# == title
# Using points as annotation
# == param
# -x a vector of numeric values.
# -which is the annotation a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border whether show border of the annotation compoment
# -gp graphic parameters.
# -pch point type.
# -size point size.
# -ylim data ranges.
# -axis whether add axis.
# -axis_side if it is placed as column annotation, value can only be "left" or "right".
# If it is placed as row annotation, value can only be "bottom" or "top".
# -axis_gp graphic parameters for axis
# -axis_direction if the annotation is row annotation, should the axis be from left to right (default) or follow the reversed direction?
# -... for future use.
# == value
# A graphic function which can be set in `HeatmapAnnotation` constructor method.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
anno_points = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), border = TRUE, gp = gpar(), pch = 16,
size = unit(2, "mm"), ylim = NULL, axis = FALSE, axis_side = NULL,
axis_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8), axis_direction = c("normal", "reverse"), ...) {
x = x
which = match.arg(which)[1]
data_scale = range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
if(!is.null(ylim)) data_scale = ylim
data_scale = data_scale + c(-0.05, 0.05)*(data_scale[2] - data_scale[1])
gp = check_gp(gp)
if(which == "column") {
if(is.null(axis_side)) axis_side = "left"
if(axis_side == "top" || axis_side == "bottom") {
stop("`axis_side` can only be 'left' and 'right' for column annotations")
if(which == "row") {
if(is.null(axis_side)) axis_side = "bottom"
if(axis_side == "left" || axis_side == "right") {
stop("`axis_side` can only be 'top' and 'bottom' for row annotations")
axis_direction = match.arg(axis_direction)[1]
# get rid of lazy loading
border = border
gp = gp
pch = pch
size = size
ylim = ylim
axis = axis
axis_side = axis_side
axis_gp = axis_gp
axis_direction = axis_direction
f = switch(which,
row = function(index, k = NULL, N = NULL, vp_name = NULL) {
n = length(index)
if(is.null(k)) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(N == 1) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(length(gp) == 0) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(max(sapply(gp, length)) == length(x)) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else {
gp = subset_gp(gp, k)
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = data_scale, yscale = c(0.5, n+0.5), name = vp_name))
if(border) grid.rect()
if(axis_direction == "reverse") x = data_scale[2] - x + data_scale[1]
grid.points(x[index], n - seq_along(index) + 1, gp = gp, default.units = "native", pch = pch, size = size)
if(axis) {
at = grid.pretty(data_scale)
label = at
if(axis_direction == "reverse") at = data_scale[2] - at + data_scale[1]
if(is.null(k)) {
if(axis_side == "top") {
grid.xaxis(main = FALSE, gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
} else if(axis_side == "bottom") {
grid.xaxis(gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
} else {
if(k == 1 && axis_side == "top") {
grid.xaxis(main = FALSE, gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
} else if(k == N && axis_side == "bottom") {
grid.xaxis(gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
column = function(index, vp_name = NULL) {
n = length(index)
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0.5, n+0.5), yscale = data_scale, name = vp_name))
if(border) grid.rect()
grid.points(seq_along(index), x[index], gp = gp, default.units = "native", pch = pch, size = size)
if(axis) {
if(axis_side == "left") {
grid.yaxis(gp = axis_gp)
} else {
grid.yaxis(main = FALSE, gp = axis_gp)
attr(f, "which") = which
attr(f, "fun") = "anno_points"
# == title
# Using barplot as annotation
# == param
# -x a vector of numeric values. If the value is a matrix, columns of the matrix will be represented as
# stacked barplots. Note for stacked barplots, each row in the matrix should only contain values with same sign (either all positive or all negative).
# -baseline baseline for bars. The value should be "min" or "max", or a numeric value. It is enforced to be zero
# for stacked barplots.
# -which is the annotation a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border whether show border of the annotation compoment
# -bar_width relative width of the bars, should less than one
# -gp graphic parameters. If it is the stacked barplots, the length of the graphic parameter should
# be same as the number of stacks.
# -ylim data ranges.
# -axis whether add axis
# -axis_side if it is placed as column annotation, value can only be "left" or "right".
# If it is placed as row annotation, value can only be "bottom" or "top".
# -axis_gp graphic parameters for axis
# -axis_direction if the annotation is row annotation, should the axis be from left to right (default) or follow the reversed direction?
