# == title
# Class to store and retrieve GREAT results
# == details
# After submitting request to GREAT server, the generated results will be
# available on GREAT server for some time. The ``GreatJob-class`` is defined
# to store parameters that user has set and result tables what were retrieved
# from GREAT server.
# == Constructor
# Users don't need to construct by hand, `submitGreatJob` is used to generate a ``GreatJob-class`` instance.
# == Workflow
# After submitting request to GREAT server, users can perform following steps:
# - call `getEnrichmentTables` to get enrichment tables for selected ontologies catalogues.
# - call `plotRegionGeneAssociationGraphs` to get associations between regions and genes
# as well as making plots.
# == author
# Zuguang gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
GreatJob = setClass("GreatJob",
slots = list(
job_env = "environment",
parameters = "list", # parameters that are sent to GREAT
enrichment_tables = "environment",
association_tables = "environment")
# == title
# Send requests to GREAT web server
# == param
# -gr A `GenomicRanges::GRanges` object or a data frame which contains at least three columns (chr, start and end). Regions for test.
# -bg A `GenomicRanges::GRanges` object or a data frame. Background regions if needed.
# -species Species. "hg19", "mm10", "mm9", "danRer7" are supported in GREAT version 3.x.x and "hg19", "hg18", "mm9", "danRer7" are supported in GREAT version 2.x.x.
# -includeCuratedRegDoms Whether to include curated regulatory domains.
# -bgChoice How to define background. If it is set as ``data``, ``bg`` should be set as well.
# -rule How to associate genomic regions to genes. See 'details' section.
# -adv_upstream Unit: kb, only used when rule is ``basalPlusExt``
# -adv_downstream Unit: kb, only used when rule is ``basalPlusExt``
# -adv_span Unit: kb, only used when rule is ``basalPlusExt``
# -adv_twoDistance Unit: kb, only used when rule is ``twoClosest``
# -adv_oneDistance Unit: kb, only used when rule is ``oneClosest``
# -request_interval Time interval for two requests. Default is 300 seconds.
# -max_tries Maximum times trying to connect to GREAT web server.
# -version version of GREAT. The value should be "3.0.0", "2.0.2". Shorten version numbers
# can also be used, such as using "3" or "3.0" is same as "3.0.0".
# == details
# Note it is not the standard GREAT API. This function directly send data to GREAT web server
# Following text is copied from GREAT web site ( http://bejerano-test.stanford.edu/great/public/html/index.php )
# Explanation of ``rule`` and settings with names started with 'adv_' (advanced settings):
# -basalPlusExt Mode 'Basal plus extension'. Gene regulatory domain definition:
# Each gene is assigned a basal regulatory domain of a minimum distance upstream
# and downstream of the TSS (regardless of other nearby genes, controlled by ``adv_upstream`` and
# ``adv_downstream`` argument). The gene regulatory domain is extended in both directions
# to the nearest gene's basal domain but no more than the maximum extension in one direction
# (controlled by ``adv_span``).
# -twoClosest Mode 'Two nearest genes'. Gene regulatory domain definition:
# Each gene is assigned a regulatory domain that extends in both directions to the nearest
# gene's TSS (controlled by ``adv_twoDistance``) but no more than the maximum extension in one direction.
# -oneClosest Mode 'Single nearest gene'. Gene regulatory domain definition:
# Each gene is assigned a regulatory domain that extends in both directions to the midpoint
# between the gene's TSS and the nearest gene's TSS (controlled by ``adv_oneDistance``) but no more than the maximum
# extension in one direction.
# == value
# A `GreatJob-class` class object which can be used to get results from GREAT server.
# When ``bg`` is set, some pre-processing is applied before submitting to GREAT server for the reason
# that GREAT needs ``gr`` should be exactly subsets of ``bg``, which means for any region in ``gr``, there
# must be a region in ``bg`` which is exactly the same. Taking following example:
# for ``gr``:
# chr1 200 300
# chr1 250 400
# for ``bg``:
# chr1 100 250
# chr1 300 500
# chr1 400 600
# They will be transformed as: for ``gr``:
# chr1 200 250
# chr1 300 400
# for ``bg``:
# chr1 100 199
# chr1 200 250
# chr1 300 400
# chr1 401 600
# == seealso
# `GreatJob-class`
# == author
# Zuguang gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
submitGreatJob = function(gr, bg = NULL,
species = "hg19",
includeCuratedRegDoms = TRUE,
bgChoice = ifelse(is.null(bg), "wholeGenome", "data"),
rule = c("basalPlusExt", "twoClosest", "oneClosest"),
adv_upstream = 5.0,
adv_downstream = 1.0,
adv_span = 1000.0,
adv_twoDistance = 1000.0,
adv_oneDistance = 1000.0,
request_interval = 300,
max_tries = 10,
version = "default"
) {
version = version[1]
if(!version %in% names(SPECIES)) {
stop(paste0("'version' should be in ", paste(names(SPECIES), collapse = ", "), "."))
