##' A class representing file paths to paired end reads.
##' Two character vectors of the same length specifying file names of
##' paired end reads can be stored in this class. Filenames a checked
##' for their existence. Usually these are the filnames of quality
##' filtered fastq files already stratified into samples (one file
##' pair for each sample).
##' @slot readF A character vector specifying the file paths to files
##' containing forward (sometimes called R1) sequencing
##' reads. This vector can be named to store short short-name of
##' samples.
##' @slot readR A character vector specifiying the file path to a file
##' containing reverse (sometimes called R2) sequencing
##' reads. This vector can be named to store short short-name of
##' samples. Names of readF and readR should be identical in this
##' case
##' @slot names Is either (first choice) from names of the forward
##' reads, or (if these are empty) constructed from basename of
##' forward read files (filename without directory).
##' @return PairedReadFileSet
##' @author Emanuel Heitlinger
slots = c(readsF="character", readsR="character", names="character"),
contains = c(readsF="character", readsR="character", names="character"),
validity=function(object) {
all.files <- c(object@readsF, object@readsR)
## missing.file <- !file.exists(all.files)
## if (any(missing.file)){
## warning(paste0("\nfile ", all.files[missing.file], " does not exist on your system"))
## }
if (length(object@readsF) != length(object@readsR)){
"Same number of forward and reverse reads files needed to constitute files of paired end reads"}
##' @param readsF The path and filenames containing forward (R1) reads
##' @param readsR The path and filenames containing reverse (R2) reads
##' @export PairedReadFileSet
##' @describeIn PairedReadFileSet-class Constructor for
##' PairedReadFileSet-class
PairedReadFileSet <- function(readsF=character(), readsR=character()){
## construct from names if they exist
if(length(names(readsF)) == length(readsF)) {
na <- as.character(names(readsF)) ## as.c to catch empty (NULL)
} else {na <- basename(readsF)} ## otherwise use filenames
## set all names the same!
names(readsF) <- na
names(readsR) <- na
readsF = readsF,
readsR = readsR,
names = na)
## ## probably could implement this more cleverly using inheritance
##' @rdname PairedReadFileSet-class
##' @export
setMethod("length", "PairedReadFileSet", function(x) length(x@readsF))
##' A class representing sequences of forward and reverse primers.
##' The PrimerPairsSet class is a container for storing primer pairs.
##' This means exactly two \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAStringSet}}
##' objects of the same length specifying primer-pairs. Primer
##' sequences can be provided as character strings and will be
##' converted to \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAStringSet}} by the
##' constructor function of the same name. primerF and primerR have to
##' be of the same length to specify primer pairs. Warnings are
##' given if primer sequences are of unusual length (<16 or >26 bases).
##' @slot primerF DNAStringSet. Can be named or unnamed.
##' @slot primerR DNAStringSet of the same length. Can be named or
##' unnamed.
##' @slot names Character string. Either constructed as a
##' concatenation of names of forward and reverse primers or of
##' their sequences (if primer sequences are unnamed).
##' @slot .mapF (automatically generated) maps potentially duplicate
##' entries in FW primers to unique entries.
##' @slot .mapR (auto-generated) maps potentially duplicate entries in
##' FW primers to unique entries.
##' @slot .uniqueF (auto-generated) unique forward primers as
##' character strings.
##' @slot .uniqueR (auto-generated) unique reverse primers as
##' character strings.
##' @seealso \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAStringSet}}
##' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
##' @return PrimerPairsSet-class
##' @author Emanuel Heitlinger
setClass("PrimerPairsSet", contains = "DNAStringSet",
representation(primerF="DNAStringSet", primerR="DNAStringSet",
.mapF="numeric", .mapR="numeric",
.uniqueF="character", .uniqueR="character"),
validity=function(object) {
if (any(width(c(object@primerF, object@primerR))<10)){
warning("short primer (<10nt) provided are you sure about your primer sequences?")
if (any(width(c(object@primerF, object@primerR))>30)){
warning("long primer (>30nt) provided are you sure about your primer sequences?")
if (length(object@primerF) != length(object@primerR)){
"Same number of forward and reverse primer sequences needed to constitute Primer-Pairs"}
##' @param primerF Character vector or DNAStringSet. Can be named or
##' unnamed.
