#' @importFrom stats as.formula
.add_splitting <- function(p, split.by, nrow, ncol, split.args,
enforce.grid=FALSE, grid.dir="col") {
# Adds ggplot faceting to go with 'split.by' utilization.
# When split.by is length 1, the shape is controlled with ncol & nrow
if (length(split.by) == 1) {
if (enforce.grid) {
if (grid.dir=="col") {
split.args$rows <- as.formula(paste(".~",split.by))
} else {
split.args$rows <- as.formula(paste(split.by,"~."))
return(p + do.call(facet_grid, split.args))
# When split.by is length 1, the shape is controlled with ncol & nrow
split.args$facets <- split.by
split.args$nrow <- nrow
split.args$ncol <- ncol
return(p + do.call(facet_wrap, split.args))
# When split.by is length 2, the first element is used for rows, and the
# second element is used for columns.
if (length(split.by) == 2) {
split.args$rows <-
as.formula(paste0(".data$", split.by[1], "~ .data$", split.by[2]))
return(p + do.call(facet_grid, split.args))
.remove_legend <- function(ggplot) {
# Shorthand for ggplot legend removal
ggplot + theme(legend.position = "none")
#' @importFrom cowplot ggdraw get_legend
.grab_legend <- function(ggplot) {
# Obtains and plots just the legend of a ggplot
.add_letters_ellipses_labels_if_discrete <- function(
p, data,
is.discrete, do.letter, do.ellipse, do.label,
labels.highlight, labels.size, labels.repel, labels.split.by,
letter.size, letter.opacity, letter.legend.title, letter.legend.size,
column = "color") {
if (is.discrete) {
if (do.letter) {
p <- .add_letters(
p, data, column,
letter.size, letter.opacity, letter.legend.title, letter.legend.size)
if (do.ellipse) {
p <- p + stat_ellipse(
aes(x = .data$X, y = .data$Y, colour = .data[[column]]),
type = "t", linetype = 2, linewidth = 0.5, show.legend = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
if (do.label) {
p <- .add_labels(
p, data, column, labels.highlight, labels.size,
labels.repel, labels.repel.adjust, labels.split.by)
} else {
# Data is incompatible, so message instead of adding.
ignored.targs = paste(
c("do.letter", "do.ellipse", "do.label")[c(do.letter,do.ellipse,do.label)],
collapse = ", ")
do.letter || do.ellipse || do.label,
ignored.targs, " was/were ignored for non-discrete data.")
.add_contours <- function(
p, data, color, linetype = 1) {
# Add contours based on the density of cells/samples
# (Dim and Scatter plots)
p + geom_density_2d(
data = data,
mapping = aes(x = .data$X, y = .data$Y),
color = color,
linetype = linetype,
na.rm = TRUE)
.add_labels <- function(
p, Target_data, col.use = "color",
labels.highlight, labels.size, labels.repel, labels.repel.adjust,
split.by) {
# Add text labels at/near the median x and y values for each group
# (Dim and Scatter plots)
# Determine medians
if (is.null(split.by)) {
median.data <- .calc_center_medians(Target_data, col.use)
} else if (length(split.by)==1) {
median.data <- NULL
for (level in levels(as.factor(as.character(Target_data[,split.by])))) {
level.dat <- Target_data[Target_data[,split.by]==level,]
level.med.dat <- .calc_center_medians(level.dat, col.use)
# Add split.by columns
level.med.dat$split1 <- level
colnames(level.med.dat)[4] <- split.by
median.data <- rbind(median.data, level.med.dat)
# Ensure retention of factor level ordering
median.data[,split.by] <- .retain_factor_level_order(
median.data[,split.by], possible_factor = Target_data[,split.by])
} else if (length(split.by)==2) {
median.data <- NULL
for (level1 in levels(as.factor(as.character(Target_data[,split.by[1]])))) {
for (level2 in levels(as.factor(as.character(Target_data[,split.by[2]])))) {
level.dat <- Target_data[Target_data[,split.by[1]]==level1,]
level.dat <- level.dat[level.dat[,split.by[2]]==level2,]
if (nrow(level.dat)>0) {
level.med.dat <- .calc_center_medians(level.dat, col.use)
# Add split.by columns
level.med.dat$split1 <- level1
level.med.dat$split2 <- level2
colnames(level.med.dat)[4:5] <- split.by
median.data <- rbind(median.data, level.med.dat)
# Ensure retention of factor level ordering
median.data[,split.by[1]] <- .retain_factor_level_order(
median.data[,split.by[1]], possible_factor = Target_data[,split.by[1]])
median.data[,split.by[2]] <- .retain_factor_level_order(
median.data[,split.by[2]], possible_factor = Target_data[,split.by[2]])
#Add labels
args <- list(
data = median.data,
mapping = aes(x = .data$cent.x, y = .data$cent.y, label = .data$label),
size = labels.size)
if (labels.repel) {
if (is.list(labels.repel.adjust)) {
args <- c(args, labels.repel.adjust)
geom.use <- if (labels.highlight) {
} else {
} else {
geom.use <- if (labels.highlight) {
} else {
p + do.call(geom.use, args)
.retain_factor_level_order <- function(new_data, possible_factor) {
if (is.factor(possible_factor)) {
factor(new_data, levels = levels(possible_factor))
} else {
.calc_center_medians <- function(x.y.group.df, group.col) {
groups <- levels(as.factor(as.character(x.y.group.df[,group.col])))
cent.x = vapply(
function(level) {
median(x.y.group.df$X[x.y.group.df[,group.col]==level], na.rm = TRUE)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)),
cent.y = vapply(
function(level) {
median(x.y.group.df$Y[x.y.group.df[,group.col]==level], na.rm = TRUE)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)),
label = groups)
