#' finalRegions
#' @description Align peaks to form common regions then filter regions for
#' presence in multiple replicates taking in input a GRangesList where each
#' element is a sample of called peaks.
#' @param peakSamplesGRangesList named GRangesList where each element is a
#' sample of called peaks. A score mcols values is needed for each GRanges.
#' The scorecolname param can be used as reference name for the score.
#' (tipically returned by findPeaks function).
#' @param zThreshold a minimum threshold for the z score.
#' All peaks lesser than this value will be ignored.
#' @param minCarriers a threshold of minimum samples (carriers) for overlapped
#' regions.
#' @param saveFlag a flag for saving results in a tsv file.
#' @param outputFolder the directory name to store the bed file.
#' @param verbose verbose output.
#' @param scorecolname character describing the name of the column within the
#' peaks score.
#' @param coverageFlag boolean indicating if to compute the scores in a coverage
#' mode (sum of the reads of merged peak) or in a score mode
#' (a normalized score across the merged peaks)
#' @param BPPARAM object of class \code{bpparamClass} that specifies the
#' back-end to be used for computations. See
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{bpparam}} for details.
#' @return a GRanges of selected overlapping peaks with z-score,
#' n-peaks, k-carriers as mcols object.
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpparam bplapply
#' @examples
#' peak.path <- system.file("extdata/peaks/RData/peaksGRL_all_files.rds",
#' package="DEScan2")
#' grl <- readRDS(peak.path)
#' grl
#' regionsGR <- finalRegions(peakSamplesGRangesList=grl, zThreshold=1,
#' minCarriers=3, saveFlag=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
finalRegions <- function(peakSamplesGRangesList, zThreshold=20, minCarriers=2,
stopifnot(is(peakSamplesGRangesList, "GRangesList"))
if(verbose) message("computing final regions on ",
length(peakSamplesGRangesList), " samples...")
zedPeaksSamplesGRList <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(
lapply(peakSamplesGRangesList, function(sample)
>= zThreshold),])
zedPeaksChrsGRList <- fromSamplesToChrsGRangesList(zedPeaksSamplesGRList)
#### to parallelize over chrs
overlappedPeaksGRList <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(
BiocParallel::bplapply(zedPeaksChrsGRList, function(chrSampleGRList)
zThresh=zThreshold, verbose=verbose,
scorecolname=scorecolname, coverageFlag=coverageFlag))
overlappedPeaksGR <- unlist(overlappedPeaksGRList)
idxK <- which(overlappedPeaksGR$`k-carriers` >= minCarriers)
overlMinKPeaksGR <- overlappedPeaksGR[idxK,]
datename <- paste0(strsplit(gsub(pattern=":", replacement=" ",
date()), " ")[[1]], collapse="_")
filename <- paste0("regions_", datename, "_zt", zThreshold,
"_minK", minCarriers)
saveGRangesAsTsv(GRanges=overlMinKPeaksGR, filepath=outputFolder,
filename=filename, verbose=verbose)
#' giveUniqueNamesToPeaksOverSamples
#' @description given a GRangesList of samples assigns unique names to the peaks
#' of each sample.
#' @param samplePeaksGRangelist a GRangeList of peaks, one GRanges for each
#' sample.
#' @return a GRangesList of samples within renamed peaks for each element.
#' @keywords internal
giveUniqueNamesToPeaksOverSamples <- function(samplePeaksGRangelist)
stopifnot(is(samplePeaksGRangelist, "GRangesList"))
## this is just for naming the peaks
## total number of samples
ns <- length(samplePeaksGRangelist)
## total number of decimals for the samples
ncs <- nchar(as.character(ns))
## total number of decimals for the peaks taking the max number of peaks
ncp <- nchar(as.character(max(unlist(
lapply(samplePeaksGRangelist, length)
sFormat <- paste0("s%0", ncs,"d")
format <- paste0("s%0", ncs,"d_p%0", ncp, "d")
## for each sample assign unique names to the peaks
samplePeaksGRangelista <- lapply(
function(x, i)
peakNames <- sprintf(format, i, seq_len(length(x[[i]])))
# print(peakNames)
y <- x[[i]]
names(y) <- peakNames
# x[[i]] <- y
# names(x[[i]]) <- peakNames
# return(x[[i]])
names(samplePeaksGRangelista) <- sprintf(sFormat,
#' initMergedPeaksNames
#' @description given a GRanges of merged peaks assigns them new names.
#' @param mergedGRanges A GRanges object.
#' (Tipically Generated in findOverlapsOverSamples function )
#' @return a granges of renamed peaks.
