#' Deprecated function: Annotate junctions using reference annotation
#' `annotate_junc_ref` is deprecated, please use `junction_annot` instead.
#' annotates junctions by whether their start and end position precisely
#' overlaps with a known exon boundary. Using this information along with the
#' strand, junctions are categorised into "annotated", "novel_acceptor",
#' "novel_donor", "novel_combo", "novel_exon_skip", "ambig_gene" and "none".
#' @param junc_metadata junction metadata in a
#' [GRanges-class][GenomicRanges::GRanges-class] format, the essential
#' component being the junction co-ordinates.
#' @param gtf either path to gtf or object of class \code{ensemblGenome} loaded
#' using \code{refGenome}.
#' @return junction metadata as a [GRanges-class][GenomicRanges::GRanges-class]
#' object with additional columns that detail overlapping
#' genes/transcripts/exons and junction categories.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname deprecated
annotate_junc_ref <- function(junc_metadata, gtf) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.99.0", "annotate_junc_ref()", "dasper::junction_annot()")
##### Check user input is correct #####
if (!("GRanges" %in% class(junc_metadata))) stop("junction_metadata must be in a GRanges format")
if (all(!(c("character", "ensemblGenome") %in% class(gtf)))) {
stop("gtf must either be a path to the .gtf file or a pre-loaded gtf of class ensemblGenome")
##### Extract annotated exons/junctions co-ordinates from gtf #####
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Obtaining co-ordinates of annotated exons and junctions from gtf..."))
if (class(gtf) == "character") {
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Importing gtf..."))
# import gtf using refGenome, needed to obtain the annotated splice junctions easily
ref <- ensemblGenome()
basedir(ref) <- dirname(gtf)
read.gtf(ref, gtf %>% stringr::str_replace(".*/", ""))
} else if (class(gtf) == "ensemblGenome") {
ref <- gtf
ref_exons <- ref@ev$gtf[ref@ev$gtf$feature == "exon", ] %>% GRanges()
ref_junc <- getSpliceTable(ref)
ref_junc <- ref_junc@ev$gtf
##### Obtain annotation through overlapping exons #####
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Getting junction annotation using overlapping exons..."))
junc_metadata <- .get_ref_exons_annot(junc_metadata, ref_exons)
##### Tidy annotation - collapse gene annotation to per junction and infer strand #####
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Tidying junction annotation..."))
junc_metadata <- .tidy_junc_annot(junc_metadata)
##### Derive junction categories using strand & overlapping exon annotation #####
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Deriving junction categories..."))
junc_metadata <- .classify_junc(junc_metadata, ref_junc)
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - done!"))
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname deprecated
.get_ref_exons_annot <- function(junc_metadata,
ref_cols = c("strand", "gene_name", "gene_id", "transcript_id", "exon_id")) {
# match junctions to exon definitions
start(junc_metadata) <- start(junc_metadata) - 1
end(junc_metadata) <- end(junc_metadata) + 1
# make a gr where each junc/exon is marked by only a start or end co-ordinate
junc_start_end <- .get_gr_for_start_end(junc_metadata)
ref_exons_start_end <- .get_gr_for_start_end(ref_exons)
for (start_end in c("start", "end")) {
# only get hits between junc start/exon end or junc end/exon start
# the other way (e.g. junc end/exon end) should not happen (only 0.05% of the data)
end_start <- ifelse(start_end == "start", "end", "start")
# avoid seqlevel non-overlap warnings
junc_exon_hits <- findOverlaps(
query = junc_start_end[[start_end]],
subject = ref_exons_start_end[[end_start]],
type = "equal",
ignore.strand = F
# set junc_hits to factor with levels containing all junction indexes
# so split(drop = F) keeps all junctions
# not only those which precisely overlap an exon boundary
junc_hits_fct <- queryHits(junc_exon_hits) %>%
factor(levels = 1:length(junc_metadata))
for (j in seq_along(ref_cols)) {
# extract the values from exon metadata column of interest
if (ref_cols[j] != "strand") {
ref_col_values <- ref_exons %>%
mcols() %>%
} else {
# if strand extract strand
ref_col_values <- strand(ref_exons)
mcols(junc_metadata)[stringr::str_c(ref_cols[j], "_", start_end)] <- ref_col_values %>%
.[subjectHits(junc_exon_hits)] %>%
# subset the exons by those that overlap juncs
split(junc_hits_fct, drop = F) %>%
# split into groups based on index of overlapping junc
CharacterList() %>%
