##2013-04-03 dmontaner@cipf.es
##2014-10-10 dmontaner@cipf.es
## To Do
## Eliminate almost all warnings.
##' @name propagateGO
## @docType
##' @author David Montaner \email{dmontaner@@cipf.es}
## @aliases
##' @keywords propagate GO gene ontology
##' @seealso \code{\link{annotMat2list}}, \code{\link{annotFilter}}
##' @title Propagate Gene Ontology annotation.
##' @description
##' Genes annotated under a GO term inherit the annotation from
##' all its ancestors.
##' @details
##' Uses the library GO.db.
##' @param annot annotation list or matrix.
##' @param verbose verbose
##' @return A annotation matrix or list with the propagated annotation.
##' @examples
##' mat <- cbind (c("gene1", "gene2"), c("GO:0034390", "GO:0042889"))
##' mat
##' propagateGO (mat)
##' li <- list ('GO:0034390' = "gene1", 'GO:0042889' = "gene2")
##' li
##' propagateGO (li)
##' @importFrom AnnotationDbi as.list
##' @import GO.db
##' @export
propagateGO <- function (annot, verbose = FALSE) {
if (is.matrix (annot) | is.data.frame (annot)) {
annot <- propagateGO.matrix (annot, verbose = verbose)
if (is.list (annot)) {
annot <- annotList2mat (annot)
annot <- propagateGO.matrix (annot, verbose = verbose)
annot <- annotMat2list (annot)
## @name propagateGO.matrix
## @author David Montaner \email{dmontaner@@cipf.es}
## @keywords propagate GO gene ontology matrix
## @seealso \code{\link{propagateGO}}
## @title Propagate Gene Ontology annotations for annotation matrices.
## @description
## Genes annotated under a GO term inherit the annotation from
## all its ancestors.
## @details
## Uses the library GO.db.
## @param annotation annotation list or matrix
## @param verbose verbose.
## @return A annotation matrix with the propagated annotation.
## @importFrom AnnotationDbi as.list
## @import GO.db
## @export
propagateGO.matrix <- function (annotation, verbose = TRUE) {
if (verbose) {
message ("Using GO.db version: ",
packageDescription ("GO.db", fields = "Version"))
columnas <- colnames (annotation)
annotation <- as.matrix (annotation)
dimnames (annotation) <- NULL
##Removing duplicated annotations 1
##duplicados <- duplicated (annotation)
## Much faster:
duplicados <- duplicated (paste (annotation[,1], annotation[,2]))
annotation <- annotation[!duplicados,]
##Getting ancestor GO terms
ancestros <- c (as.list (GOBPANCESTOR),
ancestros.ordenados <- ancestros[annotation[,2]]
longitudes <- sapply (ancestros.ordenados, length, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
heredados <- cbind (rep (annotation[,1], times = longitudes),
unlist (ancestros.ordenados))
rownames (heredados) <- NULL
## Matrix format
annotation <- rbind (annotation, heredados)
## Remove "all" term
noees.all <- annotation[,2] != "all"
annotation <- annotation[noees.all,]
##Removing duplicated annotations 1
##duplicados <- duplicated (annotation)
## Much faster:
duplicados <- duplicated (paste (annotation[,1], annotation[,2]))
annotation <- annotation[!duplicados,]
## ids
colnames (annotation) <- columnas
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