##' @param primerR Character vector or DNAStringSet of the same
##' length. Can be named or unnamed.
##' @export PrimerPairsSet
##' @rdname PrimerPairsSet-class
PrimerPairsSet <- function(primerF=character(), primerR=character(), names=character()){
## if names exist construct primer names
if(length(names) >0 && length(names) != length(primerF)){
stop("primer names must have same lenght as number of primer pairs")
} else if(length(names) == length(primerR)){
na <- names
} else if(length(names(primerR)) == length(primerR) && #
length(names(primerF))== length(primerF)) {
## concatenate forward and rev name
na <- paste0(names(primerF), ".", names(primerR))
} else {
na <- paste0(primerF, ".", primerR)
} # otherwise use primer sequences
## set all names the same!
names(primerF) <- na
names(primerR) <- na
primerF = DNAStringSet(primerF),
primerR = DNAStringSet(primerR),
names = na,
.mapF = as.numeric(factor(as.character(primerF))),
.mapR = as.numeric(factor(as.character(primerR))),
.uniqueF = sort(unique(primerF)),
.uniqueR = sort(unique(primerR)))
## Methods
##' Accessor like functions
##' \code{length} gives the number of read pairs in a
##' \code{PrimerPairsSet-class} object
##' @param x A \code{PrimerPairsSet-class} object.
##' @export
##' @rdname PrimerPairsSet-class
setMethod(length, "PrimerPairsSet", function(x) length(x@primerF))
##' \code{names} of primer-pairs (amplicons) in a
##' \code{PrimerPairsSet-class} object
##' @export
##' @rdname PrimerPairsSet-class
setMethod(names, "PrimerPairsSet", function (x) x@names)
##' The central data structure of the MultiAmplicon package
##' The MultiAmplicon class is a container that stores at least primer
##' pairs, read files and progressively processed data in an 'amplicon
##' x samples' format. The slots in this object are incrementally
##' filled with by running wrappers functions (mostly around functions
##' from the \code{dada2} package). The object is treated (subsetted
##' etc.) like a (pseudo) matrix, colums are samples, rows are
##' different amplicons.
##' @slot PrimerPairsSet The primer pairs used in your experiment to
##' specify amplicons stored in a
##' \code{\link{PrimerPairsSet-class}} object.
##' @slot PairedReadFileSet The (quality filtered) fastq files (one
##' file pair for each sample) that store your sequencing data.
##' @slot .Data A numeric matrix of sequencing read counts per
##' amplicon and sample. Created by the function
##' \code{\link{sortAmplicons}} in the MultiAmplicon pipeline.
##' @slot sampleData A sample_data object from
##' \code{\link[phyloseq]{phyloseq}}. The slot is created from
##' sample names (names of the \code{\link{PrimerPairsSet}}, which
##' have tto be the same as \code{colnames(MA)}). More data can be
##' added by \code{\link{addSampleData}}.
##' @slot stratifiedFilesF temporary files as a result of stratifying
##' into amplicons and samples using the MultiAmplicon pipeline
##' function \code{\link{sortAmplicons}}. Forward (sometimes
##' called R1) and reverse (sometimes called R2) files are stored
##' as a (amplicons x samples) matrix objects.
##' @slot stratifiedFilesR temporary files as a result of stratifying
##' into amplicons and samples using the MultiAmplicon pipeline
##' function \code{\link{sortAmplicons}}. Forward (sometimes
##' called R1) and reverse (sometimes called R2) files are stored
##' as a (amplicons x samples) matrix objects.
##' @slot derep A list of \code{\link{PairedDerep-class}} objects
##' containing pairs of derep-class objects created by
##' \code{dada2}’s \code{\link[dada2]{derepFastq}} function or
##' withing the MultiAmplicon pipeline by
##' \code{\link{derepMulti}}.
##' @slot dada A list of \code{\link{PairedDada-class}} object
##' containing pairs of dada-class objects created by
##' \code{dada2}’s \code{\link[dada2]{dada}} function. Within the
##' MultiAmplicon pipeline this slot is filled by
##' \code{\link{dadaMulti}}.