species = species[1]
if(!species %in% SPECIES[[version]]) {
stop(paste0("GREAT with version '", version, "' only supports following species:\n ", paste(SPECIES[[version]], collapse = ", ")))
rule = match.arg(rule)[1]
includeCuratedRegDoms = as.numeric(includeCuratedRegDoms[1])
op = qq.options(READ.ONLY = FALSE)
qq.options(code.pattern = "@\\{CODE\\}")
if(inherits(gr, "data.frame")) {
gr = GRanges(seqnames = gr[[1]],
ranges = IRanges(start = gr[[2]],
end = gr[[3]]))
mcols(gr) = NULL
gr = reduce(sort(gr))
if(!bgChoice %in% c("wholeGenome", "data")) {
stop("`bgChoice` should be one of 'wholeGenome' and 'data'.")
if(bgChoice == "data") {
if(is.null(bg)) {
stop("Since you set `bgChoice` to `data`, you need to provide values for `bg`.\n")
if(!is.null(bg)) {
if(inherits(bg, "data.frame")) {
bg = GRanges(seqnames = bg[[1]],
ranges = IRanges(start = bg[[2]],
end = bg[[3]]))
mcols(bg) = NULL
# check whether all grs are subsets of bg
ov = findOverlaps(gr, bg)
if(length(ov) == 0) {
stop("No overlapping between `gr` and `bg`.")
mtch = as.matrix(ov)
if(length(setdiff(gr, bg)) != 0) {
warn("For each interval in `gr`, there should be an interval in `bg` which is exactly the same.\nThe different intervals in `gr` will be removed.")
# gr should be exactly subset of bg
gr = sort(pintersect(gr[mtch[, 1]], bg[mtch[, 2]]))
mcols(gr) = NULL
bg = sort(c(gr, setdiff(bg, gr)))
# check seqnames should have 'chr' prefix
if(!all(grepl("^chr", seqnames(gr)))) {
stop("Chromosome names (in `gr`) should have 'chr' prefix.\n")
if(!is.null(bg)) {
if(!all(grepl("^chr", seqnames(bg)))) {
stop("Chromosome names (in `bg`) should have 'chr' prefix.\n")
# transform GRanges to data frame
bed = as.data.frame(gr)
bed_bg = NULL
if(!is.null(bg)) {
bed_bg = as.data.frame(bg)
# check request frequency
time_interval = as.numeric(Sys.time()) - as.numeric(rGREAT_env$LAST_REQUEST_TIME)
if(time_interval < request_interval) {
message(qq("Don't make too frequent requests. The time break is @{request_interval}s.\nPlease wait for @{round(request_interval - time_interval)}s for the next request.\nThe time break can be set by `request_interval` argument.\n"))
sleep(request_interval - time_interval)
#message("sending request to GREAT web server...")