#' @keywords internal
initMergedPeaksNames <- function(mergedGRanges)
stopifnot(is(mergedGRanges, "GRanges"))
ncp <- nchar(length(mergedGRanges@ranges))
nk <- nchar(max(mergedGRanges$`k-carriers`))
np <- nchar(max(mergedGRanges$`n-peaks`))
format <- paste0("p%0", ncp, "d_np%0", np, "d_k%0", nk,"d")
peakNames <- sprintf(format, seq_len(length(mergedGRanges@ranges)),
mergedGRanges$`n-peaks`, mergedGRanges$`k-carriers`)
names(mergedGRanges) <- peakNames
.addScoreCol <- function(targetgr, gri, grj, scorecolname)
oldcols <- colnames(mcols(targetgr))
targetgr$score <- NA
colnames(mcols(targetgr)) <- c(oldcols, scorecolname)
grip <- grep("gri", names(targetgr))
grjp <- grep("grj", names(targetgr))
grim <- sort(targetgr[grip])
grjm <- sort(targetgr[grjp])
gri <- sort(gri)
grj <- sort(grj)
idx <- which(gsub("gri__", "", names(grim)) %in% names(gri))
imdx <- which(names(gri) %in% gsub("gri__", "", names(grim)))
mcols(grim)[idx, scorecolname] <- mcols(gri)[imdx[!is.na(imdx)], scorecolname]
jdx <- which(gsub("grj__", "", names(grjm)) %in% names(grj))
jmdx <- which(names(grj) %in% gsub("grj__", "", names(grjm)))
mcols(grjm)[jdx, scorecolname] <- mcols(grj)[jmdx[!is.na(jmdx)], scorecolname]
targetgr <- c(grim, grjm)
#' findOverlapsOverSamples
#' @description given in input a GRangeList where each element is a sample
#' computes the coverage extending a both direction window of prefixed length.
#' @param samplePeaksGRangelist given a granges list of samples finds
#' the overlapping regions between them.
#' @param extendRegions the number of bases to extend each region at its start
#' and end.
#' @param minOverlap the minimum overlap each peak needs to have.
#' (see ChipPeakAnno::findOverlapsOfPeaks)
#' @param maxGap the maximum gap admissible between the peaks.
#' (see ChipPeakAnno::findOverlapsOfPeaks)
#' @param verbose verbose flag
#' @param scorecolname character describing the name of the column within the
#' peaks score.
#' @param zThresh a threshold value on z-score/scorecolname
#' @param coverageFlag boolean indicating if to compute the scores in a coverage
#' mode (sum of the reads of merged peak) or in a score mode
#' (a normalized score across the merged peaks)
#' @return a GRanges of peaks overlapped and unique between samples.
#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols runValue
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start end
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths seqnames
#' @importFrom ChIPpeakAnno findOverlapsOfPeaks
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList
#' @examples
#' (peaks.file <- system.file("extdata/peaks/RData/peaksGRL_all_files.rds",
#' package="DEScan2"))
#' peaksGRLFiles <- readRDS(peaks.file)
#' (overlPeaks <- findOverlapsOverSamples(peaksGRLFiles))
findOverlapsOverSamples <- function(samplePeaksGRangelist,
stopifnot(is(samplePeaksGRangelist, "GRangesList"))
namedSamplePeaksGRL <- giveUniqueNamesToPeaksOverSamples(
namedSamplePeaksGRL <- lapply(namedSamplePeaksGRL, function(x)
x <- x[as.numeric(S4Vectors::mcols(x)[[scorecolname]]) >= zThresh]
if(length(x) ==0 ) stop("no peaks found in one sample\n",
"please try again providing a lower zThreshold")
S4Vectors::mcols(x)[["n-peaks"]] <- 1
S4Vectors::mcols(x)[["k-carriers"]] <- 1
BiocGenerics::start(x) <- BiocGenerics::start(x) - extendRegions
idxNeg <- which( BiocGenerics::start(x) < 0 )
if(length(idxNeg) > 0)
warning("extendRegions of ", extendRegions,
" is too high for region(s) start ", idxNeg,
" forcing these starts to 0")
BiocGenerics::start(x)[idxNeg] <- 0
BiocGenerics::end(x) <- BiocGenerics::end(x) + extendRegions
## it must return just one chromosome
idxHigh <- which( BiocGenerics::end(x) > GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(x) )
if(length(idxHigh) > 0) {
warning("extendRegions of ", extendRegions,
" is too high for region(s) end ", idxHigh,
" forcing these ends to ", GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(x))
BiocGenerics::end(x)[idxHigh] <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(x)
if(verbose) message("Computing overlapping regions over samples...")
