# == title
# Make oncoPrint
# == param
# -mat a character matrix which encodes mulitple alterations or a list of matrix for which every matrix contains binary
# value representing the alteration is present or absent. When it is a list, the names represent alteration types.
# You can use `unify_mat_list` to make all matrix having same row names and column names.
# -get_type If different alterations are encoded in the matrix, this self-defined function
# determines how to extract them. Only work when ``mat`` is a matrix.
# -alter_fun a single function or a list of functions which define how to add graphics for different alterations.
# If it is a list, the names of the list should cover all alteration types.
# -alter_fun_list deprecated, use ``alter_run`` instead.
# -col a vector of color for which names correspond to alteration types.
# -row_order order of genes. By default it is sorted by frequency of alterations decreasingly.
# Set it to ``NULL`` if you don't want to set the order
# -column_order order of samples. By default the order is calculated by the 'memo sort' method which can visualize
# the mutual exclusivity across genes. Set it to ``NULL`` if you don't want to set the order
# -show_pct whether show percent values on the left of the oncoprint
# -pct_gp graphic paramters for percent row annotation
# -pct_digits digits for percent values
# -axis_gp graphic paramters for axes
# -show_row_barplot whether show barplot annotation on rows
# -row_barplot_width width of barplot annotation on rows. It should be a `grid::unit` object
# -remove_empty_columns if there is no alteration in that sample, whether remove it on the heatmap
# -heatmap_legend_param pass to `Heatmap`
# -top_annotation by default the top annotation contains barplots representing frequency of mutations in every sample.
# -top_annotation_height total height of the column annotations on the top.
# -bottom_annotation a `HeatmapAnnotation` object.
# -bottom_annotation_height total height of the column annotations on the bottom.
# -barplot_ignore specific alterations that you don't want to put on the barplots. If you want to really suppress the top barplot
# set ``top_annotation`` to ``NULL``.
# -row_title title on row.
# -row_title_side will the title be put on the left or right of the heatmap?
# -row_title_gp graphic parameters for drawing text.
# -row_title_rot rotation of row titles. Only 0, 90, 270 are allowed to set.
# -column_title title on column.
# -column_title_side will the title be put on the top or bottom of the heatmap?
# -column_title_gp graphic parameters for drawing text.
# -column_title_rot rotation of column titles. Only 0, 90, 270 are allowed to set.
# -show_row_names whether show row names.
# -row_names_gp graphic parameters for drawing text.
# -show_column_names whether show column names.
# -column_names_gp graphic parameters for drawing text.
# -split a vector or a data frame by which the rows are split. But if ``cluster_rows`` is a clustering object, ``split`` can be a single number
# indicating rows are to be split according to the split on the tree.
# -gap gap between row-slices if the heatmap is split by rows, should be `grid::unit` object. If it is a vector, the order corresponds
# to top to bottom in the heatmap
# -combined_name_fun if the heatmap is split by rows, how to make a combined row title for each slice?
# The input parameter for this function is a vector which contains level names under each column in ``split``.
# -width the width of the single heatmap, should be a fixed `grid::unit` object. It is used for the layout when the heatmap