i_try = 0
while(1) {
error = try(response <- postForm(qq("@{BASE_URL}/greatWeb.php"),
"species" = species,
"rule" = rule,
"span" = adv_span,
"upstream" = adv_upstream,
"downstream" = adv_downstream,
"twoDistance" = adv_twoDistance,
"oneDistance" = adv_oneDistance,
"includeCuratedRegDoms" = includeCuratedRegDoms,
"fgChoice" = "data",
"fgData" = qq("@{bed[[1]]}\t@{bed[[2]]}\t@{bed[[3]]}\t@{bed[[1]]}:@{bed[[2]]}-@{bed[[3]]}\n"),
"bgChoice" = bgChoice,
"bgData" = ifelse(bgChoice == "wholeGenome", "", qq("@{bed_bg[[1]]}\t@{bed_bg[[2]]}\t@{bed_bg[[3]]}\t@{bed_bg[[1]]}:@{bed_bg[[2]]}-@{bed_bg[[3]]}\n")),
"adv_upstream" = adv_upstream,
"adv_downstream" = adv_downstream,
"adv_span" = adv_span,
"adv_twoDistance" = adv_twoDistance,
"adv_oneDistance" = adv_oneDistance
i_try = i_try + 1
if(class(error) != "try-error") {
} else {
message(error, appendLF = FALSE)
if(i_try > max_tries) {
stop(qq("max try: @{max_tries} reached. Stop with error.\n"))
} else {
message(qq("failed with the request, try after @{ceiling(request_interval/60)} min (@{i_try}th try)"))
# parsing error
if(any(grepl("encountered a user error", response))) {
msg = gsub("^.*<blockquote>(.*?)<\\/blockquote>.*$", "\\1", response)
msg = gsub("<.*?>", "", msg)
msg = gsub(" +", " ", msg)
msg = strwrap(msg)
msg = paste(msg, collapse = "\n")
stop(paste0("GREAT encountered a user error:\n", msg))
# parsing warning
if(any(grepl("<strong>Warning:<\\/strong>", response))) {
msg = gsub("^.*<strong>Warning:<\\/strong>(.*?)<\\/p>.*$", "\\1", response)
msg = gsub("<.*?>", "", msg)
msg = gsub(" +", " ", msg)
msg = strwrap(msg)
msg = paste(msg, collapse = "\n")
warning(paste0("GREAT gives a warning:\n", msg))
jobid = gsub("^.*var _sessionName = \"(.*?)\";.*$", "\\1", response)
jobid = as.vector(jobid)
job = GreatJob()
job@job_env = new.env()
job@enrichment_tables = new.env()
job@association_tables = new.env()
job@parameters = list(
"species" = species,
"rule" = rule,
"span" = adv_span,
"upstream" = adv_upstream,
"downstream" = adv_downstream,
"twoDistance" = adv_twoDistance,
"oneDistance" = adv_oneDistance,
"includeCuratedRegDoms" = includeCuratedRegDoms,
"fgChoice" = "data",
"bgChoice" = bgChoice,
"adv_upstream" = adv_upstream,
"adv_downstream" = adv_downstream,
"adv_span" = adv_span,
"adv_twoDistance" = adv_twoDistance,
"adv_oneDistance" = adv_oneDistance,
"version" = version)
job@job_env$id = jobid
job@job_env$submit_time = Sys.time()
job@job_env$gr = bed
job@job_env$bg = bed_bg
td = tempdir()
dir.create(td, showWarnings = FALSE)
job@job_env$tempdir = td
### parse the response html code and extract the ontogolies
match = gregexpr("<div class=\"gc_header gc_column\">.*?<\\/div>", response)[[1]]
match.length = attr(match, "match.length")
category = sapply(seq_along(match), function(i) {
substr(response, match[i], match[i]+match.length[i]-1)
category = gsub("<.*?>", "", category)
match = gregexpr("<div class=\"gc_info_item gc_column\">.*?<\\/div>", response)[[1]]
match.length = attr(match, "match.length")
term = sapply(seq_along(match), function(i) {
substr(response, match[i], match[i]+match.length[i]-1)
term_value = gsub("^.*value=\"(\\w+?)\".*$", "\\1", term)
term_value = gsub(" ", "", term_value)
term_value = gsub("<.*?>", "", term_value)
term_value = gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", term_value)
term_name = gsub("<.*?>", "", term)
term_name = gsub(" ", "", term_name)
term_name = gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", term_name)
ONTOLOGY_KEYS = term_value
names(ONTOLOGY_KEYS) = term_name
CATEGORY = lapply(seq_along(category), function(i) {
index = seq_along(term_name)
tn = term_name[index %% length(category) == i %% length(category)]
tn[tn != ""]
names(CATEGORY) = category
## reference class for GreatJob
setMethod(f = "show",
signature = "GreatJob",
definition = function(object) {
cat("Submit time:",
format(object@job_env$submit_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "\n")
cat("Version:", param(object, "version"), "\n")
#cat("Session ID:", id(object), "\n")
cat("Species:", param(object, "species"), "\n")
cat("Background:", param(object, "bgChoice"), "\n")
