# given a list of points (with x and y coordinate),
# test whether the points are one the border of this groups of points
# x: 0..(n-1), y: 0..(n-1)
which_border = function(x, y, n) {
min_x_pos = min(x)
max_x_pos = max(x)
min_y_pos = min(y)
max_y_pos = max(y)
mat = matrix(NA, nrow = max_x_pos - min_x_pos + 1 + 2,
ncol = max_y_pos - min_y_pos + 1 + 2)
x = x - min_x_pos + 1 + 1 # start from 2
y = y - min_y_pos + 1 + 1
nr = nrow(mat)
ind = x + (y - 1) * nr
mat[ind] = 1
left_x = mat[x - 1 + (y - 1)*nr]
left_y = mat[x + (y - 1)*nr]
right_x = mat[x + 1 + (y - 1)*nr]
right_y = mat[x + (y - 1)*nr]
bottom_x = mat[x + (y - 1)*nr]
bottom_y = mat[x + (y - 1 - 1)*nr]
top_x = mat[x + (y - 1)*nr]
top_y = mat[x + (y - 1 + 1)*nr]
return(list(left_border = is.na(left_x) | is.na(left_y),
right_border = is.na(right_x) | is.na(right_y),
bottom_border = is.na(bottom_x) | is.na(bottom_y),
top_border = is.na(top_x) | is.na(top_y)))
# == title
# Add polygons to Hilbert curve
# == param
# -object A `HilbertCurve-class` object.
# -ir an `IRanges::IRanges` object which specifies the input intervals.
# -x1 if start positions are not integers, they can be set by ``x1``.
# -x2 if end positions are not integers, they can be set by ``x2``.
# -gp graphic parameters. It should be specified by `grid::gpar`.
# -end_type since two ends of a continuous interval do not necessarily completely overlap with
# the Hilbert curve segments, this argument controls how to determine the
# ends of the interval which will be presented on the curve.
# ``average``: if the end covers more than half of the segment,
# the whole segment is included and if the end covers less than half of hte segment,
# the segment is removed; ``expanding``: segments are included as long as they are overlapped;
# ``shrinking``: segments are removed if they are not completely covered.
# == detail
# Drawing polygons are quite similar as drawing rectangles in the context of Hilbert curve.
# The major difference is: 1) for rectangles, colors for the ends of the interval can change if they are not completely
# covered by the segments, and 2) polygons can have borders.
# Basically polygons are used to mark areas in the Hilbert curve.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# ir = IRanges(10, 40)
# hc = HilbertCurve(1, 100, level = 4, reference = TRUE)
# hc_segments(hc, ir)
# hc_polygon(hc, ir, gp = gpar(fill = "#FF000080", col = 1))
setMethod(f = "hc_polygon",
signature = "HilbertCurve",
definition = function(object, ir, x1 = NULL, x2 = NULL,
gp = gpar(),
end_type = c("average", "expanding", "shrinking")) {
if(object@MODE == "pixel") {
stop("`hc_polygon()` can only be used under 'normal' mode.")
if(!missing(ir)) {
if(!inherits(ir, "IRanges")) {
stop("It seems you want to specify positions by one or two numeric vectors, specify them with argument names. (`x1 = ..., x2 = ...`)")
if(missing(ir) || is.null(ir)) {
if(is.null(x1) || is.null(x2)) {
stop("You should either specify `ir`, or `x1` and `x2`.")
