
Defines functions .calc.pval .calc.diff.thresh .perm.test hic_diff

Documented in hic_diff

#' Detect differences between two jointly normalized Hi-C datasets. OLD METHOD; USE hic_compare() instead
#' @export
#' @param hic.table A hic.table or list of hic.tables output from the
#'     \code{hic_loess} function. hic.table must be jointly normalized
#'     before being entered.
#' @param diff.thresh Fold change threshold desired to call a detected
#'     difference significant. Set to 'auto' by default to indicate that the
#'     difference threshold will be automatically calculated as 2 standard
#'     deviations of all the adjusted M values. For no p-value adjustment
#'     set diff.thresh = NA. To set your own threshold enter a numeric value
#'     i.e. diff.thresh = 1. If set to 'auto' or a numeric value, a check will
#'     be made as follows: if permutation p-value < 0.05 AND M < diff.thresh (the log2
#'     fold change for the difference between IF1 and IF2) then
#'     the p-value will be set to 0.5.
#' @param iterations Number of iterations for the permuation test.
#' @param Plot Logical, should the MD plot showing before/after loess normalization
#'     be output?
#' @param Plot.smooth Logical, defaults to TRUE indicating the MD plot
#'     will be a smooth scatter plot. Set to FALSE for a scatter plot
#'     with discrete points.
#' @param parallel Logical, set to TRUE to utilize the \code{parallel} package's
#'     parallelized computing. Only works on unix operating systems. Only useful if
#'     entering a list of hic.tables.
#' @param BP_param Parameters for BiocParallel. Defaults to bpparam(), see help
#'     for BiocParallel for more information
#'     \url{http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/BiocParallel/
#'     inst/doc/Introduction_To_BiocParallel.pdf}
#' @details  This is the old method for detecting difference. The function is left in for 
#'     legacy reasons and 
#'     it is recommended to use the new function, hic_compare(), instead.
#'     The function takes in a hic.table or a list of hic.table objects created
#'     with the \code{hic_loess} function. If you wish to perform difference
#'     detection on Hi-C data for multiple chromosomes use a list of hic.tables. The process
#'     can be parallelized using the \code{parallel}
#'     setting. The adjusted IF and adjusted M calculated from \code{hic_loess} are used for
#'     difference detection. A permutation test is performed to test
#'     the significance of the difference between each IF of the two datasets. Permutations
#'     are broken in blocks for each unit distance. See methods section
#'     of Stansfield & Dozmorov 2017 for more details.
#' @return A hic.table with additional columns containing a p-value for the significance
#'     of the difference and the raw fold change between the IFs of the two datasets.
#' @examples
#' # Create hic.table object using included Hi-C data in sparse upper triangular
#' # matrix format
#' data('HMEC.chr22')
#' data('NHEK.chr22')
#' hic.table <- create.hic.table(HMEC.chr22, NHEK.chr22, chr = 'chr22')
#' # Plug hic.table into hic_loess()
#' result <- hic_loess(hic.table, Plot = TRUE)
#' # perform difference detection
#' diff.result <- hic_diff(result, diff.thresh = 'auto', Plot = TRUE)
hic_diff <- function(hic.table, diff.thresh = "auto", iterations = 10000,
                     Plot = FALSE, Plot.smooth = TRUE,
                     parallel = FALSE, BP_param = bpparam()) {
  # check for correct input
  if (is(hic.table, "list")) {
    if ( sapply(hic.table, ncol) %>% min() < 13) {
      stop("Make sure you run hic_loess() on your hic.table before inputting it into hic_diff()")
  } else {
    if (ncol(hic.table) < 13) {
      stop("Make sure you run hic_loess() on your hic.table before inputting it into hic_diff()")
  if (iterations < 100) {
    stop("Enter a value for iterations >= 100")
  if (!is.na(diff.thresh) & is.numeric(diff.thresh) & diff.thresh <=
      0) {
    stop("Enter a numeric value > 0 for diff.thresh or set it to NA or \"auto\"")
  if (!is.na(diff.thresh) & is.character(diff.thresh) & diff.thresh !=
      "auto") {
    stop("Enter a numeric value > 0 for diff.thresh or set it to NA or \"auto\"")
  # check if single hic.table or list
  if (is.data.table(hic.table)) {
    hic.table <- list(hic.table)
  # calculate diff.thresh if set to auto
  if (!is.na(diff.thresh)) {
    if (diff.thresh == "auto") {
      diff.thresh <- sapply(hic.table, .calc.diff.thresh)
  # run difference detection for parallel / non-parallel
  if (parallel) {
    if (length(diff.thresh) == 1) {
      hic.table <- BiocParallel::bplapply(hic.table, .calc.pval, Plot = Plot, Plot.smooth = Plot.smooth,
                                          diff.thresh = diff.thresh,
                                          iterations = iterations, BPPARAM = BP_param)
    } else {
      hic.table <- BiocParallel::bpmapply(.calc.pval, hic.table, diff.thresh,
                                          MoreArgs = list(Plot = Plot, Plot.smooth = Plot.smooth,
                                                          iterations = iterations), SIMPLIFY = FALSE, BPPARAM = BP_param)
  } else {
    if (length(diff.thresh) == 1) {
      hic.table <- lapply(hic.table, .calc.pval, Plot = Plot, Plot.smooth = Plot.smooth,
                          diff.thresh = diff.thresh,
                          iterations = iterations)
    } else {
      hic.table <- mapply(.calc.pval, hic.table, diff.thresh,
                          MoreArgs = list(Plot = Plot, Plot.smooth = Plot.smooth,
                                          iterations = iterations), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  # clean up if single hic.table
  if (length(hic.table) == 1) {
    hic.table <- hic.table[[1]]

