = 1, comment.char = "")
if (class(new_table)[1] == "try-error") {
## I am not sure why, but a recent sample came up as a character vector
## instead of numeric...
input_column <- as.numeric(new_table[[column]])
new_column <- data.table::as.data.table(input_column)
new_column[["rownames"]] <- new_table[[1]]
colnames(new_column) <- c(sample, "rownames")
snp_columns <- merge(snp_columns, new_column, by = "rownames", all = TRUE)
na_positions <- is.na(snp_columns)
snp_columns[na_positions] <- 0
#' The real worker. This extracts positions for a single chromosome and puts
#' them into a parallelizable data structure.
#' @param observations A set of observations by position to look through
#' @param chr_name Chromosome name to search
#' @param limit Minimum number of median hits/position to count as a snp.
#' @return A list of variant positions where each element is one chromosome.
#' @seealso [Vennerable]
snp_by_chr <- function(observations, chr_name = "01", limit = 1) {
set_names <- list()
possibilities <- c()
count <- 0
kept_rows <- observations[["chr"]] == chr_name
observations <- observations[kept_rows, ]
kept_cols <- "chr" != colnames(observations)
observations <- observations[, kept_cols]
data_by_chr <- list()
data_by_chr[["chromosome"]] <- chr_name
data_by_chr[["observations"]] <- observations
limit_true_false <- as.data.frame(observations >= limit)
x_lst <- list()
possibilities <- unique(c(possibilities, colnames(limit_true_false)))
for (d in seq_along(possibilities)) {
column_name <- colnames(limit_true_false)[d]
column_data <- limit_true_false[[column_name]]
included_snps <- rownames(limit_true_false)[column_data]
x_lst[[column_name]] <- included_snps
data_by_chr[["lst"]] <- x_lst
set_list <- Vennerable::Venn(Sets = x_lst)
data_by_chr[["venn"]] <- set_list
elements_per_set <- set_list@IntersectionSets
data_by_chr[["intersections"]] <- elements_per_set
set_names <- list()
invert_names <- list()
inner_count <- 0
for (symbolic in names(elements_per_set)) {
inner_count <- inner_count + 1
symbols <- strsplit(as.character(symbolic), "")[[1]]
name <- c()
invert_name <- c()
for (s in seq_along(symbols)) {
symbol <- symbols[s]
if (symbol == 1) {
name <- c(name, possibilities[s])
} else {
invert_name <- c(invert_name, possibilities[s])
name <- toString(name)
invert_name <- toString(invert_name)
set_names[[inner_count]] <- name
invert_names[[inner_count]] <- invert_name
} ## End for symbolic in names(elements_per_set)
names(set_names) <- names(elements_per_set)
names(invert_names) <- names(elements_per_set)
data_by_chr[["set_names"]] <- set_names
data_by_chr[["invert_names"]] <- invert_names
data_by_chr[["possibilities"]] <- possibilities
#' Cross reference observed variants against the transcriptome annotation.
#' This function should provide counts of how many variant positions were
#' observed with respect to each chromosome and with respect to each annotated
#' sequence (currently this is limited to CDS, but that is negotiable).
#' @param expt The original expressionset. This provides the annotation data.
#' @param snp_result The result from get_snp_sets or count_expt_snps.
#' @param start_column Metadata column with the start position of each ORF.
#' @param end_column Metadata column with the end position of each ORF.
#' @param chr_column Column in the annotation with the chromosome names.
#' @return List containing the set of intersections in the conditions contained
#' in snp_result, the summary of numbers of variants per chromosome, and
# summary of numbers per gene.
#' @seealso [snps_vs_genes()] [GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame()]
#' [IRanges::subsetByOverlaps()] [IRanges::countOverlaps()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' expt <- create_expt(metadata, gene_information)
#' snp_expt <- count_expt_snps(expt)
#' snp_result <- get_snp_sets(snp_expt)
#' intersections <- snps_vs_intersections(expt, snp_result)
#' }
#' @export
snps_intersections <- function(expt, snp_result,
start_column = "start", end_column = "end",
chr_column = "seqnames") {
features <- fData(expt)
if (is.null(features[[start_column]])) {
stop("The column containing the feature starts is missing.")
if (is.null(features[[end_column]])) {
stop("The column containing the feature ends is missing.")
if (is.null(features[[chr_column]])) {
stop("The column containing the feature chromosomes is missing.")
