#use.dta needs to be a data.frame with the columns Sample_Name and Days
#main is the title of the plot
#outer.group.name is the name of the column in use.dta which indicates the outermost group (i.e. the group which is above the inner group in the hierarchy) or NULL
#inner.group.name is the name of the column in use.dta which indicates the inner-most group (or only group).
#outer.cols is a named character vector containing the colors to use for each level of the outer group
#colorbrewer.pal needs a string indicating a Rcolorbrewer palatte.
#plot.value is the column name of use.dta corresponding to the (numeric) data to be displayed on the heatmap
#code adapted from the mtvsplot CRAN package: http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~rpeng/RR/mvtsplot/
#outer.cols=c(Flu="black", SARS="brown", Mock="blue")
mvtsplot.data.frame <- function(use.dta, plot.value="Penh",main=plot.value, outer.group.name=NULL, inner.group.name=NULL, outer.cols=NULL, colorbrewer.pal="PRGn")
if (is.data.frame(use.dta) == FALSE || ncol(use.dta) < 3 || all(c('Sample_Name', 'Days') %in% colnames(use.dta)) == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: use.dta needs to be a data.frame with at least 3 columns, two of which need to be named Sample_Name and Days")
if (length(plot.value) != 1 || is.character(plot.value) == FALSE || plot.value %in% colnames(use.dta) == FALSE || is.numeric(use.dta[,plot.value]) == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: plot.value needs to be a character vector of length 1 corresponding to a numeric column in use.dta")
if (missing(outer.group.name) || is.null(outer.group.name))
use.dta$temp_outer <- factor("temp")
outer.group.name <- "temp_outer"
else if (length(outer.group.name) != 1 || is.character(outer.group.name) == FALSE || outer.group.name %in% colnames(use.dta) == FALSE || (is.character(use.dta[,outer.group.name]) == FALSE && is.factor(use.dta[,outer.group.name]) == FALSE))
stop("ERROR: outer.group.name needs to a character vector of length one corresponding to a character or factor column in use.dta")
else if (is.character(use.dta[,outer.group.name]))
use.dta[,outer.group.name] <- factor(use.dta[,outer.group.name])
if (missing(inner.group.name) || is.null(inner.group.name))
use.dta$temp_inner <- factor("temp")
inner.group.name <- "Sample_Name"
if (length(inner.group.name) != 1 || is.character(inner.group.name) == FALSE || inner.group.name %in% colnames(use.dta) == FALSE || (is.character(use.dta[,inner.group.name]) == FALSE && is.factor(use.dta[,inner.group.name]) == FALSE))
stop("ERROR: inner.group.name needs to a character vector of length one corresponding to a character or factor column in use.dta")
else if (is.character(use.dta[,inner.group.name]))
use.dta[,inner.group.name] <- factor(use.dta[,inner.group.name])
if (outer.group.name == "temp_outer")
outer.cols <- c(temp="black")
else if ((length(outer.cols) != nlevels(use.dta[,outer.group.name]) || is.null(names(outer.cols)) || all(names(outer.cols) %in% levels(use.dta[,outer.group.name])) == FALSE || all(outer.cols %in% colors() == FALSE)))
stop("ERROR: outer.cols needs to be a named character vector corresponding to levels in the outer.group.name column containing the names of colors")
if (is.character(colorbrewer.pal) == FALSE || length(colorbrewer.pal) != 1 || colorbrewer.pal %in% rownames(brewer.pal.info) == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: colorbrewer.pal needs to be a single valid RColorBrewer palette.")