# -... for future use.
# == value
# A graphic function which can be set in `HeatmapAnnotation` constructor method.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
anno_barplot = function(x, baseline = "min", which = c("column", "row"), border = TRUE, bar_width = 0.6,
gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC"), ylim = NULL, axis = FALSE, axis_side = NULL,
axis_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8), axis_direction = c("normal", "reverse"), ...) {
x = x
which = match.arg(which)[1]
if(inherits(x, "list")) x = do.call("rbind", x)
if(inherits(x, "data.frame")) x = as.matrix(x)
if(inherits(x, "matrix")) {
sg = apply(x, 1, function(xx) all(sign(xx) %in% c(1, 0)) || all(sign(xx) %in% c(-1, 0)))
if(!all(sg)) {
stop("Since `x` is a matrix, the sign of each row should be either all positive or all negative.")
if(is.null(dim(x))) x = matrix(x, ncol = 1)
if(ncol(x) > 1) {
baseline = 0
if(missing(gp)) {
gp = gpar(fill = grey(seq(0, 1, length = ncol(x)+2))[-c(1, ncol(x)+2)])
factor = bar_width
data_scale = range(rowSums(x, na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
if(!is.null(ylim)) data_scale = ylim
data_scale = data_scale + c(-0.05, 0.05)*(data_scale[2] - data_scale[1])
gp = check_gp(gp)
if(which == "column") {
if(is.null(axis_side)) axis_side = "left"
if(axis_side == "top" || axis_side == "bottom") {
stop("`axis_side` can only be 'left' and 'right' for column annotations")
if(which == "row") {
if(is.null(axis_side)) axis_side = "bottom"
if(axis_side == "left" || axis_side == "right") {
stop("`axis_side` can only be 'top' and 'bottom' for row annotations")
axis_direction = match.arg(axis_direction)[1]
baseline = baseline
border = border
bar_width = bar_width
gp = gp
ylim = ylim
axis = axis
axis_size = axis_side
axis_gp = axis_gp
f = switch(which,
row = function(index, k = NULL, N = NULL, vp_name = NULL) {
n = length(index)
if(baseline == "min") baseline = data_scale[1]
else if(baseline == "max") baseline = data_scale[2]
if(axis_direction == "reverse") {
x = data_scale[2] - x + data_scale[1]
baseline = data_scale[2] - baseline + data_scale[1]
if(baseline < data_scale[1]) data_scale[1] = baseline
if(baseline > data_scale[2]) data_scale[2] = baseline
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = data_scale, yscale = c(0.5, n+0.5), name = vp_name))
if(border) grid.rect()
if(ncol(x) == 1) {
if(is.null(k)) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(N == 1) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(length(gp) == 0) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(max(sapply(gp, length)) == length(x)) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else {
gp = subset_gp(gp, k)
width = x[index] - baseline
x_coor = width/2+baseline
grid.rect(x = x_coor, y = n - seq_along(index) + 1, width = abs(width), height = 1*factor, default.units = "native", gp = gp)
} else {
for(i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
width = x[index, i]
x_coor = rowSums(x[index, seq_len(i-1), drop = FALSE]) + width/2
grid.rect(x = x_coor, y = n - seq_along(index) + 1, width = abs(width), height = 1*factor, default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
if(axis) {
at = grid.pretty(data_scale)
label = at
if(axis_direction == "reverse") at = data_scale[2] - at + data_scale[1]
if(is.null(k)) {
if(axis_side == "top") {
grid.xaxis(main = FALSE, gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
} else if(axis_side == "bottom") {
grid.xaxis(gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
} else {
if(k == 1 && axis_side == "top") {
grid.xaxis(main = FALSE, gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
} else if(k == N && axis_side == "bottom") {
grid.xaxis(gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
column = function(index, vp_name = NULL) {
n = length(index)
if(baseline == "min") baseline = data_scale[1]
else if(baseline == "max") baseline = data_scale[2]
if(baseline < data_scale[1]) data_scale[1] = baseline
if(baseline > data_scale[2]) data_scale[2] = baseline
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0.5, n+0.5), yscale = data_scale, name = vp_name))
if(border) grid.rect()
if(ncol(x) == 1) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
height = x[index, 1] - baseline
y_coor = height/2 + baseline
grid.rect(x = seq_along(index), y = y_coor, height = abs(height), width = 1*factor, default.units = "native", gp = gp)
} else {
for(i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
height = x[index, i]
y_coor = rowSums(x[index, seq_len(i-1), drop = FALSE]) + height/2
grid.rect(x = seq_along(index), y = y_coor, height = abs(height), width = 1*factor, default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
if(axis) {
if(axis_side == "left") {
grid.yaxis(gp = axis_gp)
} else {
grid.yaxis(main = FALSE, gp = axis_gp)
attr(f, "which") = which
attr(f, "fun") = "anno_barplot"
# == title
# Using boxplot as annotation
# == param
# -x a matrix or a list. If ``x`` is a matrix and if ``which`` is ``column``, statistics for boxplot
# is calculated by columns, if ``which`` is ``row``, the calculation is by rows.
# -which is the annotation a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -border whether show border of the annotation compoment
# -gp graphic parameters
# -ylim data ranges.
# -outline whether draw outliers
# -pch point type
# -size point size
# -axis whether add axis
# -axis_side if it is placed as column annotation, value can only be "left" or "right".
# If it is placed as row annotation, value can only be "bottom" or "top".
# -axis_gp graphic parameters for axis
# -axis_direction if the annotation is row annotation, should the axis be from left to right (default) or follow the reversed direction?
