globalVariables(c("BS_AUC", "FPR", "LowerTPR", "Signatures",
"TBsignatures", "TPR", "UpperTPR", "sigAnnotData"))
#' Bootstrap the AUC and conduct T-Tests for a collection of signatures.
#' Run bootstrapping of the AUC and derive the p-value for a 2-sample t-test
#' for all signatures tested on a given dataset.
#' @param SE_scored a \code{SummarizedExperiment} object with genes as the
#' row features and signature scores in the \code{colData}. There should also
#' be a column of annotation data. Required.
#' @param annotationColName a character string giving the column name in
#' \code{colData} that contains the annotation data. Required.
#' @param signatureColNames a vector of column names in the
#' \code{colData} that contain the signature score data. Required.
#' @param num.boot integer. The number of times to bootstrap the data. The
#' default is \code{100}.
#' @param logical for whether to show a progress bar while running code.
#' The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A list of length 5 returning a vector of p-values for a 2-sample
#' t-test, bootstrapped AUC values, an AUC value for using all scored values
#' for all signatures specified in \code{signatureColNames},
#' and values for the lower and upper bounds of a bootstrapped AUC confidence
#' interval using \code{pROC::roc()}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Run signature profiling
#' choose_sigs <- list("madeupsig" = c("FCRL3", "OAS2", "IFITM3"))
#' prof_indian <- runTBsigProfiler(TB_indian, useAssay = "logcounts",
#' algorithm = "ssGSEA",
#' combineSigAndAlgorithm = TRUE,
#' signatures = choose_sigs,
#' = 1)
#' # Bootstrapping
#' booted <- bootstrapAUC(SE_scored = prof_indian, annotationColName = "label",
#' signatureColNames = names(choose_sigs), num.boot = 2)
#' booted
bootstrapAUC <- function(SE_scored, annotationColName, signatureColNames,
num.boot = 100, = TRUE) {
annotationData <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(SE_scored)[annotationColName][, 1]
if (!is.factor(annotationData)) annotationData <- as.factor(annotationData)
# Create progress bar
total <- length(signatureColNames)
counter <- 0
if ( pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
# Initialize containers
pvals <- aucs <- pROC_lower <- pROC_upper <- numeric(total)
aucs_boot <- matrix(nrow = num.boot,
ncol = total,
dimnames = list(seq(num.boot),
for (i in signatureColNames) {
which.sig <- which(signatureColNames == i)
score <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(SE_scored)[i][, 1]
# Conduct a 2-sample t-test on the scores and their
# corresponding Tuberculosis group status
pvals[which.sig] <- stats::t.test(score ~ annotationData)$p.value
# Obtain AUC based on entire dataset
auc <- ROCit::rocit(score, annotationData)$AUC
aucs[which.sig] <- max(auc, 1 - auc)
# Proceed with bootstrapping
for (j in seq_len(num.boot)) {
index <- sample(seq_along(score), replace = TRUE)
tmp_score <- score[index]
tmp_annotationData <- annotationData[index]
if (length(unique(tmp_annotationData)) == 2) {
pred <- ROCit::rocit(tmp_score, tmp_annotationData)
} else {
# If there's only one value to be predicted, resample
index <- sample(seq_along(score), replace = TRUE)
tmp_score <- score[index]
tmp_annotationData <- annotationData[index]
pred <- ROCit::rocit(tmp_score, tmp_annotationData)
tmp_auc <- max(pred$AUC, 1 - pred$AUC)
aucs_boot[j, which.sig] <- tmp_auc
# pROC
roc1 <- suppressMessages(pROC::roc(predictor = score,
response = annotationData))
conf <- pROC::ci.auc(roc1, method = "delong", progress = "none")
pROC_lower[which.sig] <- round(conf[1], 4)
pROC_upper[which.sig] <- round(conf[3], 4)
# Update the progress bar
counter <- counter + 1
if ( utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, counter)
if ( close(pb)
return(list("P-values" = pvals, "Boot AUC Values" = aucs_boot,
"Non-Boot AUC Values" = aucs,
"pROC Lower" = pROC_lower, "pROC Upper" = pROC_upper))
#' Create a table of results for t-tests and bootstrapped AUCs for multiple scored signatures.
#' This function collects the results of bootstrapping and t-tests for a scored
#' gene expression dataset and presents them using a JavaScript table with an
#' R interface, or as a \code{data.frame}.
#' @inheritParams bootstrapAUC
#' @param output a character string indicating the table output format. Possible
#' values are \code{DataTable} and \code{data.frame}. The default is
#' \code{DataTable}.