#pal.list <- rep(colorbrewer.pal, nlevels(use.dta[,outer.group.name]))
#names(pal.list) <- levels(use.dta[,outer.group.name])
mean.mat <- acast(formula=Days~Sample_Name, data=use.dta, value.var=plot.value)
sample.cross <- use.dta[,c("Sample_Name", inner.group.name, outer.group.name)]
sample.cross <- sample.cross[!duplicated(sample.cross),]
rownames(sample.cross) <- as.character(sample.cross$Sample_Name)
sample.cross <- sample.cross[colnames(mean.mat),]
clear.ord <- do.call("order", sample.cross[,c(outer.group.name, inner.group.name)])
mean.mat <- mean.mat[,clear.ord]
sample.cross <- sample.cross[clear.ord,]
outer.group <- sample.cross[,outer.group.name]
inner.group <- sample.cross[,inner.group.name]
cx <- t(scale(t(mean.mat)))
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(las = 1, cex.axis = 0.6)
cn <- colnames(cx)
nc <- ncol(cx)
utime <- 1:nrow(cx)
use.layout.list <- lapply(seq(from=1, length.out=nlevels(outer.group), by=2), function(x)
return (c(rep(x, 6), x+1))
use.layout <- do.call("rbind", use.layout.list)
if (nrow(use.layout) == 1)
use.layout <- rbind(use.layout, use.layout, use.layout)
use.layout <- rbind(use.layout, c(rep((nlevels(outer.group)*2)+1, 6), (nlevels(outer.group)*2)+2))
colm.list <- lapply(levels(outer.group), function(x)
apply(mean.mat[,outer.group == x], 2, boxplot, plot=F)
names(colm.list) <- levels(outer.group)
right.xlim <- range(do.call("cbind", lapply(unlist(colm.list, recursive=F), "[", "stats")), na.rm = TRUE)
#side2 <- max(0.55, max(strwidth(cn, "inches")) + 0.1)
side2 <- max(strwidth(cn, "inches")) + .5
use.heat.colors <- brewer.pal(4, colorbrewer.pal)
for (i in levels(outer.group))
#c(bottom, left, top, right)
bottom <- .05
if (i == levels(outer.group)[1])
top <- .1
top <- 0
par(mai = c(bottom, side2, top, 0.05))
cur.cx <- cx[,outer.group == i]
image(utime, seq_len(sum(outer.group == i)), cur.cx, col = use.heat.colors, xlim = range(utime),
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "")
#axis(2, at = seq_len(nc), cn)
usrpar <- par("usr")
par(usr = c(usrpar[1:2], 0, 1))
cur.inner <- inner.group[outer.group == i, drop=T]
group.bounds <- lapply(levels(cur.inner), function(x) end(IRanges(Rle(cur.inner == x))))
names(group.bounds) <- unique(cur.inner)
group.lines <- sort(as.numeric(unlist(group.bounds)))
last.line <- group.lines[length(group.lines)]
group.lines <- group.lines[-length(group.lines)]/length(cur.inner)
if (length(group.lines) > 0)
abline(h = group.lines, lwd = 1, col = 1)
for (j in names(group.bounds)){
for (k in group.bounds[[j]]){
dist.val <- k/(length(cur.inner))
half.dist <- dist.val - min(abs(dist.val - group.lines[group.lines != dist.val]))/2
mtext(text=j, side=2, at=half.dist, las=1, cex=.5, line=.5, col=outer.cols[i])
mtext(text=i, side=2, las=0, line=.5+(ceiling(max(nchar(cn))/2)), col=outer.cols[i])
colm <- colm.list[[i]]
par(mai = c(bottom, .05, top, .1))
if (i == levels(outer.group)[nlevels(outer.group)])
plot(1:length(colm), type = "n", ylab = "", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "", xlim = right.xlim)
plot(1:length(colm), type = "n", ylab = "", yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n",
xlab = "", xlim = right.xlim)
usrpar <- par("usr")
par(usr = c(usrpar[1:2], 0, 1))
ypos <- (1:length(colm) - 1/2)/length(colm)
for (cur_el in 1:length(colm))
bxp(colm[[cur_el]], horizontal=T, at=ypos[cur_el],add=T, boxwex=.1, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
#mtext(text=names(colm)[cur_el], side=2, at=ypos[cur_el], cex=.5)
abline(h = group.lines, lwd = 1, col = 1)
all.meds <- sapply(levels(outer.group), function(x)
apply(mean.mat[,outer.group == x], 1, median, na.rm = TRUE)
bottom.ylim <- range(all.meds, na.rm = TRUE)
par(mai = c(0.6, side2, 0.05, 0.05))
plot(utime, all.meds[,1], type = "l", ylim = bottom.ylim, xaxt = "n",
xlab = "", ylab = "Median", col=outer.cols[colnames(all.meds)[1]])
if (ncol(all.meds) > 1)
for (i in 2:ncol(all.meds))
lines(all.meds[,i], type="l", col=outer.cols[colnames(all.meds)[i]])
par(usr = c(c(0,nrow(all.meds)) , par("usr")[3:4]))
Axis(at=1:nrow(all.meds), labels=rownames(all.meds), side = 1)
mtext("Days", side=1, outer=F, padj=3, cex=.7)
#as the above margins are too large, mainly as a placeholder...