} else {
x1 = hc_offset(object, x1)
x2 = hc_offset(object, x2)
start = round(zoom(object, x1))
end = round(zoom(object, x2))
if(length(start) > 1) {
l = start[2:length(start)] == end[1:(length(end)-1)] & x2[2:length(start)] > x1[1:(length(end)-1)]
start[which(l) + 1] = start[which(l) + 1] + 1
} else {
ir = IRanges(hc_offset(object, start(ir)),
hc_offset(object, end(ir)))
start = zoom(object, start(ir))
end = zoom(object, end(ir))
if(length(start) > 1) {
l = start[2:length(start)] == end[1:(length(end)-1)] & start(ir)[2:length(start)] > end(ir)[1:(length(end)-1)]
start[which(l) + 1] = start[which(l) + 1] + 1
ir = IRanges(start = start, end = end)
gp = validate_gpar(gp, default = list(lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = 1, fill = "transparent"))
if(length(gp$lty) == 1) gp$lty = rep(gp$lty, length(ir))
if(length(gp$lwd) == 1) gp$lwd = rep(gp$lwd, length(ir))
if(length(gp$col) == 1) gp$col = rep(gp$col, length(ir))
if(length(gp$fill) == 1) gp$fill = rep(gp$fill, length(ir))
mtch = as.matrix(findOverlaps(object@BINS, ir))
if(nrow(mtch) == 0) {
r = pintersect(object@BINS[mtch[,1]], ir[mtch[,2]])
mean_bin_width = mean(width(object@BINS))
end_type = match.arg(end_type)[1]
seekViewport(name = paste0("hilbert_curve_", get_plot_index()))
tapply(seq_len(nrow(mtch)), mtch[, 2], function(ind) {
i1 = mtch[ind, 1] ## index for BINS
i2 = mtch[ind[1], 2] ## index for ir
n = length(ind)
r = r[ind] # intersected part
r1 = object@BINS[i1] # BIN part
pos = object@POS[i1, ,drop = FALSE] # pos on the 2D space
if(end_type == "expanding") {
start(r[1]) = start(r1[1])
end(r[n]) = end(r1[n])
} else if(end_type == "shrinking") {
removed_index = NULL
if(width(r)[1] < mean_bin_width) {
removed_index = c(removed_index, 1)
if(width(r)[n] < mean_bin_width) {
removed_index = c(removed_index, n)
if(length(removed_index)) {
removed_index = unique(removed_index)
r = r[-removed_index]
r1 = r1[-removed_index]
pos = pos[-removed_index, , drop = FALSE]
} else if(end_type == "average") {
removed_index = NULL
if(width(r)[1] < mean_bin_width/2) {
removed_index = c(removed_index, 1)
} else {
start(r[1]) = start(r1[1])
if(width(r)[n] < mean_bin_width/2) {
removed_index = c(removed_index, n)
} else {
end(r[n]) = end(r1[n])
if(length(removed_index)) {
removed_index = unique(removed_index)
r = r[-removed_index]
r1 = r1[-removed_index]
pos = pos[-removed_index, , drop = FALSE]
if(length(r) == 0) {
sr1 = start(r1)
sr = start(r)
er1 = end(r1)
er = end(r)
x1 = pos$x2 - (pos$x2 - pos$x1)*(er1 - sr)/(er1 - sr1)
y1 = pos$y2 - (pos$y2 - pos$y1)*(er1 - sr)/(er1 - sr1)
x2 = pos$x2 - (pos$x2 - pos$x1)*(er1 - er)/(er1 - sr1)
y2 = pos$y2 - (pos$y2 - pos$y1)*(er1 - er)/(er1 - sr1)
if(max(i1) == length(object@BINS)) {
df = data.frame(x = c(pos$x1, pos$x2[nrow(pos)]), y = c(pos$y1, pos$y2[nrow(pos)]))
} else {
df = data.frame(x = c(pos$x1), y = c(pos$y1))
grid.rect(df$x, df$y, width = 1, height = 1, default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fill = gp$fill[i2],
col = NA, lineend = "butt", linejoin = "mitre"))
border = which_border(df$x, df$y, hc_level(object)^2)
l = border$left_border
if(sum(l)) grid.segments(df$x[l] - 0.5, df$y[l] - 0.5, df$x[l] - 0.5, df$y[l] + 0.5, default.units = "native",
gp = gpar(lwd = gp$lwd[i2], lty = gp$lty[i2], col = gp$col[i2], lineend ="butt", linejoin = "mitre"))
l = border$right_border
if(sum(l)) grid.segments(df$x[l] + 0.5, df$y[l] - 0.5, df$x[l] + 0.5, df$y[l] + 0.5, default.units = "native",
gp = gpar(lwd = gp$lwd[i2], lty = gp$lty[i2], col = gp$col[i2], lineend ="butt", linejoin = "mitre"))
l = border$top_border
if(sum(l)) grid.segments(df$x[l] - 0.5, df$y[l] + 0.5, df$x[l] + 0.5, df$y[l] + 0.5, default.units = "native",
gp = gpar(lwd = gp$lwd[i2], lty = gp$lty[i2], col = gp$col[i2], lineend ="butt", linejoin = "mitre"))
l = border$bottom_border
if(sum(l)) grid.segments(df$x[l] - 0.5, df$y[l] - 0.5, df$x[l] + 0.5, df$y[l] - 0.5, default.units = "native",
gp = gpar(lwd = gp$lwd[i2], lty = gp$lty[i2], col = gp$col[i2], lineend ="butt", linejoin = "mitre"))
seekViewport(name = paste0("hilbert_curve_", get_plot_index(), "global"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.