features[["start"]] <- sm(as.numeric(features[[start_column]]))
na_starts <- is.na(features[["start"]])
features <- features[!na_starts, ]
features[["end"]] <- as.numeric(features[[end_column]])
## Again, remember that I modified the seqnames of the snp_expt.
features[["seqnames"]] <- gsub(pattern = "_",
replacement = "-",
x = features[[chr_column]])
features[["seqnames"]] <- gsub(pattern = "^.+_(.+)$",
replacement = "\\1", x = features[["seqnames"]])
grange_input <- features[, c("start", "end", "seqnames")]
grange_dup <- duplicated(grange_input)
expt_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(grange_input)
set_names <- snp_result[["set_names"]]
chr_summaries <- list()
gene_summaries <- list()
inters <- list()
for (inter in names(snp_result[["intersections"]])) {
inter_name <- set_names[[inter]]
inter_df <- data.frame(row.names = snp_result[["intersections"]][[inter]])
inter_df[["seqnames"]] <- gsub(pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref.+_alt.+$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = rownames(inter_df))
inter_df[["start"]] <- as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "^chr_.+_pos_(.+)_ref.+_alt.+$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = rownames(inter_df)))
inter_df[["end"]] <- inter_df[["start"]] + 1
inter_df[["strand"]] <- "+"
inter_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(inter_df)
inter_by_gene <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(inter_granges,
type = "within",
ignore.strand = TRUE))
inters[[inter_name]] <- inter_by_gene
summarized_by_chr <- data.table::as.data.table(inter_by_gene)
## Faking out r cmd check with a couple empty variables which will be used by data.table
seqnames <- count <- NULL
.N <- NULL ## .N is a read-only symbol in data.table
summarized_by_chr[, count := .N, by = list(seqnames)]
summarized_by_chr <- unique(summarized_by_chr[, c("seqnames", "count"), with = FALSE])
chr_summaries[[inter_name]] <- summarized_by_chr
summarized_by_gene <- suppressWarnings(IRanges::countOverlaps(query = expt_granges,
subject = inter_granges,
type = "any", ignore.strand = TRUE))
summarized_idx <- order(summarized_by_gene, decreasing = TRUE)
summarized_by_gene <- summarized_by_gene[summarized_idx]
gene_summaries[[inter_name]] <- summarized_by_gene
retlist <- list(
"inters" = inters,
"chr_summaries" = chr_summaries,
"gene_summaries" = gene_summaries)
class(retlist) <- "snp_intersections"
#' Look for only the variant positions in a subset of genes.
#' This was written in response to a query from Nancy and Maria Adelaida who
#' wanted to look only at the variant positions in a few specific genes.
#' @param expt Initial expressionset.
#' @param snp_expt Variant position expressionset.
#' @param start_col Metadata column with the start positions for each gene.
#' @param end_col Metadata column with the end of the genes.
#' @param expt_name_col Metadata column with the chromosome names.
#' @param snp_name_col Ditto for the snp_expressionset.
#' @param snp_start_col Metadata column containing the variant positions.
#' @param expt_gid_column ID column for the genes.
#' @param genes Set of genes to cross reference.
#' @return New expressionset with only the variants for the genes of interest.
#' @seealso [GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame()] [IRanges::subsetByOverlaps()]
#' @export
snp_subset_genes <- function(expt, snp_expt, start_col = "start", end_col = "end",
expt_name_col = "chromosome", snp_name_col = "chromosome",
snp_start_col = "position", expt_gid_column = "gid",
genes = c("LPAL13_120010900", "LPAL13_340013000", "LPAL13_000054100",
"LPAL13_140006100", "LPAL13_180018500", "LPAL13_320022300")) {
features <- fData(expt)
if (is.null(features[[start_col]])) {
stop("Unable to find the ", start_col, " column in the annotation data.")
if (is.null(features[[end_col]])) {
stop("Unable to find the ", end_col, " column in the annotation data.")
features[[start_col]] <- sm(as.numeric(features[[start_col]]))
na_starts <- is.na(features[[start_col]])
features <- features[!na_starts, ]
features[[end_col]] <- as.numeric(features[[end_col]])
## Keep in mind that when creating the snp_expt, I removed '_' from
## the chromosome names and replaced them with '-'.
features[[expt_name_col]] <- gsub(x = features[[expt_name_col]],
pattern = "_",
replacement = "-")