##' @slot mergers A list of objects containing merged pairs of forward
##' and reverse reads as created by by \code{dada2}’s
##' \code{\link[dada2]{mergePairs}} function. Within the
##' MultiAmplicon pipeline this slot is filled by
##' \code{\link{mergeMulti}}.
##' @slot sequenceTable A list of matrix objects created by
##' \code{dada2}’s \code{\link[dada2]{makeSequenceTable}}.
##' Samples (in rows) and amplified sequence variants (ASVs) in
##' columns. Within the MultiAmplicon pipeline this slot is
##' filled by \code{\link{makeSequenceTableMulti}}.
##' @slot sequenceTableNoChime A list of matrix objects created by
##' \code{dada2}’s \code{\link[dada2]{removeBimeraDenovo}}.
##' Samples (in rows) and ASVs screened for PCR chimeras in
##' columns. Within the MultiAmplicon pipeline this slot is filled
##' by \code{\link{removeChimeraMulti}}.
##' @slot taxonTable A list of matrix objects created by a function
##' for taxonomical annotation (for example
##' \code{\link{blastTaxAnnot}}. The list is named with amplicon
##' names and slots are empty (NULL) before taxon annotation is
##' performed. Within the list elements ASVs are in rows and
##' taxnomical ranks are in columns.
##' MultiAmplicon(PrimerPairsSet, PairedReadFileSet)
##' @param PrimerPairsSet a set of primer pairs specifiying your
##' amplicons see \code{\link{PrimerPairsSet-class}}
##' @param PairedReadFileSet a set of paired end sequencing data files
##' \code{\link{PairedReadFileSet-class}}
##' @param .Data Users should not supply this parameter, the slot
##' is created by \code{\link{sortAmplicons}}.
##' @param sampleData Users should not supply this parameter. It's
##' filled with a sample_data object from
##' \code{\link[phyloseq]{phyloseq}}. The slot is created from
##' sample names (same as \code{colnames(MA)}) and more data can
##' be added by \code{\link{addSampleData}}.
##' @param stratifiedFiles Users should not supply this parameter, the
##' slot is created by \code{\link{sortAmplicons}}.
##' @param derep Users should not supply this parameter, the slot is
##' created by \code{\link{derepMulti}}
##' @param dada Users should not supply this parameter, the slot is
##' created by \code{\link{dadaMulti}}
##' @param mergers Users should not supply this parameter, the slot is
##' created by \code{\link{mergeMulti}}
##' @param sequenceTable Users should not supply this parameter, the
##' slot is created by \code{\link{makeSequenceTableMulti}}
##' @param sequenceTableNoChime Users should not supply this parameter,
##' the slot is created by \code{\link{removeChimeraMulti}}
##' @param taxonTable Users should not supply this parameter, the slot
##' is created by \code{\link{blastTaxAnnot}}. It's filled with a
##' list of taxonomyTable objects from
##' \code{\link[phyloseq]{phyloseq}}.
##' @examples
##' PPS <- PrimerPairsSet(primerF, primerR)
##' fastq.dir <- system.file("extdata", "fastq", package = "MultiAmplicon")
##' fastq.files <- list.files(fastq.dir, full.names=TRUE)
##' Ffastq.file <- fastq.files[grepl("F_filt", fastq.files)]
##' Rfastq.file <- fastq.files[grepl("R_filt", fastq.files)]
##' PRF <- PairedReadFileSet(Ffastq.file, Rfastq.file)
##' MA <- MultiAmplicon(PPS, PRF)
##' ## sort into amplicons
##' MA1 <- sortAmplicons(MA, filedir=tempfile(pattern = "dir"))
##' ## Only after sorting the MultiAmplicon object is really poplated
##' ## with sensible data, now matrix-like access to different
##' ## amplicons (primer pairs) and different sequencing read files
##' ## (usually samples) is implemented.
