## Define the plot_heatmap
#' @title
#' plot_heatmap
#' @description
#' Plot the observed and simulated distance with the Kth nearest neighbors.
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param center A logical to indicate whether to center row..
#' @param ceil A value for ceiling (NULL for no ceiling). Ceiling is performed centering.
#' @param floor A value for flooring (NULL for no flooring). Flooring is performed after centering.
#' @param cell_clusters A vector of cell clusters with cell barcodes as names.
#' @param show_dendro A logical to indicate whether to show column dendrogram.
#' @param use_top_genes A logical to indicate whether to use highly similar genes in the slot top_genes of ClusterSet.
#' @param interactive A logical to indicate if the heatmap should be interactive.
#' @param name A title for the heatmap (if interactive is TRUE).
#' @param xlab A title for the x axis (if interactive is TRUE).
#' @param ylab A title for the y axis (if interactive is TRUE).
#' @param colorbar_name A title for the colorbar.
#' @param show_legend A logical to indicate whether to show colorbar.
#' @param colors A vector of colors.
#' @param colors_cell_clusters A named vector of colors for cell identity annotations.
#' @param row_labels A logical to indicate whether to show row labels.
#' @param col_labels A logical to indicate whether to show col labels.
#' @param label_size A value for label font size.
#' @param line_size_vertical An integer for the size of horizontal white line which separate gene clusters.
#' @param line_size_horizontal An integer for the size of vertical white line which separate cell clusters.
#' @param link The aggloremative criterion for hierarchical clustering. One of "average", "complete" or "single".
#' Default to average.
#' @return Iheatmap-class object.
#' @export plot_heatmap
#' @importFrom iheatmapr main_heatmap modify_layout add_row_labels add_col_labels add_col_annotation add_col_dendro add_row_title add_col_title
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @examples
#' library(Seurat)
#' # Set verbosity to 1 to display info messages only.
#' set_verbosity(1)
#' # Load datasets
#' load_example_dataset('7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium_clusters')
#' load_example_dataset('7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium')
#' # Plot heatmap of 'top genes' of all gene clusters
#' pbmc3k_medium_clusters <- top_genes(pbmc3k_medium_clusters)
#' plot_heatmap(pbmc3k_medium_clusters, use_top_genes=TRUE)
#' # Plot heatmap of gene cluster 1
#' plot_heatmap(pbmc3k_medium_clusters[1,])
#' # Plot heatmap of gene cluster 1 and 3
#' plot_heatmap(pbmc3k_medium_clusters[c(1,3),])
#' # Plot heatmap of 'top genes' of all gene clusters
#' # with cell ordered according to Seurat results
#' plot_heatmap(pbmc3k_medium_clusters, use_top_genes=TRUE, cell_clusters=Seurat::Idents(pbmc3k_medium))
#' # Plot heatmap of 'top genes' of all gene clusters
#' # with cell ordered according to Seurat results
#' # (non interactive version)
#' plot_heatmap(pbmc3k_medium_clusters, use_top_genes=TRUE,
#' cell_clusters=Seurat::Idents(pbmc3k_medium),
#' interactive=FALSE, label_size = 2)
#' @rdname plot_heatmap
plot_heatmap <- function(object,
center = TRUE,
ceil = 1,
floor = -1,
cell_clusters = NULL,
show_dendro = TRUE,
use_top_genes = FALSE,
interactive = TRUE,
name = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
colorbar_name = "Exp. level",
show_legend = TRUE,
colors = colors_for_gradient("Ju1"),
colors_cell_clusters = NULL,
row_labels = TRUE,
col_labels = FALSE,
label_size = 10,
line_size_vertical = 3,
line_size_horizontal = 3,
link=c("average", "complete", "single", "ward.D", "ward.D2", "mcquitty")) {
## Check format object arg
link <- match.arg(link)
if(show_dendro & is.null(cell_clusters))
print_msg("cell_clusters is not NULL. Setting show_dendro to FALSE",
msg_type = "INFO")
if(!is.null(cell_clusters) & is.null(colors_cell_clusters))
colors_cell_clusters <- discrete_palette(n=length(unique(cell_clusters)), "ggplot")
