#' Determine if data is label free or TMT
#' @noRd
.check.dataProcess.plotting.data <- function(data, type, ylimUp, ylimDown,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
text.size, text.angle, legend.size,
dot.size.profile, ncol.guide,
width, height, ptm.title,
protein.title, which.Protein,
originalPlot, summaryPlot, address
) {
## Check input columns
assertChoice(type, c("PROFILEPLOT", "QCPLOT"), .var.name = "Type")
if (!is.logical(ylimUp)){assertNumeric(ylimUp, .var.name = "ylimUp")}
if (!is.logical(ylimDown)){assertNumeric(ylimDown, .var.name = "ylimDown")}
assertNumeric(x.axis.size, .var.name = ("x.axis.size"))
assertNumeric(y.axis.size, .var.name = ("y.axis.size"))
assertNumeric(dot.size.profile, .var.name = ("dot.size.profile"))
assertNumeric(text.size, .var.name = ("text.size"))
assertNumeric(text.angle, .var.name = ("text.angle"))
assertNumeric(legend.size, .var.name = ("legend.size"))
assertNumeric(ncol.guide, .var.name = ("ncol.guide"))
assertNumeric(width, .var.name = ("width"))
assertNumeric(height, .var.name = ("height"))
assertCharacter(ptm.title, .var.name = ("ptm.title"))
assertCharacter(protein.title, .var.name = ("protein.title"))
assertLogical(originalPlot, .var.name = c("originalPlot"))
assertLogical(summaryPlot, .var.name = c("summaryPlot"))
## Test if input is labelfree or tmt
data.ptm <- data[['PTM']]$FeatureLevelData
if ('Mixture' %in% colnames(data.ptm)){
label <- "TMT"
else {
label <- "LabelFree"
#' Extract global protein from combined protein and site column
#' @noRd
.extractProteinPlot <- function(ptm_model, protein_model){
## All proteins
available_proteins <- unique(as.character(protein_model$PROTEINNAME))
available_proteins <- available_proteins[order(nchar(available_proteins),
decreasing = TRUE)]
available_ptms <- unique(as.character(ptm_model$PROTEINNAME))
## Call Rcpp function
ptm_proteins <- extract_protein_name(available_ptms,
global_protein_lookup <- data.table(PROTEINNAME = available_ptms,
GLOBALPROTEIN = ptm_proteins)
#' Prepare data into format needed for plotting
#' @noRd
.format.data.process.plots <- function(data, label) {
data.ptm <- data[['PTM']]
data.protein <- data[['PROTEIN']]
datafeature.ptm <- data.ptm$FeatureLevelData
datafeature.ptm <- as.data.table(datafeature.ptm)
datarun.ptm <- data.ptm$ProteinLevelData
datarun.ptm <- as.data.table(datarun.ptm)
data.list <- list(datafeature.ptm, datarun.ptm)
if (!is.null(data.protein)) {
datafeature.protein <- data.protein$FeatureLevelData
datafeature.protein <- as.data.table(datafeature.protein)
datarun.protein <- data.protein$ProteinLevelData
datarun.protein <- as.data.table(datarun.protein)
data.list <- list(datafeature.protein, datafeature.ptm,
datarun.protein, datarun.ptm)
## Adjust colnames to avoid repeating code
for (i in seq_along(data.list)) {
colnames(data.list[[i]]) <- toupper(colnames(data.list[[i]]))
if ('INTENSITY' %in% colnames(data.list[[i]])){
data.list[[i]]$ABUNDANCE <- log2(data.list[[i]]$INTENSITY)
setnames(data.list[[i]], c('LOGINTENSITIES', 'GROUP', 'PROTEIN',
'Protein', 'LOG2INTENSITY'),
skip_absent = TRUE)
data.list[[i]][!is.na(data.list[[i]]$ABUNDANCE) &
data.list[[i]]$ABUNDANCE < 1, 'ABUNDANCE'] <- 0
data.list[[i]] <- data.list[[i]][ABUNDANCE > 0, ]
## Run Rcpp code to match proteins
if (!is.null(data.protein)) {
protein_lookup <- .extractProteinPlot(data.list[[2]], data.list[[1]])
## Add extracted protein name into model
data.list[[2]] <- merge(data.list[[2]], protein_lookup,
all.x = TRUE, by = 'PROTEINNAME')
data.list[[4]] <- merge(data.list[[4]], protein_lookup,
all.x = TRUE, by = 'PROTEINNAME')
# conditions in feature data
fea.conds.protein <- as.character(unique(data.list[[1]]$CONDITION))
fea.conds.ptm <- as.character(unique(data.list[[2]]$CONDITION))
# conditions in protein data
run.conds.protein <- as.character(unique(data.list[[3]]$CONDITION))
run.conds.ptm <- as.character(unique(data.list[[4]]$CONDITION))
# only keep the overlapped conditions between feature and run data
shared.conds <- Reduce(intersect, list(fea.conds.protein, fea.conds.ptm,
run.conds.protein, run.conds.ptm))
for (i in seq_along(data.list)) {
data.list[[i]]$PROTEINNAME <- factor(data.list[[i]]$PROTEINNAME)
data.list[[i]]$RUN <- factor(data.list[[i]]$RUN)
data.list[[i]]$CONDITION <- factor(data.list[[i]]$CONDITION)
data.list[[i]] <- data.list[[i]][data.list[[i]]$CONDITION %in% shared.conds
} else {
fea.conds.ptm <- as.character(unique(data.list[[1]]$CONDITION))
run.conds.ptm <- as.character(unique(data.list[[2]]$CONDITION))
# only keep the overlapped conditions between feature and run data
shared.conds <- Reduce(intersect, list(fea.conds.ptm, run.conds.ptm))
for (i in seq_along(data.list)) {
data.list[[i]]$PROTEINNAME <- factor(data.list[[i]]$PROTEINNAME)
data.list[[i]]$RUN <- factor(data.list[[i]]$RUN)
data.list[[i]]$CONDITION <- factor(data.list[[i]]$CONDITION)
data.list[[i]] <- data.list[[i]][data.list[[i]]$CONDITION %in% shared.conds
#' Format TMT data for profile plot and qcplot
#' @noRd
.preplot.format.tmt <- function(datafeature, datarun, y.limup, type){
RUN = CONDITION = CHANNEL = groupAxis = .N = cumGroupAxis = NULL
datafeature <- datafeature[with(datafeature, order(RUN, CONDITION, CHANNEL)),]
datafeature$CONDITION <- factor(datafeature$CONDITION)
datarun$CONDITION <- factor(datarun$CONDITION)
datafeature$RUN <- factor(datafeature$RUN)
datarun$RUN <- factor(datarun$RUN)
## !! important: order of x-axis
## can be reorder by group and then channel, WITHIN Run
## first make new column for x-axis
datafeature$group.channel <- paste(datafeature$CONDITION, datafeature$CHANNEL,
sep = "_")
