.printf <- function(...) cat(noquote(sprintf(...)), "\n")
.debug <- function(...) if (getOption("Bioconductor.DEBUG", FALSE))
.msg <- function(..., appendLF=TRUE, indent=0, exdent=2)
txt <- sprintf(...)
message(paste(strwrap(txt, indent=indent, exdent=exdent), collapse="\n"),
.stop <- function(...) stop(noquote(sprintf(...)), call.=FALSE)
.verbatim <-
function(..., appendLF=TRUE, indent=6, exdent=8, width=getOption("width"))
## don't wrap elements of msg; indent first line by 'indent',
## subsequent lines by 'exdent'
txt <- sprintf(...)
if (length(txt)) {
prefix <- paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse="")
txt[1] <- paste0(prefix, txt[1])
if (length(txt) > 1L) {
prefix <- paste(rep(" ", exdent), collapse="")
txt[-1] <- paste0(prefix, txt[-1])
txt <- ifelse(
(!is.na(txt)) & (nchar(txt) > width),
sprintf("%s...", substr(txt, 1, width - 3)),
message(paste(txt, collapse="\n"), appendLF=appendLF)
handleCheck <- function(..., appendLF=TRUE)
msg <- paste0(...)
.msg("* %s", msg, appendLF=appendLF)
handleError <- function(...)
msg <- .error$add(...)
.msg("* ERROR: %s", msg, indent=4, exdent=6)
handleWarning <- function(...)
msg <- .warning$add(...)
.msg("* WARNING: %s", msg, indent=4, exdent=6)
handleNote <- function(...)
msg <- .note$add(...)
.msg("* NOTE: %s", msg, indent=4, exdent=6)
handleMessage <- function(..., indent=4, exdent=6)
msg <- paste0(...)
.msg(" %s", msg, indent=indent, exdent=exdent)
handleVerbatim <- function(msg, indent=4, exdent=6, width=getOption("width"))
.verbatim("%s", msg, indent=indent, exdent=exdent, width=width)
installAndLoad <- function(pkg)
r_libs_user_old <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")
on.exit(do.call("Sys.setenv", list(R_LIBS_USER=r_libs_user_old)))
r_libs_user <- paste(.libPaths(), collapse=.Platform$path.sep)
libdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "lib")
unlink(libdir, recursive=TRUE)
if (!dir.create(libdir, showWarnings=FALSE))
stop("'dir.create' failed")
stderr <- file.path(tempdir(), "install.stderr")
if (!file.create(stderr))
stop("'file.create' stderr failed")
cmd <- file.path(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "bin", "R")
args <- sprintf("--vanilla CMD INSTALL --no-test-load --library=%s %s",
libdir, shQuote(pkg))
res <- system2(cmd, args, stdout=NULL, stderr=stderr)
if (res != 0)
cat(" cmd: ", cmd,
"\n args: ", args,
"\n stderr:",
"\n ", paste(readLines(stderr), collapse="\n "),
"\n", sep="")
handleError(pkg, " must be installable.")
pkgname <- strsplit(basename(pkg), "_")[[1]][1]
args <- list(package=pkgname, lib.loc=libdir)
if (paste0("package:",pkgname) %in% search())
suppressPackageStartupMessages(do.call(library, args))