# startTime <- Sys.time()
if(length(namedSamplePeaksGRL) > 1 )
for(i in 2:length(namedSamplePeaksGRL))
if( i == 2 ) {
gri <- namedSamplePeaksGRL[[1]]
foundedPeaks <- NULL
} else {
gri <- foundedPeaks
grj <- namedSamplePeaksGRL[[i]]
grij <- ChIPpeakAnno::findOverlapsOfPeaks(gri,
mmpeaks <- grij$peaksInMergedPeaks
if(length(mmpeaks) == 0)
message("No merged peaks found at sample ", i,
" and chromosome ",
"\nNB: skipping this sample!")
foundedPeaks <- gri
##### Patch for missing score column name in findOverlapsOfPeaks
if(sum(scorecolname %in% colnames(mcols(mmpeaks)))==0)
mmpeaks <- .addScoreCol(targetgr=mmpeaks, gri=gri, grj=grj, scorecolname=scorecolname)
## cleaning peaks names
mrgPks <- grij$mergedPeaks
mrgPksNms <- as.list(mrgPks$peakNames)
# stTime <- Sys.time()
newcols <- lapply(mrgPksNms, function(l)
# print(l)
idx <- which(names(mmpeaks) %in% l)
scores <- as.numeric(S4Vectors::mcols(mmpeaks)[idx,
kCarr <- as.numeric(mmpeaks$`k-carriers`[idx])
nPeaks <- as.numeric(mmpeaks$`n-peaks`[idx])
np = sum(nPeaks) ## total number of peaks found
if (!coverageFlag)
## it's necessary to rescale the score on the basis of the peaks
## found from previous computations
mmzp <- sum(scores*nPeaks)/np
} else {
## in this case we compute the coverage as the sum of the scores,
## which in turn are the number of the reads per each peak
mmzp <- sum(scores)
## the carriers are just the number of samples
k <- max(kCarr)+1
as.data.frame(cbind(mmzp, np, k))
# endTime <- Sys.time()
# print((endTime-stTime))
newcols1 <- data.table::rbindlist(newcols)
S4Vectors::mcols(mrgPks) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(newcols1)
if( dim(S4Vectors::mcols(mrgPks))[1] == 0 )
stop("No overlapping regions found!")
colnames(S4Vectors::mcols(mrgPks)) <- c(scorecolname,
## peaks uniques
unqPks <- grij$uniquePeaks
if( length(unqPks) > 0 )
##### Patch for missing score column name in findOverlapsOfPeaks
if(sum(scorecolname %in% colnames(mcols(unqPks)))==0)
unqPks <- .addScoreCol(targetgr=unqPks, gri=gri, grj=grj, scorecolname=scorecolname)
## putting together all the peaks
foundedPeaks <- unlist(GenomicRanges::GRangesList(unqPks, mrgPks))
} else {
foundedPeaks <- mrgPks
foundedPeaks <- initMergedPeaksNames(foundedPeaks)
if(sum(is.na(foundedPeaks$score))!=0) stop(paste0("score NA at iteration: ",i))
} else if(length(namedSamplePeaksGRL) == 1) {
foundedPeaks <- initMergedPeaksNames(namedSamplePeaksGRL[[1]])
} else if(length(namedSamplePeaksGRL) == 0){
stop("No regions found with this threshold!")
# endingTime <- Sys.time()
# print((endingTime - startTime))
# save(foundedPeaks, file="testData/new_files/foundedPeaks.RData")
.convertSallToGrl <- function(sall)
lgr <- list()
for(sample in sall)
gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames=sample[,1],
S4Vectors::mcols(gr)[["z-score"]] <- as.numeric(sample[,4])
lgr <- c(lgr, gr)
grl <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(lgr)
.loadPeaks <- function(peakdirname, verbose = FALSE)
files <- list.files(peakdirname, pattern="Peaks", full.names=TRUE)
if (verbose)
message("Found", length(files), "peak files.\n")
peaks_all <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(files)))
p = load(files[i])
if(length(p) > 1 )
peaksi <- eval(expr=parse(text=paste0("peaksi <- ", p[1])))
} else {
peaksi <- eval(parse(text=paste0("peaksi <- ", p)))
if (ncol(peaksi) == 3) {
chr <- strsplit(peakdirname, split = "/")[[1]][2]
peaksi <- cbind(rep(chr, nrow(peaksi)), peaksi)
peaks_all[[files[[i]]]] <- peaksi
if (verbose) {
message("File: ", files[i],
" number of regions:", nrow(peaksi), "\n")
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