
Defines functions find_parameters.emmGrid

Documented in find_parameters.emmGrid

#' @title Find model parameters from estimated marginal means objects
#' @name find_parameters.emmGrid
#' @description Returns the parameter names from a model.
#' @inheritParams find_parameters
#' @inheritParams find_predictors
#' @inheritParams get_parameters.BGGM
#' @inheritParams get_parameters.emmGrid
#' @return A list of parameter names. For simple models, only one list-element,
#' `conditional`, is returned.
#' @examplesIf require("emmeans", quietly = TRUE)
#' data(mtcars)
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ wt * factor(cyl), data = mtcars)
#' emm <- emmeans(model, c("wt", "cyl"))
#' find_parameters(emm)
#' @export
find_parameters.emmGrid <- function(x, flatten = FALSE, merge_parameters = FALSE, ...) {
  out <- params <- get_parameters(x, summary = TRUE, merge_parameters = merge_parameters)
  if ("Component" %in% colnames(params)) {
    params$Component <- factor(params$Component, levels = unique(params$Component))
  if (.is_baysian_emmeans(x)) {
    col_names <- colnames(get_parameters(x, summary = FALSE, merge_parameters = merge_parameters))
    if ("Component" %in% colnames(params)) {
      params$Parameter <- col_names
      out <- lapply(split(params, params$Component), function(i) i[[1]])
    } else {
      out <- stats::setNames(list(col_names), unique(.classify_emmeans(x)))
  } else if ("Component" %in% colnames(params)) {
    out <- lapply(split(params, params$Component), function(i) i[[1]])
  } else {
    out <- stats::setNames(list(params[[1]]), unique(.classify_emmeans(x)))

  if (flatten) {
    unique(unlist(out, use.names = FALSE))
  } else {

#' @export
find_parameters.emm_list <- find_parameters.emmGrid
easystats/insight documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:19 a.m.