# == title
# Class for heatmap annotations
# == details
# A complex heatmap contains a list of annotations which are represented as different graphics
# placed on rows and columns. The `HeatmapAnnotation-class` contains a list of single annotations which are
# represented as a list of `SingleAnnotation-class` objects with same number of rows or columns.
# == methods
# The `HeatmapAnnotation-class` provides following methods:
# - `HeatmapAnnotation`: constructor method
# - `draw,HeatmapAnnotation-method`: draw the annotations
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
HeatmapAnnotation = setClass("HeatmapAnnotation",
slots = list(
name = "character",
anno_list = "list", # a list of `SingleAnnotation` objects
anno_size = "ANY",
which = "character",
size = "ANY", # only for consistent of Heatmap
gap = "ANY"
prototype = list(
anno_list = list(),
size = unit(0, "mm"),
which = "row",
gap = unit(0, "mm")
contains = "AdditiveUnit"
# == title
# Constructor method for HeatmapAnnotation class
# == param
# -df a data frame. Each column will be treated as a simple annotation. The data frame must have column names.
# -name name of the heatmap annotation, optional.
# -col a list of colors which contains color mapping to columns in ``df``. See `SingleAnnotation` for how to set colors.
# -na_col color for ``NA`` values in simple annotations.
# -annotation_legend_param a list which contains parameters for annotation legends
# -show_legend whether show legend for each column in ``df``.
# -... functions which define complex annotations or vectors of simple annotation. Values should be named arguments.
# -which are the annotations row annotations or column annotations?
# -annotation_height height of each annotation if annotations are column annotations.
# -annotation_width width of each annotation if annotations are row annotations.
# -height height of the column annotations, basically it is identical to ``bottom_annotation_height`` or ``top_annotation_height``
# in `Heatmap` function.
# -width width of the whole heatmap annotations, only used for row annotation when appending to the list of heatmaps.
# -gp graphic parameters for simple annotations.
# -gap gap between each annotation
# -show_annotation_name whether show annotation names. For column annotation, annotation names are drawn either on the left
# or the right, and for row annotations, names are draw either on top to at bottom. The value can be a vector.
# -annotation_name_gp graphic parameters for anntation names. Graphic paramters can be vectors.
# -annotation_name_offset offset to the annotations, `grid::unit` object. The value can be a vector.
# -annotation_name_side side of the annotation names.
# -annotation_name_rot rotation of the annotation names, can only take values in ``c(00, 90, 180, 270)``. The value can be a vector.
# == details
# The simple annotations are defined by ``df`` and ``col`` arguments. Complex annotations are
# defined by the function list. So you need to at least to define ``df`` or a annotation function.
# == value
# A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == seealso
# There are two shortcut functions: `rowAnnotation` and `columnAnnotation`.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
HeatmapAnnotation = function(df, name, col, na_col = "grey",
annotation_legend_param = list(),
show_legend = TRUE,
which = c("column", "row"),
annotation_height = 1,
annotation_width = 1,
height = calc_anno_size(),
width = calc_anno_size(),
gp = gpar(col = NA),
gap = unit(0, "mm"),
show_annotation_name = FALSE,
annotation_name_gp = gpar(),
annotation_name_offset = unit(2, "mm"),
annotation_name_side = ifelse(which == "column", "right", "bottom"),
annotation_name_rot = ifelse(which == "column", 0, 90)) {
.Object = new("HeatmapAnnotation")
anno_list = list()
which = match.arg(which)[1]
if(missing(name)) {
name = paste0("heatmap_annotation_", get_row_annotation_index())
.Object@name = name
n_anno = 0
arg_list = as.list(match.call())[-1]
called_args = names(arg_list)
anno_args = setdiff(called_args, c("name", "col", "na_col", "annotation_legend_param", "show_legend", "which",
"annotation_height", "annotation_width", "height", "width", "gp", "gap",
"show_annotation_name", "annotation_name_gp", "annotation_name_offset", "annotation_name_side", "annotation_name_rot"))
if(any(anno_args == "")) stop("annotations should have names.")
if(any(duplicated(anno_args))) stop("names of annotations should be unique.")
anno_arg_list = list(...)
if(length(anno_arg_list)) {
n_simple_anno = {if("df" %in% anno_args) ncol(df) else 0} + sum(sapply(anno_arg_list, is.atomic))
simple_anno_name = c({if("df" %in% anno_args) colnames(df) else NULL}, anno_args[sapply(anno_arg_list, is.atomic)])
} else {
n_simple_anno = {if("df" %in% anno_args) ncol(df) else 0}
simple_anno_name = {if("df" %in% anno_args) colnames(df) else NULL}
if(any(duplicated(simple_anno_name))) stop("names of simple annotations should be unique.")