# Takes as input the value of an Imports, Depends,
# or LinkingTo field and returns a named character
# vector of Bioconductor dependencies, where the names
# are version specifiers or blank.
cleanupDependency <- function(input, remove.R=TRUE)
if (is.null(input)) return(character(0))
if (!nchar(input)) return(character(0))
output <- gsub("\\s", "", input)
raw_nms <- output
nms <- strsplit(raw_nms, ",")[[1]]
namevec <- vector(mode = "character", length(nms))
output <- gsub("\\([^)]*\\)", "", output)
res <- strsplit(output, ",")[[1]]
for (i in seq_along(nms))
if(grepl(">=", nms[i], fixed=TRUE))
tmp <- gsub(".*>=", "", nms[i])
tmp <- gsub(")", "", tmp, fixed=TRUE)
namevec[i] <- tmp
} else {
namevec[i] = ''
names(res) <- namevec
if (remove.R)
res <- res[which(res != "R")]
getAllDependencies <- function(pkgdir)
dcf <- read.dcf(file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION"))
fields <- c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests", "Enhances", "LinkingTo")
out <- c()
for (field in fields)
if (field %in% colnames(dcf))
out <- append(out, cleanupDependency(dcf[, field]))
parseFile <- function(infile, pkgdir)
# FIXME - use purl to parse RMD and RRST
# regardless of VignetteBuilder value
if (grepl("\\.Rnw$|\\.Rmd|\\.Rrst|\\.Rhtml$|\\.Rtex", infile, TRUE))
outfile <- NULL
desc <- file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION")
dcf <- read.dcf(desc)
if ("VignetteBuilder" %in% colnames(dcf) &&
dcf[,"VignetteBuilder"] == "knitr")
if (!requireNamespace("knitr")) {
stop("'knitr' package required to check knitr-based vignettes")
outfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "parseFile.tmp")
# copy file to work around https://github.com/yihui/knitr/issues/970
# which is actually fixed but not in CRAN yet (3/16/15)
tmpin <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(infile))
file.copy(infile, tmpin)
knitr::purl(tmpin, outfile, documentation=0L)
} else {
full.infile <- normalizePath(infile)
oof <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(infile))
oof <- vapply(strsplit(oof, "\\."),
function(x) paste(x[seq_len(length(x)-1)], collapse="."),
outfile <- paste0(oof, '.R')
oldwd <- getwd()
badname <- paste0(basename(infile), ".R")
if (file.exists(badname))
file.rename(badname, outfile)
} else if (grepl("\\.Rd$", infile, TRUE))
rd <- parse_Rd(infile)
outfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "parseFile.tmp")
code <- capture.output(Rd2ex(rd))
cat(code, file=outfile, sep="\n")
} else if (grepl("\\.R$", infile, TRUE)) {
outfile <- infile
p <- parse(outfile, keep.source=TRUE)
parseFiles <- function(pkgdir)
parsedCode <- list()
dir1 <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "R"), pattern="\\.R$", ignore.case=TRUE,
dir2 <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "man"), pattern="\\.Rd$", ignore.case=TRUE,
dir3 <- dir(file.path(pkgdir, "vignettes"),
ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
files <- c(dir1, dir2, dir3)
for (file in files)
df <- parseFile(file, pkgdir)
if (nrow(df))
parsedCode[[file]] <- df
findSymbolInParsedCode <- function(parsedCode, pkgname, symbolName,
token, silent=FALSE)
matches <- list()
for (filename in names(parsedCode))
df <- parsedCode[[filename]]
matchedrows <- df[which(df$token == token & df$text == symbolName),]
if (nrow(matchedrows) > 0)
matches[[filename]] <- matchedrows[, c(1,2)]
if (token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL")
for (name in names(matches))
x <- matches[[name]]
for (i in nrow(x))
if (!silent)
if (grepl("\\.R$", name, ignore.case=TRUE))
"Found %s%s in %s (line %s, column %s)", symbolName,
parens, mungeName(name, pkgname), x[i,1], x[i,2]))
"Found %s%s in %s", symbolName, parens,
mungeName(name, pkgname))) # FIXME test this
length(matches) # for tests
mungeName <- function(name, pkgname)
twoseps <- paste0(rep.int(.Platform$file.sep, 2), collapse="")
name <- gsub(twoseps, .Platform$file.sep, name, fixed=TRUE)
pos <- regexpr(pkgname, name)
substr(name, pos+1+nchar(pkgname), nchar(name))
isInfrastructurePackage <- function(pkgDir)
if (!file.exists(file.path(pkgDir, "DESCRIPTION")))
dcf <- read.dcf(file.path(pkgDir, "DESCRIPTION"))
if (!"biocViews" %in% colnames(dcf))
biocViews <- dcf[, "biocViews"]
views <- strsplit(gsub("\\s", "", biocViews), ",")[[1]]
"Infrastructure" %in% views
getMaintainerEmail <- function(pkgdir)
dcf <- read.dcf(file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION"))
if ("Maintainer" %in% colnames(dcf))
m <- dcf[, "Maintainer"]
ret <- regexec("<([^>]*)>", m)[[1]]
ml <- attr(ret, "match.length")
email <- substr(m, ret[2], ret[2]+ml[2]-1)
} else if ("Authors@R" %in% colnames(dcf)) {
ar <- dcf[, "Authors@R"]
env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
env[["c"]] = c
env[["person"]] <- utils::person
pp <- parse(text=ar, keep.source=TRUE)
tryCatch(people <- eval(pp, env),
error=function(e) {
# could not parse Authors@R
for (person in people)
if ("cre" %in% person$role)
email <- person$email
docType <- function(rd) {
tags <- tools:::RdTags(rd)
if (any(tags == "\\docType"))
as.character(rd[tags == "\\docType"][[1L]])
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.