# background functions for hic_diff

# Permutation test function called from hic_loess function or hic_diff
# function
.perm.test <- function(data, iterations) {
  n <- length(data)
  numerator <- sapply(data, function(x) {
    # to ignore any NAs in the data
    if (!is.finite(x))
      return(NA) else {
        perm.data <- sample(data, size = iterations, replace = TRUE)
        test.stat <- ifelse(abs(perm.data) >= abs(x), 1, 0)
        return(sum(test.stat, na.rm = TRUE))
  p.value <- (numerator + 1)/(iterations + 1)

# function to calculate a difference threshold based on the
# distribution of M will produce a difference threshold of 2 * SD(M)
.calc.diff.thresh <- function(hic.table) {
  sd_M <- sd(hic.table$adj.M)
  diff.thresh <- 2 * sd_M

# Fucntion to calculate p-values based on distance Called from within
# hic_loess or hic_diff functions uses perm.test function
.calc.pval <- function(hic.table, diff.thresh = NA, p.adj.method = "fdr",
                       Plot = TRUE, Plot.smooth = TRUE, iterations = 10000) {
  # set up vector of included distances
  all_dist <- sort(unique(hic.table$D))
  dist_85 <- ceiling(0.85 * length(all_dist))
  temp <- vector("list", dist_85 + 1)
  for (dist_idx in seq_len(dist_85)) {
    temp[[dist_idx]] <- subset(hic.table, D == all_dist[dist_idx])
    p.temp <- .perm.test(temp[[dist_idx]]$adj.M, iterations = iterations)
    temp[[dist_idx]][, `:=`(p.value, p.temp)]
    temp[[dist_idx]][, `:=`(p.adj, p.adjust(p.temp, method = p.adj.method))]
    # method to check for significant calls when the actual difference
    # between the two values is very small
    if (!is.na(diff.thresh)) {
      # M specifies the log2 fold change between IF1 and IF2. Want to call
      # differences less than user set diff.thresh fold change not clinically
      # significant
      temp[[dist_idx]][, `:=`(p.value, ifelse(p.value < 0.05 & abs(adj.M) <
                                                diff.thresh, 0.5, p.value))]
  # for permutation to work need to combine top distances together into
  # one group
  temp[[dist_idx + 1]] <- subset(hic.table, D > all_dist[dist_idx])
  p.temp <- .perm.test(temp[[dist_idx + 1]]$adj.M, iterations = iterations)
  temp[[dist_idx + 1]][, `:=`(p.value, p.temp)]
  temp[[dist_idx + 1]][, `:=`(p.adj, p.adjust(p.temp, method = p.adj.method))]
  # method to check for significant calls when the actual difference
  # between the two values is very small
  if (!is.na(diff.thresh)) {
    temp[[dist_idx + 1]][, `:=`(p.value, ifelse(p.value < 0.05 & abs(adj.M) <
                                                  diff.thresh, 0.5, p.value))]
  hic.table <- rbindlist(temp)
  ## Dont need p.adj so remove it from hic.table before returning
  hic.table[, `:=`(p.adj, NULL)]
  # add fold change column
  hic.table[, `:=`(fold.change, adj.IF2/adj.IF1)]
  if (Plot) {
    mdplot <- MD.plot2(M = hic.table$adj.M, D = hic.table$D, p.val = hic.table$p.value,
                       diff.thresh = diff.thresh, smooth = Plot.smooth)
    if (!is.null(mdplot)) print(mdplot)
  } else {
dozmorovlab/HiCcompare documentation built on June 30, 2023, 3:09 a.m.