data(yeastSEQCHR1) # included in Biostrings
motifPattern <- "TGGCCTC"
hits <- matchPattern(motifPattern, yeastSEQCHR1)
modList <- list()
modList[['LAYER.1']] <- list(state=1, stateWidth=nchar(motifPattern), offset=0, align="centre")
bf <- list(name="testBf.motif", type="DNA_motif",
profile=list(LAYER.0=list(pattern=DNAString(motifPattern) , mismatch.rate=0, length=nchar(motifPattern))),
mods= modList)
factorSetTest <- list(bf.test = bf) # binding factors must be in a list
n.layers <- 5
layerSet.5 <- list(LAYER.0 = DNAString(yeastSEQCHR1))
for(i in 1:n.layers) {
layerSet.5[[paste('LAYER.', i , sep="")]] <- IRanges() # use IRanges to store state of layers. TODO limit to chrom length
layerList.5 <- list(layerSet=layerSet.5, history=NULL)
#matches <- matchBindingFactor(layerSet=layerList.5$layerSet, bindingFactor=factorSetTest[['bf.test']], verbose=FALSE)
factorTypes <- c("DNA_motif", "DNA_region","layer_region","layer_island")
factorSetRandom <- list()
for(thisType in factorTypes) {
thisName <- paste0("testBf.", thisType)
factorSetRandom[[thisName]] <- createRandomBindingFactor(thisName, layerSet = layerList.5$layerSet, type = thisType)
#modLayerSet <- runLayerBinding(layerList.5, factorSet=factorSetTest)
(sum.table <- print.bfSet(factorSetRandom))
all(as.character(sum.table$types) == factorTypes)
test_that("Factors have expected types", {
expect_true(all(as.character(sum.table$types) == factorTypes))
test_that("Number of factors correct", {
expect_equal(length(factorSetRandom), length(factorTypes))
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