## not sure better way for coding
## potentially change it.
datafeature$xorder <- factor()
for (k in seq_along(unique(datafeature$RUN))) {
runid <- as.character(unique(datafeature$RUN)[k])
datafeature[datafeature$RUN == runid, ]$xorder <- factor(
datafeature[datafeature$RUN == runid, ]$group.channel,
levels <- unique(datafeature[datafeature$RUN == runid, ]$group.channel),
labels <- seq(1, length(unique(datafeature[datafeature$RUN == runid,
## need to make data.frame with same variables for condition name
datafeature$xorder <- as.numeric(datafeature$xorder)
## keep unique information for x-axis labeling. will be used in plotting
tempGroupName <- unique(datafeature[, c("CONDITION", "xorder", "RUN",
groupline <- copy(tempGroupName)
groupline[, groupAxis := .N, by=list(CONDITION, RUN)]
groupline[, c("xorder", "CHANNEL") := NULL][]
groupline <- groupline[!duplicated(groupline), ]
groupline[, cumGroupAxis := cumsum(groupAxis), by = list(RUN)]
groupline$cumGroupAxis <- groupline$cumGroupAxis + 0.5
## add coordinate for group id
groupline$xorder <- groupline$cumGroupAxis - groupline$groupAxis / 2
groupline$abundance <- y.limup - 0.5
groupline.all <- groupline
## remove last condition for vertical line between groups
groupline <- groupline[-which(groupline$CONDITION %in% levels(
groupline$CONDITION)[nlevels(groupline$CONDITION)]), ]
## need to fill in incomplete rows for Runlevel data
if (type == 'PROFILEPLOT'){
haverun <- FALSE
if (sum(is.element(colnames(datarun), "RUN")) != 0) {
datamat <- dcast(PROTEINNAME + CHANNEL ~ RUN, data = datarun,
value.var = 'ABUNDANCE', keep = TRUE)
datarun <- melt(datamat, id.vars=c('PROTEINNAME', 'CHANNEL'))
colnames(datarun)[colnames(datarun) %in% c("variable", "value")
] <- c('RUN', 'ABUNDANCE')
## match x axis order
datarun <- merge(datarun, tempGroupName, by = c('RUN', 'CHANNEL'))
haverun <- TRUE
return(list(datafeature, datarun, groupline, groupline.all))
#' Plot standard profile plot for TMT
#' @noRd
.plot.profile.tmt <- function(data.list, protein, y.limup, y.limdown,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle,
legend.size, dot.size.profile, ncol.guide){
cumGroupAxis = xorder = abundance = CONDITION = NULL
datafeature <- data.list[[1]]
datarun <- data.list[[2]]
groupline <- data.list[[3]]
groupline.all <- data.list[[4]]
sub <- datafeature[datafeature$PROTEINNAME == protein, ]
sub$PEPTIDESEQUENCE <- factor(as.character(sub$PEPTIDESEQUENCE))
sub$CHARGE <- factor(as.character(sub$CHARGE))
sub$PSM <- factor(as.character(sub$PSM))
# if all measurements are NA,
if (nrow(sub) == sum(is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE))|
nrow(sub) == sum(!is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE) & sub$ABUNDANCE == 0)) {
message(paste0("Can't the Profile plot for ", protein,
" because all measurements are NAs or zero."))
## seq for peptide and charge
## for seting up color and linetype
b <- unique(sub[, c("PEPTIDESEQUENCE", "PSM")])
## add because if there are missing value, orders are different.
b <- b[with(b, order(PEPTIDESEQUENCE, PSM)), ]
temp1 <- xtabs(~PEPTIDESEQUENCE, b)
## unique charge id within peptide sequence, for line type
ss <- NULL
## unique peptide sequence id, for color
s <- NULL
for (j in seq_along(temp1)) {
temp3 <- rep(j, temp1[j])
s <- c(s, temp3)
temp2 <- seq(1, temp1[j])
ss <- c(ss, temp2)
## for annotation of condition
groupline.tmp <- data.table(groupline, "PSM" = unique(sub$PSM)[1],
groupline.all.tmp <- data.table(groupline.all, "PSM" = unique(sub$PSM)[1],
## 2019. 12. 17, MC : for profile plot, define color for dot
cbp <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2",
"#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
check.length <- length(unique(s)) %/% length(cbp)
if ( check.length > 0 ){
cbp <- rep(cbp, times=check.length + 1)
} else {
cbp <- cbp
yaxis.name <- 'Log2-intensities'
## 1st plot for Protein plot
protein_temp <- ggplot(aes_string(x = 'xorder', y = 'ABUNDANCE',
color = 'PSM', linetype = 'PSM'),
data = sub) +
facet_grid(~RUN) +
geom_point(size=dot.size.profile, na.rm=TRUE) +
geom_line(size = 0.5, na.rm=TRUE) +
scale_colour_manual(values=cbp[s]) +
scale_linetype_manual(values = ss) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(16)) +
labs(title = unique(sub$PROTEINNAME),
x = 'MS runs') +
scale_y_continuous(yaxis.name, limits = c(y.limdown, y.limup)) +
scale_x_continuous('MS runs') +
geom_vline(data = groupline.tmp,
aes(xintercept = cumGroupAxis),
colour = "grey", linetype = "longdash") +
geom_text(data = groupline.all.tmp,
aes(x = xorder, y = abundance, label = CONDITION),
size = text.size,
angle = text.angle, hjust = .9,
color = "black") +
theme_msstats(type = "PROFILEPLOT",x.axis.size, y.axis.size, legend.size,
text_angle = text.angle) +
guides(color = guide_legend(title = paste("# peptide:", nlevels(
title.theme = element_text(size = 13, angle = 0),
keywidth = 0.4,
keyheight = 0.1,
default.unit = 'inch',
ncol = ncol.guide),
linetype = guide_legend(
title = paste("# peptide:",
title.theme = element_text(size = 13, angle = 0),
keywidth = 0.4,
keyheight = 0.1,
default.unit = 'inch',
ncol = ncol.guide))
#' Plot summarized profile plot for TMT
#' @noRd
.plot.profile.summary.tmt <- function(data.list, protein, y.limup, y.limdown,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.size,
text.angle, legend.size, dot.size.profile,
cumGroupAxis = xorder = abundance = CONDITION = ABUNDANCE = analysis = NULL
datafeature <- data.list[[1]]
datarun <- data.list[[2]]
groupline <- data.list[[3]]
groupline.all <- data.list[[4]]
sub <- datafeature[datafeature$PROTEINNAME == protein, ]
sub$PEPTIDESEQUENCE <- factor(as.character(sub$PEPTIDESEQUENCE))
sub$CHARGE <- factor(as.character(sub$CHARGE))
sub$PSM <- factor(as.character(sub$PSM))
# if all measurements are NA,
if (nrow(sub) == sum(is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE))|
nrow(sub) == sum(!is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE) & sub$ABUNDANCE == 0)) {
message(paste0("Can't the Profile plot for ", protein,
" because all measurements are NAs or zero."))
