#' randGrangesBigGenome
#' Generate random non-overlapping GRanges features within parameters of size and distance
#' @param genome A BSgenome object
#' @param n NULL
#' @param sizeFunc NULL must be a function that generates a vector of positive integers
# and one parameter must be "n" corresponding to the number of integers returned e.g. gapFunc = function(value, n) rep(x=value, times=n)
#' @param gapFunc NULL must be a function that generates a vector of positive integers
# and one parameter must be "n" corresponding to the number of integers returned
#' @param argsSizeFunc NULL a list giving named parameter values passed to sizeFunc
#' @param argsGapFunc NULL a list giving named parameter values passed to gapFunc
#' @param minGapSize 1
#' @param minRange 1
#' @param verbose FALSE Give more output
#' @return \code{"GRanges"} object with seqinfo matching genome
#' @examples
#' library(BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer3)
#' genome <- BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer3
#' test <- randGrangesBigGenome(genome=genome,
#' sizeFunc = function(value, n) rep(x=value, times=n),
#' gapFunc = function(value, n) rep(x=value, times=n),
#' argsSizeFunc = list(value=147, n=5),
#' argsGapFunc = list(value=30, n=7), verbose=T)
#' # fixed nuclesomes of 147bp with random gaps following a poisson.
#' testGR <- randGrangesBigGenome(genome=genome,
#' sizeFunc = function(value, n) rep(x=value, times=n),
#' gapFunc = function(n, value) rpois(n = n , lambda = value),
#' argsSizeFunc = list(value=147, n=5),
#' argsGapFunc = list(value=40, n=7))
#' @export
# could not see an answer here https://www.biostars.org/p/225520/
#sizeFunc and gapFunc each must be a function that generates a vector of positive integers
# and one parameter must be "n" corresponding to the number of integers returned
# gapFunc = function(value, n) rep(x=value, times=n)
# this version an attempt to generate features one chrom at a time and then rejoin them.
randGrangesBigGenome <- function(genome, n=NULL, sizeFunc=NULL, gapFunc=NULL,
argsSizeFunc, argsGapFunc, minGapSize=1, minRange=1, verbose=FALSE) {
# what would happen if gaps of size zero were allowed?
# would we wnat items to be merged? (that would probably break the even-ness
# of the chromosomal allocation if a merged region spanned a chrom boundary
# must only determine two of the three inputs n, featureSize, gapSize because
# knowing two, determines the third
# strategy: create a linear set of features and gaps longer than the chromosome
chromNames <- names(seqlengths(genome))
genomeLength <- sum(seqlengths(genome))
# decisions to make on whether it is preferable to start a chrom with a gap or a feature
# should warn/error if any gaps or features are larger than half the size of the smallest chrom
#test passed funcs
local_argsSizeFunc <- argsSizeFunc
local_argsSizeFunc['n'] <- 100
#print(do.call(sizeFunc, args=local_argsSizeFunc)) # should output 100 values
local_argsGapFunc <- argsGapFunc
local_argsGapFunc['n'] <- 100
#print(do.call(gapFunc, args=local_argsGapFunc)) # should output 100 values
sampleWidths <- do.call(sizeFunc, args=local_argsSizeFunc) # feature widths
sampleGaps <- do.call(gapFunc, args=local_argsGapFunc) # gaps between features (+1 to get to end of chrom)
#sampleWidths <- rpois(300, 50) # feature widths
#sampleGaps <- rpois(length(fWidths) +1, 400) # gaps between features (+1 to get to end of chrom)
m_sw <- mean(sampleWidths)
m_sg <- mean(sampleGaps)
allGR <- GRanges(seqinfo=seqinfo(genome))
for(thisChrom in chromNames) {
if (verbose) print(thisChrom)
chromLength <- seqlengths(genome)[thisChrom]
minPairs <- chromLength/(m_sw + m_sg)
if (verbose) print(paste("Chromosome size: ", chromLength, "Mean feature width: ", round(m_sw,2), "Mean gap width", round(m_sg,2), "Calculated number of feature/gaps:", round(minPairs,2)))
stopifnot( "requires more features than half genome length" = minPairs < chromLength/2)
stopifnot("fewer than one feature per chromosome" = minPairs > 1)
excessPairs <- ceiling(minPairs + 1) # add extra
local_argsGapFunc['n'] <- excessPairs
local_argsSizeFunc['n'] <- excessPairs
gaps <- do.call(gapFunc, args=local_argsGapFunc)
widths <- do.call(sizeFunc, args=local_argsSizeFunc)
# set gaps or widths less than 1 to one. Should not be necessary.
gaps[gaps < 1] <- 1
widths[widths < 1] <- 1
#gaps <- rpois(excessPairs , 400)
#widths <- rpois(excessPairs, 50)
#interleave the pairs into a single vector so that cumulative length of all can be cumsum
interleaved <- integer(length=excessPairs*2)
interleaved[seq(by=2, from=1, length.out=excessPairs)] <- gaps # gaps first
interleaved[seq(by=2, from=2, length.out=excessPairs)] <- widths
interleavedCumsum <- cumsum(interleaved)
# extract start and end points (relative to start of whole genome)
ends <- interleavedCumsum[seq(by=2, from=2, length.out=excessPairs)]
starts <- (ends - widths) + 1
# check results using alternate method
#head(interleavedCumsum[seq(by=2, from=1, length.out=excessPairs)]+1) # alt calculation.
#hist((ends - starts)) # should match original widths
# now need to assign to chroms, taking care with overlap at ends.
# also need to decide whether to start with a feature or a gap.
# could randomise that depending on proportions of genome covered by features to gaps e.g. if equal sized, 50:50
#chromCums <- cumsum(seqlengths(genome))
#thisChromCumValue <- 0 # to subtract from cumulative chrom positions, zero for first chrom.
# for loop starts here
#for(i in 1:length(chromCums)) {
#thisChrom <- names(chromCums)[i]
thisChromEndValue <- chromLength
chromFirstIndex <- 1
chromFinalIndex <- max(which(ends < chromLength)) # which is the highest end value within this chrom
chromGR <- GRanges(seqnames=thisChrom, seqinfo=seqinfo(genome),
# now set the index along to use the next set of values.
#chromFirstIndex <-chromFinalIndex +1
allGR <- c(allGR, chromGR)
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