## Therefore, in order to cross reference, I need to do the same here.
## In this invocation, I need the seqnames to be the chromosome of each gene.
expt_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(features,
seqnames.field = expt_name_col,
start.field = start_col,
end.field = end_col)
expt_subset <- expt_granges[genes, ]
snp_annot <- fData(snp_expt)
snp_annot[[snp_start_col]] <- as.numeric(snp_annot[[snp_start_col]])
snp_annot[["end"]] <- snp_annot[[snp_start_col]] + 1
snp_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(snp_annot,
seqnames.field = snp_name_col,
start.field = snp_start_col,
end.field = "end")
snps_in_genes <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(snp_granges, expt_subset,
type = "within", ignore.strand = TRUE)
snp_expt_ids <- names(snps_in_genes)
snp_subset <- exclude_genes_expt(snp_expt, ids = snp_expt_ids, method = "keep")
snp_fdata <- as.data.frame(snps_in_genes)
expt_fdata <- as.data.frame(expt_subset)
expt_fdata[["gene"]] <- rownames(expt_fdata)
expt_fdata <- expt_fdata[, c("seqnames", "gene")]
snp_fdata <- merge(snp_fdata, expt_fdata, by = "seqnames", all.x = TRUE)
snp_fdata <- merge(snp_fdata, features, by.x = "gene", by.y = expt_gid_column, all.x = TRUE)
fData(snp_subset[["expressionset"]]) <- snp_fdata
#' Make a summary of the observed snps by gene ID.
#' Instead of cross referencing variant positions against experimental
#' condition, one might be interested in seeing what variants are observed per
#' gene. This function attempts to answer that question.
#' @param expt The original expressionset.
#' @param snp_result The result from get_snp_sets().
#' @param start_col Which column provides the start of each gene?
#' @param end_col and the end column of each gene?
#' @param snp_name_col Name of the column in the metadata with the sequence names.
#' @param observed_in Minimum proportion of samples required before this is deemed real.
#' @param expt_name_col Name of the metadata column with the chromosome names.
#' @param ignore_strand Ignore strand information when returning?
#' @return List with some information by gene.
#' @seealso [GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame()] [IRanges::subsetByOverlaps()]
#' [IRanges::mergeByOverlaps()] [IRanges::countOverlaps()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' expt <- create_expt(metadata, gene_information)
#' snp_expt <- count_expt_snps(expt)
#' snp_result <- get_snp_sets(snp_expt)
#' gene_intersections <- snps_vs_genes(expt, snp_result)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols mcols<-
snps_vs_genes <- function(expt, snp_result, start_col = "start", end_col = "end",
snp_name_col = "seqnames", observed_in = NULL,
expt_name_col = "chromosome", ignore_strand = TRUE) {
features <- fData(expt)
if (is.null(features[[start_col]])) {
stop("Unable to find the ", start_col, " column in the annotation data.")
if (is.null(features[[end_col]])) {
stop("Unable to find the ", end_col, " column in the annotation data.")
features[[start_col]] <- sm(as.numeric(features[[start_col]]))
na_starts <- is.na(features[[start_col]])
features <- features[!na_starts, ]
features[[end_col]] <- as.numeric(features[[end_col]])
## Keep in mind that when creating the snp_expt, I removed '_' from
## the chromosome names and replaced them with '-'.
## Therefore, in order to cross reference, I need to do the same here.
## I don't quite want 5'/3' UTRs, I just want the coordinates starting with
## (either 1 or) the end of the last gene and ending with the beginning of the
## current gene with respect to the beginning of each chromosome.
## That is a weirdly difficult problem for creatures with more than 1 chromosome.
## inter_features <- features[, c("start", "end", "seqnames")]
## inter_features[["chr_start"]] <- paste0(inter_features[["seqnames"]], "_",
## inter_features[["start"]])
## inter_feature_order <- order(inter_features[["chr_start"]])
## inter_features <- inter_features[inter_feature_order, ]
## In this invocation, I need the seqnames to be the chromosome of each gene.
expt_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
features, seqnames.field = expt_name_col,
start.field = start_col, end.field = end_col)
## keep.extra.columns = FALSE
## ignore.strand = FALSE
## seqinfo = NULL
## seqnames.field = c("seqnames","chromosome", "chr", "seqid")
## start.field = "start"
## end.field = "end"
## strand.field = "strand"
snp_positions <- snp_result[["observations"]]
observations <- data.frame()
if (!is.null(observed_in)) {
observed_idx <- snp_positions[[observed_in]] > 0
message("variants were observed at ", sum(observed_idx),
" positions in group ", observed_in, ".")