print_msg("The cell_clusters argument should be a named vector", msg_type="STOP")
print_msg("Extracting cell identity.", msg_type="INFO")
cell_clusters <- cell_clusters[names(cell_clusters) %in% colnames(object@data)]
if(inherits(cell_clusters, "factor"))
cell_clusters <- droplevels(cell_clusters)
# Ensure there are enough colors
if(length(as.character(colors_cell_clusters)) < length(table(as.character(cell_clusters))))
print_msg("Not enough colors for cell_clusters (see colors_cell_clusters).",
# Ensure there is no class equal to zero
if(0 %in% cell_clusters){
names_cell_clusters <- names(cell_clusters)
cell_clusters <- as.numeric(cell_clusters)
if(0 %in% cell_clusters){
cell_clusters <- cell_clusters + 1
print_msg("Found 0 in cell_clusters.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
names(cell_clusters) <- names_cell_clusters
cell_clusters <- as.factor(cell_clusters)
print_msg(paste0("Color palette for cells: ", paste0(colors_cell_clusters, collapse=", ")),
msg_type = "DEBUG")
m <- as.matrix(object@data)
# Centering
print_msg("Centering matrix.", msg_type="INFO")
m <- t(scale(t(m), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE))
# Ceiling and flooring
print_msg("Ceiling matrix.", msg_type="INFO")
m[m > ceil] <- ceil
print_msg("Flooring matrix.", msg_type="INFO")
m[m < floor] <- floor
gene_to_clust <- gene_cluster(object)
print_msg("Ordering cells/columns using hierarchical clustering.",
msg_type = "INFO")
# Check if sd of column is > 0
# Otherwise HC will crash
if(length(colnames(m)[which(apply(m, 2, sd)==0)]) > 0){
print_msg("Some columns have sd equal to 0. Can not compute HC...", msg_type="INFO")
print_msg("Use cell_clusters argument for ordering..", msg_type="STOP")
dist_cells <- cor(m, method = "pearson")
dist_cells <- as.dist((1-dist_cells)/2)
hclust_cells <- hclust(dist_cells, method = link)
hclust_cells_order <- colnames(m)[hclust_cells$order]
if(use_top_genes) {
print_msg("Only top genes will be used.",
msg_type = "INFO")
if (length(object@top_genes) == 0)
print_msg("If use_top_genes is TRUE, run top_genes() before.",
msg_type = "STOP")
gene_top <- unlist(object@top_genes, use.names = FALSE)
m <- m[gene_top, ]
gene_to_clust <- gene_to_clust[gene_top]
# Add blank row to separate gene clusters in the heatmap
if(length(table(as.character(gene_to_clust))) > 1){
blank_row <- matrix(NA, nrow = line_size_horizontal, ncol = ncol(m))
print_msg(paste0("line_size_horizontal: ", line_size_horizontal), msg_type = "DEBUG")
print_msg(paste0("Dim[1] blank matrix: ", nrow(blank_row)), msg_type = "DEBUG")
print_msg(paste0("Dim[2] blank matrix: ", ncol(blank_row)), msg_type = "DEBUG")
colnames(blank_row) <- colnames(m)
m_split <- split(as.data.frame(m), gene_to_clust)
nb_NA_row <- 1
for(i in 1:(length(m_split)-1)){
print_msg(paste0("Adding blank lines for cluster ", i),
msg_type = "DEBUG")
rownames(blank_row) <- paste("NA.",
nb_NA_row:(nb_NA_row + line_size_horizontal - 1),
nb_NA_row <- nb_NA_row + line_size_horizontal
m_split[[i]] <- as.matrix(rbind(m_split[[i]], blank_row))
m_blank <- do.call(rbind, m_split)
m <- as.matrix(m_blank)
if(!is.null(cell_clusters) & length(table(as.character(cell_clusters))) > 1){
# Add blank col to separate cell clusters in the heatmap
blank_col <- matrix(NA, ncol = nrow(m), nrow = line_size_vertical)
print_msg(paste0("line_size_vertical: ", line_size_vertical), msg_type = "DEBUG")
print_msg(paste0("Dim[1] blank matrix: ", nrow(blank_col)), msg_type = "DEBUG")
print_msg(paste0("Dim[2] blank matrix: ", ncol(blank_col)), msg_type = "DEBUG")
colnames(blank_col) <- rownames(m)
m_split <- split(as.data.frame(t(m)), cell_clusters)
cell_clusters <- sort(cell_clusters)
m <- m[ , names(cell_clusters)]
nb_NA_row <- 1
for(i in 1:(length(m_split)-1)){
print_msg(paste0("Adding blank lines for cell cluster ", i),
msg_type = "DEBUG")
rownames(blank_col) <- paste("NA.",
nb_NA_row:(nb_NA_row + line_size_vertical - 1),
nb_NA_row <- nb_NA_row + line_size_vertical
m_split[[i]] <- as.matrix(rbind(m_split[[i]], blank_col))
m_blank <- do.call(rbind, m_split)