#' @export
#' @return A JavaScript table with an R interface using the \code{DT} package.
#' @examples
#' # Run signature profiling
#' choose_sigs <- TBsignatures[c(1, 2)]
#' prof_indian <- runTBsigProfiler(TB_indian, useAssay = "logcounts",
#' algorithm = "ssGSEA",
#' signatures = choose_sigs,
#' = 1,
#' update_genes = FALSE)
#' # Create table
#' tableAUC(SE_scored = prof_indian, annotationColName = "label",
#' signatureColNames = names(choose_sigs))
#' # Create data.frame object
#' h <- tableAUC(SE_scored = prof_indian, annotationColName = "label",
#' signatureColNames = names(choose_sigs),
#' output = "data.frame",
#' num.boot = 5)
#' head(h)
tableAUC <- function(SE_scored, annotationColName, signatureColNames,
num.boot = 100, = TRUE, output = "DataTable") {
BS.Results <- bootstrapAUC(SE_scored, annotationColName, signatureColNames,
pvals <- BS.Results[["P-values"]]
aucs_boot <- BS.Results[["Boot AUC Values"]]
aucs <- BS.Results[["Non-Boot AUC Values"]]
lowerAUC <- round(apply(aucs_boot, 2, stats::quantile,
probs = .025), 4)
upperAUC <- round(apply(aucs_boot, 2, stats::quantile,
probs = .975), 4)
return_table <- data.frame("Signature" = signatureColNames,
"P.value" = round(pvals, 4),
"neg10xLog(P.value)" =
round(-10 * log(pvals), 4),
"LowerAUC" = lowerAUC,
"AUC" = round(aucs, 4),
"UpperAUC" = upperAUC)
return_table$Signature <- paste(return_table$Signature)
rownames(return_table) <- c(seq(1, nrow(return_table)))
# Create interactive table
if (output == "DataTable") {
return(DT::datatable(return_table[order(aucs, decreasing = TRUE), ],
options = list(scrollX = TRUE, pageLength = 10),
rownames = FALSE))
} else if (output == "data.frame") {
#' Create a comparison plot of boxplots for bootstrapped AUC values.
#' Present the results of AUC bootstrapping for a collection of scored
#' signatures via boxplots.
#' @inheritParams bootstrapAUC
#' @param num.boot an integer indicating the number of times to bootstrap the
#' data.
#' @param name a character string giving the overall title for the plot.
#' The default is \code{"Boxplot Comparison of Signature AUCs"}.
#' @param logical for whether to show a progress bar while running code.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param abline.col the color to be used for the dotted line at AUC = 0.5
#' (the chance line). The default is \code{"red"}.
#' @param fill.col the color to be used to fill the boxplots.
#' The default is \code{"white"}.
#' @param outline.col the color to be used for the boxplot outlines.
#' The default is \code{"black"}.
#' @param rotateLabels If \code{TRUE}, rotate labels. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param violinPlot logical. Setting \code{violinPlot = TRUE} creates violin
#' plots in place of boxplots. The mean and +/- 1 standard deviation are added
#' to the violin plot interior for each signature.
#' The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
#' @return A plot with side-by-side boxplots of bootstrapped AUC values for
#' each specified signature.
#' @examples
#' # Run signature profiling
#' choose_sigs <- TBsignatures[c("Zak_RISK_16", "Zhao_NANO_6")]
#' prof_indian <- runTBsigProfiler(TB_indian[seq_len(25), ],
#' useAssay = "logcounts",
#' algorithm = "ssGSEA",
#' signatures = choose_sigs,
#' = 1)
#' # Create boxplots
#' compareBoxplots(prof_indian, annotationColName = "label",
#' signatureColNames = names(choose_sigs), rotateLabels = TRUE)
compareBoxplots <- function(SE_scored, annotationColName, signatureColNames,
num.boot = 100,
name = "Boxplot Comparison of Signature AUCs", = TRUE, abline.col = "red",
fill.col = "gray79", outline.col = "black",
rotateLabels = FALSE, violinPlot = FALSE) {
# Obtain AUCs
BS.Results <- bootstrapAUC(SE_scored, annotationColName, signatureColNames,
aucs_boot <- data.frame(BS.Results[["Boot AUC Values"]])
colnames(aucs_boot) <- signatureColNames
aucs <- apply(aucs_boot, 2, stats::median)
# Create boxplots with ggplot2
melted_data <- reshape2::melt(aucs_boot, measure.vars = signatureColNames, = "Signatures", = "BS_AUC")
melted_data$Signatures <- gdata::reorder.factor(
x = melted_data$Signatures,
new.order = names(sort(aucs)))
melted_data <- melted_data[order(melted_data$Signatures), ]
the_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = melted_data, ggplot2::aes(Signatures,
if (violinPlot) {
the_plot <- the_plot +
ggplot2::geom_violin(fill = fill.col, col = outline.col) +
ggplot2::stat_summary( = function(x) {
m <- mean(x)
ymin <- m - stats::sd(x)
ymax <- m + stats::sd(x)
return(c(y = m, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax))
}, geom = "pointrange", color = outline.col)
} else {
the_plot <- the_plot +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(fill = fill.col, col = outline.col)
the_plot <- the_plot +
ggplot2::geom_abline(ggplot2::aes(intercept = 0.5, slope = 0,
col = abline.col), linewidth = 1,
linetype = "dashed", show.legend = FALSE) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(
margin = ggplot2::margin(r = 10))) +
ggplot2::ggtitle(label = name) +
ggplot2::ylab(label = "Bootstrapped AUCs")
if (rotateLabels) the_plot <- the_plot +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90,
hjust = 1))
#' Create an array of ROC plots to compare signatures.
