##2009-11-16 dmontaner@cipf.es
##2013-03-25 dmontaner@cipf.es
##' @name mdGsa
## @docType
##' @author David Montaner \email{dmontaner@@cipf.es}
##' @aliases multidimensionalGsa multivariateGsa
##' @keywords multidimensional multivariate GSA gene set
##' @seealso \code{\link{uvGsa}}, \code{\link{mdPat}}, \code{glm.fit},
##' \code{p.adjust}
##' @title Multi-Dimensional Gene Set Analysis.
##' @description
##' Performs a Multi-Variate Gene Set Analysis for two genomic measurements.
##' @details
##' 'index' must be a numerical matrix or data.frame with at least two columns.
##' If there are more than three columns,
##' the ranking indexes are taken form the two first one.
##' The remaining columns are used as covariates to correct for
##' within the analysis.
##' Default p-value correction is "BY".
##' In the output data.frame there are three parameters of each type:
##' 'lor', 'pval', \dots
##' one for each of the two genomic conditions analyzed and the third one
##' for the interaction between them.
##' If available, names of the fist two columns of the index matrix
##' are used in the output data.frame.
##' Changing the order of these two first columns will change the report
##' order, but will not change the interpretation of the results.
##' See Montaner et al. (2010) for further details on the algorithm.
##' @param index ranking index, generally a two column matrix.
##' @param annot an annotation list.
##' @param p.adjust.method p-value adjustment method for multiple testing.
##' @param family see \code{glm}.
##' @param fulltable if TRUE, 'sd', 't' and 'convergence' indicator
##' from the glm fit are included in the output.
##' @param verbose verbose.
##' @param verbosity integer indicating which iterations should be indicated
##' when verbose = TRUE.
##' @param useColnames if TRUE the names of the two first columns of the
##' matrix 'index' are used in the results data.frame.
##' @param \dots further arguments to be pasted to \code{glm.fit},
##' for instance 'weights'.
##' @return A \code{data.frame} with a row for each Gene Set or block.
##' Columns are:
##' \describe{
##' \item{\code{N}:}{number of genes annotated to the Gene Set.}
##' \item{\code{lor}:}{log Odds Ratio estimated for the Gene Set.}
##' \item{\code{pval}:}{p-values associated to each log Odds Ratio.}
##' \item{\code{padj}:}{adjusted p-values.}
##' \item{\code{sd}:}{standard deviations associated to each log Odds Ratio.}
##' \item{\code{t}:}{t statistic associated to each log Odds Ratio.}
##' }
##' Apart from the 'N' coefficient, all other indices appear in triplicate:
##' one coefficient for each genomic condition and a third one for the
##' interaction.
##' @references
##' Montaner et al. (2010)
##' "Multidimensional Gene Set Analysis of Genomic Data."
##' PLoS ONE.
##' @examples
##' rindexMat <- matrix (rnorm (2000), ncol = 2)
##' colnames (rindexMat) <- c ("genomicVar1", "genomicVar2")
##' rownames (rindexMat) <- paste0 ("gen", 1:1000)
##' annotList <- list (geneSet1 = sample (rownames (rindexMat), size = 10),
##' geneSet2 = sample (rownames (rindexMat), size = 15),
##' geneSet3 = sample (rownames (rindexMat), size = 20))
##' res <- mdGsa (rindexMat, annotList)
##' res
##' @export
mdGsa <- function (index, annot, p.adjust.method = "BY",
family = quasibinomial(),
verbose = TRUE, verbosity = 100,
fulltable = FALSE, useColnames = TRUE, ...) {
## INPUT FORMATTING ########################################################
if (is.data.frame (index)) {
index <- as.matrix (index)
if (is.matrix (index)) {
genes <- rownames (index)
rownames (index) <- NULL
if (is.null (genes)) {
stop ("no geneIds found. Check rownames in 'index'")
blocks <- names (annot)
if (is.null (blocks)) {
stop ("unnamed 'annot'")
## INTERNALS ###############################################################
##results matrix
res <- matrix (NA, nrow = length (blocks), ncol = 12+2)
rownames (res) <- blocks
colnames (res) <- c("N",
"lor.X", "lor.Y", "lor.I",
"sd.X", "sd.Y", "sd.I",
"t.X", "t.Y", "t.I",
"pval.X", "pval.Y", "pval.I",
"conv") # "error"
##store time
t0 <- proc.time ()
##set counter
counter <- 0
if (verbose) {
message ("Analyzed blocks:")
##dimension of index
index.col.N <- ncol (index)
if (index.col.N < 2) {
stop ("'index' must have at least two columns")
## ALGORITHM ###############################################################
## Design matrix:
## We use the two first columns of the matrix (as provided by the user)
## and include an interaction effect.
## Thus, computations are equivalent to glm (Y ~ index[,1] * index[,2])
X <- cbind (rep (1, times = length (genes)),
index[,1:2], index[,1] * index[,2])
## If extra columns are provided (more than two)
## they are understood as co-factors to control for in the model.
## Those co-factors are included in the design matrix.
## Hence, computations are equivalent to
## glm (Y ~ index[,1] * index[,2] + cofactor 1 + cofactor 2 ...
if (index.col.N > 2) {
X <- cbind (X, index[,3:index.col.N]) ##covariate correction
colnames (X) <- NULL
for (bl in blocks) {
B <- as.numeric (genes %in% annot[[bl]])
res.glm <- glm.fit (x = X, y = B, family = family, ...)
res.sum <- summary.glm (res.glm)
res[bl,] <- c (sum (B), res.sum$coefficients[2:4,], res.glm$converged)
if (verbose) {
counter <- counter + 1
if (counter %% verbosity == 0) {
message (counter, ", ", appendLF = FALSE)
if (counter %% (10*verbosity) == 0) {
message ("\n")
## #########################################################################
t1 <- proc.time ()
if (verbose) {
message ("time in seconds:")
print (t1-t0)
if (verbose) {
if (any (res[,"conv"] == 0)) {
tex <- "The analysis did not converge for some blocks.
You may re-run mdGsa using 'fulltable = TRUE' to find them."
message (gsub (" +", "", tex))
## p-value ADJUSTMENT #######################################################
res <- cbind (res,
'padj.X' = p.adjust (res[,"pval.X"], method = p.adjust.method),
'padj.Y' = p.adjust (res[,"pval.Y"], method = p.adjust.method),
'padj.I' = p.adjust (res[,"pval.I"], method = p.adjust.method))
##OUTPUT ###################################################################
##reorder columns
orden <- c ("N",
"lor.X", "lor.Y", "lor.I",
"pval.X", "pval.Y", "pval.I",
"padj.X", "padj.Y", "padj.I",
"sd.X", "sd.Y", "sd.I",
"t.X", "t.Y", "t.I",
res <- res[,orden]
##remove some columns
if (!fulltable) {
res <- res[,c ("N",
"lor.X", "lor.Y", "lor.I",
"pval.X", "pval.Y", "pval.I",
"padj.X", "padj.Y", "padj.I")]
##set the names
if (useColnames) {
if (!is.null (colnames (index))) {
column1 <- colnames (index)[1]
column2 <- colnames (index)[2]
colnames (res) <- sub ("X", column1, colnames (res))
colnames (res) <- sub ("Y", column2, colnames (res))
##format data.frame
res <- as.data.frame (res)
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