# == value
# A graphic function which can be set in `HeatmapAnnotation` constructor method.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
anno_boxplot = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), border = TRUE,
gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC"), ylim = NULL, outline = TRUE,
pch = 16, size = unit(2, "mm"), axis = FALSE, axis_side = NULL,
axis_gp = gpar(fontsize = 8), axis_direction = c("normal", "reverse")) {
x = x
which = match.arg(which)[1]
if(inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
warning("detect `x` is a data frame. If you want use it as a matrix, convert it explicitly to matrix.")
factor = 0.6
data_scale = range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
if(!is.null(ylim)) data_scale = ylim
data_scale = data_scale + c(-0.05, 0.05)*(data_scale[2] - data_scale[1])
gp = check_gp(gp)
if(which == "column") {
if(is.null(axis_side)) axis_side = "left"
if(axis_side == "top" || axis_side == "bottom") {
stop("`axis_side` can only be 'left' and 'right' for column annotations")
if(which == "row") {
if(is.null(axis_side)) axis_side = "bottom"
if(axis_side == "left" || axis_side == "right") {
stop("`axis_side` can only be 'top' and 'bottom' for row annotations")
axis_direction = match.arg(axis_direction)[1]
border = border
gp = gp
ylim = ylim
pch = pch
size = size
axis = axis
axis_side = axis_side
axis_gp = axis_gp
f = switch(which,
row = function(index, k = NULL, N = NULL, vp_name = NULL) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
n_all = nrow(x)
if(axis_direction == "reverse") x = data_scale[2] - x + data_scale[1]
x = x[index, , drop = FALSE]
boxplot_stats = boxplot(t(x), plot = FALSE)$stats
} else {
n_all = length(x)
if(axis_direction == "reverse") x = lapply(x, function(y) data_scale[2] - y + data_scale[1])
x = x[index]
boxplot_stats = boxplot(x, plot = FALSE)$stats
n = length(index)
if(is.null(k)) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(N == 1) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(length(gp) == 0) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(max(sapply(gp, length)) == n_all) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else {
gp = subset_gp(gp, k)
gp = recycle_gp(gp, length(index))
if(n != ncol(boxplot_stats)) {
stop(paste0("Length of index should be ", ncol(boxplot_stats)))
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = data_scale, yscale = c(0.5, n+0.5), name = vp_name))
if(border) grid.rect()
grid.rect(x = boxplot_stats[2, ], y = n - seq_along(index) + 1,
height = 1*factor, width = boxplot_stats[4, ] - boxplot_stats[2, ], just = "left",
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(boxplot_stats[5, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 - 0.5*factor,
boxplot_stats[5, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 + 0.5*factor, default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(boxplot_stats[5, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1,
boxplot_stats[4, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1, default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(boxplot_stats[1, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1,
boxplot_stats[2, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1, default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(boxplot_stats[1, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 - 0.5*factor,
boxplot_stats[1, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 + 0.5*factor, default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(boxplot_stats[3, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 - 0.5*factor,
boxplot_stats[3, ], n - seq_along(index) + 1 + 0.5*factor,
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
if(outline) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
for(i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
l1 = x[i,] > boxplot_stats[5,i]
if(sum(l1)) grid.points(y = rep(n - i + 1, sum(l1)), x = x[i,][l1], default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch, size = size)
l2 = x[i,] < boxplot_stats[1,i]
if(sum(l2)) grid.points(y = rep(n - i + 1, sum(l2)), x = x[i,][l2], default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch, size = size)
} else {
for(i in seq_along(x)) {
l1 = x[[i]] > boxplot_stats[5,i]
if(sum(l1)) grid.points(y = rep(n - i + 1, sum(l1)), x = x[[i]][l1], default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch, size = size)
l2 = x[[i]] < boxplot_stats[1,i]
if(sum(l2)) grid.points(y = rep(n - i + 1, sum(l2)), x = x[[i]][l2], default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch, size = size)
at = grid.pretty(data_scale)
label = at
if(axis_direction == "reverse") at = data_scale[2] - at + data_scale[1]
if(is.null(k)) {
if(axis_side == "top") {
grid.xaxis(main = FALSE, gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
} else if(axis_side == "bottom") {
grid.xaxis(gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
} else {
if(k == 1 && axis_side == "top") {
grid.xaxis(main = FALSE, gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
} else if(k == N && axis_side == "bottom") {
grid.xaxis(gp = axis_gp, at = at, label = label)
column = function(index, vp_name = NULL) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
x = x[, index, drop = FALSE]
boxplot_stats = boxplot(x, plot = FALSE)$stats
} else {