# Now correct also the names that have been
# changed by do.call()...
row.names(m_blank) <- gsub("^[^.]+.", "", rownames(m_blank), perl=T)
m <- as.matrix(m_blank)
# These rownames are in fact colnames (it will be transposed).
# later on we will need the colnames to be used as rownames
# of the annotation_col dataframe. So we need colnames
# to be unique. We wil add 1, 2 (...) space char... (" ").
pos_NA <- grep("^NA\\.[0-9]+$", rownames(m), perl=T)
row.names(m)[pos_NA] <- unlist(lapply(mapply(rep, ' ', 1:length(pos_NA)), paste0, collapse=""))
m <- t(m)
# Now correct also the rownames that have been
# changed by do.call()
if(length(table(as.character(gene_to_clust))) > 1){
row.names(m) <- gsub("^[0-9]+\\.", "", rownames(m), perl=T)
row.names(m)[grep("^NA\\.[0-9]+$", rownames(m), perl=T)] <- " "
if(is.null(cell_clusters)) {
# This condition, if(interactive),
# may seem weird. In fact interactive
# and non interactive do not use the
# same plotting function. They have
# different requirement regarding
# column sorting
m <- m[, hclust_cells_order]
# Preparing a data.frame containing cell annotations
if(length(grep("^[0-9]*$", cell_clusters)) > 0){
column <- as.factor(as.numeric(as.character(cell_clusters[colnames(m)])))
} else {
column <- as.factor(as.character(cell_clusters[colnames(m)]))
cell_clusters_anno <- data.frame("Ident."=column)
rownames(cell_clusters_anno) <- colnames(m)
####### Heatmap #######
# Main heatmap
print_msg("Plotting heatmap.", msg_type="INFO")
#Flip rows
m <- m[order(nrow(m):1),]
print_msg("Plot is interactive...")
htmp <- iheatmapr::main_heatmap(data = m,
name = colorbar_name,
show_colorbar = show_legend,
colors = colors)
htmp <- htmp %>% iheatmapr::modify_layout(list(margin = list(t=20,
print_msg("Adding labels.", msg_type="DEBUG")