#' @inheritParams signatureBoxplot
#' @param choose_colors a \code{vector} of length 2 defining the colors to be used
#' in the ROC plots. The default is \code{c("cornflowerblue", "gray24")}.
#' @param signatureColNames a \code{vector} of the column names of \code{inputData}
#' that contain the signature data. If \code{inputData} is a
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment} object, these are the column names of the
#' object \code{colData}.
#' @return An array of ROC plots.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Run signature profiling
#' choose_sigs <- subset(TBsignatures,
#' !(names(TBsignatures) %in% c("Lee_4", "Roe_OD_4")))[c(1,2)]
#' prof_indian <- runTBsigProfiler(TB_indian, useAssay = "logcounts",
#' algorithm = "ssGSEA",
#' signatures = choose_sigs,
#' = 1)
#' # Create ROC plots
#' signatureROCplot(prof_indian, signatureColNames = names(choose_sigs),
#' annotationColName = "label")
signatureROCplot <- function(inputData, annotationData,
annotationColName, scale = FALSE,
choose_colors = c("cornflowerblue", "gray24"),
name = "Signatures", nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL) {
if (methods::is(inputData, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
if (any(duplicated(signatureColNames))) {
signatureColNames <- unique(signatureColNames)
if (!all(signatureColNames %in% colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(
inputData)))) {
stop("Signature column name not found in inputData.")
if (!all(annotationColName %in% colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(
inputData)))) {
stop("Annotation column name not found in inputData.")
annotationData <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(
inputData)[, annotationColName, drop = FALSE])
inputData <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(
inputData)[, signatureColNames, drop = FALSE])
} else {
if (ncol(annotationData) != 1) {
stop("annotationData must have only one column.")
annotationColName <- colnames(annotationData)
if (length(annotationColName) != 1) {
stop("You must specify a single annotation column name with which
to create plots.")
if (!is.factor(annotationData[, 1])) {
annotationData[, 1] <- as.factor(annotationData[, 1])
# The number of rows of annotation data should equal the
# number of rows of the input data.
if (nrow(annotationData) == nrow(inputData)) {
if (!all(rownames(annotationData) == rownames(inputData))) {
stop("Annotation data and signature data does not match.")
} else if (nrow(annotationData) == ncol(inputData)) {
if (!all(rownames(annotationData) == colnames(inputData))) {
stop("Annotation data and signature data does not match.")
inputData <- t(inputData)
} else {
stop("Annotation data and signature data does not match.")
# Begin plot creation
pathwaydata <- t(inputData)
if (scale) {
pathwaydata <- t(scale(t(pathwaydata)))
inputdf <- data.frame(t(pathwaydata),
Group = annotationData[, 1])
# If there are multiple annotationColNames, we will produce
# an array of AUC plots as output.
plot_dat <- NULL
for (k in signatureColNames) {
pred <- ROCit::rocit(inputdf[, k], inputdf$Group)
plot_n <-"FPR" = round(pred$FPR, 4),
"TPR" = round(pred$TPR, 4), Signature = k))
plot_dat <- rbind(plot_dat, plot_n)
plot_dat$Signature <- paste(plot_dat$Signature)
plot_dat$FPR <- as.numeric(paste(plot_dat$FPR))
plot_dat$TPR <- as.numeric(paste(plot_dat$TPR))
theplot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = plot_dat, ggplot2::aes(x = FPR, y = TPR)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = FPR, y = TPR, col = paste(
"Empirical ROC curve")), linewidth = 1) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Signature, scales = "free",
nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(ggplot2::aes(intercept = 0, slope = 1,
col = choose_colors[2]), linewidth = 1,
linetype = "dashed", show.legend = FALSE) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "1-Specificity (FPR)", y = "Sensitivity (TPR)",
title = name) +
labels = c("Empirical ROC curve", "Chance line"),
values = c(choose_colors[1], choose_colors[2])) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#' Create an array of ROC plots with confidence interval bands to compare signatures.