## for annotation of condition
groupline.tmp <- data.table(groupline, "PSM" = unique(sub$PSM)[1],
groupline.all.tmp <- data.table(groupline.all, "PSM" = unique(sub$PSM)[1],
subrun <- datarun[datarun$PROTEINNAME == protein, ]
if (nrow(subrun) != 0) {
quantrun <- sub[1, ]
quantrun <- quantrun[rep(seq_len(nrow(subrun))), ]
quantrun$group.channel <- NA
quantrun$INTENSITY <- NA
quantrun$CONDITION <- NA
quantrun$MIXTURE <- NA
quantrun$PEPTIDESEQUENCE <- "Run summary"
quantrun$CHARGE <- "Run summary"
quantrun$PSM <- "Run summary"
quantrun$CHANNEL <- subrun$CHANNEL
quantrun$RUN <- subrun$RUN
quantrun$ABUNDANCE <- subrun$ABUNDANCE
quantrun$xorder <- subrun$xorder
} else {
## if there is only one Run measured across all runs
## no Run information for linear with censored
quantrun <- datafeature[1, ]
quantrun[, 2:ncol(quantrun)] <- NA
quantrun$PROTEINNAME <- levels(datafeature$PROTEINNAME)[1]
quantrun$PEPTIDESEQUENCE <- "Run summary"
quantrun$CHARGE <- "Run summary"
quantrun$PSM <- "Run summary"
quantrun$ABUNDANCE <- NA
quantrun$INTENSITY <- NA
quantrun$analysis <- "Run summary"
sub$analysis <- "Processed feature-level data"
final <- rbindlist(list(sub, quantrun), fill=TRUE)
final$analysis <- factor(final$analysis)
final$PSM <- factor(final$PSM)
yaxis.name <- 'Log2-intensities'
## Draw summarized ptm plot
ptempall <- ggplot(aes_string(x = 'xorder', y = 'ABUNDANCE',
color = 'analysis', linetype = 'PSM',
size = 'analysis'), data = final) +
facet_grid(~RUN) +
geom_point(size = dot.size.profile, na.rm=TRUE) +
geom_line(size = 0.5, na.rm=TRUE) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("lightgray", "darkred")) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(16)) +
scale_size_manual(values = c(1.7, 2), guide = "none") +
scale_linetype_manual(values = c(rep(1, times = length(
unique(final$PSM))-1), 2), guide = "none") +
labs(title = unique(sub$PROTEINNAME),
x = 'MS runs') +
scale_y_continuous(yaxis.name, limits = c(y.limdown, y.limup)) +
geom_vline(data = groupline.tmp,
aes(xintercept = cumGroupAxis),
colour = "grey", linetype = "longdash") +
geom_text(data = groupline.all.tmp,
aes(x = xorder, y = abundance, label = CONDITION),
size = text.size,
angle = text.angle, hjust = .9,
color = "black") +
theme_msstats(type = "PROFILEPLOT",x.axis.size, y.axis.size, legend.size,
text_angle = text.angle) +
guides(color = guide_legend(order = 1,
title = NULL,
label.theme = element_text(
size = 10, angle = 0)))
## draw point again because some red summary dots could be hiden
ptempall <- ptempall + geom_point(data = final, aes(
x = xorder, y = ABUNDANCE, size = analysis, color = analysis)
#' Wrapper function for TMT profile plot
#' @noRd
.profile.tmt <- function(data.table.list, type, ylimUp, ylimDown,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size,text.size,text.angle,
legend.size, dot.size.profile, ncol.guide, width,
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
datafeature.protein <- data.table.list[[1]]
datafeature.ptm <- data.table.list[[2]]
datarun.protein <- data.table.list[[3]]
datarun.ptm <- data.table.list[[4]]
y.limup <- ceiling(max(datafeature.protein$ABUNDANCE,
datafeature.ptm$ABUNDANCE, na.rm = TRUE) + 5)
} else {
datafeature.ptm <- data.table.list[[1]]
datarun.ptm <- data.table.list[[2]]
y.limup <- ceiling(max(datafeature.ptm$ABUNDANCE, na.rm = TRUE) + 5)
## TODO: Add log
# processout <- rbind(processout,
# c("ProfilePlot plotting started."))
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
plot_global <- TRUE
} else {
plot_global <- FALSE
## choose Proteins or not
if (which.Protein[[1]] != "all") {
## check which.Protein is name of Protein
if (is.character(which.Protein)) {
temp.name <- which.Protein
## message if name of Protein is wrong.
if (length(setdiff(temp.name,unique(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME))) > 0) {
stop("Please check protein name. Dataset does not
have this protein. - ",
## check which.Protein is order number of Protein
else if (is.numeric(which.Protein)) {
temp.name <- levels(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)[which.Protein]
## message if name of Protein is wrong.
if (length(levels(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)) < max(which.Protein)) {
stop("Please check your number of proteins. There are ",
length(levels(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME))," proteins in this
## use only assigned proteins
datafeature.ptm <- datafeature.ptm[which(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME %in%
temp.name), ]
datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)
datarun.ptm <- datarun.ptm[which(datarun.ptm$PROTEINNAME %in% temp.name), ]
datarun.ptm$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datarun.ptm$PROTEINNAME)
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
temp_proteins <- as.character(unique(datafeature.ptm$GLOBALPROTEIN))
plot_global <- TRUE
## Check if there is a corresponding protein for the PTM
if (!temp_proteins %in% datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME){
message(paste0("Global Protein data not available for ",
", only PTM will be plotted.")
plot_global <- FALSE
datafeature.protein <- datafeature.protein[which(
datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME %in% temp_proteins), ]
datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME)
datarun.protein <- datarun.protein[which(datarun.protein$PROTEINNAME %in%
temp_proteins), ]
datarun.protein$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datarun.protein$PROTEINNAME)
## assign upper or lower limit
if (is.numeric(ylimUp)) {
y.limup <- ylimUp
if (is.numeric(ylimDown)) {
y.limdown <- ylimDown
} else {
y.limdown <- 0
## Apply pre-plot formatting
ptm.list <- .preplot.format.tmt(datafeature.ptm, datarun.ptm,
y.limup, type)
datafeature.ptm <- ptm.list[[1]]
datarun.ptm <- ptm.list[[2]]
groupline.ptm <- ptm.list[[3]]
groupline.all.ptm <- ptm.list[[4]]
if (plot_global){
protein.list <- .preplot.format.tmt(datafeature.protein, datarun.protein,
y.limup, type)
datafeature.protein <- protein.list[[1]]
datarun.protein <- protein.list[[2]]
groupline.protein <- protein.list[[3]]
groupline.all.protein <- protein.list[[4]]
## Only plot proteins that occur in both datasets
global_proteins <- unique(datafeature.protein[, PROTEINNAME])
ptm_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, GLOBALPROTEIN])
plot_proteins <- intersect(ptm_proteins, global_proteins)
datafeature.ptm <- datafeature.ptm[GLOBALPROTEIN %in% plot_proteins,]
plot_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, c('PROTEINNAME', 'GLOBALPROTEIN')]
} else {
plot_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, c('PROTEINNAME')])
if (originalPlot) {
if (address != FALSE) {
allfiles <- list.files()
num <- 0
filenaming <- paste0(address, "ProfilePlot")
finalfile <- paste0(address, "ProfilePlot.pdf")
while (is.element(finalfile, allfiles)) {
num <- num + 1
finalfile <- paste0(paste(filenaming, num, sep = "-"), ".pdf")
pdf(finalfile, width = width, height = height)
## factoring for run, channel, condition should be done before loop
for (i in seq_len(nrow(plot_proteins))) {
ptm_temp <- .plot.profile.tmt(ptm.list,
as.character(plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]),
y.limup, y.limdown, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle, legend.size,
dot.size.profile, ncol.guide)
if (plot_global){
protein_temp <- .plot.profile.tmt(protein.list,
plot_proteins[, GLOBALPROTEIN][i]),
y.limup, y.limdown, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle,
legend.size, dot.size.profile, ncol.guide)
grid.arrange(ptm_temp, protein_temp, ncol=1)
} else {print(ptm_temp)}
message(paste0("Drew the Profile plot for ",
as.character(plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]),
" (", i, " of ", nrow(plot_proteins), ")"))
# end-loop for each protein
if (address != FALSE) {
} # end original plot
## 2nd plot for original plot : summary
if (summaryPlot) {
if (address != FALSE) {
allfiles <- list.files()
num <- 0