x = x[index]
boxplot_stats = boxplot(x, plot = FALSE)$stats
n = length(index)
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
if(n != ncol(boxplot_stats)) {
stop(paste0("Length of index should be ", ncol(boxplot_stats)))
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0.5, n+0.5), yscale = data_scale, name = vp_name))
if(border) grid.rect()
grid.rect(x = seq_along(index), y = boxplot_stats[2, ],
height = boxplot_stats[4, ] - boxplot_stats[2, ], width = 1*factor, just = "bottom",
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(seq_along(index) - 0.5*factor, boxplot_stats[5, ],
seq_along(index) + 0.5*factor, boxplot_stats[5, ], default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(seq_along(index), boxplot_stats[5, ],
seq_along(index), boxplot_stats[4, ], default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(seq_along(index), boxplot_stats[1, ],
seq_along(index), boxplot_stats[2, ], default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(seq_along(index) - 0.5*factor, boxplot_stats[1, ],
seq_along(index) + 0.5*factor, boxplot_stats[1, ], default.units = "native", gp = gp)
grid.segments(seq_along(index) - 0.5*factor, boxplot_stats[3, ],
seq_along(index) + 0.5*factor, boxplot_stats[3, ],
default.units = "native", gp = gp)
if(outline) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
for(i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
l1 = x[,i] > boxplot_stats[5,i]
if(sum(l1)) grid.points(x = rep(i, sum(l1)), y = x[,i][l1], default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch, size = size)
l2 = x[,i] < boxplot_stats[1,i]
if(sum(l2)) grid.points(x = rep(i, sum(l2)), y = x[,i][l2], default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch, size = size)
} else {
for(i in seq_along(x)) {
l1 = x[[i]] > boxplot_stats[5,i]
if(sum(l1)) grid.points(x = rep(i, sum(l1)), y = x[[i]][l1], default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch, size = size)
l2 = x[[i]] < boxplot_stats[1,i]
if(sum(l2)) grid.points(x = rep(i, sum(l2)), y = x[[i]][l2], default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i), pch = pch, size = size)
if(axis) {
if(axis_side == "left") {
grid.yaxis(gp = axis_gp)
} else {
grid.yaxis(main = FALSE, gp = axis_gp)
attr(f, "which") = which
attr(f, "fun") = "anno_boxplot"
# == title
# Using histogram as annotation
# == param
# -x a matrix or a list. If ``x`` is a matrix and if ``which`` is ``column``, statistics for histogram
# is calculated by columns, if ``which`` is ``row``, the calculation is by rows.
# -which is the annotation a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -gp graphic parameters
# -... pass to `graphics::hist`
# == value
# A graphic function which can be set in `HeatmapAnnotation` constructor method.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
anno_histogram = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC"), ...) {
x = x
which = match.arg(which)[1]
if(inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
warning("detect `x` is a data frame. If you want use it as a matrix, convert it explicitly to matrix.")
gp = check_gp(gp)
f = switch(which,
row = function(index, k = NULL, N = NULL, vp_name = NULL) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
n_all = nrow(x)
x = x[index, , drop = FALSE]
x_range =range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
histogram_stats = apply(x, 1, hist, plot = FALSE, breaks = seq(x_range[1], x_range[2], length = 11), ...)
histogram_breaks = lapply(histogram_stats, function(x) x$breaks)
histogram_counts = lapply(histogram_stats, function(x) x$counts)
} else {
n_all = length(x)
x = x[index]
x_range =range(unlist(x), na.rm = TRUE)
histogram_stats = lapply(x, hist, plot = FALSE, breaks = seq(x_range[1], x_range[2], length = 11), ...)
histogram_breaks = lapply(histogram_stats, function(x) x$breaks)
histogram_counts = lapply(histogram_stats, function(x) x$counts)
xscale = range(unlist(histogram_breaks), na.rm = TRUE)
xscale = xscale + c(-0.05, 0.05)*(xscale[2] - xscale[1])
yscale = c(0, max(unlist(histogram_counts)))
yscale[2] = yscale[2]*1.05
n = length(index)
if(is.null(k)) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(N == 1) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(length(gp) == 0) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(max(sapply(gp, length)) == n_all) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else {
gp = subset_gp(gp, k)
gp = recycle_gp(gp, length(index))
if(n != length(histogram_counts)) {
stop(paste0("Length of index should be ", length(histogram_counts)))
for(i in seq_len(n)) {
n_breaks = length(histogram_breaks[[i]])
pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit((n-i)/n, "npc"), height = unit(1/n, "npc"), just = c("left", "bottom"), xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale))
grid.rect(x = histogram_breaks[[i]][-1], y = 0, width = histogram_breaks[[i]][-1] - histogram_breaks[[i]][-n_breaks], height = histogram_counts[[i]], just = c("right", "bottom"), default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
column = function(index, vp_name = NULL) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
x = x[, index, drop = FALSE]
x_range = range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
histogram_stats = apply(x, 2, hist, plot = FALSE, breaks = seq(x_range[1], x_range[2], length = 11), ...)