# is appended to a list of heatmaps.
# -... pass to `Heatmap`, so can set ``bottom_annotation`` here.
# == details
# The function returns a normal heatmap list and you can add more heatmaps/row annotations to it.
# The 'memo sort' method is from https://gist.github.com/armish/564a65ab874a770e2c26 . Thanks to
# B. Arman Aksoy for contributing the code.
# The function would be a little bit slow if you plot it in an interactive device because all alterations
# are added through a foo loop.
# For more explanation, please go to the vignette.
# == value
# A `HeatmapList-class` object which means you can add other heatmaps or row annotations to it.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
oncoPrint = function(mat, get_type = function(x) x,
alter_fun = alter_fun_list, alter_fun_list = NULL, col,
row_order = oncoprint_row_order(),
column_order = oncoprint_column_order(),
show_pct = TRUE, pct_gp = row_names_gp, pct_digits = 0,
axis_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8),
show_row_barplot = TRUE,
row_barplot_width = unit(2, "cm"),
remove_empty_columns = FALSE,
heatmap_legend_param = list(title = "Alterations"),
top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(column_bar = anno_oncoprint_barplot(),
annotation_height = unit(2, "cm")),
top_annotation_height = top_annotation@size,
bottom_annotation = new("HeatmapAnnotation"),
bottom_annotation_height = bottom_annotation@size,
barplot_ignore = NULL,
row_title = character(0),
row_title_side = c("left", "right"),
row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 14),
row_title_rot = switch(row_title_side[1], "left" = 90, "right" = 270),
column_title = character(0),
column_title_side = c("top", "bottom"),
column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 14),
column_title_rot = 0,
show_row_names = TRUE,
row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 12),
show_column_names = FALSE,
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 12),
split = NULL,
gap = unit(1, "mm"),
combined_name_fun = function(x) paste(x, collapse = "/"),
width = NULL,
...) {
if(length(names(list(...))) > 0) {
if(any(names(list(...)) %in% c("show_column_barplot", "column_barplot_height"))) {
stop("`show_column_barplot` and `column_barplot_height` is deprecated, please configure `top_annotation` directly.")
if(!is.null(alter_fun_list)) {
warning("`alter_fun_list` is deprecated, please `alter_fun` instead.")
# convert mat to mat_list
if(inherits(mat, "data.frame")) {
mat = as.matrix(mat)
if(inherits(mat, "matrix")) {
all_type = unique(unlist(lapply(mat, get_type)))
all_type = all_type[!is.na(all_type)]
all_type = all_type[grepl("\\S", all_type)]
mat_list = lapply(all_type, function(type) {
m = sapply(mat, function(x) type %in% get_type(x))
dim(m) = dim(mat)
dimnames(m) = dimnames(mat)
names(mat_list) = all_type
} else if(inherits(mat, "list")) {
mat_list = mat
all_type = names(mat_list)
mat_list = lapply(mat_list, function(x) {
if(!is.matrix(x)) {
stop("Expect a list of matrix (not data frames).")
oattr = attributes(x)
x = as.logical(x)
attributes(x) = oattr
if(length(unique(sapply(mat_list, nrow))) > 1) {
stop("All matrix in 'mat_list' should have same number of rows.")
if(length(unique(sapply(mat_list, ncol))) > 1) {
stop("All matrix in 'mat_list' should have same number of columns.")
} else {
stop("Incorrect type of 'mat'")
if(missing(alter_fun) && missing(col)) {
if(length(mat_list) == 1) {
af = function(x, y, w, h, v) {
grid.rect(x, y, w, h, gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC", col = NA))
if(v[1]) grid.rect(x, y, w*0.9, h*0.9, gp = gpar(fill = "red", col = NA))
col = "red"
} else if(length(mat_list) == 2) {
af = function(x, y, w, h, v) {
grid.rect(x, y, w, h, gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC", col = NA))
if(v[1]) grid.rect(x, y, w*0.9, h*0.9, gp = gpar(fill = "red", col = NA))
if(v[2]) grid.rect(x, y, w*0.9, h*0.4, gp = gpar(fill = "blue", col = NA))
col = c("red", "blue")
} else {
stop("`alter_fun` should be specified.")