# normalize `show_legend`
if(length(show_legend) == 1) {
show_legend = rep(show_legend, n_simple_anno)
# normalize `heatmap_legend_param`
if(length(annotation_legend_param) == 0) {
annotation_legend_param = rep.list(NULL, n_simple_anno)
} else if(inherits(annotation_legend_param, "list")) {
if(all(sapply(annotation_legend_param, inherits, "list"))) { # if it is a list of lists
nl = length(annotation_legend_param)
if(nl > n_simple_anno) {
stop("Amount of legend params is larger than the number of simple annotations.")
if(is.null(names(annotation_legend_param))) {
names(annotation_legend_param) = simple_anno_name[seq_len(nl)]
} else if(length(setdiff(names(annotation_legend_param), simple_anno_name))) {
stop("Some names in 'annotation_legend_param' are not in names of simple annotations.")
} else {
annotation_legend_param = annotation_legend_param[ intersect(simple_anno_name, names(annotation_legend_param)) ]
lp = rep.list(NULL, n_simple_anno)
names(lp) = simple_anno_name
for(i in seq_along(lp)) {
if(names(lp)[i] %in% names(annotation_legend_param)) {
lp[[i]] = annotation_legend_param[[names(lp)[i]]]
annotation_legend_param = lp
} else {
annotation_legend_param = rep.list(annotation_legend_param, n_simple_anno)
n_total_anno = 0
for(ag in anno_args) {
if(ag == "df") {
n_total_anno = n_total_anno + ncol(df)
} else {
n_total_anno = n_total_anno + 1
if(length(show_annotation_name) == 1) {
show_annotation_name = rep(show_annotation_name, n_total_anno)
if(length(annotation_name_offset) == 1) {
annotation_name_offset = rep(annotation_name_offset, n_total_anno)
if(length(annotation_name_side) == 1) {
annotation_name_side = rep(annotation_name_side, n_total_anno)
if(length(annotation_name_rot) == 1) {
annotation_name_rot = rep(annotation_name_rot, n_total_anno)
annotation_name_gp = recycle_gp(annotation_name_gp, n_total_anno)
if(!missing(col)) {
if(is.null(names(col))) {
stop("`col` should be a named list.")
if(any(is.na(names(col)))) {
stop("`col` should be a named list.")
if(any(sapply(col, function(x) if(is.function(x)) FALSE else is.null(names(x))))) {
stop("elements in `col` should be named vectors.")
if(any(sapply(col, function(x) if(is.function(x)) FALSE else any(is.na(names(x)))))) {
stop("elements in `col` should be named vectors.")
i_simple = 0
i_anno = 0
simple_length = NULL
col_name_defined = NULL
for(ag in anno_args) {
if(ag == "df") {
if(is.null(colnames(df))) {
stop("`df` should have column names.")
if(is.null(simple_length)) {
simple_length = nrow(df)
} else if(nrow(df) != simple_length) {
stop("length of simple annotations differ.")
anno_name = colnames(df)
n_anno = ncol(df)
if(missing(col)) {
for(i in seq_len(n_anno)) {
i_anno = i_anno + 1
anno_list = c(anno_list, list(SingleAnnotation(name = anno_name[i], value = df[, i], na_col = na_col, which = which,
show_legend = show_legend[i_simple + i], gp = gp, legend_param = annotation_legend_param[[i_simple + i]],
show_name = show_annotation_name[i_anno], name_gp = subset_gp(annotation_name_gp, i_anno),
name_offset = annotation_name_offset[i_anno], name_side = annotation_name_side[i_anno], name_rot = annotation_name_rot[i_anno])))
} else {
for(i in seq_len(n_anno)) {
i_anno = i_anno + 1
if(is.null(col[[ anno_name[i] ]])) { # if the color is not provided
anno_list = c(anno_list, list(SingleAnnotation(name = anno_name[i], value = df[, i], na_col = na_col, which = which,
show_legend = show_legend[i_simple + i], gp = gp, legend_param = annotation_legend_param[[i_simple + i]],
show_name = show_annotation_name[i_anno], name_gp = subset_gp(annotation_name_gp, i_anno),
name_offset = annotation_name_offset[i_anno], name_side = annotation_name_side[i_anno], name_rot = annotation_name_rot[i_anno])))
} else {
anno_list = c(anno_list, list(SingleAnnotation(name = anno_name[i], value = df[, i], na_col = na_col, col = col[[ anno_name[i] ]],
which = which, show_legend = show_legend[i_simple + i], gp = gp, legend_param = annotation_legend_param[[i_simple + i]],
show_name = show_annotation_name[i_anno], name_gp = subset_gp(annotation_name_gp, i_anno),
name_offset = annotation_name_offset[i_anno], name_side = annotation_name_side[i_anno], name_rot = annotation_name_rot[i_anno])))
col_name_defined = c(col_name_defined, anno_name[i])
i_simple = i_simple + n_anno
} else {
i_anno = i_anno + 1
if(inherits(anno_arg_list[[ag]], "function")) {
anno_list = c(anno_list, list(SingleAnnotation(name = ag, fun = anno_arg_list[[ag]], which = which,
show_name = show_annotation_name[i_anno], name_gp = subset_gp(annotation_name_gp, i_anno),
name_offset = annotation_name_offset[i_anno], name_side = annotation_name_side[i_anno], name_rot = annotation_name_rot[i_anno])))
} else if(is.atomic(anno_arg_list[[ag]])) {
if(is.null(simple_length)) {
if(is.matrix(anno_arg_list[[ag]])) {
simple_length = nrow(anno_arg_list[[ag]])
} else {
simple_length = length(anno_arg_list[[ag]])
} else{
if(is.matrix(anno_arg_list[[ag]])) {
if(nrow(anno_arg_list[[ag]]) != simple_length) {
stop("length of simple annotations differ.")
