#' Run the layer binding simulation
#' Description text here
#' @param layerList a \code{"Layerlist"} object containing a layerSet and other meta-data
#' @param factorSet a \code{"list"} of \code{"bindingFactor"} objects
#' @param iterations how many changes to make NEED TO RENAME THIS
#' @param bindingFactorFreqs the relative proportions of each \code{"bindingFactor"} in \code{"factorSet"}
#' @param watch.function have this function execute during each iteration e.g. print something
#' @param collect.stats collect a table of stats each iteration
#' @param target.layer NOT IMPLEMENTED
#' @param verbose give more output
#' @return A list containing a \code{"LayerSet"} and meta-data, a.k.a. a \code{"LayerList"}
#' @seealso \code{\link{runLayerBinding.BSgenome}} \code{\link{matchBindingFactor}} \code{\link{modifyLayerByBindingFactor.Views}}
#' @examples
#' require(Biostrings) # hopefully this should be available?!
#' basicLayerList <- createLayerList.DNAstring(seq=DNAString("ACGTTGAAGT"), layerNames=c( "LAYER.1"))
#' simpleBindingFactor <- createBindingFactor.layer_region(name="simpleBF")
#' runLayerBinding(basicLayerList, factorSet= list(simpleBF = simpleBindingFactor)) # not working.
#' # The above find a match to a single DNA pattern in the sequence and is not different from using matchPattern()
#' # Here, we model two layers on the sequence and a second binding factor that only responds to changes
#' # that have already been made to LAYER.1
#' twoLayerList <- createLayerList.DNAstring(seq=DNAString("ACGTTGCCATAAACGTTGCCATAAGTGT"),
#' layerNames=c( "LAYER.1", "LAYER.2"))
#' bfList <- list( DNA_A = createBindingFactor.DNA_motif(name="DNA_A",patternString = "CAT" ) ,
#' LAYER_1_2 = createBindingFactor.layer_region(name="LAYER_1_2",
#' profile.layers =c("LAYER.1"), profile.marks = c(1),
#' mod.layers = c("LAYER.2"), mod.marks = c(1)) )
#' runLayerBinding(twoLayerList, factorSet= bfList)
#' runLayerBinding(twoLayerList, factorSet= rev(bfList)) # should not produce hits on LAYER.2
#' @export
runLayerBinding <- function(layerList, factorSet, iterations=1, bindingFactorFreqs=rep(1, length(factorSet)), watch.function=function(x){}, collect.stats=FALSE, target.layer=2, verbose=FALSE, ...) {
if(verbose) print(paste(Sys.time(), "runLayerBinding pos 1", sep=" "))
#bindingOrder <- sample(names(factorSet), size=iterations,prob=bindingFactorFreqs, replace=T)
bindingOrder <- names(factorSet) # JUST USE EACH FACTOR ONCE, IN ORDER GIVEN
newLayerList <- layerList
seqRange <- c(start(layerList$layerSet[['LAYER.0']])[1], end(layerList$layerSet[['LAYER.0']])[1])
if(collect.stats) {
stats.table <- data.frame()
} else {
stats.table <- NULL
max.hits <- ceiling(iterations/length(factorSet)) # TODO could tailor this to be different for each factor.
for(thisBF in bindingOrder) {
#if(verbose) print(paste(Sys.time(), "runLayerBinding.fast thisBF =", thisBF, factorSet[[thisBF]]$profile$LAYER.0$pattern, sep=" "))
theseHits <- matchBindingFactor(newLayerList$layerSet, factorSet[[thisBF]], verbose=verbose, ...)
#if(verbose) print(paste(Sys.time(), "runLayerBinding.fast n.hits =", length(theseHits), sep=" "))
if(length(theseHits) < 1) {
if(verbose) print(paste(thisBF, "0 hits, skipping"))
next ;
# how many of the potential hits to mark?
# iterations/n.factors (rounded up).
# need to check if hits object is a single hit spanning whole chrom (e.g. for DNA_region matching 'N' and nothing else)
# TODO: if so, need to make pseudo-hits that can be sampled.
if(identical(theseHits, IRanges(start=seqRange[1], end=seqRange[2]))) {
if(verbose) print("Hits match whole chromosome")
hit.width <- factorSet[[thisBF]]$profile$LAYER.0$length
starts <- sample(1:(seqRange[2]-hit.width), min(max.hits,seqRange[2]-hit.width), replace=FALSE)
hits.sample <- IRanges(starts, starts+hit.width)
} else {
hits.sample <- theseHits[sample(1:length(theseHits) ,min(length(theseHits),max.hits))] # now multiple
#if(verbose) print(paste(Sys.time(), "runLayerBinding.fast n.hits.used =", length(hits.sample), sep=" "))
if(verbose) {print(paste(thisBF, length(theseHits), length(hits.sample)))
} else { cat( ".")}
#thisHitPosition <- start(hits.sample) + floor(width(hits.sample)/2)
newLayerList$layerSet <- modifyLayerByBindingFactor.Views(newLayerList$layerSet, hits=hits.sample, bindingFactor=factorSet[[thisBF]], verbose=verbose)
watch.function(x= newLayerList$layerSet, ...)
if(collect.stats) {
coverages <- unlist(lapply(newLayerList$layerSet[-1], FUN=function(x) sum(width(x))))
block.counts <- unlist(lapply(newLayerList$layerSet[-1], length))
#hit.counts <-
thisRow <- data.frame(bf=thisBF,hits=length(hits.sample) , target.coverage=sum(width(hits.sample)))
thisRow[, paste("Coverage.", names(coverages), sep="")] <- coverages
thisRow[, paste("nBlocks.", names(block.counts), sep="")] <- block.counts
stats.table <- rbind(stats.table, thisRow)
#print(as.numeric(letterFrequency(newLayerSet$LAYER.1, letters= "1")))
newLayerList$history <- stats.table
#print(letterFrequency(newLayerSet$LAYER.1, letters= "1")) # how many of layer.1 were set to 1
if(verbose) {print(paste(Sys.time(), "runLayerBinding.fast pos 2", sep=" ")) } else {print("")}
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