if(param(object, "rule") == "basalPlusExt") {
cat("Model:", "Basal plus extension", "\n")
cat(" Proximal:", param(object, "adv_upstream"), "kb upstream,",
param(object, "adv_downstream"), "kb downstream,\n plus Distal: up to",
param(object, "adv_span"), "kb\n")
} else if(param(object, "rule") == "twoClosest") {
cat("Model:", "Two nearest genes", "\n")
cat(" within", param(object, "adv_twoDistance"), "kb\n")
} else if(param(object, "rule") == "oneClosest") {
cat("Model:", "Single nearest gene", "\n")
cat(" within", param(object, "adv_oneDistance"), "kb\n")
if(param(object, "includeCuratedRegDoms")) {
cat("Include curated regulatory domains\n")
cat("Enrichment tables for following ontologies have been downloaded:\n")
if(length(ls(envir = object@enrichment_tables)) == 0) {
cat(" None\n")
} else {
for(nm in ls( envir = object@enrichment_tables)) {
cat(" ", nm, "\n", sep = "")
setGeneric(name = "id",
def = function(job) {
setMethod(f = "id",
signature = "GreatJob",
definition = function(job) {
setGeneric(name = "param",
def = function(job, name) {
setMethod(f = "param",
signature = "GreatJob",
definition = function(job, name) {
# == title
# Get enrichment tables from GREAT web server
# == param
# -job a `GreatJob-class` instance
# -ontology ontology names. Valid values are in `availableOntologies`. ``ontology`` is prior to
# ``category`` argument.
# -category Pre-defined ontology categories. One category can contain more than one ontologies. Valid values are in
# `availableCategories`
# -request_interval time interval for two requests. Default is 300 seconds.
# -max_tries maximum tries
# == details
# The table contains statistics for the each term in each ontology catalogue.
# Please note there is no FDR column in original tables. Users should
# calculate by themselves by functions such as `stats::p.adjust`
# == value
# The returned value is a list of data frames in which each one corresponds to
# result for a single ontology. The structure of the data frames are same as
# the tables available on GREAT website.
# == see also
# `availableOntologies`, `availableCategories`
# == author
# Zuguang gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "getEnrichmentTables",
signature = "GreatJob",
definition = function(job, ontology = NULL, category = "GO",
request_interval = 30, max_tries = 100) {
jobid = id(job)
species = param(job, "species")
version = param(job, "version")
if(!file.exists(job@job_env$tempdir)) {
td = tempdir()
dir.create(td, showWarnings = FALSE)
job@job_env$tempdir = td
if(is.null(ontology)) {
if(is.null(category)) {
stop("`ontology` and `category` can not be both NULL.\n")
if(length(setdiff(category, availableCategories(job)))) {
stop("Only categories in `availableCategories()` are allowed.\n")
ontology = availableOntologies(job, category = category)
ontology = unique(ontology)
if(length(setdiff(ontology, availableOntologies(job)))) {
stop("Only ontologies in `availableOntologies()` are allowed.\n")
res = lapply(ontology, function(onto) GREAT.read.json(job, qq("@{BASE_URL}/readJsFromFile.php?path=/scratch/great/tmp/results/@{jobid}.d/@{ONTOLOGY_KEYS[onto]}.js"), onto,
request_interval = request_interval, max_tries = max_tries))
names(res) = ontology
# == title
# All available ontology names
# == param
# -job a `GreatJob-class` instance
# -category one or multiple categories. All available categories can be get by `availableCategories`
# == details
# The values of the supported ontologies sometime change. You should run the function to get the real-time
# values. The meaning of ontology returned is quite self-explained by the name.
# == value
# The returned values is a vector of ontologies.
# == author
# Zuguang gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "availableOntologies",
signature = "GreatJob",
definition = function(job, category = NULL) {
species = param(job, "species")
if(is.null(category)) {
onto = unlist(CATEGORY)
names(onto) = NULL
} else {
if(length(setdiff(category, availableCategories(job))) > 0) {
stop("Value of `category` is invalid. Please use availableCategories(job) to find supported categories.\n")
onto = unlist(CATEGORY[category])