filenaming <- paste0(address, "ProfilePlot_wSummarization")
finalfile <- paste0(address, "ProfilePlot_wSummarization.pdf")
while (is.element(finalfile, allfiles)) {
num <- num + 1
finalfile <- paste0(paste(filenaming, num, sep = "-"), ".pdf")
pdf(finalfile, width = width, height = height)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(plot_proteins))) {
ptm_temp <- .plot.profile.summary.tmt(ptm.list, as.character(
plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]), y.limup, y.limdown, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle, legend.size,dot.size.profile,
if (plot_global){
protein_temp <- .plot.profile.summary.tmt(protein.list, as.character(
plot_proteins[, GLOBALPROTEIN][i]), y.limup, y.limdown, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle, legend.size,
dot.size.profile, ncol.guide)
grid.arrange(ptm_temp, protein_temp, ncol=1)
} else {print(ptm_temp)}
message(paste("Drew the Profile plot for ",
as.character(plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]),
"(", i, " of ", nrow(plot_proteins), ")"))
if (address!=FALSE) {
} # end summarization plot
#' Plot boxplot of all proteins
#' @noRd
.qc.all.plot <- function(datafeature, groupline, groupline.all, title, ylimup,
ylimdown, x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.size,
text.angle) {
cumGroupAxis = xorder = abundance = CONDITION = NULL
## for annotation of condition
groupline.tmp <- data.table(groupline, "PSM" = unique(datafeature$PSM)[1],
groupline.all.tmp <- data.table(groupline.all,
"PSM" = unique(datafeature$PSM)[1],
## 1st plot for original plot
## for boxplot, x-axis, xorder should be factor
datafeature$xorder <- factor(datafeature$xorder)
## y-axis labeling
yaxis.name <- 'Log2-intensities'
ptemp <- ggplot(aes_string(x = 'xorder', y = 'ABUNDANCE'),
data = datafeature) +
facet_grid(~RUN) +
geom_boxplot(aes_string(fill = 'CONDITION'), outlier.shape = 1,
outlier.size = 1.5) +
labs(title = title, x = 'MS runs') +
scale_y_continuous(yaxis.name, limits = c(ylimdown, ylimup)) +
geom_vline(data = groupline.tmp,
aes(xintercept = cumGroupAxis),
colour = "grey", linetype = "longdash") +
geom_text(data = groupline.all.tmp,
aes(x = xorder, y = abundance, label = CONDITION),
size = text.size,
angle = text.angle, hjust = .9,
color = "black") +
theme_msstats(type = "PROFILEPLOT", x.axis.size, y.axis.size, 13,
element_rect(fill = "gray95"),
element_text(colour = c("#00B0F6"), size = 14),
"none", text_angle = text.angle)
# theme(
# panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = "black"),
# legend.key = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = 'white'),
# panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
# strip.background = element_rect(fill = 'gray95'),
# axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
# axis.text.x = element_blank(),
# axis.text.y = element_text(size = y.axis.size, colour = "black"),
# axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black"),
# axis.title.x = element_text(size = x.axis.size + 5, vjust = -0.4),
# axis.title.y = element_text(size = y.axis.size + 5, vjust = 0.3),
# title = element_text(size = x.axis.size + 8, vjust = 1.5),
# legend.position = "none")
#' Plot boxplot of single protein
#' @noRd
.qc.single.plot <- function(datafeature, groupline, groupline.all, protein,
ylimup, ylimdown, x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
text.size, text.angle){
ABUNDANCE = cumGroupAxis = xorder = abundance = CONDITION = NULL
sub <- datafeature[datafeature$PROTEINNAME == protein]
sub <- sub[!is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE)]
## if all protein measurements are NA,
if (nrow(sub) == sum(sub[!is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE), ABUNDANCE])) {
message(paste("Can't the Quality Control plot for ", unique(
sub$PROTEINNAME), " because all measurements are NAs."))
## for annotation of condition
groupline.tmp <- data.table(groupline, "PSM" = unique(sub$PSM)[1],
groupline.all.tmp <- data.table(groupline.all, "PSM" = unique(sub$PSM)[1],
## 1st plot for original plot
## for boxplot, x-axis, xorder should be factor
sub$xorder <- factor(sub$xorder)
yaxis.name <- 'Log2-intensities'
ptemp <- ggplot(aes_string(x = 'xorder', y = 'ABUNDANCE'),
data = sub) +
facet_grid(~RUN) +
geom_boxplot(aes_string(fill = 'CONDITION'), outlier.shape = 1,
outlier.size = 1.5) +
labs(title = protein, x = 'MS runs') +
scale_y_continuous(yaxis.name, limits = c(ylimdown, ylimup)) +
geom_vline(data = groupline.tmp,
aes(xintercept = cumGroupAxis),
colour = "grey", linetype = "longdash") +
geom_text(data = groupline.all.tmp,
aes(x = xorder, y = abundance, label = CONDITION),
size = text.size,
angle = text.angle, hjust = .9,
color = "black") +
theme_msstats(type = "PROFILEPLOT", x.axis.size, y.axis.size, 13,
element_rect(fill = "gray95"),
element_text(colour = c("#00B0F6"), size = 14),
"none", text_angle = text.angle)
# theme(
# panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = "black"),
# legend.key = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = 'white'),
# panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
# strip.background = element_rect(fill = 'gray95'),
# axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
# axis.text.x = element_blank(),
# axis.text.y = element_text(size = y.axis.size, colour = "black"),
# axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black"),
# axis.title.x = element_text(size = x.axis.size + 5, vjust = -0.4),
# axis.title.y = element_text(size = y.axis.size + 5, vjust = 0.3),
# title = element_text(size = x.axis.size + 8, vjust = 1.5),
# legend.position = "none")
#' Wrapper function for plotting QC Plots
#' @noRd
.qc.tmt <- function(data.table.list, type, ylimUp, ylimDown, width, height,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size,text.size, text.angle,
which.Protein, address, ptm_title, protein_title) {
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
datafeature.protein <- data.table.list[[1]]
datafeature.ptm <- data.table.list[[2]]
datarun.protein <- data.table.list[[3]]
datarun.ptm <- data.table.list[[4]]
y.limup <- ceiling(max(datafeature.protein$ABUNDANCE,
datafeature.ptm$ABUNDANCE, na.rm = TRUE) + 3)
} else {
datafeature.ptm <- data.table.list[[1]]
datarun.ptm <- data.table.list[[2]]
y.limup <- ceiling(max(datafeature.ptm$ABUNDANCE, na.rm = TRUE) + 3)
## save the plots as pdf or not
## If there are the file with the same name
## add next numbering at the end of file name
if (address != FALSE) {
allfiles <- list.files()
num <- 0
filenaming <- paste0(address,"QCPlot")
finalfile <- paste0(address,"QCPlot.pdf")
while (is.element(finalfile, allfiles)) {
num <- num + 1
finalfile <- paste0(paste(filenaming, num, sep = "-"), ".pdf")
pdf(finalfile, width = width, height = height)
## assign upper or lower limit
if (is.numeric(ylimUp)) {
y.limup <- ylimUp
y.limdown <- 0
if (is.numeric(ylimDown)) {
y.limdown <- ylimDown
## Apply pre-plot formatting
ptm.list <- .preplot.format.tmt(datafeature.ptm, datarun.ptm, y.limup,
datafeature.ptm <- ptm.list[[1]]
datarun.ptm <- ptm.list[[2]]
groupline.ptm <- ptm.list[[3]]
groupline.all.ptm <- ptm.list[[4]]
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
protein.list <- .preplot.format.tmt(datafeature.protein, datarun.protein,
y.limup, type)
datafeature.protein <- protein.list[[1]]
datarun.protein <- protein.list[[2]]
groupline.protein <- protein.list[[3]]
groupline.all.protein <- protein.list[[4]]
## all protein
if (which.Protein[[1]] == 'all' | which.Protein[[1]] == 'allonly') {
## Plot all QC
ptemp.ptm <- .qc.all.plot(datafeature.ptm, groupline.all.ptm,
groupline.all.ptm, ptm_title, y.limup, y.limdown,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle)
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
ptemp.protein <- .qc.all.plot(datafeature.protein, groupline.protein,
groupline.all.protein, protein_title, y.limup,
y.limdown, x.axis.size, y.axis.size,text.size,
grid.arrange(ptemp.ptm, ptemp.protein, ncol=1)
} else {
message("Drew the Quality Contol plot(boxplot) for all ptms/proteins.")