} else {
if(length(anno_arg_list[[ag]]) != simple_length) {
stop("length of simple annotations differ.")
if(missing(col)) {
anno_list = c(anno_list, list(SingleAnnotation(name = ag, value = anno_arg_list[[ag]], na_col = na_col, which = which,
show_legend = show_legend[i_simple + 1], gp = gp, legend_param = annotation_legend_param[[i_simple + 1]],
show_name = show_annotation_name[i_anno], name_gp = subset_gp(annotation_name_gp, i_anno),
name_offset = annotation_name_offset[i_anno], name_side = annotation_name_side[i_anno], name_rot = annotation_name_rot[i_anno])))
} else {
if(is.null(col[[ ag ]])) { # if the color is not provided
anno_list = c(anno_list, list(SingleAnnotation(name = ag, value = anno_arg_list[[ag]], na_col = na_col, which = which,
show_legend = show_legend[i_simple + 1], gp = gp, legend_param = annotation_legend_param[[i_simple + 1]],
show_name = show_annotation_name[i_anno], name_gp = subset_gp(annotation_name_gp, i_anno),
name_offset = annotation_name_offset[i_anno], name_side = annotation_name_side[i_anno], name_rot = annotation_name_rot[i_anno])))
} else {
anno_list = c(anno_list, list(SingleAnnotation(name = ag, value = anno_arg_list[[ag]], na_col = na_col, col = col[[ ag ]],
which = which, show_legend = show_legend[i_simple + 1], gp = gp, legend_param = annotation_legend_param[[i_simple + 1]],
show_name = show_annotation_name[i_anno], name_gp = subset_gp(annotation_name_gp, i_anno),
name_offset = annotation_name_offset[i_anno], name_side = annotation_name_side[i_anno], name_rot = annotation_name_rot[i_anno])))
col_name_defined = c(col_name_defined, ag)
i_simple = i_simple + 1
} else {
stop("additional arguments should be annotation vectors or annotation functions.")
if(!missing(col)) {
unused_col_name = setdiff(names(col), col_name_defined)
if(length(unused_col_name)) {
warning(paste0("Following are defined in `col` while have no corresponding annotations:\n", paste(unused_col_name, collapse = ", ")))
n_total_anno = length(anno_list)
if(is.null(gap)) gap = unit(0, "mm")
# the nth gap does not really matter
if(length(gap) == 1) {
.Object@gap = rep(gap, n_total_anno)
} else if(length(gap) == n_total_anno - 1) {
.Object@gap = unit.c(gap, unit(0, "mm"))
} else if(length(gap) < n_total_anno - 1) {
stop("Length of `gap` is wrong.")
} else {
gap[n_total_anno] = unit(0, "mm")
.Object@gap = gap
anno_size = switch(which,
column = annotation_height,
row = annotation_width)
if(length(anno_size) == 1) {
if(!is.unit(anno_size)) {
anno_size = sapply(anno_list, function(x) {
if(is_simple_annotation(x)) {
} else if(is_matrix_annotation(x)) {
return(attr(x@is_anno_matrix, "k"))
} else {
if(!is.unit(anno_size)) {
anno_size = anno_size/sum(anno_size)*(unit(1, "npc") - sum(.Object@gap))
names(anno_list) = sapply(anno_list, function(x) x@name)
.Object@anno_list = anno_list
.Object@anno_size = anno_size
.Object@which = which
calc_anno_size = function() sum(.Object@anno_size) + sum(.Object@gap) - .Object@gap[n_total_anno]
size = switch(which,
column = height,
row = width)
called_args = names(match.call()[-1])
if(!is_abs_unit(size)) {
if(which == "row" && !("width" %in% called_args))
size = unit(5*length(anno_list), "mm") + sum(gap)
else if(which == "column" && !("height" %in% called_args))
size = unit(5*length(anno_list), "mm") + sum(gap)
.Object@size = size
# == title
# Construct row annotations
# == param
# -... pass to `HeatmapAnnotation`
# == details
# The function is identical to
# HeatmapAnnotation(..., which = "row")
# == value
# A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
rowAnnotation = function(...) {
HeatmapAnnotation(..., which = "row")
# == title
# Construct column annotations
# == param
# -... pass to `HeatmapAnnotation`
# == details
# The function is identical to
# HeatmapAnnotation(..., which = "column")
# == value
# A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
columnAnnotation = function(...) {
HeatmapAnnotation(..., which = "column")