#' @inheritParams signatureROCplot
#' @param choose_colors a vector of length 3 defining the colors to be used
#' in the ROC plots. The default is \code{c("cornflowerblue",
#' "gray50", "gray79")}.
#' @param signatureColNames a \code{vector} of the column names of \code{inputData}
#' that contain the signature data. If \code{inputData} is a
#' \code{SummarizedExperiment} object, these are the column names of the
#' object \code{colData}.
#' @param name a character string giving the title of the ROC plot. If
#' \code{NULL}, the plot title will be
#' \code{"ROC Plots for Gene Signatures, <ci.lev>\% Confidence"}.
#' The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param ci.lev a number between 0 and 1 giving the desired level of
#' confidence for computing ROC curve estimations.
#' @param logical for whether to show a progress bar while running code.
#' The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return An array of ROC plots.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Run signature profiling
#' choose_sigs <- TBsignatures[c(1, 2)]
#' prof_indian <- runTBsigProfiler(TB_indian, useAssay = "logcounts",
#' algorithm = "Zscore",
#' signatures = choose_sigs,
#' = 1)
#' # Create ROC plots with confidence intervals
#' signatureROCplot_CI(prof_indian, signatureColNames = names(choose_sigs),
#' annotationColName = "label")
signatureROCplot_CI <- function(inputData, annotationData, signatureColNames,
annotationColName, scale = FALSE,
choose_colors = c("cornflowerblue",
"gray50", "gray79"),
name = NULL, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL,
ci.lev = 0.95, = TRUE) {
if (methods::is(inputData, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
if (any(duplicated(signatureColNames))) {
signatureColNames <- unique(signatureColNames)
if (!all(signatureColNames %in% colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(
inputData)))) {
stop("Signature column name not found in inputData.")
if (!all(annotationColName %in% colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(
inputData)))) {
stop("Annotation column name not found in inputData.")
annotationData <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(
inputData)[, annotationColName, drop = FALSE])
inputData <- data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(
inputData)[, signatureColNames, drop = FALSE])
} else {
if (ncol(annotationData) != 1) {
stop("annotationData must have only one column.")
annotationColName <- colnames(annotationData)
if (length(annotationColName) != 1) {
stop("You must specify a single annotation column name with which
to create plots.")
if (!is.factor(annotationData[, 1])) {
annotationData[, 1] <- as.factor(annotationData[, 1])
# The number of rows of annotation data should equal the
# number of rows of the input data.
if (nrow(annotationData) == nrow(inputData)) {
if (!all(rownames(annotationData) == rownames(inputData))) {
stop("Annotation data and signature data does not match.")
} else if (nrow(annotationData) == ncol(inputData)) {
if (!all(rownames(annotationData) == colnames(inputData))) {
stop("Annotation data and signature data does not match.")
inputData <- t(inputData)
} else {
stop("Annotation data and signature data does not match.")
# Begin plot creation
pathwaydata <- t(inputData)
if (scale) {
pathwaydata <- t(scale(t(pathwaydata)))
inputdf <- data.frame(t(pathwaydata),
Group = annotationData[, 1])