htmp <- htmp %>% iheatmapr::add_row_labels(font = list(size = label_size))}
htmp <- htmp %>% iheatmapr::add_col_labels(font = list(size = label_size))}
# Here, there is a bug with add_col_annotation()
# if a single color is passed then it calls brewer.pal()
# with the color as the palette name. To fix, we will
# pass it 3 times the same color wich fix the bug...
if(length(colors_cell_clusters) == 1)
colors_cell_clusters <- rep(colors_cell_clusters, 3)
htmp <- htmp %>% iheatmapr::add_col_annotation(cell_clusters_anno,
colors = list("Ident." = colors_cell_clusters))
if(show_dendro & is.null(cell_clusters)) {
htmp <- htmp %>% iheatmapr::add_col_dendro(hclust_cells, reorder = FALSE)
print_msg("Adding Titles.", msg_type="DEBUG")
htmp <- htmp %>% add_row_title(ylab, side="right", font = list(size = 12))
htmp <- htmp %>% add_col_title(xlab, side="top", font = list(size = 12))
htmp <- htmp %>% add_col_title(name, side="top", font = list(size = 24))
# Reorder rows to get the same order as the interactive heatmap
#m <- m[order(nrow(m):1),]
cluster_cols <- F
annotation_col <- NA
cluster_cols <- hclust_cells
annotation_col <- cell_clusters_anno
htmp <- pheatmap::pheatmap(mat = m,
annotation_legend = show_legend, legend = show_legend,
color = colorRampPalette(colors)(100),
cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_cols = cluster_cols,
fontsize_row= label_size,
show_rownames = row_labels,
show_colnames = col_labels,
annotation_col = annotation_col,
border_color = NA,
scale = "none",
na_col = "white")
htmp <- htmp %>% add_row_title(ylab, side="right", font = list(size = 12))
htmp <- htmp %>% add_col_title(xlab, side="top", font = list(size = 12))
htmp <- htmp %>% add_col_title(name, side="top", font = list(size = 24))
## Define the plot_dist function
#' Plot Distribution of distances
#' This function creates a histogram of the simulated and observed distances
#' of a ClusterSet object.
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param bins The number of bins to use in the histogram (default is 150).
#' @param alpha The level of transparency for the bars in the histogram
#' (default is 0.5).
#' @param colors A named vector of colors to use for the histograms,
#' with "Simulated" and "Observed" as the named elements
#' (default is c("Simulated" = "#FB8500", "Observed" = "#36949D")).
#' @param xlim Limits for the x axis of the histogram (e.g. c(0.8, 1)).
#' @param vline_color Color of the vertical line indicating
#' the critical distance with KNN.
#' @param text_size Font size for the label of the critical distance.
#' @param text_hjust Horizontal justification for the label
#' of the critical distance.
#' @param text_vjust Vertical justification for the label
#' of the critical distance.
#' @return A ggplot object.
#' @examples
#' # Set verbosity to 1 to display info messages only.
#' set_verbosity(1)
#' # Load datasets
#' load_example_dataset('7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium_clusters')
#' plot_dist(pbmc3k_medium_clusters)
#' @export plot_dist
plot_dist <- function(object,
colors=c("Simulated"="#FB8500", "Observed"="#36949D"),
vline_color = "#4f6d7a",
text_size = 4,
text_hjust = -0.8,
text_vjust = -0.5) {
## Check format object arg
DKNN = c(object@dbf_output$simulated_dknn,
Type = c(rep("Simulated",
df <- data.frame(DKNN, Type)
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x=DKNN, fill=Type)) +
color="white") +
theme_bw() +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(size = 15),
axis.text = element_text(size = 10)) +
xlab(label = "Distance with KNN") +
ylab(label = "Count") +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = object@dbf_output$critical_distance),
color = vline_color,
linetype = "dotdash") +
geom_text(mapping = aes(x = object@dbf_output$critical_distance,
y = 0,
label = "Critical distance with KNN",
hjust = text_hjust,
vjust = text_vjust,
angle = 90),
color = vline_color,
size = text_size)
p <- p + xlim(xlim)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# plot_ggheatmap ---------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title
#' Heatmap of data contained in a ClusterSet object.
#' @description
#' Plot the results (heatmap) contained in a ClusterSet object.
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param to_log2 Whether data should be transform in logarithm base 2 (+ 1 as a pseudocount).
#' @param use_top_genes A logical to indicate whether to use highly similar genes in the slot top_genes of ClusterSet.
#' @param ident A named vector containing the cell type identities for each cell.
#' Typically the result from the Idents() function on a Seurat object (see Seurat library). Lists are
#' also accepted which will results in multi-level facets.
#' @param panel_spacing Spacing between facets/panels ("line" units).
#' @param colors A vector of colors for the gradient.
#' @param standardizing Whether rows should be divided by standard deviation.
#' @param color_ident A vector containing colors for the cell classes as.