histogram_breaks = lapply(histogram_stats, function(x) x$breaks)
histogram_counts = lapply(histogram_stats, function(x) x$counts)
} else {
x = x[index]
x_range = range(unlist(x), na.rm = TRUE)
histogram_stats = lapply(x, hist, plot = FALSE, breaks = seq(x_range[1], x_range[2], length =11), ...)
histogram_breaks = lapply(histogram_stats, function(x) x$breaks)
histogram_counts = lapply(histogram_stats, function(x) x$counts)
yscale = range(unlist(histogram_breaks), na.rm = TRUE)
yscale = yscale + c(-0.05, 0.05)*(yscale[2] - yscale[1])
xscale = c(0, max(unlist(histogram_counts)))
xscale[2] = xscale[2]*1.05
n = length(index)
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
if(n != length(histogram_counts)) {
stop(paste0("Length of index should be ", length(histogram_counts)))
for(i in seq_len(n)) {
n_breaks = length(histogram_breaks[[i]])
pushViewport(viewport(y = unit(0, "npc"), x = unit(i/n, "npc"), width = unit(1/n, "npc"), just = c("right", "bottom"), xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale))
grid.rect(y = histogram_breaks[[i]][-1], x = 0, height = histogram_breaks[[i]][-1] - histogram_breaks[[i]][-n_breaks], width = histogram_counts[[i]], just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, index[i]))
attr(f, "which") = which
attr(f, "fun") = "anno_histogram"
# == title
# Using kernel density as annotation
# == param
# -x a matrix or a list. If ``x`` is a matrix and if ``which`` is ``column``, statistics for density
# is calculated by columns, if ``which`` is ``row``, the calculation is by rows.
# -which is the annotation a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -gp graphic parameters. Note it is ignored if ``type`` equals to ``heatmap``.
# -type which type of graphics is used to represent density distribution.
# -... pass to `stats::density`
# == value
# A graphic function which can be set in `HeatmapAnnotation` constructor method.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
anno_density = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), gp = gpar(fill = "#CCCCCC"),
type = c("lines", "violin", "heatmap"), ...) {
x = x
which = match.arg(which)[1]
type = match.arg(type)[1]
if(inherits(x, "data.frame")) {
warning("detect `x` is a data frame. If you want use it as a matrix, convert it explicitly to matrix.")
gp = check_gp(gp)
f = switch(which,
row = function(index, k = NULL, N = NULL, vp_name = NULL) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
n_all = nrow(x)
x = x[index, , drop = FALSE]
density_stats = apply(x, 1, density, ...)
density_x = lapply(density_stats, function(x) x$x)
density_y = lapply(density_stats, function(x) x$y)
} else {
n_all = length(x)
x = x[index]
density_stats = lapply(x, density, ...)
density_x = lapply(density_stats, function(x) x$x)
density_y = lapply(density_stats, function(x) x$y)
min_density_x = min(unlist(density_x))
max_density_x = max(unlist(density_x))
xscale = range(unlist(density_x), na.rm = TRUE)
xscale = xscale + c(-0.05, 0.05)*(xscale[2] - xscale[1])
if(type == "lines") {
yscale = c(0, max(unlist(density_y)))
yscale[2] = yscale[2]*1.05
} else if(type == "violin") {
yscale = max(unlist(density_y))
yscale = c(-yscale*1.05, yscale*1.05)
} else if(type == "heatmap") {
xscale = range(unlist(density_x), na.rm = TRUE)
yscale = c(0, 1)
min_y = min(unlist(density_y))
max_y = max(unlist(density_y))
col_fun = colorRamp2(seq(min_y, max_y, length = 11), rev(brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", n = 11)))
n = length(index)
if(is.null(k)) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(N == 1) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(length(gp) == 0) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(max(sapply(gp, length)) == n_all) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else {
gp = subset_gp(gp, k)
gp = recycle_gp(gp, length(index))
if(n != length(density_x)) {
stop(paste0("Length of index should be ", length(density_x)))
for(i in seq_len(n)) {
pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit((n-i)/n, "npc"), just = c("left", "bottom"), height = unit(1/n, "npc"), xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale))
if(type == "lines") {
grid.polygon(x = density_x[[i]], y = density_y[[i]], default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
} else if(type == "violin") {
grid.polygon(x = c(density_x[[i]], rev(density_x[[i]])), y = c(density_y[[i]], -rev(density_y[[i]])), default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, i))
} else if(type == "heatmap") {
n_breaks = length(density_x[[i]])
grid.rect(x = density_x[[i]][-1], y = 0, width = density_x[[i]][-1] - density_x[[i]][-n_breaks], height = 1, just = c("right", "bottom"), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fill = col_fun((density_y[[i]][-1] + density_y[[i]][-n_breaks])/2), col = NA))
grid.rect(x = density_x[[i]][1], y = 0, width = density_x[[i]][1] - min_density_x, height = 1, just = c("right", "bottom"), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fill = col_fun(0), col = NA))
grid.rect(x = density_x[[i]][n_breaks], y = 0, width = max_density_x - density_x[[i]][n_breaks], height = 1, just = c("left", "bottom"), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fill = col_fun(0), col = NA))
column = function(index, vp_name = NULL) {
if(is.matrix(x)) {
x = x[, index, drop = FALSE]
density_stats = apply(x, 2, density, ...)