.add_trajectory_lineages <- function(
p, data, trajectories, clusters, arrow.size = 0.15, object) {
# Add trajectory path arrows, following sets of cluster-to-cluster paths, from cluster median to cluster median.
# (Dim and Scatter plots)
# p = a ggplot to add to
# data = data for all cells/samples with columns including 'X' and 'Y'
# clusters = the name of the metadata slot that holds the clusters which were used for cluster-based trajectory analysis.
# trajectories = List of lists of cluster-to-cluster paths. Also, the output of SlingshotDataSet(SCE_with_slingshot)$lineages
# arrow.size = numeric scalar that sets the arrow length (in inches) at the endpoints of trajectory lines.
# Ensure data is in the objects' original cells' order, and add clusters data
data <- data[.all_cells(object),]
data$clusters <- meta(clusters, object)
# Determine medians
cluster.levels <- metaLevels(clusters, object)
data <- .calc_center_medians(data, "clusters")
#Add trajectories
for (i in seq_along(trajectories)){
p <- p + geom_path(
data = data[as.character(trajectories[[i]]),],
aes(x = .data$cent.x, y = .data$cent.y),
arrow = arrow(
angle = 20, type = "closed", length = unit(arrow.size, "inches")))
.add_trajectory_curves <- function(
p, trajectories, arrow.size = 0.15, dim.1, dim.2) {
# Add trajectory path arrows following sets of given (x,y) coordinates.
# (Dim and Scatter plots)
# p = a ggplot to add to
# trajectories = List of matrices containing trajectory curves. The output of SlingshotDataSet(SCE_with_slingshot)$curves can be used if the coordinate matrix (`$s`) for each list is extracted and they are all stored in a list.
# arrow.size = numeric scalar that sets the arrow length (in inches) at the endpoints of trajectory lines.
if ("s" %in% names(trajectories[[1]])) {
#Add trajectories for princurves/slingshot list of lists provision method
for (i in seq_along(trajectories)){
#extract fit coords per cell
data <- as.data.frame(trajectories[[i]]$s)
#order cells' fit coords by pseudotime order
data <- data[trajectories[[i]]$ord,]
#name the dimensions used
names(data)[c(dim.1,dim.2)] <- c("x", "y")
p <- p + geom_path(
data = data,
aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y),
arrow = arrow(
angle = 20, type = "closed", length = unit(arrow.size, "inches")))
} else {
#Add trajectories for general list of matrices provision method.
# Note: Accepts dataframes too.
for (i in seq_along(trajectories)){
data <- as.data.frame(trajectories[[i]])
names(data) <- c("x", "y")
p <- p + geom_path(
data = data,
aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y),
arrow = arrow(
angle = 20, type = "closed", length = unit(arrow.size, "inches")))
.add_letters <- function(
p, Target_data, col.use = "color", size, opacity, legend.title,
legend.size) {
# Overlay letters on top of the original colored dots.
# Color blindness aid
# (Dim and Scatter plots)
letters.needed <- length(levels(as.factor(Target_data[,col.use])))
letter.labels <- c(
LETTERS, letters, 0:9, "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(",
")", "-", "+", "_", "=", ";", "/", "|", "{", "}", "~"
names(letter.labels) <- levels(as.factor(Target_data[,col.use]))
p <- p +
aes(x = .data$X, y = .data$Y, shape = .data[[col.use]]),
color = "black", size=size*3/4, alpha = opacity) +
name = legend.title,
values = letter.labels)
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