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
plot_global <- TRUE
} else {
plot_global <- FALSE
## each protein
## choose Proteins or not
if (which.Protein[[1]] != 'allonly') {
if (which.Protein[[1]] != "all") {
## check which.Protein is name of Protein
if (is.character(which.Protein)) {
temp.name <- which.Protein
## message if name of Protein is wrong.
if (length(setdiff(temp.name,unique(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME))) > 0){
stop("Please check protein name.
Data set does not have this protein. - ",
## check which.Protein is order number of Protein
if (is.numeric(which.Protein)) {
temp.name <- levels(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)[which.Protein]
## message if name of Protein is wrong.
if (length(levels(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)) < max(which.Protein)) {
stop("Please check your number of proteins. There are ",
" proteins in this dataset.")
## use only assigned proteins
datafeature.ptm <- datafeature.ptm[which(
datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME %in% temp.name), ]
datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
temp_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm$GLOBALPROTEIN)
plot_global <- TRUE
## Check if there is a corresponding protein for the PTM
if (!temp_proteins %in% datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME){
message(paste0("Global Protein data not available for ",
", only PTM will be plotted.")
plot_global <- FALSE
datafeature.protein <- datafeature.protein[
which(datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME %in% temp_proteins), ]
datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME <- factor(
## Only plot proteins that occur in both datasets
if (plot_global){
global_proteins <- unique(datafeature.protein[, PROTEINNAME])
ptm_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, GLOBALPROTEIN])
plot_proteins <- intersect(ptm_proteins, global_proteins)
datafeature.ptm <- datafeature.ptm[GLOBALPROTEIN %in% plot_proteins,]
plot_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, c('PROTEINNAME', 'GLOBALPROTEIN')]
} else {
plot_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, c('PROTEINNAME')])
for (i in seq_len(nrow(plot_proteins))) {
ptemp.ptm <- .qc.single.plot(datafeature.ptm, groupline.ptm,
groupline.all.ptm, as.character(
plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][[i]]),
y.limup, y.limdown, x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
text.size, text.angle)
if (plot_global){
ptemp.protein <- .qc.single.plot(datafeature.protein, groupline.protein,
groupline.all.protein, as.character(
plot_proteins[, GLOBALPROTEIN][i]),
y.limup, y.limdown, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle)
grid.arrange(ptemp.ptm, ptemp.protein, ncol=1)
} else {print(ptemp.ptm)}
message(paste("Drew the Quality Contol plot(boxplot) for",
as.character(plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]), "(", i,
" of ", nrow(plot_proteins), ")"))
} # end-loop
if (address != FALSE) {
#' Format labelfree data for plotting
#' @noRd
.preplot.format.lf <- function(datafeature, datarun, y.limup, type){
datafeature <- datafeature[with(datafeature,
## Set factors
datafeature$CONDITION <- factor(datafeature$CONDITION)
datarun$CONDITION <- factor(datarun$CONDITION)
datafeature$RUN <- factor(datafeature$RUN)
datarun$RUN <- factor(datarun$RUN)
tempGroupName <- unique(datafeature[, c("CONDITION", "RUN")])
groupAxis <- as.numeric(xtabs(~CONDITION, tempGroupName))
cumGroupAxis <- cumsum(groupAxis)
lineNameAxis <- cumGroupAxis[-nlevels(datafeature$CONDITION)]
groupName <- data.table(RUN=c(0, lineNameAxis) + groupAxis / 2 + 0.5,
lineNameAxis = c(0, lineNameAxis),
ABUNDANCE=rep(y.limup-1, length(groupAxis)),
if (length(unique(datafeature$LABEL)) == 2) {
datafeature$LABEL <- factor(datafeature$LABEL, labels=c("Reference",
} else {
if (unique(datafeature$LABEL) == "L") {
datafeature$LABEL <- factor(datafeature$LABEL, labels=c("Endogenous"))
if (unique(datafeature$LABEL) == "H") {
datafeature$LABEL <- factor(datafeature$LABEL, labels=c("Reference"))
## need to fill in incomplete rows for Runlevel data
if (type == 'PROFILEPLOT'){
haverun <- FALSE
if (sum(is.element(colnames(datarun), "RUN")) != 0) {
datamat <- dcast(PROTEINNAME ~ RUN, data=datarun, value.var='ABUNDANCE',
datarun <- melt(datamat, id.vars=c('PROTEINNAME'))
colnames(datarun)[colnames(datarun) %in% c("variable", "value")
] <- c('RUN', 'ABUNDANCE')
haverun <- TRUE
return(list(datafeature, datarun, groupName))
#' Plot individual profile for label free
#' @noRd
.plot.profile.lf <- function(data.list, protein, y.limup, y.limdown,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle,
legend.size, dot.size.profile, ncol.guide){
lineNameAxis = RUN = ABUNDANCE = Name = NULL
datafeature <- data.list[[1]]
datarun <- data.list[[2]]
groupname <- data.list[[3]]
sub <- datafeature[datafeature$PROTEINNAME == protein, ]
sub$RUN <- as.numeric(sub$RUN)
sub$PEPTIDE <- factor(as.character(sub$PEPTIDE))
# if all measurements are NA,
if (nrow(sub) == sum(is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE))|
nrow(sub) == sum(!is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE) & sub$ABUNDANCE == 0)) {
message(paste0("Can't the Profile plot for ", protein,
" because all measurements are NAs or zero."))