density_x = lapply(density_stats, function(x) x$x)
density_y = lapply(density_stats, function(x) x$y)
} else {
x = x[index]
density_stats = lapply(x, density, ...)
density_x = lapply(density_stats, function(x) x$x)
density_y = lapply(density_stats, function(x) x$y)
min_density_x = min(unlist(density_x))
max_density_x = max(unlist(density_x))
yscale = range(unlist(density_x), na.rm = TRUE)
yscale = yscale + c(-0.05, 0.05)*(yscale[2] - yscale[1])
if(type == "lines") {
xscale = c(0, max(unlist(density_y)))
xscale[2] = xscale[2]*1.05
} else if(type == "violin") {
xscale = max(unlist(density_y))
xscale = c(-xscale*1.05, xscale*1.05)
} else if(type == "heatmap") {
yscale = range(unlist(density_x), na.rm = TRUE)
xscale = c(0, 1)
min_y = min(unlist(density_y))
max_y = max(unlist(density_y))
col_fun = colorRamp2(seq(min_y, max_y, length = 11), rev(brewer.pal(name = "RdYlBu", n = 11)))
n = length(index)
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
if(n != length(density_x)) {
stop(paste0("Length of index should be ", length(density_x)))
for(i in seq_len(n)) {
pushViewport(viewport(y = unit(0, "npc"), x = unit(i/n, "npc"), width = unit(1/n, "npc"), just = c("right", "bottom"), xscale = xscale, yscale = yscale))
if(type == "lines") {
grid.polygon(y = density_x[[i]], x = density_y[[i]], default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, index[i]))
} else if(type == "violin") {
grid.polygon(y = c(density_x[[i]], rev(density_x[[i]])), x = c(density_y[[i]], -rev(density_y[[i]])), default.units = "native", gp = subset_gp(gp, index[i]))
} else if(type == "heatmap") {
n_breaks = length(density_x[[i]])
grid.rect(y = density_x[[i]][-1], x = 0, height = density_x[[i]][-1] - density_x[[i]][-n_breaks], width = 1, just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fill = col_fun((density_y[[i]][-1] + density_y[[i]][-n_breaks])/2), col = NA))
grid.rect(y = density_x[[i]][1], x = 0, height = density_x[[i]][1] - min_density_x, width = 1, just = c("left", "top"), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fill = col_fun(0), col = NA))
grid.rect(y = density_x[[i]][n_breaks], x = 0, height = max_density_x - density_x[[i]][n_breaks], width = 1, just = c("left", "bottom"), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fill = col_fun(0), col = NA))
attr(f, "which") = which
attr(f, "fun") = "anno_density"