names(onto) = NULL
# == title
# Available ontology categories
# == param
# -job a `GreatJob-class` instance
# == details
# The values of the supported categories sometime change. You should run the function to get the real-time
# values. The meaning of categories returned is quite self-explained by the name.
# == value
# The returned value is a vector of categories.
# == author
# Zuguang gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "availableCategories",
signature = "GreatJob",
definition = function(job) {
species = param(job, "species")
# download from `url` and save to `file`
download = function(url, file, request_interval = 30, max_tries = 100) {
op = qq.options(READ.ONLY = FALSE)
qq.options(code.pattern = "@\\{CODE\\}")
#message(qq("try to download from @{url}"))
i_try = 0
while(1) {
error = try(download.file(url, destfile = file, quiet = TRUE))
i_try = i_try + 1
if(class(error) != "try-error") {
} else {
if(file.exists(file)) file.remove(file)
if(i_try > max_tries) {
stop(qq("max try: @{max_tries} reached. Stop with an error.\n"))
} else {
message("failed to download, try after 30s")
GREAT.read.json = function(job, url, onto, request_interval = 30, max_tries = 100) {
jobid = id(job)
if(!file.exists(job@job_env$tempdir)) {
td = tempdir()
dir.create(td, showWarnings = FALSE)
job@job_env$tempdir = td
TEMP_DIR = job@job_env$tempdir
op = qq.options(READ.ONLY = FALSE)
qq.options(code.pattern = "@\\{CODE\\}")
f1 = qq("@{TEMP_DIR}/@{jobid}_@{onto}.js")
if(!is.null(job@enrichment_tables[[onto]])) {
res = job@enrichment_tables[[onto]]
download(url, file = f1, request_interval = request_interval, max_tries = max_tries)
# if something wrong, the returned js has length of 0
if(file.info(f1)$size == 0) {
stop("Retrieved 0 byte from remote server. Probably your job on GREAT server expires\nand you need to submit it again.\n")
# just in case downloading json file is interrupted
error = try(json <- fromJSON(file = f1))
if(class(error) == "try-error") {
stop("Downloading seems interrupted. Please re-run your command.\n")
if(length(json) == 0) {
lt = vector("list", length(json[[1]]))
for(i in seq_along(json)) {
for(j in seq_along(json[[i]])) {
lt[[j]] = c(lt[[j]], json[[i]][[j]])
res = as.data.frame(lt, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (param(job, "bgChoice") == "data") {
colnames(res) = c("ID", "name", "Hyper_Total_Regions", "Hyper_Expected", "Hyper_Foreground_Region_Hits",
"Hyper_Fold_Enrichment", "Hyper_Region_Set_Coverage", "Hyper_Term_Region_Coverage",
"Hyper_Foreground_Gene_Hits", "Hyper_Background_Gene_Hits", "Total_Genes_Annotated", "Hyper_Raw_PValue")
} else {
colnames(res) = c("ID", "name", "Binom_Genome_Fraction", "Binom_Expected", "Binom_Observed_Region_Hits", "Binom_Fold_Enrichment",
"Binom_Region_Set_Coverage", "Binom_Raw_PValue", "Hyper_Total_Genes", "Hyper_Expected",
"Hyper_Observed_Gene_Hits", "Hyper_Fold_Enrichment", "Hyper_Gene_Set_Coverage",
"Hyper_Term_Gene_Coverage", "Hyper_Raw_PValue")
job@enrichment_tables[[onto]] = res
# transform the original file into the standard data frame
parseRegionGeneAssociationFile = function(f1) {
error = try(data <- read.table(f1, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if(class(error) == "try-error") {
stop("Downloading seems interrupted. Please re-run your command.\n")
region = NULL
gene = NULL
distance = NULL
for(i in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
if(data[i, 2] == "NONE") {
region = c(region, data[i, 1])
gene = c(gene, NA)
distance = c(distance, NA)
} else {
r = gregexpr("([a-zA-Z0-9\\-_.]+) \\(([+-]\\d+)\\)", data[i, 2], perl = TRUE)[[1]]
capture.start = attr(r, "capture.start")
capture.length = attr(r, "capture.length")
k = nrow(capture.start)
region = c(region, rep(data[i, 1], k))
gene = c(gene, substr(rep(data[i, 2], k), capture.start[, 1], capture.start[, 1] + capture.length[, 1] - 1))
distance = c(distance, substr(rep(data[i, 2], k), capture.start[, 2], capture.start[, 2] + capture.length[, 2] - 1))
da = strsplit(region, "[-:]")
chr = sapply(da, function(x) x[1])
start = as.integer(sapply(da, function(x) x[2]))
end = as.integer(sapply(da, function(x) x[3]))
df = data.frame(chr = chr,
start = start,
end = end,
gene = gene,
distTSS = as.numeric(distance),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(df) = NULL