#' also accepted which will results in multi-level facets.
#' @param ceil A value for ceiling (NULL for no ceiling). Ceiling is performed after log transformation, centering and standardization.
#' @param floor A value for flooring (NULL for no flooring). Flooring is performed after log transformation, centering and standardization.
#' @param centering Whether rows should be centered.
#' @param xlab A name for the x axis.
#' @param ylab A name for the y axis.
#' @param hide_gene_name Whether to hide gene names.
#' @param hide_col_name Whether to hide column names.
#' @return A ggplot diagram.
#' @export plot_ggheatmap
#' @examples
#' library(Seurat)
#' # Load datasets
#' load_example_dataset('7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium_clusters')
#' load_example_dataset('7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium')
#' # rename clusters
#' new_obj <- rename_clust(pbmc3k_medium_clusters, new_name=sprintf("M%02d", as.integer(clust_names(pbmc3k_medium_clusters))))
#' # Use plot_ggheatmap
#' ident_pbmc3k <- sort(Seurat::Idents(pbmc3k_medium))
#' new_obj <- top_genes(new_obj)
#' plot_ggheatmap(new_obj[,names(ident_pbmc3k)], ident=ident_pbmc3k)
#' @keywords internal
to_log2 = FALSE,
colors = colors_for_gradient("Ju1"),
standardizing = FALSE,
centering = TRUE,
pseudocount=0.1) {
#' @title
#' Heatmap of data contained in a ClusterSet object.
#' @description
#' Plot the results (heatmap) contained in a ClusterSet object.
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param to_log2 Whether data should be transform in logarithm base 2 (+ 0.1 as a pseudocount).
#' @param use_top_genes A logical to indicate whether to use highly similar genes in the slot top_genes of ClusterSet.
#' @param ident A named vector containing the cell type identities for each cell.
#' Typically the result from the Idents() function on a Seurat object (see Seurat library).
#' @param panel_spacing Spacing between facets/panels ("line" units).
#' @param colors A vector of colors for the gradient.
#' @param standardizing Whether rows should be divided by standard deviation.
#' @param color_ident A vector containing colors for the cell classes as.
#' @param ceil A value for ceiling (NULL for no ceiling). Ceiling is performed after log transformation, centering and standardization.
#' @param floor A value for flooring (NULL for no flooring). Flooring is performed after log transformation, centering and standardization.
#' @param centering Whether rows should be centered.
#' @param xlab A name for the x axis.
#' @param ylab A name for the y axis.
#' @param hide_gene_name Whether to hide gene names.
#' @param hide_col_name Whether to hide column names.
#' @param pseudocount A value for the pseudocount added before log transformation.
#' @return A ggplot diagram.
#' @export plot_ggheatmap
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom ggh4x facet_grid2 strip_themed elem_list_rect
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_raster theme_bw scale_fill_gradientn theme facet_grid element_blank element_rect element_text
#' @examples
#' library(Seurat)
#' # Load datasets
#' load_example_dataset('7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium_clusters')
#' load_example_dataset('7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium')
#' # rename clusters
#' new_obj <- rename_clust(pbmc3k_medium_clusters, new_name=sprintf("M%02d", as.integer(clust_names(pbmc3k_medium_clusters))))
#' # Use plot_ggheatmap
#' ident_pbmc3k <- sort(Seurat::Idents(pbmc3k_medium))
#' new_obj <- top_genes(new_obj)
#' plot_ggheatmap(new_obj[,names(ident_pbmc3k)], ident=ident_pbmc3k)
signature(object = "ClusterSet"),
to_log2 = FALSE,
colors = colors_for_gradient("Ju1"),
standardizing = FALSE,
centering = TRUE,
pseudocount=0.1) {
print_msg("getting matrix", msg_type="DEBUG")
name_idents <- names(ident)
print_msg("The 'ident' argument needs a named vector or a named list of named vector.")
if(length(which(names(ident) == "")) != 0){
print_msg("The 'ident' argument needs a named vector or a named list of named vector.")
