#' @title
#' Curve registration of time series curves
#' @description
#' Align multiple time series to the average seris
#' @param object \code{rnits} object
#' @param iterMax Maximum iterations to be performed
#' @param seed Random seed
#' @param null.frac Fraction of genes that are considered as null
#' @param anchor Sample to be considerded as base for aligning time series. If not provided, the average is used
#' @param rerun If \code{TRUE}, re-align previously aligned data
#' @param plot If \code{TRUE}, plot results
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname timeAlign-methods
#' @examples
#' # load pre-compiled expressionSet object for Ronen and Botstein yeast chemostat data
#' data(yeastchemostat)
#' rnitsobj = build.Rnits(yeastchemostat, logscale = TRUE, normmethod = 'Between')
#' # Do curve-registration on data
#' rnitsobj <- timeAlign(rnitsobj)
setGeneric("timeAlign", function(object, iterMax = 5, seed = 123, null.frac = 0.75,
anchor = NULL, rerun = FALSE, plot = FALSE) {
#' @rdname timeAlign-methods
#' @aliases timeAlign,character,ANY-method
setMethod("timeAlign", signature = "Rnits", function(object, iterMax = 5, seed = 123,
null.frac = 0.75, anchor = NULL, rerun = FALSE, plot = FALSE) {
## Check object
if (class(object) != "Rnits")
stop("Object not of Rnits class")
## Check iterMax_
if (iterMax > 10 | iterMax < 1)
iterMax = 5
## Check null.frac
if (null.frac >= 1 | null.frac <= 0)
null.frac = 0.75
if (!is.null(object@callData$time.align)) {
cat("The data is previously time-aligned. Set rerun = TRUE to rerun.\n")
if (!rerun)
## Extract normalized log-ratio data
lr0 <- exprs(object)
## Impute data, if necessary
if (sum(dim(lr0)) == 0) {
sinkfile = "/dev/null"
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
sinkfile = "NUL"
if (sum(is.na(lr0)) > 0)
lr0 <- suppressWarnings(impute.knn(lr0)$data)
samples <- unique(pData(object)$Sample)
if (!is.null(anchor)) {
if (!anchor %in% samples | length(anchor) > 1) {
cat(paste0("Sample ", anchor, " not found. Using sample ", samples[1],
" as anchor\n"))
anchor = samples[1]
} else {
anchor = samples[1]
targets <- setdiff(samples, anchor)
anchordat <- pData(object)$Sample %in% anchor
################# Iteration begins control = grep('control', data.iter@designData$Cy5) treatment
################# = grep('treatment', data.iter@designData$Cy5)
for (i in targets) {
iter = 1
theta.sample = 0
lr <- lr0
while (iter < (iterMax + 1)) {
cat(paste0("Sample: ", i), "\n")
cat("======Iteration Number ", iter, "======\n")
targetdat <- pData(object)$Sample %in% i
# Pick random selected null genes null.id <- which(getPval(data.iter) >
# quantile(getPval(data.iter), null.frac)) ## Type A
l2.norm <- rowSums((lr[, targetdat] - lr[, anchordat])^2)
null.id <- which(l2.norm < quantile(l2.norm, (1 - null.frac), na.rm = TRUE))
if (length(null.id) == 0)
stop("NULL probe error")
lrC = lr[null.id, anchordat]
# Fit Fast Fourier Transform
fftS <- t(mvfft(t(lr[null.id, targetdat])))
ArgS <- Arg(fftS)
ModS <- Mod(fftS)
# Compute theta adjustment on putative nulls
theta = seq(-pi/2, pi/2, length = 101)
mse = rep(0, 101)
for (k in 1:101) {
lrS <- Re(t(mvfft(t(ModS * exp((0 + (0 + (0 + (0 + (0+1i))))) * ArgS) *
exp((0 + (0 + (0 + (0 + (0+1i))))) * theta[k])), inverse = TRUE)/sum(anchordat)))
diff <- (lrS - lrC)
diff.sq = rowSums(diff^2)
mse[k] = mean(diff.sq)
theta.adj = theta[which.min(mse)]
theta.sample = theta.sample + theta.adj
if (plot) {
plot(theta, mse, pch = 19, cex = 0.9, main = paste0(i, ": Iter ",
iter), ylab = "MSE", xlab = "Theta (radian)")
abline(v = theta.sample, col = "red")
if (theta.adj == min(abs(theta))) {
cat("Computed Adjustment for round is ", round(abs(theta.adj)/pi *
100, 2), " % of cycle period\n")
cat(paste0("Exiting time alignment for sample ", i, " after ", iter,
" round(s)\n"))
lr0[, targetdat] <- lr[, targetdat]
object@callData$theta.adj[i] <- theta.sample
cat("Computed Adjustment for round is ", round(abs(theta.adj)/pi * 100,
2), " % of cycle period\n")
## Adjust full data set
fftS.full <- t(mvfft(t(lr[, targetdat])))
ArgS.full <- Arg(fftS.full)
ModS.full <- Mod(fftS.full)
lrS.adj <- Re(t(mvfft(t(ModS.full * exp((0 + (0 + (0 + (0 + (0+1i))))) *
ArgS.full) * exp((0 + (0 + (0 + (0 + (0+1i))))) * theta.adj)), inverse = TRUE)/sum(anchordat)))
lr[, targetdat] <- lrS.adj
## Find null genes based on L2 norm
l2.norm = rowSums((lr[, anchordat] - lrS.adj)^2)
null0 <- which(l2.norm < quantile(l2.norm, (1 - null.frac), na.rm = TRUE))
## Check if pre- and post- adjustment nulls match
overlap.null = length(intersect(null0, null.id))
cat(overlap.null, length(null0), "\n")
iter = iter + 1
if (overlap.null > 0.95 * length(null.id)) {
cat("###### Converged in ", (iter - 1), "iterations ##########\n")
cat(paste0("Total adjustment for sample is ", round(abs(theta.sample)/pi *
100, 2), " % of cycle period\n"), "\n")
iter = iterMax + 2
object@callData$theta.adj[i] <- theta.sample
lr0[, targetdat] <- lr[, targetdat]
## If max iterations reached, reset data to original data.
if (iter == iterMax + 1) {
cat("Time series alignment did not converge. No alignment done\n")
exprs(object) <- lr0
object@callData$time.align = TRUE
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