observations <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(snp_positions))
observations[[observed_in]] <- 0
observations[observed_idx, observed_in] <- 1
snp_positions[[snp_name_col]] <- gsub(
pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref.+_alt.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(snp_positions))
snp_positions[[start_col]] <- as.numeric(
gsub(pattern = "^chr_.+_pos_(.+)_ref.+_alt.+$",
replacement = "\\1", x = rownames(snp_positions)))
snp_positions[[end_col]] <- snp_positions[[start_col]]
snp_positions[["strand"]] <- "+"
snp_positions <- snp_positions[, c(snp_name_col, start_col, end_col, "strand")]
## Keep in mind that when creating the snp_expt, I removed '_' from
## the chromosome names and replaced them with '-'.
snp_positions[[snp_name_col]] <- gsub(pattern = "-", replacement = "_",
x = snp_positions[[snp_name_col]])
snp_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
snp_positions, seqnames.field = snp_name_col,
start.field = start_col, end.field = end_col)
## Faking out r cmd check with a couple empty variables which will be used by data.table
seqnames <- count <- NULL
## This is how one sets the metadata for a GRanges thing.
## When doing mergeByOverlaps, countOverlaps, etc, this is useful.
## mcols(object)$column_name <- some data column
mcols(expt_granges)[, "gene_name"] <- names(expt_granges)
## Lets add metadata columns for each column for the medians table
## This will let us find the positions unique to a condition.
mcols(snp_granges)[, "snp_name"] <- names(snp_granges)
snp_columns <- colnames(snp_result[["observations"]])
for (c in seq_along(snp_columns)) {
colname <- snp_columns[c]
mcols(snp_granges)[, colname] <- snp_result[["observations"]][[colname]]
message("The snp grange data has ", length(snp_granges), " elements.")
if (!is.null(observed_in)) {
observed_snp_idx <- mcols(snp_granges)[[observed_in]] > 0
message("The set observed in ", observed_in, " comprises ",
sum(observed_snp_idx), " elements.")
snp_granges <- snp_granges[observed_snp_idx, ]
snps_by_chr <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(snp_granges, expt_granges,
type = "within", ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
message("There are ", length(snps_by_chr), " overlapping variants and genes.")
summarized_by_chr <- data.table::as.data.table(snps_by_chr)
.N <- NULL ## .N is a read-only symbol in data.table
summarized_by_chr[, count := .N, by = list(seqnames)]
## I think I can replace this data table invocation with countOverlaps...
## Ahh no, the following invocation merely counts which snps are found in name,
## which is sort of the opposite of what I want.
## test <- IRanges::countOverlaps(query = snp_granges, subject = expt_granges,
## type = "within", ignore.strand = TRUE)
summarized_by_chr <- unique(summarized_by_chr[, c("seqnames", "count"), with = FALSE])
## The ignore.strand is super important for this task.
merged_grange <- IRanges::mergeByOverlaps(query = snp_granges, subject = expt_granges,
ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
count_by_gene_irange <- IRanges::countOverlaps(query = expt_granges, subject = snp_granges,
type = "any", ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
## I am getting odd results using countOverlaps,
## lets get a second opinion using dplyr and tally()
second_opinion <- data.frame("gene" = merged_grange[["gene_name"]],
"snp" = merged_grange[["snp_name"]])
count_by_gene_dplyr <- second_opinion %>%
group_by(.data[["gene"]]) %>%
count_by_gene_dplyr_names <- count_by_gene_dplyr[["gene"]]
count_by_gene_dplyr <- count_by_gene_dplyr[["n"]]
names(count_by_gene_dplyr) <- count_by_gene_dplyr_names
summarized_idx <- order(count_by_gene_irange, decreasing = TRUE)
count_by_gene_irange <- count_by_gene_irange[summarized_idx]
summarized_idx <- order(count_by_gene_dplyr, decreasing = TRUE)
count_by_gene_dplyr <- count_by_gene_dplyr[summarized_idx]
retlist <- list(
"expt_granges" = expt_granges,
"snp_granges" = snp_granges,
"snps_by_chr" = snps_by_chr,
"merged_by_gene" = merged_grange,
"count_by_gene" = count_by_gene_irange,
"count_by_gene_dplyr" = count_by_gene_dplyr,
"summary" = summarized_by_chr)
class(retlist) <- "snps_genes"
#' A copy of the above function with padding for species without defined UTRs
#' @param expt The original expressionset.
#' @param snp_result The result from get_snp_sets().
#' @param start_col Which column provides the start of each gene?
#' @param end_col and the end column of each gene?
#' @param strand_col Define strands.
#' @param padding Add this amount to each CDS.
#' @param normalize Normalize the returns to the length of the putative CDS.
#' @param snp_name_col Name of the column in the metadata with the sequence names.
#' @param expt_name_col Name of the metadata column with the chromosome names.
#' @param observed_in Print some information about how many variants were observed.