##' ## the number of amplicons (primer pairs)
##' nrow(MA)
##' ## the number of samples (sequencing read file pairs)
##' ncol(MA)
##' ## dereplication is currently not supported
##' ## MA2 <- derepMulti(MA1)
##' ### use dada directly after sorting
##' MA3 <- dadaMulti(MA1, selfConsist = TRUE)
##' MA4 <- mergeMulti(MA3, justConcatenate=TRUE)
##' MA5 <- makeSequenceTableMulti(MA4)
##' MA6 <- removeChimeraMulti(MA5, mc.cores=1)
##' @seealso \code{\link[dada2]{derepFastq}},\code{\link[dada2]{dada}}
##' @importFrom dada2 derepFastq dada
##' @importClassesFrom phyloseq sample_data
##' @author Emanuel Heitlinger
##' @exportClass MultiAmplicon
validity=function(object) {
## constructors check for PairedReadFileSet,
## PrimerPairsSet, rawCounts and sampleData
## directly. Other slots are list can additionally be
## checked at deeper levels
"Sample names of SampleData must be equal colhmn names of MultiAmplicon object"
if(.isListOf(getDadaF(object), "dada", nullOk=TRUE)){
"PairedDada objects or an empty list must be provided for a valid MultiAmplicon object"
if(.isListOf(getDadaR(object), "dada", nullOk=TRUE)){
"PairedDada objects or an empty list must be provided for a valid MultiAmplicon object"
## if(!all(unlist(lapply(object@derep, .isListOf, "PairedDerep")))){
## "PairedDerep objects or an empty list must be provided for a valid MultiAmplicon object"
## }
## if(!all(unlist(lapply(object@mergers, .isListOf, "data.frame")))){
## "data.frame objects or an empty list must be provided for valid mergers in MultiAmplicon object"
## }
if(!.isListOf(object@sequenceTable, "matrix")){
"matrix objects or an empty list must be provided for valid sequenceTables in MultiAmplicon object"
if(!.isListOf(object@sequenceTableNoChime, "matrix")){
"matrix objects or an empty list must be provided for valid sequenceTableNoChime in MultiAmplicon object"
if(!.isListOf(object@taxonTable, "taxonomyTable", nullOk=TRUE)){
"taxonomyTable objects or an empty list must be provided in MultiAmplicon object"
##' @export MultiAmplicon
##' @describeIn MultiAmplicon-class Constructor for
##' MultiAmplicon-class
MultiAmplicon <- function(PrimerPairsSet = PrimerPairsSet(),
PairedReadFileSet = PairedReadFileSet(),
sampleData = new("sample_data",
.Data = matrix(seq(1, length(PrimerPairsSet) *
stratifiedFilesF = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0),
stratifiedFilesR =matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0),
rawCounts = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0),
derepF = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0),
derepR = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0),
dadaF = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0),
dadaR = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0),
mergers = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0),
sequenceTable =
sapply(names(PrimerPairsSet),function(x) NULL),
sequenceTableNoChime =
sapply(names(PrimerPairsSet),function(x) NULL),
taxonTable =
sapply(names(PrimerPairsSet),function(x) NULL)
.Data = .Data,
PrimerPairsSet = PrimerPairsSet,
PairedReadFileSet = PairedReadFileSet,
sampleData = sampleData,
stratifiedFilesF = stratifiedFilesF,
stratifiedFilesR = stratifiedFilesR,
rawCounts = rawCounts,
derepF = derepF,
derepR = derepR,
dadaF = dadaF,
dadaR = dadaR,
mergers = mergers,
sequenceTable = sequenceTable,
sequenceTableNoChime = sequenceTableNoChime,
taxonTable = taxonTable
### ## NOTE TO MYSELF: in the longer term CONSIDER changing the data
### ## structure of empty slots to contain zeros. This would make
### ## handling of the objects more straigth forward
### ## matrix(0, nrow=length(PrimerPairsSet),
### ## ncol=length(PairedReadFileSet) vector("list",
### ## length=length(PrimerPairsSet))
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @param MA MultiAmplicon-class object
##' @export
getPrimerPairsSet <- function (MA) slot(MA, "PrimerPairsSet")
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @param MA MultiAmplicon-class object
##' @export
getPairedReadFileSet <- function (MA) slot(MA, "PairedReadFileSet")
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @param MA MultiAmplicon-class object
##' @export
getRawCounts <- function (MA) {
return(slot(MA, "rawCounts"))
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @param MA MultiAmplicon-class object
##' @export
getSampleData <- function (MA) {
return(slot(MA, "sampleData"))
.getSlot <- function(MA, slot, dropEmpty=TRUE, name=TRUE){
x <- slot(MA, slot)
if(all(dim(x)==0)||is.null(dim(x))) return(x)
if (dropEmpty) {
exists <- which(getRawCounts(MA) > 0)
exi <- x[exists]
if (isTRUE(name)){
n.exi <- apply(expand.grid(rownames(MA), colnames(MA)),
1, paste, collapse="|")
} else if(nrow(x)==1){
n.exi <- colnames(x)
} else if(ncol(x)==1){
n.exi <- rownames(x)
} else {
stop(paste("dimension error when extracting", slot))
names(exi) <- n.exi[exists]
} else {return(x)}
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @param dropEmpty Should empty files be returned
##' @export
getStratifiedFilesF <- function(MA, ...) {
.getSlot(MA, "stratifiedFilesF", ...)