par(mai = c(0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1))
plot(0, 0, xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, type = "n")
#maybe make a legend here
#text(0, 0, main)
legend("center", legend=rev(c("Low", "", "", "High")), fill=rev(use.heat.colors), title=main,y.intersp = .75)
#functions to be used in conjunction with the summaryMeasures method
time.to.max.response <- function(x, day.name)
max.response <- function(x, day.name)
auc.response <- function(x, day.name)
x[,day.name] <- as.numeric(x[,day.name])
ord.days <- x[order(x[,day.name], decreasing=FALSE),]
return(data.frame(auc.response=(1/2)*sum(sapply(1:(nrow(ord.days)-1), function(y) (ord.days[,day.name][y+1]-ord.days[,day.name][y])*(ord.days$Value[y] + ord.days$Value[y+1])))))
mean.response <- function(x, day.name)
#maybe make more general eventually and allow adding labels by more than just sample
add.labels.by.sample <- function(bux.db, sample.labels)
if (class(bux.db) != "BuxcoDB")
stop("ERROR: bux.db needs to be an object of class BuxcoDB")
if (is.data.frame(sample.labels) == FALSE || is.null(names(sample.labels)) || any(names(sample.labels) == "samples") == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: sample.labels needs to be a data.frame with a 'samples' column")
if (all(sample.labels$samples %in% samples(bux.db)) == FALSE)
diff.samps <- setdiff(sample.labels$sample, samples(bux.db))
stop(paste("ERROR: Invalid samples specified:", paste(diff.samps, collapse=",")))
#should be a check to make sure all the phase annotations are valid here: but need to expose that as a method: else if (any(names(sample.labels) == "phase") && )
if (any(is.na(sample.labels)))
stop("ERROR: There cannot be NAs in sample.labels")
if ((ncol(sample.labels) == 1) || (ncol(sample.labels) == 2 && any(names(sample.labels) == "phase")))
stop("ERROR: There are no label columns specified")
bux.con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbName(bux.db))
#write the data to a temporary table
if ("temp_table" %in% dbListTables(bux.con))
warning("Table 'temp_table' already exists dropping...")
.run.update.statement(bux.con, "DROP TABLE temp_table")
label.cols <- setdiff(names(sample.labels), c("samples", "phase"))
#make sure these label columns don't clash with existing columns
all.db.cols <- unlist(lapply(dbListTables(bux.con), function(x)
dbListFields(bux.con, x)
if (any(label.cols %in% all.db.cols))
stop(paste("ERROR: Column(s):", paste(intersect(all.db.cols, label.cols), collapse=","), "already found in database"))
label.types <- sapply(label.cols, function(x)
col.classes <- class(sample.labels[,x])
if (is.numeric(col.classes))
else if (is.character(col.classes))
else if (is.integer(col.classes))
stop(paste("ERROR: Unexpected datatype for column:", x))
all.labels <- paste(paste(label.cols, label.types), collapse=",")
if (any(names(sample.labels) == "phase"))
basic.col <- c("Sample_Name", "Rec_Exp_date")
basic.col <- "Sample_Name"
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table (", paste(paste(basic.col, "TEXT"), collapse=",") ,", ", all.labels,")"))
ins.query <- paste("INSERT INTO temp_table VALUES (",paste(paste0(":", basic.col), collapse=",") ,", ",paste(paste0(":", label.cols), collapse=","),")")
names(sample.labels)[names(sample.labels) == "samples"] <- "Sample_Name"
names(sample.labels)[names(sample.labels) == "phase"] <- "Rec_Exp_date"
.insert.data(bux.con, ins.query, sample.labels)
#perform the merging step
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("CREATE TABLE temp_table_2 AS SELECT ",paste(c(dbListFields(bux.con, annoTable(bux.db)), label.cols), collapse=",")," FROM Sample NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN temp_table NATURAL JOIN Chunk_Time NATURAL JOIN", annoTable(bux.db)))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE", annoTable(bux.db)))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("CREATE TABLE", annoTable(bux.db), "AS SELECT * FROM temp_table_2"))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE temp_table"))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE temp_table_2"))
#as this destroys the annotTable, should rebuild the indexes
make.annotation.indexes(bux.con, annoTable(bux.db))
adjust.labels <- function(bux.db, err.breaks.dta)
if (class(bux.db) != "BuxcoDB")
stop("ERROR: bux.db needs to be an object of class BuxcoDB")
if (is.data.frame(err.breaks.dta) == FALSE || all(colnames(err.breaks.dta) %in% c("Sample_Name", "Variable_Name", "Rec_Exp_date", "Break_number", "Break_type_label", "num_entries", "inferred_labs")) == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: The provided err.breaks.dta is not a data.frame with appropriate columns (please use the 'get.err.breaks' function)")
temp.table <- "temp_table"
bux.con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbName(bux.db))
#check to see if this has been done before and stop if it has for now...