unique() # parrallelised unique - remove duplicates when for example strand if junc overlaps >1 exon
# convert junc co-ords back to intron definitions
start(junc_metadata) <- start(junc_metadata) + 1
end(junc_metadata) <- end(junc_metadata) - 1
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname deprecated
.tidy_junc_annot <- function(junc_metadata,
cols_to_merge = c("strand", "gene_name", "gene_id")) {
# collapse gene/strand columns to per junc instead of per start/end for easier querying
for (col in cols_to_merge) {
mcols(junc_metadata)[[stringr::str_c(col, "_junc")]] <-
mcols(junc_metadata)[[stringr::str_c(col, "_start")]],
mcols(junc_metadata)[[stringr::str_c(col, "_end")]]
# replacing empty strands ("none") and those with >1 strand ("ambig_gene") with "*"
# this ensures each vector in CharacterList is of length 1
# so can be unlisted and length(chr_list) == length(unlist(chr_list))
mcols(junc_metadata)[["strand_junc"]][lengths(mcols(junc_metadata)[["strand_junc"]]) == 0] <- "*"
mcols(junc_metadata)[["strand_junc"]][lengths(mcols(junc_metadata)[["strand_junc"]]) > 1] <- "*"
strand_annot <- unlist(mcols(junc_metadata)[["strand_junc"]])
# compare the strand obtained from annotation strand to original strand
orig_strand <- as.character(strand(junc_metadata))
# salvage situations when either original or annotation strand is "*" and the other is "+" or "-"
strand(junc_metadata) <- dplyr::case_when(
orig_strand == strand_annot ~ orig_strand,
orig_strand == "*" & strand_annot != "*" ~ strand_annot,
strand_annot == "*" & orig_strand != "*" ~ orig_strand
# remove to avoid confusion between strand() and strand_junc
mcols(junc_metadata)[["strand_junc"]] <- NULL
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname deprecated
.classify_junc <- function(junc_metadata, ref_junc) {
# find whether junction is found in splice table
ref_junc_gr <- ref_junc %>%
dplyr::rename(start = lend, end = rstart) %>%
start = start + 1, # match exon boundaries to intron co-ords
end = end - 1
) %>%
GRanges() %>%
# avoid diff seqlevels warning
suppressWarnings(annot_hits <- findOverlaps(
query = junc_metadata,
subject = ref_junc_gr,
type = "equal"
mcols(junc_metadata)[["junc_in_ref"]] <- 1:length(junc_metadata) %in% queryHits(annot_hits)
# classify junctions
# separate strand out for readability
strand_junc <- as.character(strand(junc_metadata))
mcols(junc_metadata)[["junc_cat"]] <-
mcols(junc_metadata)[["junc_in_ref"]] == T ~ "annotated",
lengths(mcols(junc_metadata)[["gene_name_junc"]]) == 0 ~ "none",
lengths(mcols(junc_metadata)[["gene_name_junc"]]) > 1 ~ "ambig_gene", # after these checks lengths(gene_name_junc) must equal 1
lengths(mcols(junc_metadata)[["gene_name_start"]]) > 0 & lengths(mcols(junc_metadata)[["gene_name_end"]]) > 0 ~ "novel_combo",
strand_junc == "+" & lengths(mcols(junc_metadata)[["gene_name_start"]]) > 0 ~ "novel_acceptor",
strand_junc == "-" & lengths(mcols(junc_metadata)[["gene_name_start"]]) > 0 ~ "novel_donor",
strand_junc == "+" & lengths(mcols(junc_metadata)[["gene_name_end"]]) > 0 ~ "novel_donor",
strand_junc == "-" & lengths(mcols(junc_metadata)[["gene_name_end"]]) > 0 ~ "novel_acceptor"
# split the novel_combo into novel_combo and novel_exon_skip
# do this separately to save time - case_when evaluates each condition across all junctions
# since each column is called as mcols(junc_metadata)[["col"]]
# converting this data_frame() parses CharacterLists to list(), so also non-optimal solution
mcols(junc_metadata)[["index_tmp"]] <- 1:length(junc_metadata)
novel_combo <- junc_metadata[mcols(junc_metadata)[["junc_cat"]] == "novel_combo"]
exon_skip_indexes <- mcols(novel_combo)[["index_tmp"]][any(novel_combo$transcript_id_start %in% novel_combo$transcript_id_end)]
mcols(junc_metadata)[["junc_cat"]][exon_skip_indexes] <- "novel_exon_skip"
mcols(junc_metadata)[["index_tmp"]] <- NULL
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname deprecated
.get_gr_for_start_end <- function(gr) {
gr_start <- gr
end(gr_start) <- start(gr_start)
gr_end <- gr
start(gr_end) <- end(gr_end)
gr_start_end_list <- list(
start = gr_start,
end = gr_end
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname deprecated
.merge_lists <- function(x, y) {
if (!identical(names(x), names(y))) stop("names of x and y lists should be identical!")
x_y <- c(x, y) %>% unlist()
x_y_merged <-
x_y %>%
unname() %>%
split(f = names(x_y) %>%
factor(levels = names(x))) %>%
# required to keep all levels/names
CharacterList() %>%
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