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @param dropEmpty Should empty files be returned
##' @export
getStratifiedFilesR <- function(MA, ...) {
.getSlot(MA, "stratifiedFilesR", ...)
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @export
getDerepF <- function(MA, ...) {
.getSlot(MA, "derepF", ...)
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @export
getDerepR <- function(MA, ...) {
.getSlot(MA, "derepR", ...)
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @export
getDadaF <- function(MA, ...) {
.getSlot(MA, "dadaF", ...)
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @export
getDadaR <- function(MA, ...) {
.getSlot(MA, "dadaR", ...)
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @export
getMergers <- function(MA, ...) {
.getSlot(MA, "mergers", ...)
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @export
getSequenceTable <- function(MA, dropEmpty=TRUE, simplify=TRUE){
ST <- MA@sequenceTable
if(!dropEmpty) {
ST <- lapply(ST, .fillSampleTables, colnames(MA))
.simpfy(ST, simplify)
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @export
getSequenceTableNoChime <- function(MA, dropEmpty=TRUE, fill=FALSE){
STC <- MA@sequenceTableNoChime
if(!dropEmpty) {
STC <- lapply(STC, .fillSampleTables, colnames(MA))
.simpfy(STC, simplify)
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @export
getTaxonTable <- function(MA, simplify=TRUE){
.simpfy(MA@taxonTable, simplify)
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @export
setGeneric("getSequencesFromTable", function(MA) {standardGeneric("getSequencesFromTable")})
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @importFrom dada2 getSequences
##' @export
setMethod("getSequencesFromTable", "MultiAmplicon",
function (MA) {
lapply(getSequenceTableNoChime(MA), function (y) {
if(!is.null(dim(y)) && all(dim(y)>1)) {
else NULL
.simpfy <- function(x, simplify) {
if(length(x)==1 && simplify){
} else{x}
.isListOf <- function (x, what, nullOk=FALSE){
if(nullOk) {
what <- c(what, "NULL")
classes <- unlist(lapply(x, class))
##' @rdname MultiAmplicon-class
##' @export
setMethod("apply", signature(X = "MultiAmplicon",
MARGIN = "numeric",
FUN = "function"),
function (X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) {
if (length(MARGIN)>1){
stop("MARGIN > 1 not supported for MultiAmplicon objects.\n")
FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
dn.ans <- dimnames(X)[MARGIN]
if (MARGIN==1) {
rowRes <- sapply(seq(nrow(X)), function (i){
FUN(X[i, ], ... )
names(rowRes) <- rownames(X)
} else {
if (MARGIN==2) {
colRes <- sapply(seq(ncol(X)), function (j){
FUN(X[, j], ... )
names(colRes) <- colnames(X)
} else {
stop("Only MARGIN of 1 or 2 supported for a MultiAmplicon object.\n")
## Prevent R CMD check from complaining about the use of pipe expressions
## standard data.table variables
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1")
utils::globalVariables(c(".", ".I", ".N", ".SD",
"query", "subject", "pident",
"length", "mismatch",
"gapopen", "qstart", "qend", "sstart", "send",
"evalue", "bitscore", "staxid",
"qtaxid", "bitsum", "ampProd",
"superkingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family",
"genus", "species"), utils::packageName(), add=FALSE)
## Make sure data.table knows we know we're using it
.datatable.aware = TRUE
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