## seq for peptide and charge
## for seting up color and linetype
b <- unique(sub[, c("PEPTIDE", "FEATURE")])
## add because if there are missing value, orders are different.
b <- b[with(b, order(PEPTIDE, FEATURE)), ]
temp1 <- xtabs(~data.frame(b)[, 1])
## unique charge id within peptide sequence, for line type
ss <- NULL
## unique peptide sequence id, for color
s <- NULL
for (j in seq_len(length(temp1))) {
temp3 <- rep(j, temp1[j])
s <- c(s, temp3)
temp2 <- seq(1, temp1[j])
ss <- c(ss, temp2)
## for annotation of condition
groupNametemp <- data.table(groupname,
## 2019. 12. 17, MC : for profile plot, define color for dot
cbp <- c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442",
"#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
check.length <- length(unique(s)) %/% length(cbp)
if ( check.length > 0 ){
cbp <- rep(cbp, times=check.length + 1)
yaxis.name <- 'Log-intensities'
sub$group_aes <- paste(sub$CONDITION, sub$FEATURE, sep = "_")
## 1st plot for Protein plot
protein_temp <- ggplot(data=sub) + facet_grid(~LABEL) +
geom_point(aes_string(x='RUN', y='ABUNDANCE',
color='FEATURE', group = 'group_aes'), #
size=dot.size.profile, na.rm=TRUE) +
geom_line(aes_string(x='RUN', y='ABUNDANCE',
color='FEATURE', linetype='FEATURE', group = 'group_aes'), #
size = 0.5, na.rm=TRUE) +
scale_colour_manual(values=cbp[s]) +
scale_linetype_manual(values = ss) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(16)) +
labs(title = unique(sub$PROTEINNAME),
x = 'MS runs') +
scale_y_continuous(yaxis.name, limits = c(y.limdown, y.limup)) +
scale_x_continuous('MS runs', breaks=groupNametemp$lineNameAxis) +
geom_vline(data = groupNametemp[lineNameAxis != 0],
aes(xintercept = lineNameAxis + 0.5),
colour = "grey", linetype = "longdash") +
geom_text(data = groupNametemp,
aes_string(x = "RUN", y = "ABUNDANCE", label = "Name"),
size = text.size,
angle = text.angle, hjust = .9,
color = "black") +
theme_msstats(type = "PROFILEPLOT",x.axis.size, y.axis.size, legend.size,
text_angle = text.angle) +
guides(color = guide_legend(title = paste("# peptide:", nlevels(
title.theme = element_text(size = 13, angle = 0),
keywidth = 0.4,
keyheight = 0.1,
default.unit = 'inch',
ncol = ncol.guide),
linetype = guide_legend(
title = paste("# peptide:",
title.theme = element_text(size = 13, angle = 0),
keywidth = 0.4,
keyheight = 0.1,
default.unit = 'inch',
ncol = ncol.guide))
#' Plot summary profile for label free
#' @noRd
.plot.profile.summary.lf <- function(data.list, protein, y.limup, y.limdown,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle,
legend.size, dot.size.profile, ncol.guide){
lineNameAxis = RUN = ABUNDANCE = Name = NULL
datafeature <- data.list[[1]]
datarun <- data.list[[2]]
groupname <- data.list[[3]]
sub <- datafeature[datafeature$PROTEINNAME == protein, ]
sub$RUN <- as.numeric(sub$RUN)
sub$PEPTIDE <- factor(as.character(sub$PEPTIDE))
# if all measurements are NA,
if (nrow(sub) == sum(is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE))|
nrow(sub) == sum(!is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE) & sub$ABUNDANCE == 0)) {
message(paste0("Can't the Profile plot for ", protein,
" because all measurements are NAs or zero."))
## seq for peptide and charge
## for seting up color and linetype
b <- unique(sub[, c("PEPTIDE", "FEATURE")])
## add because if there are missing value, orders are different.
b <- b[with(b, order(PEPTIDE, FEATURE)), ]
temp1 <- xtabs(~data.frame(b)[, 1])
## unique charge id within peptide sequence, for line type
ss <- NULL
## unique peptide sequence id, for color
s <- NULL
for (j in seq_len(length(temp1))) {
temp3 <- rep(j, temp1[j])
s <- c(s, temp3)
temp2 <- seq(1, temp1[j])
ss <- c(ss, temp2)
## for annotation of condition
groupNametemp <- data.table(groupname,
subrun <- datarun[datarun$PROTEINNAME == protein, ]
subrun$analysis <- "Run summary"
subrun$FEATURE <- "Run summary"
sub$analysis <- "Processed feature-level data"
final <- rbindlist(list(sub,subrun), fill = TRUE)
final$RUN <- as.numeric(levels(final$RUN))[final$RUN]
final <- final[order(RUN)]
#final$RUN <- as.factor(final$RUN)
yaxis.name <- 'Log2-intensities'
final$group_aes <- paste(final$CONDITION, final$FEATURE,
final$analysis, sep = "_")
## Draw summarized ptm plot
ptempall <- ggplot(data=final) +
geom_point(aes_string(x='RUN', y='ABUNDANCE',
group = 'group_aes'), size = dot.size.profile, na.rm=TRUE) +
geom_line(aes_string(x='RUN', y='ABUNDANCE',
color='analysis', linetype='FEATURE',
group = 'group_aes'), size = 0.5, na.rm=TRUE) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("lightgray", "darkred")) +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(16)) +
scale_size_manual(values = c(1.7, 2), guide = "none") +
scale_linetype_manual(values = c(rep(1, times = length(
unique(final$FEATURE))-1), 2), guide = "none") +
labs(title = unique(sub$PROTEINNAME),
x = 'MS runs') +
scale_y_continuous(yaxis.name, limits = c(y.limdown, y.limup)) +
geom_vline(data = groupNametemp[lineNameAxis != 0],
aes(xintercept = lineNameAxis + 0.5),
colour = "grey", linetype = "longdash") +
geom_text(data = groupNametemp,
aes(x = RUN, y = ABUNDANCE, label = Name),
size = text.size,
angle = text.angle, hjust = .9,
color = "black") +
theme_msstats(type = "PROFILEPLOT", x.axis.size, y.axis.size, legend.size,
text_angle = text.angle) +
guides(color = guide_legend(order = 1,
title = NULL,
label.theme = element_text(
size = 10, angle = 0)))
#' Wrapper function for label free profile plot
#' @noRd
.profile.lf <- function(data.table.list, type, ylimUp, ylimDown,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size,text.size,text.angle,
legend.size, dot.size.profile, ncol.guide, width,
address) {
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
datafeature.protein <- data.table.list[[1]]
datafeature.ptm <- data.table.list[[2]]
datarun.protein <- data.table.list[[3]]
datarun.ptm <- data.table.list[[4]]
y.limup <- ceiling(max(datafeature.protein$ABUNDANCE,
datafeature.ptm$ABUNDANCE, na.rm = TRUE) + 5)
} else {
datafeature.ptm <- data.table.list[[1]]
datarun.ptm <- data.table.list[[2]]
y.limup <- ceiling(max(datafeature.ptm$ABUNDANCE, na.rm = TRUE) + 5)
## TODO: Add log
# processout <- rbind(processout,
# c("ProfilePlot plotting started."))
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
plot_global <- TRUE
} else {
plot_global <- FALSE
## choose Proteins or not
if (which.Protein[[1]] != "all") {
## check which.Protein is name of Protein
if (is.character(which.Protein)) {
temp.name <- which.Protein
## message if name of Protein is wrong.
if (length(setdiff(temp.name,unique(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME))) > 0) {
stop("Please check protein name. Dataset does not
have this protein. - ",
## check which.Protein is order number of Protein
else if (is.numeric(which.Protein)) {
temp.name <- levels(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)[which.Protein]
## message if name of Protein is wrong.
if (length(levels(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)) < max(which.Protein)) {
stop("Please check your number of proteins. There are ",
length(levels(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME))," proteins in this
## use only assigned proteins
datafeature.ptm <- datafeature.ptm[which(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME %in%
temp.name), ]
datarun.ptm <- datarun.ptm[which(datarun.ptm$PROTEINNAME %in% temp.name), ]
datarun.ptm$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datarun.ptm$PROTEINNAME)
datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
temp_proteins <- as.character(unique(datafeature.ptm$GLOBALPROTEIN))
plot_global <- TRUE
## Check if there is a corresponding protein for the PTM
if (!temp_proteins %in% datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME){
message(paste0("Global Protein data not available for some PTMs,",
" only PTM will be plotted.")