if(any(dbListFields(bux.con, annoTable(bux.db)) == "Break_type_label_orig"))
stop("ERROR: It appears that this operation has been performed before, performing it multiple times is currently not supported")
.run.update.statement(bux.con, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table (Sample_Name TEXT, Variable_Name TEXT, Rec_Exp_date TEXT, Break_number INT, inferred_labs TEXT)")
ins.query <- paste("INSERT INTO temp_table VALUES (:Sample_Name, :Variable_Name, :Rec_Exp_date, :Break_number, :inferred_labs)")
.insert.data(bux.con, ins.query, err.breaks.dta)
use.cols <- dbListFields(bux.con, annoTable(bux.db))
which.btl <- which(use.cols == "Break_type_label")
if (length(which.btl) != 1)
stop("ERROR: Cannot find Break_type_label in the list of columns")
use.cols[which.btl] <- paste(use.cols[which.btl], " AS Break_type_label_orig")
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table_2 AS SELECT", paste(use.cols, collapse=","), ", IFNULL(inferred_labs, Break_type_label) AS Break_type_label FROM ",annoTable(bux.db),"NATURAL JOIN Chunk_Time NATURAL JOIN Sample NATURAL JOIN Variable NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN temp_table"))
#check to make sure the new version is the same size as the old version
same.len <- unlist(as.numeric(dbGetQuery(bux.con, "SELECT COUNT(*) from temp_table_2;"))) == unlist(as.numeric(dbGetQuery(bux.con, paste("SELECT COUNT(*) from", annoTable(bux.db)))))
if (! same.len)
stop("ERROR: The new database is not of equal length to the old database")
#now drop the old annotTable and replace it with the temporary one...
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE", annoTable(bux.db)))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("CREATE TABLE", annoTable(bux.db), "AS SELECT * FROM temp_table_2"))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE temp_table"))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE temp_table_2"))
#as this destroys the annotTable, should rebuild the indexes
make.annotation.indexes(bux.con, annoTable(bux.db))
get.err.breaks <- function(bux.db, max.exp.count=150, max.acc.count=900, vary.perc=.1, label.val="ERR")
if (class(bux.db) != "BuxcoDB")
stop("ERROR: bux.db needs to be an object of class BuxcoDB")
if (length(max.exp.count) != 1 || is.numeric(max.exp.count) == FALSE || max.exp.count < 1)
stop("ERROR: max.exp.count needs to be a single numeric value > 0")
if (length(max.acc.count) != 1 || is.numeric(max.acc.count) == FALSE || max.acc.count < 1)
stop("ERROR: max.acc.count needs to be a single numeric value > 0")
if (length(vary.perc) != 1 || is.numeric(vary.perc) == FALSE || vary.perc <= 0 || vary.perc >= 1)
stop("ERROR: vary.perc needs to be a single numeric value between 0 and 1")
if (is.character(label.val) == FALSE || length(label.val) > 1 || label.val %in% c("ACC", "EXP") || label.val %in% annoLevels(bux.db)$Break_type_label == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: label.val needs to be a single character and in the Break_type_label column of the annotation table (other than 'ACC' or 'EXP')")
db.con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbName(bux.db))
break.count.dta <- dbGetQuery(db.con, paste0("SELECT Sample_Name, Variable_Name, Rec_Exp_date, Break_number, Break_type_label, COUNT(Time_ID) AS num_entries from Chunk_Time NATURAL JOIN Additional_labels NATURAL JOIN Variable NATURAL JOIN Sample WHERE Break_type_label = '",label.val,"' GROUP BY Sample_Name, Variable_Name, Rec_Exp_date, Break_number, Break_type_label"))
#also attempt to determine if the breaks should be labeled otherwise