# == title
# Get a list of color mapping objects
# == param
# -object a `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == details
# Color mapping for visible simple annotations are only returned.
# This function is only for internal use.
# == values
# A list of `ColorMapping-class` objects or an empty list.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "get_color_mapping_list",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object) {
color_mapping_list = list()
for(i in seq_along(object@anno_list)) {
if(object@anno_list[[i]]@show_legend) {
color_mapping_list = c.list(color_mapping_list, object@anno_list[[i]]@color_mapping)
# == title
# Get a list of color mapping parameters
# == param
# -object a `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == details
# Color mapping parameters for visible simple annotations are only returned.
# This function is only for internal use.
# == values
# A list.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "get_color_mapping_param_list",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object) {
color_mapping_param_list = list()
for(i in seq_along(object@anno_list)) {
if(object@anno_list[[i]]@show_legend) {
color_mapping_param_list = c.list(color_mapping_param_list, object@anno_list[[i]]@color_mapping_param)
# == title
# Draw the heatmap annotations
# == param
# -object a `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# -index a vector of order.
# -k if row annotation is splitted, the value identifies which row slice.
# -n total number of row slices.
# -align_to if the allocated space is more than than the column annotation itself, should
# the viewport be aligned to the top or bottom?
# -... pass to `grid::viewport` which contains all annotations.
# == details
# A viewport is created. Mostly, this method is used inside `draw,HeatmapList-method`.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "draw",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object, index, k = NULL, n = NULL, align_to = "bottom", ...) {
which = object@which
n_anno = length(object@anno_list)
anno_size = object@anno_size
gap = object@gap
if(which == "column") {
if(align_to == "bottom") { # put on top of the heatmap
# start from the last annoation which is put on bottom
for(i in seq_len(n_anno)) {
pushViewport(viewport(y = sum(anno_size[seq(i, n_anno)]) + sum(gap[seq(i, n_anno)]) - gap[n_anno],
height = anno_size[i], just = c("center", "top")))
oe = try(draw(object@anno_list[[i]], index, k, n))
if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
cat("Error when drawing annotation '", object@anno_list[[i]]@name, "'\n", sep = "")
} else { # put on bottom of the heatmap
# start for the first annotation which is put on the top
for(i in seq_len(n_anno)) {
pushViewport(viewport(y = unit(1, "npc") - (sum(anno_size[seq_len(i)]) + sum(gap[seq_len(i)]) - gap[i]),
height = anno_size[i], just = c("center", "bottom")))
oe = try(draw(object@anno_list[[i]], index, k, n))
if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
cat("Error when drawing annotation '", object@anno_list[[i]]@name, "'\n", sep = "")
} else if(which == "row") {
for(i in seq_len(n_anno)) {
pushViewport(viewport(x = sum(anno_size[seq_len(i)]) + sum(gap[seq_len(i)]) - gap[i], width = anno_size[i], just = c("right", "center")))
oe = try(draw(object@anno_list[[i]], index, k, n))
if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
cat("Error when drawing annotation '", object@anno_list[[i]]@name, "'\n", sep = "")
# == title
# Print the Heatmap Annotation object
# == param
# -object a `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "show",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object) {
n = length(object@anno_list)
if(n == 1) {
cat("A HeatmapAnnotation object with 1 annotation.\n")
} else {
cat("A HeatmapAnnotation object with", length(object@anno_list), "annotations.\n")
for(i in seq_along(object@anno_list)) {
# == title
# Add row annotations or heatmaps as a heatmap list
# == param
# -object a `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# -x a `Heatmap-class` object, a `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object or a `HeatmapList-class` object.
# == details
# There is a shortcut function ``+.AdditiveUnit``.
# == value
# A `HeatmapList-class` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "add_heatmap",
signature = "HeatmapAnnotation",
definition = function(object, x) {
ht_list = new("HeatmapList")
ht_list = add_heatmap(ht_list, object)
ht_list = add_heatmap(ht_list, x)
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