# to generate NB component of the cell value
.sim.NBvalue <- function(Bmean, r = 10) {
value <- rnbinom(1, mu = Bmean, size = r)
# power-law function
.powerlaw <- function(distance, C, alpha) {
ifelse(distance == 0, C, C * distance^(-alpha))
# function for generating P(IF = 0) based on linear equation
.prop.zero.linear <- function(distance, prop.zero.slope) {
prop.zero.slope * distance
# simulate matrix function will create a two full contact maps.
# Matrices will have same signal component but different noise
# components
.sim.mat <- function(nrow = 100, ncol = 100, medianIF, sdIF, powerlaw.alpha,
sd.alpha, prop.zero.slope) {
# check for invalid proportion of zeros slope
if (.prop.zero.linear(prop.zero.slope, nrow - 1) > 1) {
stop("prop.zero.slope is too large and will produce probabilities
greater than 1 at the maximum distance in the matrix.")
cell1 <- matrix(nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
cell2 <- matrix(nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
col_num <- 1
j <- unlist(Map(seq, 1:ncol(cell1), MoreArgs=list(ncol(cell1))))
i <- rep(seq_len(nrow(cell1)), times=head(rev(seq_len(ncol(cell1))), nrow(cell1)))
distance <- j - i + 1
Bmean <- .powerlaw(distance, medianIF, powerlaw.alpha)
noise.sd <- .powerlaw(distance, sdIF, sd.alpha)
idx <- cbind(i, j)
cell1[idx] <- round(Bmean) + round(rnorm(i, 0, noise.sd))
cell2[idx] <- round(Bmean) + round(rnorm(i, 0, noise.sd))
prob.zero <- .prop.zero.linear(distance, prop.zero.slope)
u1 <- runif(length(prob.zero))
u2 <- runif(length(prob.zero))
zero_index1 <- ifelse(u1 < prob.zero, TRUE, FALSE)
zero_index2 <- ifelse(u2 < prob.zero, TRUE, FALSE)
cell1[idx[zero_index1,]] <- 0
cell2[idx[zero_index2,]] <- 0
idx2 <- idx[, c(2,1)]
cell1[idx2] <- cell1[idx]
cell2[idx2] <- cell2[idx]
# check for negative values
cell1[cell1 < 0] <- 0
cell2[cell2 < 0] <- 0
return(list(cell1, cell2))
# default bias functions
.normal.bias <- function(distance) {
(1 + exp(-((distance - 20)^2)/(2 * 30))) * 4
.no.bias <- function(distance) {
# function to add bias to a matrix
.add.bias <- function(mat, slope, medianIF, powerlaw.alpha,
biasFunc = .normal.bias) {
col_num <- 1
for (i in 1:dim(mat)[1]) {
for (j in col_num:dim(mat)[2]) {
distance <- j - i + 1
Bmean <- .powerlaw(distance, medianIF, powerlaw.alpha)
new.value <- round(mat[i, j] * biasFunc(distance))
new.value <- ifelse(new.value < 0, 0, new.value)
mat[i, j] <- new.value
mat[j, i] <- mat[i, j]
col_num <- col_num + 1
# add true differences to the matrices
.sim.differences <- function(mat1, mat2, fold.change = 2,
i.range, j.range) {
for (n in 1:length(i.range)) {
i <- i.range[n]
j <- j.range[n]
# get which direction the difference is
diff_direction <- sign(mat1[i, j] - mat2[i, j])
newIF <- as.integer(round(mat1[i, j] * fold.change^diff_direction))
mat1[i, j] <- ifelse(newIF < 1, 1, newIF)
mat1[j, i] <- mat1[i, j]
# add CNV
.add.CNV <- function(mat, CNV.location, CNV.proportion, CNV.multiplier) {
loc <- CNV.location[1]:CNV.location[2]
idx <- expand.grid(loc, loc)
n.idx <- nrow(idx)
new.idx <- sample(1:n.idx, size = round(CNV.proportion * n.idx), replace = FALSE)
new.idx <- idx[new.idx,]
new.idx <- as.matrix(new.idx)
mat[new.idx] <- mat[new.idx] * CNV.multiplier
# force symmetry
mat[lower.tri(mat)] <- t(mat)[lower.tri(mat)]
#' Simulate 2 Hi-C matrices with differences
#' @export
#' @param nrow Number of rows and columns of the full matrix
#' @param medianIF The starting value for a power law distribution
#' for the interaction frequency of the matrix. Should use the median
#' value of the IF at distance = 0. Typical values for 1MB data
#' are around 50,000.
#' For 500kb data typical values are 25,000. For 100kb data, 4,000.
#' For 50kb data, 1,800.
#' @param sdIF The estimated starting value for a power law distriubtion
#' for the standard deviaton of the IFs. Should use the SD of the IF at
#' distance = 0. Typical value for 1MB data is 19,000.
#' @param powerlaw.alpha The exponential parameter for the power law
#' distribution for the median IF. Typical values are 1.6 to 2.
#' Defaults to 1.8.
#' @param sd.alpha The exponential parameter for the power law
#' distribution for the SD of the IF. Typical values are 1.8 to 2.2.
#' Defaults to 1.9.
#' @param prop.zero.slope The slope to be used for a linear function of
#' the probability of zero in matrix = slope * distance
#' @param centromere.location The location for a centromere to be
#' simulated. Should be entered as a vector of 2 numbers; the
#' start column number and end column number. i.e. to put a centromere
#' in a 100x100 matrix starting at column 47 and ending at column 50
#' enter centromere.location = c(47, 50). Defaults NA indicating no
#' simulated centromere will be added to the matrix.
#' @param CNV.location The location for a copy number variance (CNV).