# == title
# Plot region-gene association figures
# == param
# -job a `GreatJob-class` instance
# -type type of plots, should be in ``1, 2, 3``. See details section for explanation
# -ontology ontology name
# -termID term id which corresponds to the selected ontology
# -request_interval time interval for two requests. Default is 300 seconds.
# -max_tries maximum tries
# == details
# Generated figures are:
# - association between regions and genes
# - distribution of distance to TSS
# - distribution of absolute distance to TSS
# If ``ontology`` and ``termID`` are set, only regions and genes corresponding to
# selected ontology term will be used. Valid value for ``ontology`` is in
# `availableOntologies` and valid value for ``termID`` is from 'id' column
# in the table which is returned by `getEnrichmentTables`.
# == value
# a `GenomicRanges::GRanges` object. Columns in metadata are:
# -gene genes that are associated with corresponding regions
# -distTSS distance from the regions to TSS of the associated gene
# The returned values corresponds to whole input regions or only regions in specified ontology term,
# depending on user's setting.
# If there is no gene associated with the region, corresponding ``gene`` and ``distTSS``
# columns will be ``NA``.
# == author
# Zuguang gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "plotRegionGeneAssociationGraphs",
signature = "GreatJob",
definition = function(job, type = 1:3, ontology = NULL,
termID = NULL, request_interval = 30, max_tries = 100) {
if(!file.exists(job@job_env$tempdir)) {
td = tempdir()
dir.create(td, showWarnings = FALSE)
job@job_env$tempdir = td
jobid = id(job)
species = param(job, "species")
TEMP_DIR = job@job_env$tempdir
version = param(job, "version")
opqq = qq.options(READ.ONLY = FALSE)
qq.options(code.pattern = "@\\{CODE\\}")
# make plot and return value for a single term
using_term = FALSE
if(!is.null(ontology) && !is.null(termID)) {
using_term = TRUE
ontology = ontology[1]
termID = termID[1]
if(! ontology %in% availableOntologies(job)) {
stop("Value of `ontology` should be in `availableOntologies()`\n")
if(sum(c(is.null(ontology), is.null(termID))) == 1) {
stop("You should set both of `ontology` and `termID` or neither of them.\n")
if(using_term) {
# check whether termID is in ontology if ontology table is already downloaded
if(!is.null(job@enrichment_tables[[ontology]])) {
if(! termID %in% job@enrichment_tables[[ontology]]$ID) {
stop(qq("Cannot find '@{termID}' in enrichment table of '@{ontology}'"))
if(using_term) {
# prepare file names for local table
f_term = qq("@{jobid}-@{ontology}-@{termID}-@{species}-region.txt")
f_term = gsub('[\\/:*?"<>|]', "_", f_term)
f_term = qq("@{TEMP_DIR}/@{f_term}")
if(!is.null(job@association_tables[[qq("@{ontology}-@{termID}")]])) {
df_term = job@association_tables[[qq("@{ontology}-@{termID}")]]
} else {
if (param(job, "bgChoice") != "data") {
url = qq("@{BASE_URL}/downloadAssociations.php?termId=@{termID}&ontoName=@{ONTOLOGY_KEYS[ontology]}&sessionName=@{jobid}&species=@{species}&foreName=user-provided%20data&backName=&table=region")
} else {
url = qq("@{BASE_URL}/downloadAssociations.php?termId=@{termID}&ontoName=@{ONTOLOGY_KEYS[ontology]}&sessionName=@{jobid}&species=@{species}&foreName=user-provided%20data&backName=user-provided%20data&table=region")
download(url, file = f_term, request_interval = request_interval, max_tries = max_tries)
df_term = parseRegionGeneAssociationFile(f_term)
df_term$gene[df_term$gene == ""] = NA