#' @param ignore_strand Ignore the strand information when returning?
#' @return List with some information by gene.
#' @seealso [GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame()] [IRanges::subsetByOverlaps()]
#' [IRanges::mergeByOverlaps()] [IRanges::countOverlaps()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' expt <- create_expt(metadata, gene_information)
#' snp_expt <- count_expt_snps(expt)
#' snp_result <- get_snp_sets(snp_expt)
#' gene_intersections <- snps_vs_genes(expt, snp_result)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols mcols<-
#' @importFrom IRanges %over%
snps_vs_genes_padded <- function(expt, snp_result, start_col = "start", end_col = "end",
strand_col = "strand", padding = 200, normalize = TRUE,
snp_name_col = "seqnames", expt_name_col = "chromosome",
observed_in = NULL, ignore_strand = TRUE) {
features <- fData(expt)
if (is.null(features[[start_col]])) {
stop("Unable to find the ", start_col, " column in the annotation data.")
if (is.null(features[[end_col]])) {
stop("Unable to find the ", end_col, " column in the annotation data.")
if (is.null(features[[strand_col]])) {
stop("Unable to find the ", strand_col, " column in the annotation data.")
features[[start_col]] <- sm(as.numeric(features[[start_col]]))
na_starts <- is.na(features[[start_col]])
features <- features[!na_starts, ]
features[[end_col]] <- as.numeric(features[[end_col]])
## Keep in mind that when creating the snp_expt, I removed '_' from
## the chromosome names and replaced them with '-'.
## Therefore, in order to cross reference, I need to do the same here.
## I don't quite want 5'/3' UTRs, I just want the coordinates starting with
## (either 1 or) the end of the last gene and ending with the beginning of the
## current gene with respect to the beginning of each chromosome.
## That is a weirdly difficult problem for creatures with more than 1 chromosome.
## inter_features <- features[, c("start", "end", "seqnames")]
## inter_features[["chr_start"]] <- paste0(inter_features[["seqnames"]], "_",
## inter_features[["start"]])
## inter_feature_order <- order(inter_features[["chr_start"]])
## inter_features <- inter_features[inter_feature_order, ]
plus_idx <- features[[strand_col]] == "+" | features[[strand_col]] > 0 |
features[[strand_col]] == "forward"
minus_idx <- ! plus_idx
plus_features <- features[plus_idx, ]
minus_features <- features[minus_idx, ]
plus_features[["5p_start"]] <- plus_features[[start_col]] - padding
neg_idx <- plus_features[["5p_start"]] < 0
if (sum(neg_idx) > 0) {
message("There are ", sum(neg_idx),
" genes with less than 200 nt. before the start of the chromosome on the plus strand")
plus_features[neg_idx, "5p_start"] <- 0
plus_features[["3p_end"]] <- plus_features[[end_col]] + padding
## I will need to extract the chromosome lengths to boundary check this.
minus_features[["5p_start"]] <- minus_features[[end_col]] + padding
minus_features[["3p_end"]] <- minus_features[[start_col]] - padding
neg_idx <- plus_features[["3p_end"]] < 0
if (sum(neg_idx) > 0) {
message("There are ", sum(neg_idx),
" genes with less than 200 nt. before the start of the chromosome on the minus strand")
minus_features[neg_idx, "3p_end"] <- 0
message("There are ", sum(plus_idx), " plus strand features and ", sum(minus_idx),
" minus strand features.")
plus_5p_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
plus_features, seqnames.field = expt_name_col,
start.field = "5p_start", end.field = start_col)
plus_3p_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
plus_features, seqnames.field = expt_name_col,
start.field = end_col, end.field = "3p_end")
minus_5p_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
minus_features, seqnames.field = expt_name_col,
start.field = end_col, end.field = "5p_start")
minus_3p_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
minus_features, seqnames.field = expt_name_col,
start.field = "3p_end", end.field = end_col)
fivep_granges <- c(plus_5p_granges, minus_5p_granges)
threep_granges <- c(plus_3p_granges, minus_3p_granges)
snp_positions <- snp_result[["observations"]]
observations <- data.frame()
if (!is.null(observed_in)) {
observed_idx <- snp_positions[[observed_in]] > 0
message("variants were observed at ", sum(observed_idx),
" positions in group ", observed_in, ".")