plot_global <- FALSE
datafeature.protein <- datafeature.protein[which(
datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME %in% temp_proteins), ]
datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME)
datarun.protein <- datarun.protein[which(datarun.protein$PROTEINNAME %in%
temp_proteins), ]
datarun.protein$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datarun.protein$PROTEINNAME)
## assign upper or lower limit
if (is.numeric(ylimUp)) {
y.limup <- ylimUp
if (is.numeric(ylimDown)) {
y.limdown <- ylimDown
} else {
y.limdown <- 0
ptm.list <- .preplot.format.lf(datafeature.ptm, datarun.ptm,
y.limup, type)
datafeature.ptm <- ptm.list[[1]]
datarun.ptm <- ptm.list[[2]]
groupName.ptm <- ptm.list[[3]]
if (plot_global) {
## Apply pre-plot formatting
protein.list <- .preplot.format.lf(datafeature.protein, datarun.protein,
y.limup, type)
datafeature.protein <- protein.list[[1]]
datarun.protein <- protein.list[[2]]
groupName.protein <- protein.list[[3]]
## Only plot proteins that occur in both datasets
global_proteins <- unique(datafeature.protein[, PROTEINNAME])
ptm_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, GLOBALPROTEIN])
plot_proteins <- intersect(ptm_proteins, global_proteins)
datafeature.ptm <- datafeature.ptm[GLOBALPROTEIN %in% plot_proteins,]
plot_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, c('PROTEINNAME', 'GLOBALPROTEIN')]
} else {
plot_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, c('PROTEINNAME')])
if (originalPlot) {
if (address != FALSE) {
allfiles <- list.files()
num <- 0
filenaming <- paste0(address, "ProfilePlot")
finalfile <- paste0(address, "ProfilePlot.pdf")
while (is.element(finalfile, allfiles)) {
num <- num + 1
finalfile <- paste0(paste(filenaming, num, sep = "-"), ".pdf")
pdf(finalfile, width = width, height = height)
## factoring for run, channel, condition should be done before loop
for (i in seq_len(nrow(plot_proteins))) {
ptm_temp <- .plot.profile.lf(ptm.list,
plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]),
y.limup, y.limdown, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle,
legend.size, dot.size.profile, ncol.guide)
if (plot_global) {
protein_temp <- .plot.profile.lf(protein.list,
plot_proteins[, GLOBALPROTEIN][i]),
y.limup, y.limdown, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle,
legend.size, dot.size.profile,
grid.arrange(ptm_temp, protein_temp, ncol=1)
} else{print(ptm_temp)}
message(paste0("Drew the Profile plot for ",
as.character(plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]),
" (", i, " of ", nrow(plot_proteins), ")"))
# end-loop for each protein
if (address != FALSE) {
} # end original plot
## 2nd plot for original plot : summary
if (summaryPlot) {
if (address != FALSE) {
allfiles <- list.files()
num <- 0
filenaming <- paste0(address, "ProfilePlot_wSummarization")
finalfile <- paste0(address, "ProfilePlot_wSummarization.pdf")
while (is.element(finalfile, allfiles)) {
num <- num + 1
finalfile <- paste0(paste(filenaming, num, sep = "-"), ".pdf")
pdf(finalfile, width = width, height = height)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(plot_proteins))) {
ptm_temp <- .plot.profile.summary.lf(ptm.list, as.character(
plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]), y.limup, y.limdown, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle, legend.size,dot.size.profile,
if (plot_global){
protein_temp <- .plot.profile.summary.lf(protein.list, as.character(
plot_proteins[, GLOBALPROTEIN][i]), y.limup, y.limdown, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, text.size, text.angle, legend.size, dot.size.profile,
grid.arrange(ptm_temp, protein_temp, ncol=1)
} else {print(ptm_temp)}
message(paste("Drew the Profile plot for ",
as.character(plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]),
"(", i, " of ", nrow(plot_proteins), ")"))
if (address!=FALSE) {
} # end summarization plot
#' Plot boxplot of all proteins LF
#' @noRd
.qc.all.plot.lf <- function(datafeature, groupName, title,
y.limdown, y.limup, x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
text.size) {
lineNameAxis = RUN = ABUNDANCE = Name = NULL
## for annotation of condition
groupName.tmp <- data.table(groupName, "PSM" = unique(datafeature$FEATURE)[1],
"PEPTIDESEQUENCE" = unique(datafeature$PEPTIDE)[1]
## y-axis labeling
yaxis.name <- 'Log-intensities'
ptemp <- ggplot(aes_string(x = 'RUN', y = 'ABUNDANCE'),
data = datafeature) +
geom_boxplot(aes_string(fill = 'CONDITION'), outlier.shape = 1,
outlier.size = 1.5) +
labs(title = title, x = 'MS runs') +
scale_y_continuous(yaxis.name, y.limdown, y.limup) +
geom_vline(data = groupName.tmp[lineNameAxis != 0],
aes(xintercept = lineNameAxis + 0.5),
colour = "grey", linetype = "longdash") +
geom_text(data = groupName.tmp,
aes(x = RUN, y = ABUNDANCE - 1, label = Name),
size = text.size,
angle = 0,color = "black") +
theme_msstats(type = "PROFILEPLOT", x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
element_rect(fill = "gray95"),
element_text(colour = c("#00B0F6"), size = 14),
"none", text_angle = text.angle)
# theme(
# panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = "black"),
# legend.key = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = 'white'),
# panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
# strip.background = element_rect(fill = 'gray95'),
# axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
# axis.text.x = element_blank(),
# axis.text.y = element_text(size = y.axis.size, colour = "black"),
# axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black"),
# axis.title.x = element_text(size = x.axis.size + 5, vjust = -0.4),
# axis.title.y = element_text(size = y.axis.size + 5, vjust = 0.3),
# title = element_text(size = x.axis.size + 8, vjust = 1.5),
# legend.position = "none")
#' Plot boxplot of single proteins LF
#' @noRd
.qc.single.plot.lf <- function(datafeature, groupname, protein, y.limdown, y.limup,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size,text.size){
sub <- datafeature[PROTEINNAME == protein, ]
sub <- sub[!is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE), ]
## if all protein measurements are NA,
if (nrow(sub) == sum(sub[!is.na(sub$ABUNDANCE), ABUNDANCE])) {
message(paste("Can't the Quality Control plot for ", unique(
sub$PROTEINNAME), " because all measurements are NAs."))