# == title
# Using text as annotation
# == param
# -x a vector of text
# -which is the annotation a column annotation or a row annotation?
# -gp graphic parameters.
# -rot rotation of text
# -just justification of text, pass to `grid::grid.text`
# -offset if it is a row annotation, ``offset`` corresponds to the x-coordinates of text.
# and if it is a column annotation, ``offset`` corresponds to the y-coordinates of text.
# The value should be a `grid::unit` object.
# == value
# A graphic function which can be set in `HeatmapAnnotation` constructor method.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
anno_text = function(x, which = c("column", "row"), gp = gpar(), rot = 0,
just = NULL, offset = unit(0.5, "npc")) {
x = x
which = match.arg(which)[1]
gp = check_gp(gp)
rot = rot
just = just
offset = offset
f = switch(which,
row = function(index, k = NULL, N = NULL, vp_name = NULL) {
n = length(index)
if(is.null(k)) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(N == 1) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(length(gp) == 0) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else if(max(sapply(gp, length)) == length(x)) {
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
} else {
gp = subset_gp(gp, k)
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0, 1), yscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
grid.text(x[index], offset, unit(n - seq_along(index) + 1, "native"), gp = gp, just = just, rot = rot)
column = function(index, vp_name = NULL) {
n = length(index)
gp = subset_gp(gp, index)
pushViewport(viewport(yscale = c(0, 1), xscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
grid.text(x[index], unit(seq_along(index), "native"), offset, gp = gp, just = just, rot = rot)
attr(f, "which") = which
attr(f, "fun") = "anno_text"
# == title
# Row annotation which is represented as points
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_points`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_points` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_points`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
row_anno_points = function(...) {
anno_points(..., which = "row")
# == title
# Column annotation which is represented as points
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_points`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_points` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``column``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_points`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
column_anno_points = function(...) {
anno_points(..., which = "column")
# == title
# Row annotation which is represented as barplots
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_barplot`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_barplot` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_barplot`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
row_anno_barplot = function(...) {
anno_barplot(..., which = "row")
# == title
# Column annotation which is represented as barplots
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_barplot`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_barplot` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``column``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_barplot`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
column_anno_barplot = function(...) {
anno_barplot(..., which = "column")
# == title
# Row annotation which is represented as boxplots
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_boxplot`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_boxplot` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_boxplot`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
row_anno_boxplot = function(...) {
anno_boxplot(..., which = "row")
# == title
# Column annotation which is represented as boxplots
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_boxplot`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_boxplot` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``column``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_boxplot`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
column_anno_boxplot = function(...) {
anno_boxplot(..., which = "column")
# == title
# Row annotation which is represented as histogram
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_histogram`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_histogram` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_histogram`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
row_anno_histogram = function(...) {
anno_histogram(..., which = "row")
# == title
# Column annotation which is represented as histogram
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_histogram`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_histogram` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``column``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_histogram`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
column_anno_histogram = function(...) {
anno_histogram(..., which = "column")
# == title
# Row annotation which is represented as density plot
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_density`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_density` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_density`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
row_anno_density = function(...) {
anno_density(..., which = "row")
# == title
# Column annotation which is represented as density plot
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_density`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_density` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``column``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_density`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
column_anno_density = function(...) {
anno_density(..., which = "column")
# == title
# Row annotation which is represented as text
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_text`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_text` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_text`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
row_anno_text = function(...) {
anno_text(..., which = "row")
# == title
# Column annotation which is represented as text
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_text`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_text` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``column``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_text`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
column_anno_text = function(...) {
anno_text(..., which = "column")
# == title
# Link annotation with labels
# == param
# -at numeric index in the original matrix
# -labels corresponding labels
# -which column annotation or row annotation
# -side side of the labels. If it is a column annotation, permitted values are "top" and "bottom";
# If it is a row annotation, permitted values are "left" and "right".
# -lines_gp graphic settings for the segments
# -labels_gp graphic settings for the labels
# -padding padding between labels if they are attached to each other
# -link_width, width of the segments.
# -extend by default, the region for the labels has the same width (if it is a column annotation) or
# same height (if it is a row annotation) as the heatmap. The size can be extended by this options.
# The value can be a proportion number or a `grid::unit` object. The length can be either one or two.
# == details
# Sometimes there are many rows or columns in the heatmap and we want to mark some of the rows.
# This annotation function is used to mark these rows and connect labels and corresponding rows
# with links.
# == value
# A graphic function which can be set in `HeatmapAnnotation` constructor method.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
anno_link = function(at, labels, which = c("column", "row"), side = ifelse(which == "column", "top", "right"),
lines_gp = gpar(), labels_gp = gpar(), padding = 0.25, link_width = NULL, extend = 0) {
at = at
if(!is.numeric(at)) {
stop("`at` should be numeric index.")