observations <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(snp_positions))
observations[[observed_in]] <- 0
observations[observed_idx, observed_in] <- 1
snp_positions[[snp_name_col]] <- gsub(
pattern = "^chr_(.+)_pos_.+_ref.+_alt.+$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = rownames(snp_positions))
snp_positions[[start_col]] <- as.numeric(
gsub(pattern = "^chr_.+_pos_(.+)_ref.+_alt.+$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = rownames(snp_positions)))
snp_positions[[end_col]] <- snp_positions[[start_col]]
snp_positions[["strand"]] <- "+"
snp_positions <- snp_positions[, c(snp_name_col, start_col, end_col, "strand")]
## Keep in mind that when creating the snp_expt, I removed '_' from
## the chromosome names and replaced them with '-'.
snp_positions[[snp_name_col]] <- gsub(pattern = "-", replacement = "_",
x = snp_positions[[snp_name_col]])
snp_granges <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
snp_positions, seqnames.field = snp_name_col,
start.field = start_col, end.field = end_col)
## Faking out r cmd check with a couple empty variables which will be used by data.table
seqnames <- count <- NULL
## This is how one sets the metadata for a GRanges thing.
## When doing mergeByOverlaps, countOverlaps, etc, this is useful.
## mcols(object)$column_name <- some data column
mcols(fivep_granges)[, "gene_name"] <- names(fivep_granges)
mcols(threep_granges)[, "gene_name"] <- names(threep_granges)
## Lets add metadata columns for each column for the medians table
## This will let us find the positions unique to a condition.
mcols(snp_granges)[, "snp_name"] <- names(snp_granges)
snp_columns <- colnames(snp_result[["observations"]])
for (c in seq_along(snp_columns)) {
colname <- snp_columns[c]
mcols(snp_granges)[, colname] <- snp_result[["observations"]][[colname]]
message("The snp grange data has ", length(snp_granges), " elements.")
if (!is.null(observed_in)) {
observed_snp_idx <- mcols(snp_granges)[[observed_in]] > 0
message("The set observed in ", observed_in, " comprises ",
sum(observed_snp_idx), " elements.")
snp_granges <- snp_granges[observed_snp_idx, ]
snps_by_fivep <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(snp_granges, fivep_granges,
type = "within", ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
message("There are ", length(snps_by_fivep), " overlapping variants and 5' padded UTRs.")
summarized_fivep_by_chr <- data.table::as.data.table(snps_by_fivep)
snps_by_threep <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(snp_granges, threep_granges,
type = "within", ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
message("There are ", length(snps_by_threep), " overlapping variants and 3' padded UTRs.")
summarized_threep_by_chr <- data.table::as.data.table(snps_by_threep)
.N <- NULL ## .N is a read-only symbol in data.table
summarized_fivep_by_chr[, count := .N, by = list(seqnames)]
summarized_threep_by_chr[, count := .N, by = list(seqnames)]
## I think I can replace this data table invocation with countOverlaps...
## Ahh no, the following invocation merely counts which snps are found in name,
## which is sort of the opposite of what I want.
## test <- IRanges::countOverlaps(query = snp_granges, subject = expt_granges,
## type = "within", ignore.strand = TRUE)
snp_ranges <- unique(snp_granges)
summarized_fivep_by_chr <- unique(summarized_fivep_by_chr[, c("seqnames", "count"),
with = FALSE])
summarized_threep_by_chr <- unique(summarized_threep_by_chr[, c("seqnames", "count"),
with = FALSE])
merged_fivep_grange <- IRanges::mergeByOverlaps(query = snp_ranges, subject = fivep_granges,
ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
merged_threep_grange <- IRanges::mergeByOverlaps(query = snp_ranges, subject = threep_granges,
ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
summarized_fivep_by_gene <- IRanges::countOverlaps(
query = fivep_granges, subject = snp_granges, type = "any", ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
tt <- fivep_granges %over% snp_ranges
summarized_threep_by_gene <- IRanges::countOverlaps(
query = threep_granges, subject = snp_granges, type = "any", ignore.strand = ignore_strand)
summarized_fivep_idx <- order(summarized_fivep_by_gene, decreasing = TRUE)
summarized_fivep_by_gene <- summarized_fivep_by_gene[summarized_fivep_idx]
summarized_threep_idx <- order(summarized_threep_by_gene, decreasing = TRUE)
summarized_threep_by_gene <- summarized_threep_by_gene[summarized_threep_idx]