job@association_tables[[qq("@{ontology}-@{termID}")]] = df_term
f_all = qq("@{TEMP_DIR}/@{jobid}-@{species}-all-region.txt")
# download
if(!is.null(job@association_tables[["all"]])) {
df_all = job@association_tables[["all"]]
} else {
url = qq("@{BASE_URL}/downloadAssociations.php?sessionName=@{jobid}&species=@{species}&foreName=user-provided%20data&backName=&table=region")
download(url, file = f_all, request_interval = request_interval, max_tries = max_tries)
df_all = parseRegionGeneAssociationFile(f_all)
df_all$gene[df_all$gene == ""] = NA
job@association_tables[["all"]] = df_all
# some values of gene is NA
if(using_term) {
df_term_NA = df_term[is.na(df_term$gene), , drop = FALSE]
df_term = df_term[!is.na(df_term$gene), , drop = FALSE]
df_all_NA = df_all[is.na(df_all$gene), , drop = FALSE]
df_all = df_all[!is.na(df_all$gene), , drop = FALSE]
# make plots
if(1 %in% type) {
if(using_term) {
tb = table(table(df_term$gene))
vt = numeric(11)
vt[as.numeric(names(tb))] = tb
vt[is.na(vt)] = 0
v = c(vt[1:10], sum(vt[10:length(vt)]))
names(v) = c(as.character(1:10), ">10")
p = v/sum(v)
pos = barplot(p, col = "black", xlab = "Number of associated regions per gene", ylab = "This term's genes", ylim = c(0, max(p)*1.5), main = qq("Number of associated regions per gene\n@{ontology}\n@{termID}"))
text(pos[, 1], p + 0.01, v, adj = c(0.5, 0), cex = 0.8)
} else {
tb = table(table(paste(df_all$chr, df_all$start, df_all$end, sep = ",")))
v = c(nrow(df_all_NA), tb["1"], tb["2"], sum(tb[as.numeric(names(tb)) > 2]))
names(v) = c("0", "1", "2", "> 3")
p = v/sum(v)
pos = barplot(p, col = c("red", "grey", "grey", "grey"), xlab = "Number of associated genes per region", ylab = "Genomic regions", ylim = c(0, max(p)*1.5), main = "Number of associated genes per region")
text(pos[, 1], p + 0.01, v, adj = c(0.5, 0), col = c("red", "black", "black", "black"), cex = 0.8)
legend("topright", pch = 15, col = c("grey", "red"), legend = c("Genomic regions associated with one or more genes", "Genomic regions not associated with any genes"), cex = 0.8)
if(2 %in% type) {
v = cbind(
c("<-500" = sum(df_all$distTSS <= -500000),
"-500 to -50" = sum(df_all$distTSS > -500000 & df_all$distTSS <= -50000),
"-50 to -5" = sum(df_all$distTSS > -50000 & df_all$distTSS <= -5000),
"-5 to 0" = sum(df_all$distTSS > -5000 & df_all$distTSS <= 0),
"0 to 5" = sum(df_all$distTSS > 0 & df_all$distTSS <= 5000),
"5 to 50" = sum(df_all$distTSS > 5000 & df_all$distTSS <= 50000),
"50 to 500" = sum(df_all$distTSS > 50000 & df_all$distTSS <= 500000),
"> 500" = sum(df_all$distTSS > 500000)))
p = v/sum(v)
if(using_term) {
v = cbind(
c("<-500" = sum(df_term$distTSS <= -500000),
"-500 to -50" = sum(df_term$distTSS > -500000 & df_term$distTSS <= -50000),
"-50 to -5" = sum(df_term$distTSS > -50000 & df_term$distTSS <= -5000),
"-5 to 0" = sum(df_term$distTSS > -5000 & df_term$distTSS <= 0),
"0 to 5" = sum(df_term$distTSS > 0 & df_term$distTSS <= 5000),
"5 to 50" = sum(df_term$distTSS > 5000 & df_term$distTSS <= 50000),
"50 to 500" = sum(df_term$distTSS > 50000 & df_term$distTSS <= 500000),
"> 500" = sum(df_term$distTSS > 500000)), v)
p = v/sum(v)
rownames(p) = NULL
if(using_term) {
pos = barplot(t(p), beside = TRUE, col = {if(using_term) c("green", "blue") else "blue"}, xlab = "Distance to TSS (kb)", ylab = "Region-gene associations", ylim = c(0, max(p)*1.5), main = qq("Binned by orientation and distance to TSS\n@{ontology}\n@{termID}"), axes = FALSE)
} else {