which.exp <- break.count.dta$num_entries > (max.exp.count - (max.exp.count*vary.perc)) & break.count.dta$num_entries <= max.exp.count
which.acc <- break.count.dta$num_entries > (max.acc.count - (max.acc.count*vary.perc)) & break.count.dta$num_entries <= max.acc.count
break.count.dta$inferred_labs <- break.count.dta$Break_type_label
break.count.dta$inferred_labs[which.exp] <- "EXP"
break.count.dta$inferred_labs[which.acc] <- "ACC"
basic.table.headers <- list("WBPth"=c("f","TVb","MVb","Penh","PAU","Rpef","Comp","PIFb","PEFb","Ti","Te","EF50","Tr","Tbody","Tc","RH","Rinx"))
generate.sample.buxco <- function(break.dta, table.line="Table", table.var.list=basic.table.headers, measure.lines=c("Measurement", "Create measurement", "Waiting for", "Site Acknowledgement Changed"))
baseline.time <- Sys.time()
sim.vec <- as.character(unlist(lapply(split(break.dta, cumsum(break.dta$table_break)), function(x)
#for each table
unlist(lapply(split(x, cumsum(x$measure_break)), function(y)
#for each output chunk
unlist(lapply(1:nrow(y), function(z)
if (y$table_break[z])
#need to allow more than one table...
return(c(paste(table.line, names(table.var.list)[1]), paste0(paste(c("Time","Subject","Phase","Recording", table.var.list[[1]]), collapse=","),",")))
else if (y$measure_break[z])
#need to add in a time stamp, value followed by the appropriate amount of ','
return(paste(format(baseline.time, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"), measure.lines, paste(rep(",", 4+length(table.var.list[[1]])-2), collapse=""),sep=","))
#generate baseline timestamp
return(sapply(1:y$count[z], function(w)
dta.vec <- abs(rnorm(length(basic.table.headers[[1]])))
baseline.time <<- baseline.time+2
return(paste0(paste(c(format(baseline.time, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"), y$samples[z], y$phase[z], "original", dta.vec), collapse=","),","))
find.bux.breaks <- function(filename, burn.in.lines=c("Measurement", "Create measurement", "Waiting for", "Site Acknowledgement Changed"), table.delim = "Table")
temp <- readLines(filename)
tables.pos <- plethy:::multi.grep(patterns=table.delim, str.vec=temp)
table.ranges <- plethy:::find.break.ranges.integer(tables.pos, length(temp))
cur.header <- character()
table.ranges <- table.ranges[table.ranges$width > 1,]
all.dta <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:nrow(table.ranges), function(x)
tab.temp <- temp[table.ranges$start[x]:table.ranges$end[x]]
break.pos <- plethy:::multi.grep(patterns=burn.in.lines, str.vec=tab.temp)
break.ranges <- plethy:::find.break.ranges.integer(break.pos, length(tab.temp))
cbind(Table_num=x, do.call("rbind", lapply(1:nrow(break.ranges), function(y)
cur.break <- tab.temp[break.ranges$start[y]:break.ranges$end[y]]
if(y == 1)
cur.table <- plethy:::csv.to.table(cur.break, header=TRUE)
cur.header <<- names(cur.table)
cur.table <- plethy:::csv.to.table(cur.break, header=FALSE)
names(cur.table) <- cur.header
cur.table <- plethy:::fix.time(cur.table)
split.tab <- split(cur.table, list(cur.table$Subject, cur.table$Phase), drop=TRUE)
cbind(Break.num=y, do.call("rbind", lapply(split.tab, function(z)
if (is.na(min(z$posix.time)))
ret.dta <- data.frame(Sample=unique(as.character(z$Subject)), Phase=unique(as.character(z$Phase)), Size=nrow(z), min.time=min(z$posix.time), max.time=max(z$posix.time))
#basic sanity checks to ensure the parsing of the Buxco file seemed to be performed correctly
#emits warnings if the resulting database looks outside of parameters and returns the queries as an invisble list of data.frames if the acutal output needs to be inspected.