## Normalize in this context just means dividing the numbers by the padding
## so that we can directly compare the result to the normalized by genelength
## cds values and/or other padding lengths and/or a real UTR feature set.
if (isTRUE(normalize)) {
summarized_fivep_by_gene <- summarized_fivep_by_gene / padding
summarized_threep_by_gene <- summarized_threep_by_gene / padding
summarized_fivep_by_chr <- summarized_fivep_by_chr / padding
summarized_threep_by_chr <- summarized_threep_by_chr / padding
retlist <- list(
"fivep_granges" = fivep_granges,
"threep_granges" = threep_granges,
"snp_granges" = snp_granges,
"snps_by_fivep" = snps_by_fivep,
"snps_by_threep" = snps_by_threep,
"merged_by_fivep" = merged_fivep_grange,
"merged_by_threep" = merged_threep_grange,
"count_fivep_by_gene" = summarized_fivep_by_gene,
"count_threep_by_gene" = summarized_threep_by_gene,
"summary_fivep" = summarized_fivep_by_chr,
"summary_threep" = summarized_threep_by_chr)
#' Write a matrix of variants in an alignment-esque format.
#' @param expt variant expressionset.
#' @param output_file File to write, presumably to be passed to something like phyML.
write_snps <- function(expt, output_file = "funky.aln") {
start_mtrx <- exprs(expt)
samples <- colnames(start_mtrx)
aln_string <- ""
for (r in seq_len(ncol(start_mtrx))) {
aln_string <- glue::glue("{aln_string}{samples[r]} {start_mtrx[[r]]}
write_output <- file(output_file, open = "a+")
cat(aln_string, file = write_output, sep = "")
#' If I were smart I would use an I/GRanges for this.
#' But I was asked to get the closest feature if it is not inside one.
#' I am not sure how to do that with a ranges. Sadly, I think it will
#' be easier for me to just iterate over the sequence_df and query
#' each feature on that chromosome/scaffold.
#' @param sequence_df dataframe of sequence regions of interest.
#' @param gff gff annotations against which to hunt.
#' @param bin_width size of the regions of interest (e.g. the amplicon size)
#' @param feature_type What feature type to hunt for?
#' @param feature_start Column containing the starts.
#' @param feature_end Column containing the ends.
#' @param feature_strand Column containing strand information.
#' @param feature_chr Column containing the chromosome names.
#' @param feature_type_column Column containing the feature types.
#' @param feature_id Column with the IDs (coming from the gff tags).
#' @param feature_name Column with the descriptive name.
#' @param name_type I dont remember, I think this allows one to limit the search to a feature type.
#' @param desc_column Use this column to extract full-text gene descriptions.
xref_regions <- function(sequence_df, gff, bin_width = 600,
feature_type = "protein_coding_gene", feature_start = "start",
feature_end = "end", feature_strand = "strand",
feature_chr = "seqnames", feature_type_column = "type",
feature_id = "ID", feature_name = "description",
name_type = NULL, desc_column = "description") {
if (class(gff) == "data.frame") {
annotation <- gff
} else {
annotation <- load_gff_annotations(gff, type = feature_type)
wanted_columns <- c(feature_id, feature_name, desc_column, feature_chr,
feature_start, feature_end, feature_strand)
found_columns <- wanted_columns %in% colnames(annotation)
message("The annotations have ", sum(found_columns), " of the desired columns.")
if (sum(found_columns) < length(wanted_columns)) {
stop("Some columns were misnamed, try again.")
wanted_rows <- annotation[[feature_type_column]] == feature_type
annotation <- annotation[wanted_rows, wanted_columns]
colnames(annotation) <- c("id", "name", "description", "chr",
"start", "end", "strand")
mesg("Now the annotation has ", nrow(annotation), " rows.")
sequence_df[["overlap_gene_id"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["overlap_gene_description"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["overlap_gene_start"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["overlap_gene_end"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["closest_gene_before_id"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["closest_gene_before_description"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["closest_gene_before_start"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["closest_gene_before_end"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["closest_gene_after_id"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["closest_gene_after_description"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["closest_gene_after_start"]] <- ""
sequence_df[["closest_gene_after_end"]] <- ""
for (r in seq_len(nrow(sequence_df))) {
message("Starting entry: ", r, ".")
entry <- sequence_df[r, ]
amplicon_chr <- entry[["chr"]]
amplicon_start <- as.numeric(entry[["bin_start"]])
amplicon_end <- amplicon_start + bin_width
annot_idx <- annotation[["chr"]] == amplicon_chr
xref_features <- annotation[annot_idx, ]
#if (nrow(xref_features) == 0) {
# next
## Amplicon: ------->
## ############# fs < qs && fe > qe
## Features: ## ### query_start > feature_start &&
## query_start < feature end
## ## qstart < fstart && fend > qend
## ### qend > fstart && qend < fend
## So there are 4 obvious scenarios we want to collect
## When the feature is surrounding the amplicon
## The feature overlaps the 5' of the amplicon rosalind
## The feature overlaps the 3' of the amplicon rosalind
## The feature is entirely inside the amplicon
## If all those fail, we want to find the closest feature.
## Amplicon: ------->
## Get the left one: ## ##
hits <- 0
hit_df <- data.frame()
primer_inside_feature <- xref_features[["start"]] <= amplicon_start &
xref_features[["end"]] >= amplicon_end
number_inside <- sum(primer_inside_feature)
if (number_inside > 0) {
message("Found ", number_inside, " features with the amplicon inside them.")