names(col) = names(mat_list)
} else if(is.list(alter_fun)) {
# validate the list first
if(is.null(alter_fun$background)) alter_fun$background = function(x, y, w, h) grid.rect(x, y, w, h, gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC", col = NA))
sdf = setdiff(all_type, names(alter_fun))
if(length(sdf) > 0) {
stop(paste0("You should define shape function for: ", paste(sdf, collapse = ", ")))
alter_fun = alter_fun[unique(c("background", intersect(names(alter_fun), all_type)))]
af = function(x, y, w, h, v) {
if(!is.null(alter_fun$background)) alter_fun$background(x, y, w, h)
alter_fun = alter_fun[names(alter_fun) != "background"]
if(sum(v)) {
for(nm in names(alter_fun)) {
if(v[nm]) alter_fun[[nm]](x, y, w, h)
} else {
af = alter_fun
col = col[intersect(names(col), all_type)]
# type as the third dimension
arr = array(FALSE, dim = c(dim(mat_list[[1]]), length(all_type)), dimnames = c(dimnames(mat_list[[1]]), list(all_type)))
for(i in seq_along(all_type)) {
arr[, , i] = mat_list[[i]]
oncoprint_row_order = function() {
order(rowSums(count_matrix), decreasing = TRUE)
oncoprint_column_order = function() {
scoreCol = function(x) {
score = 0
for(i in 1:length(x)) {
if(x[i]) {
score = score + 2^(length(x)-i*1/x[i])
scores = apply(count_matrix[row_order, ,drop = FALSE], 2, scoreCol)
order(scores, decreasing=TRUE)
count_matrix = apply(arr, c(1, 2), sum)
if(is.null(row_order)) row_order = seq_len(nrow(count_matrix))
if(is.null(column_order)) column_order = seq_len(ncol(count_matrix))
row_order = row_order
if(is.character(column_order)) {
column_order = structure(seq_len(dim(arr)[2]), names = dimnames(arr)[[2]])[column_order]
column_order = column_order
names(column_order) = as.character(column_order)
if(remove_empty_columns) {
l = rowSums(apply(arr, c(2, 3), sum)) > 0
arr = arr[, l, , drop = FALSE]
column_order = structure(seq_len(sum(l)), names = which(l))[as.character(intersect(column_order, which(l)))]
# validate col
sdf = setdiff(all_type, names(col))
if(length(sdf) > 0) {
stop(paste0("You should define colors for:", paste(sdf, collapse = ", ")))
# for each gene, percent of samples that have alterations
pct = rowSums(apply(arr, 1:2, any)) / ncol(mat_list[[1]])
pct = paste0(round(pct * 100, digits = pct_digits), "%")
ha_pct = rowAnnotation(pct = row_anno_text(pct, just = "right", offset = unit(1, "npc"), gp = pct_gp), width = max_text_width(pct, gp = pct_gp))
# row annotation which is a barplot
anno_row_bar = function(index, k = NULL, N = NULL) {
n = length(index)
count = apply(arr, c(1, 3), sum)[index, , drop = FALSE]
all_type = all_type[!(colnames(count) %in% barplot_ignore)]
count = count[, setdiff(colnames(count), barplot_ignore), drop = FALSE]
max_count = max(rowSums(count))
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0, max_count*1.1), yscale = c(0.5, n + 0.5)))
for(i in seq_len(nrow(count))) {
if(any(count[i, ] > 0)) {
x = count[i, ]
x = x[x > 0]
x2 = cumsum(x)
type = all_type[count[i, ] > 0]
# row order is from top to end while coordinate of y is from bottom to top
# so here we need to use n-i+1
grid.rect(x2, n-i+1, width = x, height = 0.8, default.units = "native", just = "right", gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = col[type]))
breaks = grid.pretty(c(0, max_count))
if(k == 1) {
grid.xaxis(at = breaks, label = breaks, main = FALSE, gp = axis_gp)
ha_row_bar = rowAnnotation(row_bar = anno_row_bar, width = row_barplot_width)
# column annotation which is also a barplot
anno_column_bar = function(index) {
n = length(index)
count = apply(arr, c(2, 3), sum)[index, , drop = FALSE]
all_type = all_type[!(colnames(count) %in% barplot_ignore)]
count = count[, setdiff(colnames(count), barplot_ignore), drop = FALSE]
max_count = max(rowSums(count))
pushViewport(viewport(yscale = c(0, max_count*1.1), xscale = c(0.5, n + 0.5)))
for(i in seq_len(nrow(count))) {
if(any(count[i, ] > 0)) {
y = count[i, ]
y = y[y > 0]
y2 = cumsum(y)
type = all_type[count[i, ] > 0]
grid.rect(i, y2, height = y, width = 0.8, default.units = "native", just = "top", gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = col[type]))
breaks = grid.pretty(c(0, max_count))
grid.yaxis(at = breaks, label = breaks, gp = axis_gp)
top_annotation = top_annotation
# the main matrix
pheudo = c(all_type, rep(NA, nrow(arr)*ncol(arr) - length(all_type)))
dim(pheudo) = dim(arr)[1:2]
dimnames(pheudo) = dimnames(arr)[1:2]
if(length(list(...))) {
if(any(names(list(...)) %in% c("rect_gp", "cluster_rows", "cluster_columns", "cell_fun"))) {
stop("'rect_gp', 'cluster_rows', 'cluster_columns', 'cell_fun' are not allowed to use in `oncoPrint()`.")