labels = labels
which = match.arg(which)[1]
lines_gp = check_gp(lines_gp)
labels_gp = check_gp(labels_gp)
padding = padding
od = order(at)
at = at[od]
labels = labels[od]
lines_gp = recycle_gp(lines_gp, length(at))
labels_gp = recycle_gp(labels_gp, length(at))
lines_gp = subset_gp(lines_gp, od)
labels_gp = subset_gp(labels_gp, od)
labels2at = structure(at, names = labels)
labels2index = structure(seq_along(at), names = labels)
at2labels = structure(labels, names = at)
if(length(extend) == 1) extend = rep(extend, 2)
if(length(extend) > 2) extend = extend[1:2]
if(!inherits(extend, "unit")) extend = unit(extend, "npc")
f = switch(which,
row = function(index, k = NULL, N = NULL, vp_name = NULL) {
n = length(index)
# adjust at and labels
at = intersect(index, at)
labels = rev(at2labels[as.character(at)])
labels_gp = subset_gp(labels_gp, labels2index[labels])
lines_gp = subset_gp(lines_gp, labels2index[labels])
pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0, 1), yscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
if(inherits(extend, "unit")) extend = convertHeight(extend, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
if(length(labels)) {
text_height = convertHeight(grobHeight(textGrob(labels, gp = labels_gp))*(1+padding), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
i2 = rev(which(index %in% at))
h1 = n-i2+1 - text_height*0.5
h2 = n-i2+1 + text_height*0.5
pos = rev(smartAlign(h1, h2, c(0.5 - extend[1], n+0.5 + extend[2])))
h = (pos[, 1] + pos[, 2])/2
if(is.null(link_width)) {
if(convertWidth(unit(1, "npc") - max_text_width(labels, gp = labels_gp), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE) < 0) {
link_width = unit(0.5, "npc")
} else {
link_width = unit(1, "npc") - max_text_width(labels, gp = labels_gp)
n2 = length(labels)
if(side == "right") {
grid.text(labels, rep(link_width, n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = labels_gp, just = "left")
link_width = link_width - unit(1, "mm")
grid.segments(unit(rep(0, n2), "npc"), n-i2+1, rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), n-i2+1, default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
grid.segments(rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), n-i2+1, rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
grid.segments(rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), h, rep(link_width, n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
} else {
grid.text(labels, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width, n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = labels_gp, just = "right")
link_width = link_width - unit(1, "mm")
grid.segments(unit(rep(1, n2), "npc"), n-i2+1, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), n-i2+1, default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
grid.segments(unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), n-i2+1, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
grid.segments(unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), h, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width, n2), h, default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
column = function(index, vp_name = NULL) {
n = length(index)
# adjust at and labels
at = intersect(index, at)
labels = at2labels[as.character(at)]
labels_gp = subset_gp(labels_gp, labels2index[labels])
lines_gp = subset_gp(lines_gp, labels2index[labels])
pushViewport(viewport(yscale = c(0, 1), xscale = c(0.5, n+0.5)))
if(inherits(extend, "unit")) extend = convertWidth(extend, "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
text_height = convertWidth(grobHeight(textGrob(labels, gp = labels_gp))*(1+padding), "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
i2 = which(index %in% at)
h1 = i2 - text_height*0.5
h2 = i2 + text_height*0.5
pos = smartAlign(h1, h2, c(0.5 - extend[1], n+0.5 + extend[2]))
h = (pos[, 1] + pos[, 2])/2
if(is.null(link_width)) {
if(convertHeight(unit(1, "npc") - max_text_width(labels, gp = labels_gp), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE) < 0) {
link_width = unit(0.5, "npc")
} else {
link_width = unit(1, "npc") - max_text_width(labels, gp = labels_gp)
n2 = length(labels)
if(side == "top") {
grid.text(labels, h, rep(link_width, n2), default.units = "native", gp = labels_gp, rot = 90, just = "left")
link_width = link_width - unit(1, "mm")
grid.segments(i2, unit(rep(0, n2), "npc"), i2, rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
grid.segments(i2, rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), h, rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
grid.segments(h, rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), h, rep(link_width, n), default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
} else {
grid.text(labels, h, rep(max_text_width(labels, gp = labels_gp), n2), default.units = "native", gp = labels_gp, rot = 90, just = "right")
link_width = link_width - unit(1, "mm")
grid.segments(i2, unit(rep(1, n2), "npc"), i2, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
grid.segments(i2, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(1/3), n2), h, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
grid.segments(h, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width*(2/3), n2), h, unit(1, "npc")-rep(link_width, n2), default.units = "native", gp = lines_gp)
attr(f, "which") = which
attr(f, "fun") = "anno_link"
# == title
# Column annotation which is represented as links
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_link`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_link` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``row``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_link`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
row_anno_link = function(...) {
anno_link(..., which = "row")
# == title
# Column annotation which is represented as links
# == param
# -... pass to `anno_link`
# == details
# A wrapper of `anno_link` with pre-defined ``which`` to ``column``.
# == value
# See help page of `anno_link`
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
column_anno_link = function(...) {
anno_link(..., which = "column")
grid.xaxis = function(main = TRUE, at = NULL, label = NULL, gp = gpar()) {
if(is.null(at)) {
at = grid.pretty(current.viewport()$xscale)
label = at
if(is.null(label)) {
label = at
n = length(at)
if(main) {
grid.lines(at[c(1, n)], unit(c(0, 0), "npc"), gp = gp, default.units = "native")
grid.segments(at, unit(rep(-0.5, n), "lines"), at, unit(rep(0, n), "npc"), gp = gp, default.units = "native")
grid.text(label, at, unit(rep(-1, n), "lines"), rot = 90, just = "right", gp = gp, default.units = "native")
} else {
grid.lines(at[c(1, n)], unit(c(1, 1), "npc"), gp = gp, default.units = "native")
grid.segments(at, unit(1, "npc") + unit(rep(0.5, n), "lines"), at, unit(rep(1, n), "npc"), gp = gp, default.units = "native")
grid.text(label, at, unit(1, "npc") + unit(rep(1, n), "lines"), rot = 90, just = "left", gp = gp, default.units = "native")
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