hits <- hits + sum(primer_inside_feature)
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_id"] <- xref_features[primer_inside_feature, "id"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_name"] <- xref_features[primer_inside_feature, "name"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_description"] <- xref_features[primer_inside_feature, "description"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_start"] <- xref_features[primer_inside_feature, "start"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_end"] <- xref_features[primer_inside_feature, "end"][1]
## ### amplicon_start > feature_start &&
primer_overlap_fivep <- xref_features[["start"]] <= amplicon_start &
xref_features[["end"]] >= amplicon_start
if (sum(primer_overlap_fivep) > 0) {
message("Found ", sum(primer_overlap_fivep), " overlapping the forward primer.")
hits <- hits + sum(primer_overlap_fivep)
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_id"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_fivep, "id"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_name"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_fivep, "name"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_description"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_fivep, "description"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_start"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_fivep, "start"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_end"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_fivep, "end"][1]
## Amplicon: ------->
## ##### qend > fstart && qend < fend
primer_overlap_threep <- xref_features[["start"]] <= amplicon_end &
xref_features[["end"]] >= amplicon_end
if (sum(primer_overlap_threep) > 0) {
message("Found ", sum(primer_overlap_threep), " overlapping the reverse primer.")
hits <- hits + sum(primer_overlap_threep)
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_id"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_threep, "id"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_name"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_threep, "name"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_description"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_threep, "description"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_start"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_threep, "start"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_end"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_threep, "end"][1]
## Amplicon: ------->
## ## qstart < fstart & qend > fend
primer_overlap_surround <- xref_features[["start"]] >= amplicon_end &
xref_features[["end"]] <= amplicon_end
if (sum(primer_overlap_surround) > 0) {
message("Found ", sum(primer_overlap_surround), " surrounded by the primers.")
hits <- hits + sum(primer_overlap_surround)
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_id"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_surround, "id"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_name"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_surround, "name"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_description"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_surround, "description"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_start"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_surround, "start"][1]
sequence_df[r, "overlap_gene_end"] <- xref_features[primer_overlap_surround, "end"][1]
## Now report the closest genes before/after the amplicon
xref_features[["fivep_dist"]] <- amplicon_start - xref_features[["end"]]
fivep_wanted_idx <- xref_features[["fivep_dist"]] > 0
if (sum(fivep_wanted_idx) > 0) {
fivep_candidates <- xref_features[fivep_wanted_idx, ]
fivep_min_idx <- fivep_candidates[["fivep_dist"]] == min(fivep_candidates[["fivep_dist"]])
fivep_candidate <- fivep_candidates[fivep_min_idx, ][1, ]
sequence_df[r, "closest_gene_before_id"] <- fivep_candidate["id"]
sequence_df[r, "closest_gene_before_name"] <- fivep_candidate["name"]
sequence_df[r, "closest_gene_before_description"] <- fivep_candidate["description"]
sequence_df[r, "closest_gene_before_start"] <- fivep_candidate["start"]
sequence_df[r, "closest_gene_before_end"] <- fivep_candidate["end"]
xref_features[["threep_dist"]] <- xref_features[["start"]] - amplicon_end
threep_wanted_idx <- xref_features[["threep_dist"]] > 0
if (sum(threep_wanted_idx) > 0) {
threep_candidates <- xref_features[threep_wanted_idx, ][1, ]
threep_min_idx <- threep_candidates[["threep_dist"]] == min(threep_candidates[["threep_dist"]])
threep_candidate <- threep_candidates[threep_min_idx, ]
sequence_df[r, "closest_gene_after_id"] <- threep_candidate["id"]
sequence_df[r, "closest_gene_after_description"] <- threep_candidate["description"]
sequence_df[r, "closest_gene_after_name"] <- threep_candidate["name"]
sequence_df[r, "closest_gene_after_start"] <- threep_candidate["start"]
sequence_df[r, "closest_gene_after_end"] <- threep_candidate["end"]
} ## End iterating over every row of the sequence df.
sequence_df <- sequence_df %>% arrange(desc(overlap_gene_description))
## EOF
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