nb <- nclust(object)
if(length(object@top_genes) == 0)
print_msg("Please use top_gene() methods onto ClusterSet object.", msg_type = "STOP")
m <- object@data[unlist(object@top_genes), ]
m <- object@data
if(to_log2) {
m <- log2(m + pseudocount)
## median-centering of row
if (centering) {
print_msg("Median-centering rows.", msg_type="DEBUG")
mean_row <- apply(m, 1, mean)
m <- sweep(m, MARGIN = 1, STATS = mean_row, FUN = "-")
## Standardizing row
if (standardizing) {
print_msg("Standardizing rows.", msg_type="DEBUG")
sd_row <- apply(m, 1, sd)
m <- sweep(m, MARGIN = 1, STATS = sd_row, FUN = "/")
## Ceiling / flooring
print_msg("Ceiling matrix.", msg_type="DEBUG")
m[m > ceil] <- ceil
print_msg("Flooring matrix.", msg_type="DEBUG")
m[m < floor] <- floor
## melting
print_msg("Melting matrix.", msg_type="DEBUG")
m_melt <- reshape2::melt(as.matrix(m))
colnames(m_melt) <- c("genes", "samples", "values")
gclust <- gene_cluster(object, as_string = T)
match_gclust <- match(m_melt$genes, names(gclust))
lev_clust <- suppressWarnings(sort(unique(as.numeric(gclust))))
if(length(lev_clust) == 0){
lev_clust <- unique(gclust)
m_melt$gene_clusters <- factor(gclust[match_gclust], levels = lev_clust, ordered = TRUE)
m_melt$gene_clusters <- factor(gclust[match_gclust], levels = lev_clust, ordered = TRUE)
if(!all(m_melt$cell %in% names(ident))){
print_msg("All cell need a target cluster when using 'ident'.", msg_type = "STOP")
m_melt$cell_clusters <- factor(ident[m_melt$samples], ordered = TRUE)
for(i in 1:length(names(ident))){
if(!all(m_melt$cell %in% names(ident[[i]]))){
print_msg("All cell need a target cluster when using 'ident'.", msg_type = "STOP")
m_melt[, names(ident[i])] <- factor(ident[[i]][m_melt$samples], ordered = TRUE)
## plotting
# Note that samples, value, gene, cluster
# may appear as undefined variable to "R check" command.
# A workaround is to define them as NULL first...
samples <- values <- genes <- cell_clusters <- gene_clusters <- NULL
print_msg("Preparing diagram (tile).", msg_type="DEBUG")
print_msg(paste0("Matrix columns :", colnames(m_melt)), msg_type="DEBUG")
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(
data = m_melt,
x = samples,
y = genes,
fill = values
print_msg("Preparing color palette.", msg_type="DEBUG")
color.ramp <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors)(10)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_raster()
p <- p + ggplot2::theme_bw()
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(
colours = color.ramp,
name = "Signal"
nb_cell_classes <- length(table(m_melt$cell_clusters))
p <- p + ggplot2::xlab(xlab) + ggplot2::ylab(ylab)
print_msg("Theming.", msg_type="DEBUG")
p <- p + ggplot2::theme(
axis.ticks.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.spacing = grid::unit(0.05, "lines"),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
strip.background.x = ggplot2::element_rect(colour = "white"),
strip.background.y = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "#444444", colour = "white"),
strip.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(colour = "white", angle = 0),
p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank())
p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank())
print_msg("Adding facets.", msg_type="DEBUG")
gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
color_ident <- gg_color_hue(nb_cell_classes)
if(length(color_ident) != nb_cell_classes){
print_msg("Need as many colors as cell classes", msg_type = "STOP")
colored_strip <- ggh4x::strip_themed(background_x = ggh4x::elem_list_rect(fill = color_ident))
p <- p + ggh4x::facet_grid2(gene_clusters ~ cell_clusters,
scales = "free", space = "free",
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(as.formula(paste0("gene_clusters ~ ", paste0(names(ident), collapse = " + "))),
scales = "free", space = "free")
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_grid(gene_clusters ~ ., scales = "free", space = "free")
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