#' Plot mean expression profiles of each cluster from a ClusterSet object.
#' This function generates a barplot showing the expression profiles of
#' cell type-specific genes across different cell types.
#' @param data A ClusterSet object.
#' @param ident A named vector containing the cell type identities for each cell.
#' Typically the result from the Idents() function on a Seurat object (see Seurat library).
#' @param nb_column The number of columns in the facet grid of the plot. If not provided,
#' it is automatically computed as the square root of the number of cell types.
#' @param color_cell_type A named vector of colors (with cell type as names) used to
#' distinguish between different cell types in the plot. If not provided, the default
#' hue color palette is used.
#' @param size_text_y The font size of the y-axis tick labels.
#' @param size_label The font size of the cluster labels.
#' @param legend_name A name for the legend.
#' @return A ggplot object showing the expression profiles of cell type-specific genes.
#' @examples
#' # Load a Seurat object
#' load_example_dataset("7870305/files/lymph_node_tiny_2")
#' # Load a ClusterSet object
#' load_example_dataset("7870305/files/lymph_node_tiny_clusters_2")
#' plot_profiles(lymph_node_tiny_clusters_2, ident=Seurat::Idents(lymph_node_tiny_2))
#' lv <- levels(Seurat::Idents(lymph_node_tiny_2))
#' pal <- discrete_palette(n=length(lv))
#' names(pal) <- lv
#' plot_profiles(lymph_node_tiny_clusters_2, ident=Seurat::Idents(lymph_node_tiny_2), color_cell_type = pal)
#' plot_profiles(lymph_node_tiny_clusters_2[2:4,], ident=Seurat::Idents(lymph_node_tiny_2), color_cell_type = pal)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_col facet_wrap theme_minimal geom_text scale_color_manual
#' @importFrom scales hue_pal
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom ggplot2 .data
#' @export
plot_profiles <- function(data = NULL,
ident = NULL,
nb_column = NULL,
color_cell_type = NULL,
size_text_y = 5,
size_label = 2,
legend_name="Cell\ntype") {
if (is.null(data) | !inherits(data, "ClusterSet"))
print_msg("Please provide a ClusterSet objet.", msg_type = "STOP")
centers <- data@dbf_output$center
if (is.null(ident))
print_msg("Please provide cell identification.", msg_type = "STOP")
if (length(ident) < ncol(data@data))
print_msg("The length of the 'ident' argument should be equal or greater to ncol(data).", msg_type = "STOP")
if (is.null(names(ident)))
names(ident) <- colnames(data@data)
ident <- ident[colnames(data@data)]
ident <- sort(ident)
ident <- factor(ident, levels=levels(as.factor(ident)), ordered = T)
nb_cell_type <- length(unique(ident))
if (is.null(nb_column))
nb_column <- round(sqrt(nrow(data@dbf_output$center)), 0)
if (is.null(color_cell_type)){
color_cell_type <- scales::hue_pal()(nb_cell_type)
if(nb_cell_type != length(color_cell_type))
print_msg("The number of colors should be the same as the number of cell types.",
msg_type = "STOP")
print_msg("The color_cell_type argument should be a named vector.",
msg_type = "STOP")
if(!all(names(color_cell_type) %in% unique(ident)))
print_msg("The color_cell_type argument contains unknown cell type.",
msg_type = "STOP")
print_msg(paste0("Number of cells types: ", nb_cell_type),
msg_type = "INFO")
nb_cells <- ncol(centers)
print_msg(paste0("Number of cells: ", nb_cells),
msg_type = "INFO")
centers <- centers[, names(ident), drop=FALSE]
m <- reshape2::melt(as.matrix(centers))
colnames(m) <- c("Cluster", "Cell", "Intensity")
m$Cluster <- factor(
paste0("Cluster: ", m$Cluster),
levels = paste0("Cluster: ", unique(m$Cluster)),
ordered = T
m$Ident <- ident[m$Cell]
print_msg(paste0("Centers dimension: ", paste0(dim(centers), collapse = " ")),
msg_type = "DEBUG")
y_text <- apply(centers, 1, max)
y_text <- y_text + 0.1 * y_text
df_text <- data.frame(x = colnames(centers)[round(nb_cells / 3, 0)],
y = y_text)
df_text$Cluster <- factor(paste0("Cluster: ",
ordered = T)
ggplot2::ggplot(data= m,
x = .data[["Cell"]],
y = .data[["Intensity"]],
group = 1,
fill = .data[["Ident"]]
)) +
ggplot2::geom_col() +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Cluster, scales = "free_y",
ncol = nb_column) +
ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
data = df_text,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data[["x"]],
y =.data[["y"]],
label = .data[["Cluster"]]),
size = size_label,
inherit.aes = FALSE
) +
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "white"),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = size_text_y),
strip.text = ggplot2::element_blank()
) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=color_cell_type, name=legend_name)
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