ht = Heatmap(pheudo, col = col, rect_gp = gpar(type = "none"),
cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE, row_order = row_order, column_order = column_order,
cell_fun = function(j, i, x, y, width, height, fill) {
z = arr[i, j, ]
names(z) = dimnames(arr)[[3]]
af(x, y, width, height, z)
top_annotation = top_annotation,
top_annotation_height = top_annotation_height,
bottom_annotation = bottom_annotation,
bottom_annotation_height = bottom_annotation_height,
row_title = row_title,
row_title_side = row_title_side,
row_title_gp = row_names_gp,
row_title_rot = row_title_rot,
column_title = column_title,
column_title_side = column_title_side,
column_title_gp = column_title_gp,
column_title_rot = column_title_rot,
show_row_names = show_row_names,
row_names_gp = row_names_gp,
show_column_names = show_column_names,
column_names_gp = column_names_gp,
heatmap_legend_param = heatmap_legend_param,
split = split,
gap = gap,
combined_name_fun = combined_name_fun,
width = width,
ht@matrix_param$oncoprint = list()
ht@matrix_param$oncoprint$arr = arr
ht@matrix_param$oncoprint$barplot_ignore = barplot_ignore
ht@matrix_param$oncoprint$all_type = all_type
ht@matrix_param$oncoprint$axis_gp = axis_gp
ht@matrix_param$oncoprint$col = col
if(show_pct) {
ht_list = ha_pct + ht
} else {
ht_list = ht
if(show_row_barplot) {
ht_list = ht_list + ha_row_bar
# == title
# Unify a list of matrix
# == param
# -mat_list a list of matrix, all of them should have dimension names
# -default default values for the newly added rows and columns
# == details
# All matrix will be unified to have same row names and column names
# == value
# A list of matrix
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
unify_mat_list = function(mat_list, default = 0) {
common_rn = unique(unlist(lapply(mat_list, rownames)))
common_cn = unique(unlist(lapply(mat_list, colnames)))
mat_list2 = lapply(seq_along(mat_list), function(i) {
mat = matrix(default, nrow = length(common_rn), ncol = length(common_cn))
dimnames(mat) = list(common_rn, common_cn)
mat[rownames(mat_list[[i]]), colnames(mat_list[[i]])] = mat_list[[i]]
names(mat_list2) = names(mat_list)
# == title
# Column barplot annotation for oncoPrint
# == details
# This function is only used for column annotation
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
anno_oncoprint_barplot = function() {
function(index) {
object = get("object", envir = parent.frame(n = 5))
arr = object@matrix_param$oncoprint$arr
barplot_ignore = object@matrix_param$oncoprint$barplot_ignore
all_type = object@matrix_param$oncoprint$all_type
axis_gp = object@matrix_param$oncoprint$axis_gp
col = object@matrix_param$oncoprint$col
n = length(index)
count = apply(arr, c(2, 3), sum)[index, , drop = FALSE]
all_type = all_type[!(colnames(count) %in% barplot_ignore)]
count = count[, setdiff(colnames(count), barplot_ignore), drop = FALSE]
max_count = max(rowSums(count))
pushViewport(viewport(yscale = c(0, max_count*1.1), xscale = c(0.5, n + 0.5)))
for(i in seq_len(nrow(count))) {
if(any(count[i, ] > 0)) {
y = count[i, ]
y = y[y > 0]
y2 = cumsum(y)
type = all_type[count[i, ] > 0]
grid.rect(i, y2, height = y, width = 0.8, default.units = "native", just = "top", gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = col[type]))
breaks = grid.pretty(c(0, max_count))
grid.yaxis(at = breaks, label = breaks, gp = axis_gp)
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