proc.sanity <- function(bux.db, max.exp.time=300, max.acc.time=1800, max.exp.count=150, max.acc.count=900)
if (class(bux.db) != "BuxcoDB")
stop("ERROR: bux.db needs to be a 'BuxcoDB class'")
if ((is.numeric(max.exp.time) && is.numeric(max.acc.time)) == F)
stop("max.exp.time and max.acc.time need to be numeric values")
if ((is.numeric(max.exp.count) && is.numeric(max.acc.count)) ==F)
stop("max.exp.count and max.acc.count need to be numeric")
db.con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbName(bux.db))
time.dta <- dbGetQuery(db.con, paste("SELECT Break_type_label, MIN(Break_sec_start) AS min_seconds, MAX(Break_sec_start) AS max_seconds from", annoTable(bux.db), "NATURAL JOIN Chunk_Time GROUP BY Break_type_label;"))
looks.good <- TRUE
if (time.dta$max_seconds[time.dta$Break_type_label == "ACC"] > max.acc.time)
warning("Max ACC values outside of max.acc.time parameter")
if (time.dta$max_seconds[time.dta$Break_type_label == "EXP"] > max.exp.time)
warning("Max EXP values outside of specified max.exp.time parameter")
count.dta <- dbGetQuery(db.con, "SELECT Sample_Name, Variable_Name, Days, Break_type_label, COUNT(Time_ID) AS num_entries from Chunk_Time NATURAL JOIN Additional_labels NATURAL JOIN Variable NATURAL JOIN Sample GROUP BY Sample_Name, Variable_Name, Days, Break_type_label")
if (any(count.dta$num_entries[count.dta$Break_type_label == "ACC"] > max.acc.count))
warning("Number of ACC values outside of specified max.acc.count parameter")
if (any(count.dta$num_entries[count.dta$Break_type_label == "EXP"] > max.exp.count))
warning("Number of EXP values outside of specified max.exp.count parameter")
if (all(annoLevels(bux.db)$Break_type_label %in% c("ACC", "EXP")) == FALSE)
warning("Break_type_labels other than ACC or EXP found")
invisible(list(time=time.dta, count=count.dta))
#assuming Sample_Name column looks like: 15156x1566 f99, subtracts Sample_Name and adds the columns:
#ID as RIX.ID_Mating
fix.sample.ids <- function(bux.dta)
non.samp.name.col <- setdiff(names(bux.dta), "Sample_Name")
split.samp.names <- strsplit(bux.dta$Sample_Name, "\\s+")
bux.dta$Mating <- sapply(split.samp.names, "[", 1)
bux.dta$RIX_ID <- sub("f", "", sapply(split.samp.names, "[", 2))
bux.dta$ID <- paste(bux.dta$Mating, bux.dta$RIX_ID, sep="_")
return(bux.dta[,c("ID", "RIX_ID", "Mating", non.samp.name.col)])
make.db.package <- function(obj, author=NULL, author.email=NULL)
if (missing(author) || is.null(author) || all(is.na(author)))
author <- "Unknown"
if (missing(author.email) || is.null(author.email) || all(is.na(author.email)))
author.email <- "Unknown@unknown.com"
if (regexpr("^[A-Za-z0-9\\.]+$", dbName(obj), perl=T) == -1)
stop("ERROR: package names need to only contain letters, numbers and dots")
db.name <- file.path("temp.package", "inst", "extdata", "package.db")
bux.db.name <- file.path(dbName(obj), "inst", "extdata", "plethy_db.RData")
package.desc <- packageDescription("plethy")
syms <- list(PKGNAME=basename(dbName(obj)), VERSION=package.desc$Version, DBTYPE="BuxcoDB", MANUF="Buxco", LIC=package.desc$License,
DB_NAME="package.db", AUTHOR=author, AUTHOREMAIL=author.email)
createPackage(pkgname="temp.package", destinationDir=".", originDir=system.file(file.path("extdata", "plethy.template"), package = "plethy"),
symbolValues=syms, unlink=TRUE, quiet=T)
#the extdata directory doesn't get transferred over probably as it is empty...
if (file.exists(dirname(db.name))==FALSE)
dir.create(dirname(db.name), recursive=TRUE)
file.rename(from=dbName(obj), to=db.name)
file.rename(from="temp.package", to=dbName(obj))
save(obj, file=bux.db.name)
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