pos = barplot(t(p), beside = TRUE, col = {if(using_term) c("green", "blue") else "blue"}, xlab = "Distance to TSS (kb)", ylab = "Region-gene associations", ylim = c(0, max(p)*1.5), main = qq("Binned by orientation and distance to TSS"), axes = FALSE)
text(t(pos), p + 0.01, v, adj = c(0.5, 0), cex = 0.8)
axis(side = 2)
op = par("xpd")
par(xpd = NA)
text(colMeans(pos), -0.02,rownames(v), srt = 45, adj = c(1, 0.5))
par(xpd = op)
x1 = (mean(pos[, 4]) + mean(pos[, 5]))/2
x2 = (mean(pos[, 5]) + mean(pos[, 6]))/2
y = max(p)*1.2
lines( c(x1, x1), c(0, y))
arrows(x1, y, x2, y, angle = 15, length = 0.1, code = 2)
text(mean(pos[, 5]), y+0.01, "TSS", adj = c(0.5, 0), cex = 0.8)
if(using_term) {
legend("topright", pch = 15, col = c("green", "blue"), legend = c("This term's region-gene associations", "Set-wide region-gene associations"), cex = 0.8)
if(3 %in% type) {
v = cbind(
c("0 to 5" = sum(abs(df_all$distTSS) > 0 & abs(df_all$distTSS) <= 5000),
"5 to 50" = sum(abs(df_all$distTSS) > 5000 & abs(df_all$distTSS) <= 50000),
"50 to 500" = sum(abs(df_all$distTSS) > 50000 & abs(df_all$distTSS) <= 500000),
"> 500" = sum(abs(df_all$distTSS) > 500000)))
p = v/sum(v)
if(using_term) {
v = cbind(
c("0 to 5" = sum(abs(df_term$distTSS) > 0 & abs(df_term$distTSS) <= 5000),
"5 to 50" = sum(abs(df_term$distTSS) > 5000 & abs(df_term$distTSS) <= 50000),
"50 to 500" = sum(abs(df_term$distTSS) > 50000 & abs(df_term$distTSS) <= 500000),
"> 500" = sum(abs(df_term$distTSS) > 500000)), v)
p = v/sum(v)
rownames(p) = NULL
if(using_term) {
pos = barplot(t(p), beside = TRUE, col = {if(using_term) c("green", "blue") else "blue"}, xlab = "Absolute distance to TSS (kb)", ylab = "Region-gene associations", ylim = c(0, max(p)*1.5), main = qq("Binned by absolute distance to TSS\n@{ontology}\n@{termID}"), axes = FALSE)
} else {
pos = barplot(t(p), beside = TRUE, col = {if(using_term) c("green", "blue") else "blue"}, xlab = "Absolute distance to TSS (kb)", ylab = "Region-gene associations", ylim = c(0, max(p)*1.5), main = qq("Binned by absolute distance to TSS"), axes = FALSE)
text(t(pos), p + 0.01, v, adj = c(0.5, 0), cex = 0.8)
axis(side = 2)
op = par("xpd")
par(xpd = NA)
text(colMeans(pos), -0.02, rownames(v), srt = 45, adj = c(1, 0.5))
par(xpd = op)
x1 = 0.9
y = max(p)*1.2
arrows(x1, 0, x1, y, angle = 15, length = 0.1, code = 2)
text(x1, y+0.01, "TSS", adj = c(0, 0), cex = 0.8)
if(using_term) {
legend("topright", pch = 15, col = c("green", "blue"), legend = c("This term's region-gene associations", "Set-wide region-gene associations"))
if(using_term) {
df = rbind(df_term, df_term_NA)
} else {
df = rbind(df_all, df_all_NA)
gr = GRanges(seqnames = factor(df[[1]], levels = sort_chr(unique(df[[1]]))),
ranges = IRanges(start = df[[2]],
end = df[[3]]),
gene = df[[4]],
distTSS = df[[5]])
gr = sort(gr)
# just want to print something while waiting
sleep = function(time) {
pb = txtProgressBar(style = 3)
for(i in seq_len(time)/time) {Sys.sleep(1); setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)}
sort_chr = function(x) {
y = gsub("^chr(\\d)$", "chr0\\1", x)
y = gsub("^chr(\\d)_", "chr0\\1_", y)
check_asso_file = function(file) {
# for downloading association tables
if(file.info(file)$size < 10000) {
# if session expires, there is a error page
file_text = readLines(file)
if(any(grepl("GREAT is unable to locate a session", file_text))) {
stop("Your job on GREAT server expires and you need to submit it again.\n")
# wrong termID returns a table only contain a newline
if(all(grepl("^\\s*$", file_text))) {
stop("Empty data, probably your 'termID' is invalid.\n")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.