## for annotation of condition
groupname.tmp <- data.table(groupname, "FEATURE" = unique(sub$FEATURE)[1],
## 1st plot for original plot
## for boxplot, x-axis, xorder should be factor
yaxis.name <- 'Log-intensities'
ptemp <- ggplot(aes_string(x = 'RUN', y = 'ABUNDANCE'),
data = sub) +
geom_boxplot(aes_string(fill = 'CONDITION'), outlier.shape = 1,
outlier.size = 1.5) +
labs(title = protein, x = 'MS runs') +
scale_y_continuous(yaxis.name, limits = c(y.limdown, y.limup)) +
geom_vline(data = groupname.tmp[lineNameAxis != 0],
aes(xintercept = lineNameAxis + .5),
colour = "grey", linetype = "longdash") +
geom_text(data = groupname.tmp,
aes(x = RUN, y = ABUNDANCE, label = Name),
size = text.size,
color = "black") +
theme_msstats(type = "PROFILEPLOT", x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
element_rect(fill = "gray95"),
element_text(colour = c("#00B0F6"), size = 14),
"none", text_angle = text.angle)
# theme(
# panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = "black"),
# legend.key = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = 'white'),
# panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
# strip.background = element_rect(fill = 'gray95'),
# axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
# axis.text.x = element_blank(),
# axis.text.y = element_text(size = y.axis.size, colour = "black"),
# axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black"),
# axis.title.x = element_text(size = x.axis.size + 5, vjust = -0.4),
# axis.title.y = element_text(size = y.axis.size + 5, vjust = 0.3),
# title = element_text(size = x.axis.size + 8, vjust = 1.5),
# legend.position = "none")
#' Wrapper function for LF QC Plot
#' @noRd
.qc.lf <- function(data.table.list, type, ylimUp, ylimDown, width, height,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size,text.size, which.Protein,
address, ptm_title, protein_title) {
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
datafeature.protein <- data.table.list[[1]]
datafeature.ptm <- data.table.list[[2]]
datarun.protein <- data.table.list[[3]]
datarun.ptm <- data.table.list[[4]]
y.limup <- ceiling(max(datafeature.protein$ABUNDANCE,
datafeature.ptm$ABUNDANCE, na.rm = TRUE) + 3)
} else {
datafeature.ptm <- data.table.list[[1]]
datarun.ptm <- data.table.list[[2]]
y.limup <- ceiling(max(datafeature.ptm$ABUNDANCE, na.rm = TRUE) + 3)
## save the plots as pdf or not
## If there are the file with the same name
## add next numbering at the end of file name
if (address != FALSE) {
allfiles <- list.files()
num <- 0
filenaming <- paste0(address,"QCPlot")
finalfile <- paste0(address,"QCPlot.pdf")
while (is.element(finalfile, allfiles)) {
num <- num + 1
finalfile <- paste0(paste(filenaming, num, sep = "-"), ".pdf")
pdf(finalfile, width = width, height = height)
## assign upper or lower limit
if (is.numeric(ylimUp)) {
y.limup <- ylimUp
y.limdown <- 0
if (is.numeric(ylimDown)) {
y.limdown <- ylimDown
## Apply pre-plot formatting
ptm.list <- .preplot.format.lf(datafeature.ptm, datarun.ptm, y.limup, type)
datafeature.ptm <- ptm.list[[1]]
datarun.ptm <- ptm.list[[2]]
groupName.ptm <- ptm.list[[3]]
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
protein.list <- .preplot.format.lf(datafeature.protein, datarun.protein,
y.limup, type)
datafeature.protein <- protein.list[[1]]
datarun.protein <- protein.list[[2]]
groupName.protein <- protein.list[[3]]
## all protein
if (which.Protein[[1]] == 'all' | which.Protein[[1]] == 'allonly') {
## Plot all QC
ptemp.ptm <- .qc.all.plot.lf(datafeature.ptm, groupName.ptm, ptm_title,
y.limdown, y.limup, x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
ptemp.protein <- .qc.all.plot.lf(datafeature.protein, groupName.protein,
protein_title, y.limdown, y.limup,
x.axis.size, y.axis.size, text.size)
grid.arrange(ptemp.ptm, ptemp.protein, ncol=1)
} else{print(ptemp.ptm)}
message("Drew the Quality Contol plot(boxplot) for all ptms/proteins.")
## each protein
## choose Proteins or not
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
plot_global <- TRUE
} else {
plot_global <- FALSE
if (which.Protein[[1]] != 'allonly') {
if (which.Protein[[1]] != "all") {
## check which.Protein is name of Protein
if (is.character(which.Protein)) {
temp.name <- which.Protein
## message if name of Protein is wrong.
if (length(setdiff(temp.name,unique(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME))) > 0){
stop("Please check protein name.
Data set does not have this protein. - ",
## check which.Protein is order number of Protein
if (is.numeric(which.Protein)) {
temp.name <- levels(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)[which.Protein]
## message if name of Protein is wrong.
if (length(levels(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)) < max(which.Protein)) {
stop("Please check your number of proteins. There are ",
" proteins in this dataset.")
## use only assigned proteins
datafeature.ptm <- datafeature.ptm[which(
datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME %in% temp.name), ]
datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datafeature.ptm$PROTEINNAME)
if (length(data.table.list) == 4){
temp_proteins <- as.character(unique(datafeature.ptm$GLOBALPROTEIN))
plot_global <- TRUE
## Check if there is a corresponding protein for the PTM
if (!temp_proteins %in% datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME){
message(paste0("Global Protein data not available for ",
", only PTM will be plotted.")
plot_global <- FALSE
datafeature.protein <- datafeature.protein[
which(datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME %in% temp_proteins), ]
datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME <- factor(datafeature.protein$PROTEINNAME)
## Only plot proteins that occur in both datasets
if (plot_global){
global_proteins <- unique(datafeature.protein[, PROTEINNAME])
ptm_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, GLOBALPROTEIN])
plot_proteins <- intersect(ptm_proteins, global_proteins)
datafeature.ptm <- datafeature.ptm[GLOBALPROTEIN %in% plot_proteins,]
plot_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, c('PROTEINNAME',
} else {
plot_proteins <- unique(datafeature.ptm[, c('PROTEINNAME')])
for (i in seq_len(nrow(plot_proteins))) {
ptemp.ptm <- .qc.single.plot.lf(datafeature.ptm, groupName.ptm,
as.character(plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]
y.limdown, y.limup, x.axis.size, y.axis.size,
if (plot_global){
ptemp.protein <- .qc.single.plot.lf(datafeature.protein, groupName.protein,
plot_proteins[, GLOBALPROTEIN][i]),
y.limdown, y.limup, x.axis.size,
y.axis.size, text.size)
grid.arrange(ptemp.ptm, ptemp.protein, ncol=1)
} else {print(ptemp.ptm)}
message(paste0("Drew the Quality Contol plot(boxplot) for ",
as.character(plot_proteins[, PROTEINNAME][i]), " (", i,
" of ", nrow(plot_proteins), ")"))
} # end-loop
if (address != FALSE) {
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