# If there are multiple annotationColNames, we will produce
# an array of AUC plots as output.
plot_dat <- NULL
# Create progress bar
total <- length(signatureColNames)
counter <- 0
if ( pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
for (k in signatureColNames) {
pred <- ROCit::rocit(inputdf[, k], inputdf$Group)
this.conf <- suppressWarnings(ROCit::ciROC(pred, level = ci.lev))
if (any(is.nan(this.conf$UpperTPR))) {
this.conf$UpperTPR[which(is.nan(this.conf$UpperTPR))] <- 1
plot_n <-"FPR" = round(this.conf$FPR, 4),
"TPR" = round(this.conf$TPR, 4),
"LowerTPR" = round(this.conf$LowerTPR, 4),
"UpperTPR" = round(this.conf$UpperTPR, 4),
"Signature" = k))
plot_dat <- rbind(plot_dat, plot_n)
# Update the progress bar
counter <- counter + 1
if ( utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, counter)
plot_dat <-, 2, paste))
plot_dat[, seq(1, 4)] <-[, seq(1, 4)], 2, as.numeric))
if (is.null(name)) name <- paste("ROC Plots for Gene Signatures, ",
ci.lev * 100,
"% Confidence", sep = "")
if ( close(pb)
theplot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = plot_dat, ggplot2::aes(x = FPR, y = TPR)) +
ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin = LowerTPR, ymax = UpperTPR,
fill = "Confidence Interval"),
show.legend = FALSE) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = FPR, y = TPR, col =
"Empirical ROC curve"), linewidth = 1) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Signature, scales = "free",
nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(ggplot2::aes(intercept = 0, slope = 1,
col = choose_colors[2]), linewidth = 1,
linetype = "dashed", show.legend = FALSE) +
labels = c("Empirical ROC curve", "Chance line"),
values = c(choose_colors[1], choose_colors[2])) +
labels = c("Confidence Interval"),
values = c(choose_colors[3])) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "1-Specificity (FPR)", y = "Sensitivity (TPR)",
title = name) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#' Add SummarizedExperiment assays to the data structure.
#' Given a \code{SummarizedExperiment} input with a counts or CPM assay, this
#' function creates additional assays for by computing the CPM, log, or both
#' of the input assay to be used in further analysis.
#' @param SE_obj a \code{SummarizedExperiment} object containing count or CPM
#' data. Required.
#' @param input_name a character string specifying the name of the assay to
#' be referenced for creating additional assays. Default is \code{"counts"}.
#' @param output_name a character string to use in place of the \code{input_name}.
#' If \code{NULL}, then \code{input_name} will be substituted.
#' Default is \code{NULL}. See Return details for how names are altered.
#' @param log logical. Indicate whether an assay returned should be the log
#' of whichever assay is specified in \code{"output_name"}. If
#' \code{counts_to_CPM = TRUE} as well, then a log CPM assay will also
#' be created. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param counts_to_CPM logical. This argument only applies if the
#' \code{input_type} is a counts assay. If \code{TRUE}, then the output assays
#' will include a normalized CPM assay. If \code{log = TRUE} as well,
#' then a log CPM assay will also be created. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param prior_counts a small integer specifying the average count to be added to
#' each observation to avoid taking the log of zero. Used only if
#' \code{log = TRUE}. The default is \code{3}.
#' @return This function returns a \code{SummarizedExperiment} object with up
#' to 3 additional assay types attached to the original inputted object.
#' \item{\code{output_name}_cpm}{Counts per million}
#' \item{log_\code{output_name}_cpm}{Log counts per million}
#' \item{log_\code{output_name}}{Log of original input assay.}
#' @author Aubrey Odom-Mabey
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a log assay of the original assay input
#' # TB_hiv dataset already has counts data
#' log_only <- mkAssay(TB_hiv, log = TRUE, counts_to_CPM = FALSE)
#' log_only
#' # Create a CPM assay
#' CPM_only <- mkAssay(TB_hiv)
#' CPM_only
#' # Create a logCPM, logcounts, and CPM assay
#' all_assays <- mkAssay(TB_hiv, log = TRUE)
#' all_assays
mkAssay <- function(SE_obj, input_name = "counts", output_name = NULL,
log = FALSE, counts_to_CPM = TRUE,
prior_counts = 3) {
if (!(log || counts_to_CPM)) {
stop("At least counts_to_CPM or log must be TRUE.")
} else if (!(input_name %in% names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(SE_obj)))) {
stop("input_name must be an assay in the SE_obj")
# Identify the main assay to be referenced
assay_main <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(SE_obj, input_name)
if (is.null(output_name)) output_name <- input_name
if (log) { # if no CPM, but yes log
SE_obj, paste("log", output_name, sep = "_")) <- log(assay_main + prior_counts)
if (counts_to_CPM) {
data.norm <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = assay_main)
dge_data.norm <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(data.norm)
CPM_data.norm <- edgeR::cpm(dge_data.norm, log = FALSE)
SE_obj, paste(output_name, "cpm", sep = "_")) <- CPM_data.norm
if (log) { # if log and counts_to_CPM
# log of CPM
logCPM_data.norm <- edgeR::cpm(
dge_data.norm, log = TRUE, prior.counts = prior_counts)
SE_obj, paste("log", output_name, "cpm", sep = "_")) <- logCPM_data.norm
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