#' Should be entered as a vector of 2 numbers; the
#' start column number and end column number. i.e. to put a CNV
#' in a 100x100 matrix starting at column 1 and ending at column 50
#' enter CNV.location = c(1, 50). Defaults NA indicating no
#' simulated CNV will be added to the matrices. If a value is
#' entered one of the matrices will have a CNV applied to it.
#' @param CNV.proportion The proportion of 0's to be applied to the
#' CNV location specified. Defaults to 0.8.
#' @param CNV.multiplier A multiplyer to be applied as the CNV. To
#' approximate deletion set to 0, to increase copy numbers set to
#' a value > 1. Defaults to 0.
#' @param biasFunc A function used for adding bias to one of the simulated
#' matrices. Should take an input of unit distance and generally have
#' the form of 1 + Probability Density Function with unit distance as the
#' random variable. Can also use a constant as a scaling factor
#' to add a global offset to one of the matrices. The output of the bias
#' function will be multiplied to the IFs of one matrix.
#' Included are a normal kernel bias and a no bias function. If no function
#' is entered, a normal kernel bias with an additional global scaling
#' factor of 4 will be used. To use no bias set biasFunc = .no.bias, see
#' examples section.
#' @param fold.change The fold change you want to introduce for true differences
#' in the simulated matrices. Defaults to NA for no fold change added.
#' @param i.range The row numbers for the cells that you want to introduce true
#' differences at. Must be same length as j.range.
#' Defaults to NA for no changes added.
#' @param j.range The column numbers for the cells that you want to introduce
#' true differences at. Must be same length as
#' Defaults to NA for no changes added.
#' @return A hic.table object containing simulated Hi-C matrices.
#' @examples
#' # simulate two matrices with no fold changes introduced using default values
#' sim <- hic_simulate()
#' # example of bias functions
#' ## the default function used
#' .normal.bias = function(distance) {
#' (1 + exp(-((distance - 20)^2) / (2*30))) * 4
#' }
#' ## an additional bias function
#' .no.bias = function(distance) {
#' 1
#' }
#' # simulate matrices with 200 true differences using no bias
#' i.range = sample(1:100, replace=TRUE)
#' j.range = sample(1:100, replace=TRUE)
#' sim2 <- hic_simulate(nrow=100, biasFunc = .no.bias, fold.change = 5,
#' i.range = i.range, j.range = j.range)
sim_matrix <- function(nrow = 100, medianIF = 50000, sdIF = 14000,
powerlaw.alpha = 1.8,
sd.alpha = 1.9, prop.zero.slope = 0.001,
centromere.location = NA,
CNV.location = NA,
CNV.proportion = 0.8,
CNV.multiplier = 0,
biasFunc = .normal.bias, fold.change = NA,
i.range = NA, j.range = NA) {
if (is.na(fold.change) & (is.na(i.range[1]) | is.na(j.range[1]))) {
i.range <- 1
j.range <- 1
if (!is.na(fold.change) & (is.na(i.range[1]) | is.na(j.range[1]))) {
stop("Error: Please enter values for i.range and j.range if
you wish to produce a fold change in the simulated matrix")
if (!is.na(centromere.location[1])) {
if (length(centromere.location) != 2 | !is.numeric(centromere.location)) {
stop('Centromere location should be a vector of 2 numbers')
if (centromere.location[1] < 0 | centromere.location[1] > nrow | centromere.location[2] > nrow) {
stop('centromere.location is outside the bounds of the matrix')
if (sum(i.range %in% centromere.location[1]:centromere.location[2] +
j.range %in% centromere.location[1]:centromere.location[2] == 2)) {
stop('enter i.range and j.range that does not include changes within the centromere')
if (!is.na(CNV.location[1])) {
if (length(CNV.location) != 2 | !is.numeric(CNV.location)) {
stop('CNV.location should be a vector of 2 numbers')
if (centromere.location[1] < 0 | centromere.location[1] > nrow | centromere.location[2] > nrow) {
stop('CNV.location is outside the bounds of the matrix')
ncol <- nrow
# simulate matrices
sims <- .sim.mat(nrow, ncol, medianIF, sdIF, powerlaw.alpha, sd.alpha,
# if fold.change = NA no true differences will be added to the matrix
if (!is.na(fold.change)) {
# make sure no cells are duplicated
temp.tab <- data.frame(i = i.range, j = j.range)
temp.tab <- unique(temp.tab)
i.range <- temp.tab$i
j.range <- temp.tab$j
diff <- .sim.differences(sims[[2]], sims[[1]], fold.change, i.range,
sims[[2]] <- diff
# add in sample specific bias to one matrix
sims[[1]] <- .add.bias(sims[[1]], bias.slope, medianIF, powerlaw.alpha,
biasFunc = biasFunc)
# add centromere to matrix
if (!is.na(centromere.location[1])) {
cent <- centromere.location[1]:centromere.location[2]
sims[[1]][cent,] <- 0
sims[[1]][, cent] <- 0
sims[[2]][, cent] <- 0
sims[[2]][cent,] <- 0
# add CNV to matrix
if (!is.na(CNV.location[1])) {
sims[[1]] <- .add.CNV(sims[[1]], CNV.location, CNV.proportion, CNV.multiplier)
#sims[[2]] <- .add.CNV(sims[[2]], CNV.location, CNV.proportion, CNV.multiplier)
# convert matrix to sparse format
colnames(sims[[1]]) <- 1:nrow
colnames(sims[[2]]) <- 1:nrow
sims[[1]] <- full2sparse(sims[[1]])
sims[[2]] <- full2sparse(sims[[2]])
sim.table <- create.hic.table(sims[[1]], sims[[2]], chr = "ChrSim",
scale = FALSE)
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